Power Automate - Duration (Approvals) - power-automate

Are there any expiration period for this Power Automate - Approvals when the user taking more time to submit the decision?
I tried with some trial data but, need to get an idea from an experienced person.

Flows have a timeout period of 30 days.
You can refer to this documentation for more information.
If your approval is likely to run for more than 30 days, read this article.


What does Heroku mean by additional 450 hours on adding a credit card?

I came across the offer by Heroku that says that I can receive free 450 dyno hours for just adding my credit card. I was wondering how the free hours are added. Are they like the standard 550 hours, i.e. added every month or is it just for one time?
Also I just want to run one dyno and so having 1000 total hours per month would be more than enough. So if they add 450hrs/month with the credit card, does that mean I can run my dyno infinitely without being charged at all?
Yes, you get 1000 dynos per month after adding credit card. I have the same.
Yes, correct you will get 1000 dyno hours once you verify your identity with a credit card. For a single APP they are enough but in case you want to add more APPs, allowed dyno hours will be sum of hours consumed by each APP. Initially 550 hours were provided to keep the APP active for 75% of time i.e. 18 hours (18*30 ~= 550).

Visual studio load test simulate multiple users with one user

I have a webtest in visual studio, which login to a website and does few clicks. I wanted to simulate this for 2000 users without having those many logins in a csv file or a database. Configured my webtest to run the test for 30 minutes by stepping 10 users every 10 seconds, its running fine for like 2 minutes and then failing after that with multiple errors. Is this possible at all ? If so how can i do this ?
A load test is intended to do what is stated in your question but there is too little detail in the question to give a good answer. Adding 10 users every 10 seconds means that after 2 minutes there have been 2*60/10 = 12 increments, so 10(users) * 2(minutes) * 60(seconds per minute) / 10(step duration) = 120 users. If it ran for the full 30 minutes then there would be 10*30*60/10 = 1800 users. Microsoft provide recommendations for how many users can be run by one computer and when to use additional agent computers. These are just starting points and do not take the details of the individual tests into account.
Rather than jumping in with a 2000 user test it may be better to start more slowly and establish, for a modest number of users that, the test suite works and also that the web site works. I suggest rerunning the test incrementing by 10 users every minute. Then after 2 minutes there will be 10*2*60/10 = 120 users. If that test works then decrease the step interval to (perhaps) 20 seconds.
The question does not state what errors are being generated. The actual errors need to be analyzed to determine the nature and location of the problem. It may be that a limit is being reached in some part of the server, the network or the computer running the test. When the limiting component is found then you know what needs changing.

Recurring Toasts with Windows 8.1 Store Apps build with JS

I've been trying to create notifications that happen on a weekly basis - for example, every monday at 8am.
I've tried to use a recurring toast for this - http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/apps/hh465417.aspx - but realized that the recurrence parameters are more designed for a snooze functionality, with a maximum delay of 60 minutes, and a maximum repeat for 3 times.
Is there a suggested workaround for this?
Is there a best practice for such a use case?
You're right that the recurrence on scheduled toasts is designed for snooze. Unfortunately, the API doesn't provide a way to show the same toast multiple times on a fixed schedule.
You'll need to manually create a ScheduledToastNotification each time you want it to be shown. In your example, you might create and schedule out a toast a week for each Monday at 8 AM.

EWS appointment time intervals

This question probably has a very easy solution!
At work we're using Exchange 2010, and a co-developer insists that the web services only bring back a range of appointment slots that are 30 minutes long.
We really need the times to be in increments of 10- or 15- minutes, but he maintains that there is no way in EWS that the increments can be shortened.
Is this true? and if not, how can the time increments be shortened?
Are you talking about using the GetUserAvailibility operation in EWS ? You can adjust the Interval using the MergedFreeBusyIntervalInMinutes property see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/aa580719(v=exchg.150).aspx . The default is 30 minutes but it can be between 6 and 1440 minutes.

Windows Phone 8 scheduled agent update custom interval (more than 30 minutes)

There are couple of apps at the Windows Phone Store which are automatically updating phone lock screen by a custom interval, lets say 1, 2, 4 or more hours.
I did some search over internet to find some articles or best practice to implement custom update interval, which is bigger than 30 minutes but without any result.
Maybe you know some code snippets or reference on articles ?
Thanks in advance!
As you have already found, the periodic agents are invoked once every 30 mins. However, you can simply do nothing until your desired update period has passed then execute your update.
You already have access to your app's isolated storage from within your background agent. You can simply store a counter in some file to track the time that has passed and once it meets your requirement you can execute your update and reset the counter.
