PCL transformation error about Quaternion to matrix4f - transformation

I use these camera extrinsics parameters to transform .ply file through PCL, but the result is not correct. I think it is because of the formula is not correct from Quaternion to matrix4f.
Eigen::Matrix4f transform_1 = Eigen::Matrix4f::Identity();
qw = 0.980613;
qx = -0.0777902;
qy = -0.176786;
qz = -0.0330758,
tx = -0.798112;
ty = -0.774293;
tz = 3.76053;
transform_1 (0, 0) = 1 - 2 * pow(qy, 2) - 2 * pow(qz, 2);
transform_1 (0, 1) = 2 * qx*qy - 2 * qz*qw;
transform_1 (0, 2) = 2 * qx*qz + 2 * qy*qw;
transform_1 (0, 3) = tx;
transform_1 (1, 0) = 2 * qx*qy + 2 * qz*qw;
transform_1 (1, 1) = 1 - 2 * pow(qx,2) - 2 * pow(qz,2);
transform_1 (1, 2) = 2 * qy*qz - 2 * qx*qw;
transform_1 (1, 3) = ty;
transform_1 (2, 0) = 2 * qx*qz - 2 * qy*qw;
transform_1 (2, 1) = 2 * qy*qz + 2 * qx*qw;
transform_1 (2, 2) = 1 - 2 * pow(qx,2) - 2 * pow(qy,2);
transform_1 (2, 3) = tz;
transform_1(3, 0) = 0;
transform_1(3, 1) = 0;
transform_1(3, 2) = 0;
transform_1(3, 3) = 1;
Eigen::Matrix4f transform_2 = Eigen::Matrix4f::Identity();
qw = 0.861117;
qx = -0.0716478;
qy = 0.427619;
qz = 0.265493,
tx = -2.94326;
ty = -1.91445;
tz = 6.074;
transform_2(0, 0) = 1 - 2 * pow(qy, 2) - 2 * pow(qz, 2);
transform_2(0, 1) = 2 * qx*qy - 2 * qz*qw;
transform_2(0, 2) = 2 * qx*qz + 2 * qy*qw;
transform_2(0, 3) = tx;
transform_2(1, 0) = 2 * qx*qy + 2 * qz*qw;
transform_2(1, 1) = 1 - 2 * pow(qx, 2) - 2 * pow(qz, 2);
transform_2(1, 2) = 2 * qy*qz - 2 * qx*qw;
transform_2(1, 3) = ty;
transform_2(2, 0) = 2 * qx*qz - 2 * qy*qw;
transform_2(2, 1) = 2 * qy*qz + 2 * qx*qw;
transform_2(2, 2) = 1 - 2 * pow(qx, 2) - 2 * pow(qy, 2);
transform_2(2, 3) = tz;
transform_2(3, 0) = 0;
transform_2(3, 1) = 0;
transform_2(3, 2) = 0;
transform_2(3, 3) = 1;
I use cloudcompare also got the same result


why is my double pendulum programm isn't working in p5js?

var angle1 = 45;
var angle2 = 0;
var L1 = 200;var L2 = 200;
var m1 = 1;
var m2 = 1;
var angleV1 = 0;
var angleV2 = 0;
var g = 1;
var angleA1 =
((-g * (2 * m1 + m2) * sin(angle1) -
m2 * g * sin(angle1 - angle2) -
2 *
sin(angle1 - angle2) *
m2 *
(angleV2 * angleV2 * L2 +
angleV1 * angleV1 * L1 * cos(angle1 - angle2))) /
L1) *
(2 * m1 + m2 - m2 * cos(2 * angle1 - 2 * angle2));
var angleA2 =
((2 *
sin(angle1 - angle2) *
(angleV1 * angleV1 * L1 * (m1 + m2) +
g * (m1 + m2) * cos(angle1) +
angle2 * angle2 * L2 * m2 * cos(angle1 - angle2))) /
L2) *
(2 * m1 + m2 - m2 * cos(2 * angle1 - 2 * angle2));
angleV1 += angleA1;
angle1 += angleV1;
angleV2 += angleA2;
angle2 += angleV2;
var x1 = sin(angle1) * L1;
var y1 = cos(angle1) * L1;
var x2 = x1 + sin(angle2) * L2;
var y2 = y1 + cos(angle2) * L2;
line(0, 0, x1, y1);
line(x1, y1, x2, y2);

