I used brew list to check the installed packages.
And the result was hard to read.
How to fix this?
I did an brew upgrade and afterwards keep getting an bad address error.
Tried to uninstall/reinstall everything, but cant figure out what is the problem.
bash: /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/bin/go: Bad address
Im new to terminal and linux, so all advice is welcome.
I tried brew doctor. It says "No developer tools installed." and after i 'brew install gcc' it says gcc is already installed and up-to-date.
Use the official Go installation:
Go: Download and install
For full support, avoid OS package managers, Homebrew, and so forth.
First, remove any previous installations by other methods, for example, Homebrew.
Little late, but this post was a suggestion for me when I ran into a similar issue with Go and Brew.
When Brew updates the version of Go (1.19.3 -> 1.19.5 in my case) that it is providing, for some reason it does not correctly update the GOROOT environment varaible. Correcting the value of the variable fixed the issue for me.
export GOROOT=/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/Cellar/go/<go_version>/libexec
# example
export GOROOT=/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/Cellar/go/1.19.5/libexec
I cannot locate an ansible binary to run and add to my path. Finally, it looks like pip3/pip is not actually installing it. Lots of dependencies, but not the binary to run.
what's the best way to force this? do I need to uninstall pip?
Had 2.9 running and then like an idiot broke it. I'm not using brew. Running BigSur.
Wiped all references to ansible. Deleted the cache. Reinstalled with pip and it worked.
I used brew install GDL. The install was completed, but once I try to use GDL, it says " command not found: gdl".
I used "which gdl", but still can't be located. I tried reinstalling GDL via brew, but same error.
I tried changing the directory to the folder where brew installed GDL, but no luck either.
I looked through my other compilers and those are saved into bin, while GDL is not (if that's relevant at this point).
Anything will help!
If the intention was to install GNU Data Language, please try installing gnudatalanguage from homebrew-science: https://github.com/brewsci/homebrew-science/blob/master/Formula/gnudatalanguage.rb
I have never written any bash scripts at this point and my understanding of them is still pretty green. I was curious after reformatting my Mac if it is possible to write a script that does the majority of installs in an automated fashion?
For instance I use homebrew so maybe a portion of the script could verify if this is on the Mac and if not then initiate the install. Then it could proceed with the list of brew install & brew cask installs.
This is something that after realizing how much I had installed and had to remember and still am remembering to install I think would be pretty cool to make...I just don't know if a) it's possible with the macOS or how-to (I'll read up on the how-to). I'm not even too sure if bash-scripts would be the thing to use for something like this or not. Thanks in advance for any information!
on an RPM based system I would eventually list the packages installed, backup the list and then chain it in a yum install command.
For instance:
yum list installed
then to reinstall
yum install A B C -y
Extremely easy and straight forward.
I do believe you can do the same with brew:
brew list
brew install based on the list
I hope this helps
I installed bash via brew to check out version 4. I would like to remove this. I cannot use my npm packages correctly and am at a standstill. Wondering how to remove an installation from homebrew?
Have you tried brew uninstall bash?
If that doesn't work for you, you could try removing the actual files, usually /usr/local/Cellar/bash/ and /usr/local/bin/bash. This should get you at least far enough to be using your old bash binaries, from where you could do any further cleanup.