How a people agent can use different mode of transports in AnyLogic - move

It's hard to describe but let me try!
I have people agents and facility agents. I want if distance to facility d<x, people will walk, if distance x>d<y, 70% people (chance) will use car and 30% use bus if available. What I did: created Car and Bus agent (initially empty). Created statechart in People agent (attached pic), created a function "sendMsg" to send msg "walk", "car", and "bus" in chart. Created an event where action:sendMsg(); Now on main, created discrete event blocks " Enter -> timeMeasurementStart->Move To->timeMeasurementEnd->sink" for both Car and Bus. Now on statechart, I say; main.enterCar.take(new Car()); same for Bus. Looks like it's not working. Error says: Caused by: NullPointerException
java.lang.RuntimeException: root.enterBus:
Error when trying to initialize new agent


AnyLogic population cannot enter process -> location of agents missing

I created a model in which transporters should arrive at the same time as a dataset I collected in real-life. But when I run my model, the following Error occurs:
Exception during discrete event execution:
This agent isn't located in any space
My steps until now:
Create a population with agents of the type of my agents and fill them with the values of my data
create an event which checks every minute for all objects of my population if their arrival time equals the models time
Write a function that enters them into my process and on the road to come to my factory
Therefor every transporter exists already before being entered into my process so that the event can check the condition.
My problem:
When the condition is true and the object should enter my process an error occurs:
Exception during discrete event execution:
This agent isn't located in any space
Other times when I run the model, this error occurs:
This agent is already defined as agent living in space 'Discrete 2D' and can't have behaviour for space 'Continuous'
I don't understand why they dont have their initial space already. Everything was created in the Main method and I dont know how and where to change the populations agents location
I tried to set the space on the enter block with agent.setSpace(getSpace())but nothing changed.

In Dynamics GP, how do I remove items stuck in allocated?

We use WilloWare's MO Generator to create a Manufacturing Order in Dynamics GP. It creates a MO in GP and processes it. In this case, 90 items of a raw material (an item on the BOM of the item the MO is for) is stuck in allocated. WilloWare suggested I run Component Transaction Entry and MO Receipt Entry, but I receive errors on both. The Component Transaction Entry shows a yellow triangle beside the raw material I'm having problems with and clicking Post gives the message "the transaction quantity is greater than the expected quantity needed". The MO Receipt Entry also gives a yellow triangle beside the quantity to backflush by the raw material I'm having trouble with and clicking Post gives the message "At least one component has a shortage that has been overridden". This is the extent of my GP knowledge. I'm a C# developer by trade and am only looking into this because I wrote the batch program that runs the WilloWare software. How do I get the items out of allocated?
Here is the raw item with 90 items stuck in allocated:
Here is the MO:
Here's the Manufacturing Component Transaction Entry and the error message:
Here is the Manufacturing Order Receipt Entry and the error message:
To get item from allocation you simply need to run Inventory Reconcile on that item.
Microsoft Dynamics GP -> Tools -> Utilities -> Inventory -> Reconcile
then select that item and run reconcile, you can check - Include Item History
Make sure all NO user is login in GP at that time.

clear prometheus metrics from collector

I'm trying to modify prometheus mesos exporter to expose framework states:
A bit about mesos exporter - it collects data from both mesos /metrics/snapshot endpoint, and /state endpoint.
The issue with the latter, both with the changes in my PR and with existing metrics reported on slaves, is that metrics created lasts for ever (until exporter is restarted).
So if for example a framework was completed, the metrics reported for this framework will be stale (e.g. it will still show the framework is using CPU).
So I'm trying to figure out how I can clear those stale metrics. If I could just clear the entire mesosStateCollector each time before collect is done it would be awesome.
There is a delete method for the different p8s vectors (e.g. GaugeVec), but in order to delete a metric, I need to not only the label name, but also the label value for the relevant metric.
Ok, so seems it was easier than I thought (if only I was familiar with go-lang before approaching this task).
Just need to cast the collector to GaugeVec and reset it:
Help: "Total slave CPUs (fractional)",
Namespace: "mesos",
Subsystem: "slave",
Name: "cpus",
}, labels): func(st *state, c prometheus.Collector) {
c.(*prometheus.GaugeVec).Reset() ## <-- added this for each GaugeVec
for _, s := range st.Slaves {

