Lets say you have a class Bird that has a const constructor:
class Bird {
const Bird();
void fly() {}
You need to use it in a place but you have two options:
const bird = Bird();
void doIt() {
void doIt2() {
const bird = Bird();
Questions :)
Whats the of const constructors? it will avoid the creation of the objects in both examples?
Is there any difference between 1. and 2. related to const?
Im thinking that there are no difference in terms of performance but Im not really sure how to measure it
How can I measure that?
There is no difference in the value or the efficiency of accessing it.
The only difference is that in version 1, other code can refer to the bird variable, and in version 2, it's a local variable inside the function, and cannot be seen from the outside.
Just like any other variable, its scope is defined by where it's declared, not what its value is.
It doesn't matter, for that purpose, whether it's a const variable or not.
Because it is a const variable, it also means that the value is computed at compile-time, so accessing it takes no time at runtime.
There is nothing to measure, because accessing a constant variable at runtime, no matter where it is, just means loading a reference to the already existing value.
In the first example you have an instance variable. Instance variables are variables that are defined in the class, for which each instantiated object of that class has a separate copy or instance of the variables.
In the second example you have a local variable. After the calculate function executes, the local variables will no longer exist except of cases of closures.
By the way.
Use final for local variables that are not reassigned and var for those that are.
Use var for all local variables, even ones that aren’t reassigned. Never use final for locals. (Using final for fields and top-level variables is still encouraged, of course.)
I'm still figuring out how to use p5.js. In regular java you have to declare each variable using its data type, ex. int foo = 0.
In p5, I know you can just use var foo but you can also declare variables using this.foo. If someone could clarify when is the proper time to use var and when i can use this, that would be very helpful.
For example, if I want to declare a variable inside a method, should i use var foo = thing or could I declare it using this.foo = thing? What should I use when declaring global variables or when referring to objects passed into methods?
First of all, p5 is not a language, it is a Javascript library, you are coding in Javascript, not p5.
Coming to your question, if you want to use some function as a data type, similar to a class in java, and want all the "instances" of that to have their own different variables, you use this. If they are just variables you use in someway but don't need to be specific for each instance, or if the function is not a constructor function and is not to be used as a data type, you will just use var then.
Again, there is no class stuff in javascript, you will have to write what is called a constructor function in order to "simulate" a java class, but be aware that a constructor function should not return anything. Here is an example of car class in java:
class car {
int speed = ___;
String model = ___;
static int numOfWheels = ___;
This is what it will look like in javascript (a constructor function):
function car() {
this.speed = ____;
this.model = ____;
var numOfWheels = ___;
If you declare a variable without this, it can be roughly compared to a static variable in a java class in the sense that it will be constant among all the instances.
So basically, at least in most cases, you will use this.varName usually inside constructor functions, i.e., functions that you will use to construct objects.
What should I use when declaring global variables or when referring to objects passed into methods?
Global variables will almost always be var something = something. When referring to objects passed into functions, just use the dot notation to refer to its properties like passedObject.someProperty
I would recommend you to learn Javascript before jumping into p5 directly, here are some resources that I found useful when I started learning Javascript-
w3 School
JavaScript Info Website
I'm currently designing a class structure for a project I'm working on. I have a method that uses one instance state. I don't now wheter it's better to make this method static and parse this instance state as an argument or just tie the method to the instance.
If performance was no issue I would tie the method without any doubt to the instance, because it's much cleaner that way. But in my case performance will be really crucial. So, does it make any difference performance-wise to make the method static / non-static?
If it makes no difference, will that be true for the generated *.dart.js javascript aswell?
After reading my own question it's not really coherent. I will try to formulate it again, but clearer.
This code ...
class MyClass {
void foo() {}
void main() {
MyClass a = new MyClass();
MyClass b = new MyClass();
print(a.foo == b.foo);
... outputs false. This make me think that for each new instance a new method is created. If that is true this seems to me as a waste of memory. So, does each new instance create a copy of all it's bound methods?
PS: The question is basically the same as this question, but then for Dart.
No, creating two instances doesn't duplicate the methods. Methods are like static functions where the object instance is passesd as argument with the name this.
Don't worry too much about performance before you run into actual performance issues especially at such micro-level.
Usually performance isn't a matter for the bigger part of your applications code base because most of the code is usually run very seldom.
When you run into performance issues you can investigate and find the real hot spots that are executed often enough so that optimization actually makes a difference.
Dart classes don't have different methods for different instances.
There is only one method per class.
Extracting a function creates a new function object every time you do it, and those objects may or may not be equal depending on which function you extract from which objects:
class MyClass {
void foo() {}
void main() {
MyClass a = new MyClass();
MyClass b = new MyClass();
print(a.foo == b.foo); // False.
print(a.foo == a.foo); // True
print(identical(a.foo, a.foo)); // False!
When you perform a method extraction from an object, you create a new object. The new object is a "closure" which contains the function to call and the object to call it on. Two such closures are equal (according to operator==) if they refer to the same function on the same object. That's why a.foo and b.foo are not equal - they are equivalent to () => a.foo() and () => b.foo() respectively, and since a and b are not the same object, the function objects are not considered equal.
