Google Cloud Pub/Sub Emulator Deadline Excedeed - debugging

Recently my pubsub-emulator from google cloud ( ) started hanging and not creating any topic, and when i do manage to publish a message in a existing topic, it either hangs and gives me DEADLINE_EXCEEDED or it takes a looong time to go...
Some more data: It started happening recently, here are my versions
Ubuntu 22.04
Google Cloud SDK 417.0.1
alpha 2023.02.08
beta 2023.02.08
bq 2.0.84
bundled-python3-unix 3.9.16
core 2023.02.08
gcloud-crc32c 1.0.0
gke-gcloud-auth-plugin 0.4.0
gsutil 5.19
pubsub-emulator 0.7.4
From my teammates, only Me and another co-worker are getting this behavior as well
I Already tried reinstalling my ubuntu, but it kept behaving like this...
Any lights or directions? I'm lost


Can't access project hosted on ip address from other devices on same wi-fi

I am a frontend developer and I have set up my projects to run on 192.XXX.X.X instead of localhost so I can access it from my phone.
Recently, this stopped working. On all projects.
Ones using webpack and ones using simple VSCode live-server.
Unfortunately I have issues troubleshooting because in the meantime I have installed a lot of things, so I am not sure what could be the culprit.
Most recent things I have done:
Installed parallels
Upgraded to Big Sur
Realized that company provided VPN doesn't work on it
Reverted back with TimeMachine to Catalina
Any suggestions are welcome.

Celery 4.x stops support for Windows

I'm using Django, Celery, and Rabbit MQ on my project and developing everything under Windows 10 before until everything is not working with different error messages that i tried to fix with no luck. And found out that I'm not able to upgrade my Celery from 3.x to 4.x because
Celery 4.x stops support for Windows.
All my development has been in Windows and cannot afford to use other platform or machine for now.
I'm not asking on how to fix the project but on how to face this issue without letting go of Celery and still running it on Windows platform. Any suggestion would be appreciated.
You can run celery under windows just fine. Just make sure to set the FORKED_BY_MULTIPROCESSING environment variable to 1

How To Check Most Recently Available Mac App Version/Upgrade?

I just (re)installed the Fabric app for macOS yesterday. This morning I receive a notification that there is a new version of the Fabric app for Mac. My version was 2.6.17. I downloaded Fabric again this morning and its version is ... 2.6.17.
I guess it isn't a big deal reinstalling the same version of the Fabric app every now and again (it takes almost no time), but it would still be nice to know what the current version available for download is prior to actually downloading and installing it. And won't the app itself ask me to update it if it truly needs to be updated?
Thanks for letting me know. Usually this means the app cache had an issue. It should now be reset, but you can manually do this as well by running:
rm -rf ~/Library/Caches/com.crashlytics.mac

Dll not found exception

I'm new to Leap Motion. I'm trying to implement Leap Motion using my mac. But the error shows:
DllNotFoundException: LeapC
Leap.ClockCorrelator..ctor ()
Leap.Unity.LeapServiceProvider.Awake () (at Assets/LeapMotion/Scripts/LeapServiceProvider.cs:162)
However the LeapC.dll is available in plugins/X86 folder.
It sounds like you're trying to use the Orion Unity assets with the V2 software (as the Orion tracking software is not available for OSX). The Orion Unity assets are built on the LeapC API, which was introduced in Orion. You need to switch to a Windows machine or revert to the older V2 Unity assets, which can be found here:

How it the experience with new Amazon's Cluster GPU Instance of EC2?

Amazon released EC2 - Cluster GPU Instances and I wonder what's your experience with it? Is it stable, does it require a lot of time to install new drivers, SDK etc. before you deployed your CUDA code?
I haven't yet deployed a gpu instance, but I can tell you that the OS image already has the drivers setup for you.
Now in terms of installing CUDA, and getting your code ran thats anotother stody. If you haven't tried EC2 at all then I can tell you on a normal instance - I can install gcc/g++ and svn; setup a repository and have my code run in 5-10 minutes.
EDIT: I was looking through the documentation and found this: this talks about reinstalling or updating the NVIDIA drivers