Halide JIT vs Generator Differences

While playing around with Halide, I see that totally different pseudocodes are created for a same pipline when using JIT and a generated function approaches. It looks like I'm missing something and so I'd very appreciate and hint. Here is what I did:
A simple 'dilate' pipline is defined as:
int jit_main ()
Target target = get_jit_target_from_environment ();
const int width = 1280, height = 1024;
Buffer <uint8_t> input (width, height);
for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
input (x, y) = rand () & 0xff;
Var x ("x_1"), y ("y_1");
Func clamped ("clamped_1");
clamped = BoundaryConditions::repeat_edge (input);
Func max_x ("max_x_1");
max_x (x, y) = max (clamped (x - 1, y), clamped (x, y), clamped (x + 1, y));
Func dilate ("dilate_1");
dilate (x, y) = max (max_x (x, y - 1), max_x (x, y), max_x (x, y + 1));
tick (NULL);
Buffer<uint8_t> out = dilate.realize (width, height, target);
tick ("inline");
dilate.print_loop_nest ();
dilate.compile_to_lowered_stmt ("dilate_1_.html", {}, HTML);
The resulting pseudocode looks as follows (fragment):
produce dilate_1 {
let t125 = ((dilate_1.min.1 * dilate_1.stride.1) + dilate_1.min.0)
for (dilate_1.s0.y_1, dilate_1.min.1, dilate_1.extent.1) {
let t128 = max(min(dilate_1.s0.y_1, 1024), 1)
let t126 = max(min(dilate_1.s0.y_1, 1023), 0)
let t127 = max(min(dilate_1.s0.y_1, 1022), -1)
let t129 = ((dilate_1.s0.y_1 * dilate_1.stride.1) - t125)
for (dilate_1.s0.x_1, dilate_1.min.0, dilate_1.extent.0) {
dilate_1[(dilate_1.s0.x_1 + t129)] = max(b0[((max(min(dilate_1.s0.x_1, 1278), -1) + (t126 * 1280)) + 1)], max(b0[(max(min(dilate_1.s0.x_1, 1279), 0) + (t126 * 1280))], max(b0[((max(min(dilate_1.s0.x_1, 1280), 1) + (t126 * 1280)) + -1)], max(b0[((max(min(dilate_1.s0.x_1, 1280), 1) + (t127 * 1280)) + 1279)], max(b0[((max(min(dilate_1.s0.x_1, 1279), 0) + (t127 * 1280)) + 1280)], max(b0[((max(min(dilate_1.s0.x_1, 1278), -1) + (t127 * 1280)) + 1281)], max(b0[((max(min(dilate_1.s0.x_1, 1280), 1) + (t128 * 1280)) + -1281)], max(b0[((max(min(dilate_1.s0.x_1, 1279), 0) + (t128 * 1280)) + -1280)], b0[((max(min(dilate_1.s0.x_1, 1278), -1) + (t128 * 1280)) + -1279)]))))))))
Then I defined a generator:
class Dilate0Generator : public Halide::Generator <Dilate0Generator>
Input<Buffer<uint8_t>> input_0 {"input_0", 2};
Output<Buffer<uint8_t>> dilate_0 {"dilate_0", 2};
Var x {"x_0"}, y {"y_0"};
void generate ()
Func clamped_0 {"clamped_0"};
clamped_0 = BoundaryConditions::repeat_edge (input_0);
Func max_x_0 {"max_x_0"};
max_x_0 (x, y) =
max (clamped_0 (x - 1, y), clamped_0 (x, y), clamped_0 (x + 1, y));
dilate_0 (x, y) =
max (max_x_0 (x, y - 1), max_x_0 (x, y), max_x_0 (x, y + 1));
dilate_0.print_loop_nest ();
HALIDE_REGISTER_GENERATOR (Dilate0Generator, dilate_0)
And it's pseudocode is completely different (fragment):
produce dilate_0 {
let dilate_0.s0.y_0.prologue = min(max((input_0.min.1 + 1), dilate_0.min.1), (dilate_0.extent.1 + dilate_0.min.1))
let dilate_0.s0.y_0.epilogue$3 = min(max(max((input_0.min.1 + 1), dilate_0.min.1), ((input_0.extent.1 + input_0.min.1) + -1)), (dilate_0.extent.1 + dilate_0.min.1))
