Authenticate user using condition in java - spring-boot

I want to perform below Operation using conditions.
1.If user is going to authenticate in that case below operation cannot be happen.
.addHeader("Bearer", brandwiseBearerToken)
if user is authenticated then below above things perform
for your reference I post my code.
Request request = new Request.Builder().url(url).post(body)
.addHeader("Content-Type", "application/json").addHeader("Bearer", brandwiseBearerToken)

Using a if-else condition should do what you want.
Request request;
Builder builder = new Request.Builder().url(url).post(body)
.addHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
if(//check for authentification){
request = builder.addHeader("Bearer", brandwiseBearerToken).build();
request =;
This will add the header if the user is authenticated and will build the request without the Header, if they are not.


Implement refresh token in Spring Security + Angular

I'm working on this Spring Security implementation with OAuth2 and JWT:
According to the author I can access resources using token this way:
To access a resource use (you'll need a different application which has configured ResourceServer):
http localhost:8080/users 'Authorization: Bearer '$ACCESS_TOKEN
About this step:
To use the refresh token functionality:
http --form POST adminapp:password#localhost:9999/oauth/token grant_type=refresh_token refresh_token=$REFRESH_TOKEN
It's not clear for me when I need to refresh the token and how to handle this part into Angular.
When the Token expires do I need to first send request to the endpoint for refreshing the token and then to the login page?
How this case should be implemented?
At the time of authentication, two JWTs will be created - access token and refresh token. Refresh token will have longer validity. Both the tokens will be written in cookies so that they are sent in every subsequent request.
On every REST API call, the tokens will be retrieved from the HTTP header. If the access token is not expired, check the privileges of the user and allow access accordingly. If the access token is expired but the refresh token is valid, recreate new access token and refresh token with new expiry dates and sent back through Cookies
Access tokens carry the necessary information to access a resource directly. In other words, when a client passes an access token to a server managing a resource, that server can use the information contained in the token to decide whether the client is authorized or not. Access tokens usually have an expiration date and are short-lived.
Refresh tokens carry the information necessary to get a new access token. In other words, whenever an access token is required to access a specific resource, a client may use a refresh token to get a new access token issued by the authentication server. Common use cases include getting new access tokens after old ones have expired, or getting access to a new resource for the first time. Refresh tokens can also expire but are rather long-lived.
High level code
public ResponseEntity<OAuth2AccessToken> authenticate(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Map<String, String> params) {
try {
String username = params.get("username");
String password = params.get("password");
boolean rememberMe = Boolean.valueOf(params.get("rememberMe"));
OAuth2AccessToken accessToken = authorizationClient.sendPasswordGrant(username, password);
OAuth2Cookies cookies = new OAuth2Cookies();
cookieHelper.createCookies(request, accessToken, rememberMe, cookies);
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("successfully authenticated user {}", params.get("username"));
return ResponseEntity.ok(accessToken);
} catch (HttpClientErrorException ex) {
log.error("failed to get OAuth2 tokens from UAA", ex);
throw new BadCredentialsException("Invalid credentials");
Try to refresh the access token using the refresh token provided as a cookie. Note that browsers typically send multiple requests in parallel which means the access token will be expired on multiple threads. We don't want to send multiple requests to UAA though, so we need to cache results for a certain duration and synchronize threads to avoid sending multiple requests in parallel.
public HttpServletRequest refreshToken(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Cookie refreshCookie) {
//check if non-remember-me session has expired
if (cookieHelper.isSessionExpired(refreshCookie)) {"session has expired due to inactivity");
logout(request, response); //logout to clear cookies in browser
return stripTokens(request); //don't include cookies downstream
OAuth2Cookies cookies = getCachedCookies(refreshCookie.getValue());
synchronized (cookies) {
//check if we have a result from another thread already
if (cookies.getAccessTokenCookie() == null) { //no, we are first!
//send a refresh_token grant to UAA, getting new tokens
String refreshCookieValue = OAuth2CookieHelper.getRefreshTokenValue(refreshCookie);
OAuth2AccessToken accessToken = authorizationClient.sendRefreshGrant(refreshCookieValue);
boolean rememberMe = OAuth2CookieHelper.isRememberMe(refreshCookie);
cookieHelper.createCookies(request, accessToken, rememberMe, cookies);
//add cookies to response to update browser
} else {
log.debug("reusing cached refresh_token grant");
//replace cookies in original request with new ones
CookieCollection requestCookies = new CookieCollection(request.getCookies());
return new CookiesHttpServletRequestWrapper(request, requestCookies.toArray());

How to call web API under specific user permission?

