Zipkin not showing the microservices Sleuth logs - spring-boot

Below is the configuration I have in the project:
There are many other dependencies added in the project.
Here's the file:
#actuator settings
When I send the request to the microservices - Order Service and Billing Service, I cannot see the Zipkin traces on localhost:9411. If I select servicename, I cannot see the microservice name in the dropdown. Any insights are useful.

Referring to Jonatan's answer:
spring-cloud-starter-zipkin is deprecated, you should not use it
anymore. You can use spring-cloud-starter-sleuth and
spring-cloud-sleuth-zipkin (3.x).


How to resolve NoSuchMethodError in spring TransactionSynchronizationManager.currentTransaction when using pring-data-r2dbc

I am writing service based on Spring webflux, which reads data from PostgreSQL using r2dbc. I need to use latest release of r2dbc, however I am getting NoSuchMethodError exception in using TransactionSynchronizationManager spring-tx 5.2.0.RELEASE library.
I basically need to know what is correct spring-tx library version to be compatible with version of spring-data-r2dbc which works correctly with latest r2dbc-postgresql and r2dbc-spi libraries.
Here are my Maven dependencies.
I am using interface extending ReactiveCrudRepository interface to retrieve table data per below.
Flux<QuoteHistory> findAllBySecIdAndDateTimeBetweenAndUpdateTypeIn(LocalDate date, Long secId);
I was able to get this code to work with earlier versions of r2dbc-postgresql and r2dbc-spi but now I am getting following exception.
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.springframework.transaction.reactive.TransactionSynchronizationManager.currentTransaction()Lreactor/core/publisher/Mono;
at ~[spring-data-r2dbc-1.0.0.M2.jar:1.0.0.M2]
at ~[spring-data-r2dbc-1.0.0.M2.jar:1.0.0.M2]
at ~[spring-data-r2dbc-1.0.0.M2.jar:1.0.0.M2]
These are r2dbc dependencies which code works with.
Please use the following dependency combination:
R2DBC Postgres: 0.8.0.RC2
R2DBC SPI: 0.8.0.RC2
Spring Data R2DBC: 1.0.0.RC1
Spring Framework: 5.2.0.RELEASE
Alternatively, go to to get a dependency-managed project with versions that work together.

How to activate / endpoint in a standalone Turbine application

I am trying to create a standalone application to collect Hystrix stream from other applications. But it does not expose the / endpoint by default. I am sure what is missing in my project.
Spring Boot: 2.0.4.RELEASE, Spring Cloud: Finchley.SR1
The application class:
public class DemoApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
The content of applicaiton.yml:
port: 8383
name: hystrix-turbine
web.exposure.include: '*'
applications: hystrix
clusterConfig: ${applications}
appConfig: ${applications}
# instanceUrlSuffix.default: actuator/
And the maven dependencies:
I created a sample project for this.
I'd suggest you check the configuration steps below:
1) Your stream URL in the Hystrix Dashboard should be:
http://localhost:{turbine app port}/{configured cluster in properties file}
The url should be pointing to the port of the application that has #EnableTurbine annotation in your main class.
2) Check if you are getting a response for:
http://localhost:{client app port}/actuator/
(use your browser for this) (this should be coming from the application you have enabled hystrix on using #EnableCircuitBreaker)
If you're getting pings, then atleast your hystrix stream is accessible. If not, Check if you have: org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-actuator in your client side dependencies and
make sure you have the below property set in file of the application that has #EnableCircuitBreaker in the main class:
management.endpoints.web.exposure.include=, info, health
Check the URL again.
3) Once your get a reponse from, you can now configure your cluster on the turbine app properties file:
appConfig: {serviceId in lower case}
clusterConfig: {above serviceId in upper case}
after running the app, check if you've configured the cluster correctly:
http://localhost:{turbine app port}/clusters
you should'nt be getting a "[]" on your browser if all's well.
Once you see a response on the clusters endpoint, you will now be able to see the details on the dashboard when you point it to the turbine app

using embedded amqp swith spring boot and camel

I want to integration test a custom camel component and therefor need an embedded/in memory messanging I can easily use to test from/to endpoints.
I am hoping that I can achieve this via spring-boot-amqp-starter.
I used this example for a start, which has the dependencies:
and the config:
broker-url: vm://embedded?broker.persistent=false,useShutdownHook=false
// ...
This is working, when I use regular Listener annotations in spring, I have a sender using the template and a consumer logging the messages.
Now I go one step further and use camel, but it does not recognize the vm:embedded broker but tries to connect to tcp://localhost, which is not running.
return new RouteBuilder() {
public void configure() throws Exception {
from("timer:bar").setBody(constant("Hello from Camel")).to("activemq:foo");
How can I configure activemq-camel to use the embedded broker?
I use dependency management imports for spring-boot-dependencies (1.5.9)
and camel-spring-boot-dependencies (2.20.1).
This has been fixed in newer versions of activemq-camel when you use that with Spring Boot. Now the activemq-camel component will honor the spring boot configuration of the spring.activemq.* settings.