let t166 = (dilate_0.s0.y_0.prologue - dilate_0.min.1)
let t168 = ((input_0.min.1 * input_0.stride.1) + input_0.min.0)
let t170 = ((dilate_0.min.1 * dilate_0.stride.1) + dilate_0.min.0)
let t167 = (input_0.extent.1 + input_0.min.1)
let t169 = (input_0.extent.0 + input_0.min.0)
for (dilate_0.s0.y_0, dilate_0.min.1, t166) {
let t171 = ((max(min((t167 + -1), dilate_0.s0.y_0), input_0.min.1) * input_0.stride.1) - t168)
let t173 = ((max((min((dilate_0.s0.y_0 + 2), t167) + -1), input_0.min.1) * input_0.stride.1) - t168)
let t174 = ((max((min(dilate_0.s0.y_0, t167) + -1), input_0.min.1) * input_0.stride.1) - t168)
let t175 = ((dilate_0.s0.y_0 * dilate_0.stride.1) - t170)
for (dilate_0.s0.x_0, dilate_0.min.0, dilate_0.extent.0) {
dilate_0[(dilate_0.s0.x_0 + t175)] = (let t132 = max((min((dilate_0.s0.x_0 + 2), t169) + -1), input_0.min.0) in (let t133 = max(min((t169 + -1), dilate_0.s0.x_0), input_0.min.0) in (let t134 = max((min(dilate_0.s0.x_0, t169) + -1), input_0.min.0) in max(input_0[(t132 + t171)], max(input_0[(t133 + t171)], max(input_0[(t134 + t171)], max(input_0[(t134 + t173)], max(input_0[(t133 + t173)], max(input_0[(t132 + t173)], max(input_0[(t134 + t174)], max(input_0[(t133 + t174)], input_0[(t132 + t174)])))))))))))
let t183 = (dilate_0.extent.0 + dilate_0.min.0)
let t184 = (input_0.extent.0 + input_0.min.0)
let t185 = max((input_0.min.0 + 1), dilate_0.min.0)
let t178 = min(max((t184 + -1), t185), t183)
let t177 = min(t183, t185)
let t176 = (dilate_0.s0.y_0.epilogue$3 - dilate_0.s0.y_0.prologue)
let t179 = ((input_0.min.1 * input_0.stride.1) + input_0.min.0)
let t181 = ((dilate_0.min.1 * dilate_0.stride.1) + dilate_0.min.0)
for (dilate_0.s0.y_0, dilate_0.s0.y_0.prologue, t176) {
let t189 = (((dilate_0.s0.y_0 + 1) * input_0.stride.1) - t179)
let t190 = (((dilate_0.s0.y_0 + -1) * input_0.stride.1) - t179)
let t187 = ((dilate_0.s0.y_0 * input_0.stride.1) - t179)
let t191 = ((dilate_0.s0.y_0 * dilate_0.stride.1) - t181)
let t186 = (t177 - dilate_0.min.0)
for (dilate_0.s0.x_0, dilate_0.min.0, t186) {
dilate_0[(dilate_0.s0.x_0 + t191)] = (let t140 = max((min((dilate_0.s0.x_0 + 2), t184) + -1), input_0.min.0) in (let t141 = max(min((t184 + -1), dilate_0.s0.x_0), input_0.min.0) in (let t142 = max((min(dilate_0.s0.x_0, t184) + -1), input_0.min.0) in max(input_0[(t140 + t187)], max(input_0[(t141 + t187)], max(input_0[(t142 + t187)], max(input_0[(t142 + t189)], max(input_0[(t141 + t189)], max(input_0[(t140 + t189)], max(input_0[(t142 + t190)], max(input_0[(t141 + t190)], input_0[(t140 + t190)])))))))))))
let t194 = (((dilate_0.s0.y_0 + 1) * input_0.stride.1) - t179)
let t195 = (((dilate_0.s0.y_0 + -1) * input_0.stride.1) - t179)
let t193 = ((dilate_0.s0.y_0 * input_0.stride.1) - t179)
let t196 = ((dilate_0.s0.y_0 * dilate_0.stride.1) - t181)
let t192 = (t178 - t177)
for (dilate_0.s0.x_0, t177, t192) {