I have a function that allows the end user to execute a Workflow (containing many APIs) or schedule it to run as a background job.
Example: User1 creates Workflow1, which contains 3 APIs (Api1, Api2, Api3), and configures it to run at 9AM every day.
I use HttpClient to call each API like this:
var client = new HttpClient { BaseAddress = new Uri("http://localhost/") };
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));
HttpResponseMessage response = client.PostAsJsonAsync("/api/services/myApp/workflow/Api1?input=something", "").Result;
How do I add the credentials of User1 to the request while the user is not logged in to the application (because it will run automatically as a scheduled job)?
Update 1
I decided to use reflection to call an API by string name.
In the case of executing an API directly, how do I run it under a specific permission?
Update 2
I have put my code inside a using block, but all APIs were fired successfully:
using (_session.Use(1, 3)) // 3 is the Id of User1, who has no permissions
// Execute operator
switch (input.Operator.Type)
case "api":
executeApiResult = await ExecuteApi(input);
case "procedure":
executeApiResult = await ExecuteProcedure(input);
return new ExecuteOperatorOutput
Result = new ExecuteOperatorResult { Status = false, Message = $"Wrong operator type: {input.Operator.Type}" },
WorkflowStatus = false
In the case of executing an API directly, how do I run it under a specific permission?
You can override current session values and call your method inside the using block.
I have put my code inside a using block, but all APIs were fired successfully
Declare your API methods as public virtual as there are some restrictions for AbpAuthorize.
You have two options.
1- You can make those Application Services anonymously accessible. And if you want it to be secure, send an encrypted security token.
2- You didn't mention if your project is MVC or Angular. I assume you have Angular version. You need a bearer token to make authenticated requests. First you have to authenticate user and get a token. Then add this bearer token to every request.
You have to research for using bearer tokens in core...

How to get session token after successful authentication?

After successful authentication via a form post sign-in, I need to be able to use the same session token within the response to do another post to a protected route, but this time using XMLHttpRequest.
How would I get the session token, considering that the successful authentication response has already passed.
The session token is stored in a laravel_session cookie, assuming default Laravel settings (see config/session.php).
You can read the cookie in javascript using document.cookie. For example:
function readCookie(name)
var matches = document.cookie.match('(^|; )'+name+'=([^;]*)');
if (matches) {
return decodeURIComponent(matches[2]);
return null;
var token = readCookie('laravel_session');

Why can't I just send rest calls to MVC3?

I'm trying to send requests to my MVC3 app, I've tried regular WebRequest, I'm trying it with RestSharp applying correct Authenticator, but it still returns the redirect result of login page?
What am i doing wrong?
upd: How should I do forms authentication with RestSharp? I guess it's possible somehow - just need to play around that cookie...
If you are getting redirected to a login page your mvc 3 app must be setup for forms authentication. Forms authentication will want a cookie sent with the request. If you are using the basic authenticator in RestSharp this will not work. I assume that you are using the MVC controller to provide a REST API that you are trying to call.
One option is to upgrade to MVC 4 and use the ASP.NET Web API to develop your REST API's. The authorization behavior is a little different in an ASP.NET Web API in that it will return an HTTP 401 error instead of doing a redirect. And you can customize the AuthorizationAttribute to pull the information out of the HTTP header for basic authentication and authorization.
Another option is if the action on the controller does not require authentication/authorization you can put the AllowAnonymousAttribute on the method.
To pass the Forms authentication you gotta get the cookie and stick it to RestSharp's cookie container. To get the cookie you can use just regular WebRequest.
private Cookie GetAuthCookie(string user, string pass)
var http = WebRequest.Create(_baseUrl+"Users/Login") as HttpWebRequest;
http.AllowAutoRedirect = false;
http.Method = "POST";
http.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
http.CookieContainer = new CookieContainer();
var postData = "UserName=" + user + "&Password=" + pass + "&RememberMe=true&RememberMe=false&";
byte[] dataBytes = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(postData);
http.ContentLength = dataBytes.Length;
using (var postStream = http.GetRequestStream())
postStream.Write(dataBytes, 0, dataBytes.Length);
var httpResponse = http.GetResponse() as HttpWebResponse;
return httpResponse.Cookies[FormsAuthentication.FormsCookieName];

ASP.NET MVC ActionFilter - Determine if AJAX Request

I am using an ActionFilter to determine if a user has access to a specific resource such as an Account object (a la Rhino Security) before hitting an action. This is a global filter which redirects to an error page should the authorization value fail
I'm using the following code, which works fine for full page requests:
filterContext.Controller.TempData["ErrorMessage"] = string.Format("You are not authorized to perform operation: {0}", operation);
filterContext.Result = new RedirectResult("~/Error/AuthorizationError");
Ajax requests I do not want to apply a redirect, but rather return an error message. Is there a way to tell inside the action filter if this is an AJAX request or a regular full page (sorry not sure of the correct terminology) request?
Thanks in advance
You could use the IsAjaxRequest extension method:
if (filterContext.HttpContext.Request.IsAjaxRequest())
// it was an AJAX request
// it was a standard request
filterContext.Controller.TempData["ErrorMessage"] = string.Format("You are not authorized to perform operation: {0}", operation);
filterContext.Result = new RedirectResult("~/Error/AuthorizationError");