Draw a graph using D3 (v3) in a WebWorker

The goal is to draw a graph using D3 (v3) in a WebWorker (Rickshaw would be even better).
Requirement #1:
The storage space for the entire project should not exceed 1 MB.
Requirement #2:
Internet Explorer 10 should be supported
I already tried to pass the DOM element to Webworker.
This brought the following error message:
DOMException: Failed to execute 'postMessage' on 'Worker': HTMLDivElement object could not be cloned.
var worker = new Worker( 'worker.js' );
worker.postMessage( {
'chart' : document.querySelector('#chart').cloneNode(true)
} );
The GitHub user chrisahardie has made...
a small proof on concept showing how to generate a d3 SVG chart in a
web worker and pass it back to the main UI thread to be injected into
a webpage.
He integrated jsdom into the browser with Browserify.
The problem:
The script has almost 5 MB, which is too much memory requirements for the application.
So my question:
Does anyone have experience in solving the problem or has any idea how the problem can be solved and the requirements can be met?
The Web Workers don't have access to the following JavaScript objects: The window object, The document object and The parent object. So, all we could do on that side would be to build something that could be used for quickly creating the DOM. The worker(s) could e.g process the datasets and do all the heavy computations, then pass the result back as a set of arrays. More details, you could check this article and this sample

XBee - XBee-API and multiple endpoints

Using Andrew Rapp's XBee-API, how can I sample I/O data via a coordinator from more than two endpoints?
I have 17 Series 1 XBees. I have programmed one to be a coordinator (API mode = 2) and the rest to be endpoints. Using XBee-API I am sending a Force I/O Sample ("IS") remote AT command, unicast to each endpoint. This works perfectly well when there are up to two endpoints, but as soon as a third is added, one of the three always becomes non-responsive (times out with XBeeTimeoutException). It's not always the same physical unit that stops responding, but it is always the third one (for example, if I send Force I/O Sample to Device1, Device2, and Device3, Device3 will time out, and if I change the order to Device3, Device1, Device2, Device2 will time out.
If I set up more than three XBees, about 1 out of 3 will time out - but not every third one.
I've verified that the XBees themselves are fine. I've searched the Internet and Stack Overflow in particular to no avail. I've tried using a simple ZNetRemoteAtRequest. I've tried opening and closing the XBee coordinator serial connection once for all three devices, once per device, and once per program run. I've tried varying the distance between the coordinator and endpoints (never more than five feet apart). I've tried different coordinator configuration parameters (from the Digi documentation). I've tried changing out the XBee for the coordinator.
This is the code I'm using to send the Force I/O Sample request to each endpoint and read the response:
xbee = new XBee(); // Coordinator"/dev/ttyUSB0, 115200)); // Happens before any of the endpoints are contacted
... // Loop through known endpoint addresses
XBeeRequest request = new ZBForceSampleRequest(new XBeeAddress64(endpointAddress));
ZNetRemoteAtResponse response = null;
response = (ZNetRemoteAtResponse) xbee.sendSynchronous(request, remoteXBeeTimeout);
if (response.isOk()) {
// Process response payload
... // End loop and finally close coordinator connection
What might help polling I/O samples from more than two endpoints?
EDIT: I found that Andrew Rapp's XBee-API library fakes multithreaded behavior, which causes the synchronization issues described in this question. I wrote a replacement library that is actually multithreaded and correctly maps responses from multiple XBee endpoints: When I wrote it Java 1.4 was necessary for use on the BeagleBone, Plug, and Zotac single-board PCs but it's an easy conversion to 1.7+.
Are you using hardware flow control on your serial port? Is it possible that you're sending requests out when the local XBee has deasserted CTS (e.g., asking you to stop sending)? I assume you're running at 115200 bps, so the XBee serial port can keep up with the network data rate.
Can you turn on debugging information, or connect some port monitoring hardware/software to display the data going over the serial port to the local XBee?