dilate_0[(dilate_0.s0.x_0 + t196)] = max(input_0[((dilate_0.s0.x_0 + t193) + 1)], max(input_0[(dilate_0.s0.x_0 + t193)], max(input_0[((dilate_0.s0.x_0 + t193) + -1)], max(input_0[((dilate_0.s0.x_0 + t194) + -1)], max(input_0[(dilate_0.s0.x_0 + t194)], max(input_0[((dilate_0.s0.x_0 + t194) + 1)], max(input_0[((dilate_0.s0.x_0 + t195) + -1)], max(input_0[(dilate_0.s0.x_0 + t195)], input_0[((dilate_0.s0.x_0 + t195) + 1)]))))))))
let t200 = (((dilate_0.s0.y_0 + 1) * input_0.stride.1) - t179)
let t201 = (((dilate_0.s0.y_0 + -1) * input_0.stride.1) - t179)
let t198 = ((dilate_0.s0.y_0 * input_0.stride.1) - t179)
let t202 = ((dilate_0.s0.y_0 * dilate_0.stride.1) - t181)
let t197 = (t183 - t178)
for (dilate_0.s0.x_0, t178, t197) {
dilate_0[(dilate_0.s0.x_0 + t202)] = (let t152 = max((min((dilate_0.s0.x_0 + 2), t184) + -1), input_0.min.0) in (let t153 = max(min((t184 + -1), dilate_0.s0.x_0), input_0.min.0) in (let t154 = max((min(dilate_0.s0.x_0, t184) + -1), input_0.min.0) in max(input_0[(t152 + t198)], max(input_0[(t153 + t198)], max(input_0[(t154 + t198)], max(input_0[(t154 + t200)], max(input_0[(t153 + t200)], max(input_0[(t152 + t200)], max(input_0[(t154 + t201)], max(input_0[(t153 + t201)], input_0[(t152 + t201)])))))))))))
let t203 = ((dilate_0.extent.1 + dilate_0.min.1) - dilate_0.s0.y_0.epilogue$3)
let t205 = ((input_0.min.1 * input_0.stride.1) + input_0.min.0)
let t207 = ((dilate_0.min.1 * dilate_0.stride.1) + dilate_0.min.0)
let t204 = (input_0.extent.1 + input_0.min.1)
let t206 = (input_0.extent.0 + input_0.min.0)
for (dilate_0.s0.y_0, dilate_0.s0.y_0.epilogue$3, t203) {
let t208 = ((max(min((t204 + -1), dilate_0.s0.y_0), input_0.min.1) * input_0.stride.1) - t205)
let t210 = ((max((min((dilate_0.s0.y_0 + 2), t204) + -1), input_0.min.1) * input_0.stride.1) - t205)
let t211 = ((max((min(dilate_0.s0.y_0, t204) + -1), input_0.min.1) * input_0.stride.1) - t205)
let t212 = ((dilate_0.s0.y_0 * dilate_0.stride.1) - t207)
for (dilate_0.s0.x_0, dilate_0.min.0, dilate_0.extent.0) {
dilate_0[(dilate_0.s0.x_0 + t212)] = (let t161 = max((min((dilate_0.s0.x_0 + 2), t206) + -1), input_0.min.0) in (let t162 = max(min((t206 + -1), dilate_0.s0.x_0), input_0.min.0) in (let t163 = max((min(dilate_0.s0.x_0, t206) + -1), input_0.min.0) in max(input_0[(t161 + t208)], max(input_0[(t162 + t208)], max(input_0[(t163 + t208)], max(input_0[(t163 + t210)], max(input_0[(t162 + t210)], max(input_0[(t161 + t210)], max(input_0[(t163 + t211)], max(input_0[(t162 + t211)], input_0[(t161 + t211)])))))))))))
The generated version runs in an order of magnitude faster, which is not surprising, given that the pseudocode for it looks a lot more optimized.
It runs even faster that an existed example
My noob question is how comes that JIT can not create the same representation?
Thanks a lot for any answer/idea/help/hint...
The difference between the two is that in the JIT case, the size of the input (and thus the location of the boundary condition) is known at compile-time.
However the generated code should be similar. I think the fact that you don't get five separate cases in the JIT case is a bug in Halide. I have opened an issue on the Halide github repo.
EDIT: Thanks for uncovering a bug! Fixed in https://github.com/halide/Halide/pull/5355