Spring boot failing to start with Spring Cloud AWS Core dependency

I am writing a spring boot app that accesses stuff from an s3 bucket, but I get a NoClassDefFoundError when I use the starter spring-cloud-starter-aws dependency from the spring initializer.
Am I missing some other dependency here?
Below are my dependencies.
I also defined the dependencyManagement block for spring-cloud-dependencies and use Edgware.SR1 as my spring-cloud-version.
My app fails with the following error when starting up.
2018-01-24 12:20:25.642 INFO 1980 --- [ main] utoConfigurationReportLoggingInitializer :
Error starting ApplicationContext. To display the auto-configuration report re-run your application with 'debug' enabled.
2018-01-24 12:20:25.666 ERROR 1980 --- [ main] o.s.boot.SpringApplication : Application startup failed
org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanDefinitionStoreException: Failed to process import candidates for configuration class []; nested exception is java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/amazonaws/AmazonClientException
at org.springframework.context.annotation.ConfigurationClassParser.processImports( ~[spring-context-4.3.13.RELEASE.jar:4.3.13.RELEASE]
Not sure what am I missing here? Please let me know if you need any more details with this. The version of spring boot I am using is 1.5.9.RELEASE
The correct dependency is the spring-cloud-aws-context. Add the following in your pom file (version 1.2.2 as of Nov 22, 2017):
<!-- -->
Below are the Spring Cloud AWS modules:
Spring Cloud AWS Core is the core module of Spring Cloud AWS providing basic services for security and configuration setup. Developers will not use this module directly but rather through other modules. The core module provides support for cloud based environment configurations providing direct access to the instance based EC2 metadata and the overall application stack specific CloudFormation metadata.
Spring Cloud AWS Context delivers access to the Simple Storage Service via the Spring resource loader abstraction. Moreover developers can send e-mails using the Simple E-Mail Service and the Spring mail abstraction. Further the developers can introduce declarative caching using the Spring caching support and the ElastiCache caching service.
Spring Cloud AWS JDBC provides automatic datasource lookup and configuration for the Relational Database Service which can be used with JDBC or any other support data access technology by Spring.
Spring Cloud AWS Messaging enables developers to receive and send messages with the Simple Queueing Service for point-to-point communication. Publish-subscribe messaging is supported with the integration of the Simple Notification Service.
It seems com.amazonaws.AmazonClientException is not found in the classpath. I think you can add the following dependency in your POM.xml file to solve this issue.
You need to include dependency mentioned by #alltej. Also you need to add below property in file if you are running on local.

Configuring Spring Boot with Spring-Cloud-Connectors to use the PWS Config-Server

I am having a hard time to configure my Spring Boot application to connect to the PWS (Pivotal Web Services) provided Config-Server via Spring-Cloud-Connectors.
In the manifest.yml the config server is bound to the application, which is correctly reflected by the corresponding, VCAP_SERVICES entry:
- name: edge-service-webapp-myapp
- infrastructure-config-server
memory: 512M
instances: 1
host: edge-service-webapp-myapp
buildpack: java_buildpack
"p-config-server": [
"credentials": {
"access_token_uri": "",
"client_id": "p-config-server-84d66ea6-ebc6-xxx",
"client_secret": "***",
"uri": ""
}, ...
The application is build with spring-boot-starter-parent 1.5.2.RELEASE, spring-cloud-dependencies Camden.SR5 and spring-cloud-services-dependencies 1.4.1.RELEASE. Also I am using spring-cloud-starter-config and spring-boot-starter-cloud-connectors as explicit dependencies.
When I curl the config server I can see the application version available for the application-name (my-app) and the active 'cloud' profile.
name: my-app
enabled: true
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer XXX"
{"name":"my-app","profiles":["cloud"],"label":"master","version":"389e4f909ff1303332167b2159b4d75201109d69","state":null,"propertySources":[{"name":"","source":{"spring.thymeleaf.cache":"true","message":"Hello Cloud!"}},{"name":"","source":{"server.compression.enabled":"true","spring.thymeleaf.cache":"true","application.version":"0.0.1"}},{"name":"","source":{"server.compression.enabled":"true","spring.thymeleaf.cache":"true","application.cache.busting.enabled":"false","application.version":"0.0.1-20170202195700","server.compression.mime-types":"application/json,application/xml,text/html,text/xml,text/plain,text/css,application/javascript"}}]}
But still the application fails at startup, complaining about the missing property application.version.
Caused by: org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'myWebappApplication': Injection of autowired dependencies failed; nested exception is java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Could not resolve placeholder 'application.version' in value "${application.version}"
What am I missing here? I thought the cloud connectors were all plug-and-play through autoconfiguration!?
Any help is welcome!
To use the Spring Cloud Services config server provided on PWS, you need to use a different set of client libraries as shown in the PWS docs.
Replace the dependencies on spring-boot-starter-cloud-connectors and spring-cloud-starter-config with just this one dependency:
The Spring Cloud Services config server adds additional OAuth2-based security on top of the open-source Spring Cloud Config server. This client-side library does the OAuth negotiation automatically.