I've seen classes where constants are passed to methods, I guess its done to define some kind of setting in that function. I cant find it anywhere now to try to find out the logic, so I though I could ask here. How and why do you use this concept and where can I find more information about it?
The example below is written in PHP, but any language that handles constants would do I guess..
// Declaring class
class ExampleClass{
const EXAMPLE_CONST_1 = 0;
const EXAMPLE_CONST_2 = 1;
function example_method($constant(?)){
if($constant == ExampleClass::EXAMPLE_CONST_1)
// do this
else if($constant == ExampleClass::EXAMPLE_CONST_2)
// do that
// Using class
$inst = new ExampleClass();
To me its more clear to pass "ExampleClass::EXAMPLE_CONST_1" than to just pass "1", but it's that the only reason to pass constant?
Simply passing 1 doesn't say much. By having a constant you can have a description about the settings in the name.
constant RAIN = 1;
method setWeather(RAIN);
Atleast that's how and why I use it.
It is always a good idea to avoid literals being passed around. By assigning a name, anyone reading your code has a chance to understand what that value means - a number has no meaning. It might also help you maintaining your code: If for some requirement the value has to be changed, you can easily do it in one place, instead of checking each and every value occurrence.
I've been practicing some Ruby meta-programming recently, and was wondering about assigning anonymous classes to constants.
In Ruby, it is possible to create an anonymous class as follows:
anonymous_class = Class.new # => #<Class:0x007f9c5afb21d0>
New instances of this class can be created:
an_instance = anonymous_class.new # => #<#<Class:0x007f9c5afb21d0>:0x007f9c5afb0330>
Now, when the anonymous class is assigned to a constant, the class now has a proper name:
Foo = anonymous_class # => Foo
And the previously created instance is now also an instance of that class:
an_instance # => #<Foo:0x007f9c5afb0330>
My question: Is there a hook method for the moment when an anonymous class is assigned to a constant?
There are many hooks methods in Ruby, but I couldn't find this one.
Let's take a look at how constant assignment works internally. The code that follows is extracted from a source tarball of ruby-1.9.3-p0. First we look at the definition of the VM instruction setconstant (which is used to assign constants):
# /insns.def, line 239
(ID id)
(VALUE val, VALUE cbase)
rb_const_set(cbase, id, val);
No chance to place a hook in vm_check_if_namespace or INC_VM_STATE_VERSION here. So we look at rb_const_set (variable.c:1886), the function that is called everytime a constant is assigned:
# /variable.c, line 1886
rb_const_set(VALUE klass, ID id, VALUE val)
rb_const_entry_t *ce;
VALUE visibility = CONST_PUBLIC;
# ...
check_before_mod_set(klass, id, val, "constant");
if (!RCLASS_CONST_TBL(klass)) {
RCLASS_CONST_TBL(klass) = st_init_numtable();
else {
# [snip], won't be called on first assignment
ce = ALLOC(rb_const_entry_t);
ce->flag = (rb_const_flag_t)visibility;
ce->value = val;
st_insert(RCLASS_CONST_TBL(klass), (st_data_t)id, (st_data_t)ce);
I removed all the code that was not even called the first time a constant was assigned inside a module. I then looked into all the functions called by this one and didn't find a single point where we could place a hook from Ruby code. This means the hard truth is, unless I missed something, that there is no way to hook a constant assignment (at least in MRI).
To clarify: The anonymous class does not magically get a new name as soon as it is assigned (as noted correctly in Andrew's answer). Rather, the constant name along with the object ID of the class is stored in Ruby's internal constant lookup table. If, after that, the name of the class is requested, it can now be resolved to a proper name (and not just Class:0xXXXXXXXX...).
So the best you can do to react to this assignment is to check the name of the class in a loop of a background worker thread until it is non-nil (which is a huge waste of resources, IMHO).
Anonymous classes don't actually get their name when they're assigned to a constant. They actually get it when they're next asked what their name is.
I'll try to find a reference for this. Edit: Can't find one, sorry.
Extract Method (a refactoring from Fowler's book) works great if your method doesn't assign any values. If it assigns one value, that becomes the return value of the extracted method. What if it assigns two values?
Some C# code to illustrate:
private void someBigFunction() {
// start extraction here
string first = Database.Select(...);
// ...
// next is dependent on the value of "first"
int next = Database.Select(...);
// ...
// stop extraction here
The exact code or values are not important here. The point is extracting this method. (The two values are linked, so it makes sense to have them in the same method -- and not to make two methods.)
Possible answers to this question would be "return both in an array," "return them both in a pair-like data structure," or "use out parameters (pass by reference)" -- but I'm looking for something cleaner. (The actual code is in Delphi, not C#)
Perhaps Sprout Class is what you're looking for. Make the two members instance variables of a new class and extract this method into that class, assigning the instance variables and providing getters for the caller. Or, of course, you could convert the local variables to be instance variables of the original class. That conversion frequently makes Extract Method easier, but you wind up with what is arguably an excess of instance variables. With Sprout class, you have a class whose only purpose is to retrieve and provide those values, so there's no question that they deserve to be instance variables in it.