How can i simplify this for loop?

I need to fill a 360 element matrix with periods of 90 elements for different phiStart and phiExit values:
flute = 4;
phiStart = 0;
phiExit = 90;
phiDelta = 1;
phiPitch = 360 / flute;
for g = 0:abs(phiExit - phiStart);
for k = 0:abs(phiExit - phiStart);
for j = 0:abs(phiExit - phiStart);
for m = 0:abs(phiExit - phiStart);
for i = 0:abs(phiExit - phiStart);
answerA = phiStart + i * phiDelta;
phi(i+1) = answerA;
answerA = phiStart + m * phiDelta;
phi(m + phiPitch) = answerA;
answerA = phiStart + j * phiDelta;
phi(j + 2 * phiPitch) = answerA;
answerA = phiStart + k * phiDelta;
phi(k + 3 * phiPitch) = answerA;
answerA = phiStart + g * phiDelta;
phi(g + 4 * phiPitch) = answerA;
b = (phi > 0); % dummy matrix for edge cofficients
h = feedRate * sin(phi / 180 * pi);
Sorry if this makes no sense (just trying to help), I don't even know in what language it is written, but what I read in the original code points to something like
for i = 0:abs(phiExit - phiStart);
answerA = phiStart + i * phiDelta;
for j = 0:abs(flute - 1)
phi(i + j * phiPitch) = answerA;

splitting trapezoid in given proportion

I need to split trapezoid in 2 part of given size with line, parallel basement. I need to get new h1 of new trapezoid.
For example I have trapezoid of area S and I want to split it in 2 trapezoids of areas S1 and S2.
S1 = aS; S2 = (1-a)S;
S1 = (a+z)*(h1)/2;
S2 = (b+z)*(1-h1)/2;
S1/S2 = KS;
To get new h1 I compare a and b, if a != b, I solve square equation and if a == b I work like with square. But sometimes I get mistakes because of rounding (for example when I solve this analytically I get a = b and program thinks a > b). How can I handle this? Or maybe there is another better way to split trapezoid?
Here is simplifyed code:
if (base > base_prev) {
b_t = base; // base of trapezoid
h = H; //height of trapezoid
a_t = base_prev; //another base of trapezoid
KS = S1 / S2;
a_x = (a_t - b_t) * (1 + KS) / h;
b_x = 2 * KS * b_t + 2 * b_t;
c_x = -(a_t * h + b_t * h);
h_tmp = (-b_x + sqrt(b_x * b_x - 4 * a_x * c_x)) / (2 * a_x);
if (h_tmp > h || h_tmp < 0)
h_tmp = (-b_x - sqrt(b_x * b_x - 4 * a_x * c_x)) / (2 * a_x);
} else if (base < base_prev) {
b_t = base_prev;
a_t = base;
KS = S1 / S2;
a_x = (a_t - b_t) * (1 + KS) / h;
b_x = 2 * KS * b_t + 2 * b_t;
c_x = -(a_t * h + b_t * h);
h_tmp = (-b_x + sqrt(b_x * b_x - 4 * a_x * c_x)) / (2 * a_x);
if (h_tmp > h || h_tmp < 0)
h_tmp = (-b_x - sqrt(b_x * b_x - 4 * a_x * c_x)) / (2 * a_x);
else {
KS = S1 / S2;
h_tmp = h * KS;
If you're dealing with catastrophic cancellation, one approach, dating back to a classic article by Forsythe, is to use the alternative solution form x = 2c/(-b -+ sqrt(b^2 - 4ac)) for the quadratic equation ax^2 + bx + c = 0. One way to write the two roots, good for b < 0, is
x = (-b + sqrt(b^2 - 4ac))/(2a)
x = 2c/(-b + sqrt(b^2 - 4ac)),
and another, good for b >= 0, is
x = 2c/(-b - sqrt(b^2 - 4ac))
x = (-b - sqrt(b^2 - 4ac))/(2a).
Alternatively, you could use the bisection method to obtain a reasonably good guess and polish it with Newton's method.

yii query not caching when using createCommand

I have the following query being logged in mysql which is not being cached.
round(priceperkm * IFNULL(KMPlanned, projects.KM),
round(PRICE * IFNULL(KMPlanned, projects.KM),
2) AS TotalPriceForItem,
SUM(((abs(FSP - LSP) + 1) * SI) / 1000) AS KM_Completed,
round(SUM(((abs(FSP - LSP) + 1) * SI) / 1000) * PRICE,
2) AS TotalPrice,
if(round((SUM(((abs(FSP - LSP) + 1) * SI) / 1000) * PRICE) / (PRICE * IFNULL(KMPlanned, projects.KM)) * 100,
2)>100,100,round((SUM(((abs(FSP - LSP) + 1) * SI) / 1000) * PRICE) / (PRICE * IFNULL(KMPlanned, projects.KM)) * 100,
2)) AS TotalPercent
biditems ON projects.id = biditems.project_id
lookupprocess ON biditems.ITEMID = lookupprocess.biditems_id
left join
jobsprocesscomplete ON lookupprocess.ID = lookupprocess_id
left join
detailsseismic ON jobsprocesscomplete.JOBNO = detailsseismic.JOBNO
projects.PROJID = '1407075'
and lookupprocess.ID = 16299
The Yii code is as follows.
$dependancy = new CDbCacheDependency("select last_modified_date from projects where PROJID = $projid");
$countJobs = Jobs::model()->cache(CACHE_TIMEOUT,$dependancy)->count(array("condition"=>"PROJID=$projid"));
foreach ($processstages as $k=>$v) {
$sql = "SELECT
round(priceperkm * IFNULL(KMPlanned, projects.KM),
round(PRICE * IFNULL(KMPlanned, projects.KM),
2) AS TotalPriceForItem,
SUM(((abs(FSP - LSP) + 1) * SI) / 1000) AS KM_Completed,
round(SUM(((abs(FSP - LSP) + 1) * SI) / 1000) * PRICE,
2) AS TotalPrice,
if(round((SUM(((abs(FSP - LSP) + 1) * SI) / 1000) * PRICE) / (PRICE * IFNULL(KMPlanned, projects.KM)) * 100,
2)>100,100,round((SUM(((abs(FSP - LSP) + 1) * SI) / 1000) * PRICE) / (PRICE * IFNULL(KMPlanned, projects.KM)) * 100,
2)) AS TotalPercent
biditems ON projects.id = biditems.project_id
lookupprocess ON biditems.ITEMID = lookupprocess.biditems_id
left join
jobsprocesscomplete ON lookupprocess.ID = lookupprocess_id
left join
details".$type['type']." ON jobsprocesscomplete.JOBNO = details".$type['type'].".JOBNO
projects.PROJID = :pid
and lookupprocess.ID = :lid
$command = Yii::app()->db->cache(CACHE_TIMEOUT,$dependancy)->createCommand($sql); // need to set memecahce to 50m to cache this query
//Yii::log("select last_modified_date from projects where PROJID = $projid",CLogger::LEVEL_INFO, __METHOD__);
Yii::log((memory_get_peak_usage(true))/1024/1024 . "MB",CLogger::LEVEL_INFO, __METHOD__);
$query = $command->query();
I cannot seem to figure out why it is not caching these results as the last_modified_date is not changing. i have set max item cache to 32m and memcache memory to 512.
I have rewrote my query to as below which gets cached but the createCommand way it does not
$criteria=new CDbCriteria;
$criteria->select = '
round(priceperkm * IFNULL(KMPlanned, t.KM),
round(PRICE * IFNULL(KMPlanned, t.KM),
2) AS TotalPriceForItem,
SUM(((abs(FSP - LSP) + 1) * SI) / 1000) AS KM_Completed,
round(SUM(((abs(FSP - LSP) + 1) * SI) / 1000) * PRICE,
2) AS TotalPrice,
if(round((SUM(((abs(FSP - LSP) + 1) * SI) / 1000) * PRICE) / (PRICE * IFNULL(KMPlanned, t.KM)) * 100,
2)>100,100,round((SUM(((abs(FSP - LSP) + 1) * SI) / 1000) * PRICE) / (PRICE * IFNULL(KMPlanned, t.KM)) * 100,
2)) AS TotalPercent';
$criteria->join = 'join biditems ON t.id = biditems.project_id ';
$criteria->join .= 'join lookupprocess ON biditems.ITEMID = lookupprocess.biditems_id ';
$criteria->join .= 'left join jobsprocesscomplete ON lookupprocess.ID = lookupprocess_id ';
$criteria->join .= 'left join details'.$type['type'].' ON jobsprocesscomplete.JOBNO = details'.$type['type'].'.JOBNO ';
Try to put the following:
$result = Yii::app()->db->cache(self::CACHE_TIMEOUT,$dependancy)
I assumed that CACHE_TIMEOUT was a constant in this class, but if it is defined in another class, then you need to adapt this part
