Can not add gradle DuplicatesStrategy INHERIT - spring

In my project with gradle 7.5.1 there was a error for the following task
processResources {
with copySpec {
from "src/main/resources/"
Here is the error message. I have,, files in my resources folder.
Entry is a duplicate but no duplicate handling strategy has been set.
So I was trying to add DuplicatesStrategy like bellow
allprojects {
tasks.withType(Copy).all {
duplicatesStrategy = DuplicatesStrategy.INCLUDE
After adding this the project runs but now I need another strategy INHERIT. If I replace DuplicatesStrategy.INCLUDE with DuplicatesStrategy.INHERIT I am getting the same error again
Entry is a duplicate but no duplicate handling strategy has been set
I checked(see implementation) the DuplicatesStrategy enum and INHERIT is a valid value.
package org.gradle.api.file;
public enum DuplicatesStrategy {
private DuplicatesStrategy() {
How do I add duplicate strategy properly?

As I could not find the problem I decided to go with the strategy INCLUDE which is same. Duplicate Strategy has the following documentation
EXCLUDE Do not allow duplicates by ignoring subsequent items to be created at the same path.
FAIL Throw a DuplicateFileCopyingException when subsequent items are to be created at the same path.
INCLUDE Do not attempt to prevent duplicates.
INHERIT The default strategy, which is to inherit the strategy from the parent copy spec, if any, or INCLUDE if the copy spec has no parent.
WARN Do not attempt to prevent duplicates, but log a warning message when multiple items are to be created at the same path.
As my copySpec does not have any parent, I expected INCLUDE will be automatically used. But as it is not happening I decided to go for the INCLUDE instead of INHERIT.


How to add a dependency constraint to a grade project from a custom gradle plugin?

How to add a dependency constraint to a project from a custom gradle plugin?
I want to create a gradle plugin that will constrain transitive dependencies in the project the plugin is applied to. Ideally, I want this plugin to follow the following rules:
Only try and apply a constraint to a project if the it exists in the project. E.g. only apply a constraint on dependency X if dependency X is pulled into the project.
Apply the constraints automatically on application of the plugin, I don't want to create/run an extra task or anything like that.
(Bonus) Don't apply the constraints to primary dependencies, only transitive dependencies.
Here's what I have so far.
class ConstraintPlugin implements Plugin<Project> {
private Map<String, String> constraintMap = [
"jackson-core": "2.13.2",
"logback-classic": "2.3.9"
void apply(Project project) {
project.configurations.each {config ->
config.resolvedConfiguration.resolvedArtifacts.each {dep ->
if (constraintMap.containsKey( {
ModuleVersionIdentifier id =
String constraintVersion = constraintMap.get(
DependencyConstraint dc = new DefaultDependencyConstraint(,, constraintVersion)
I'm using a map instantiated within the constraint plugin class with the names of the dependencies I want to constrain along with the versions to constrain to in the project this plugin is applied to. Here I want to constrain the jackson-core and logback-classic dependencies.
My first thought was to run through each configuration and see if that dependency name is present within that configuration. If so, create a new DependencyConstraint and add it to the configuration. However this is not working when I apply the plugin to another project.
Also note I am not disregarding primary dependencies quite yet, this feature is more like a "nice to have" at this point, I haven't figured out how to only look at transitive dependencies within a given configuration.
I think my issue lies with how I am applying the new DependencyConstraint programmatically but I can't seem to find a way to add a constraint that works. The only other way I've tried is project.dependencies.constraints.create(dc) which also doesn't work.

How to add dependencies (and repositories) dynamically in a custom Gradle plugin task using Kotlin dsl

The title basically says it all.
I am trying to create a plugin that can be configured and depending on the configuration, the task provided by the plugin adds compileOnly or implementation deppendencies to the project.
The resources on writing custom Gradle plugins are abhorrent (especially in Kotlin instead of Groovy) and I can't figure out how to do this myself.
This is where I'm at with my custom plugin code:
class SpigotVersioner: Plugin<Project> {
override fun apply(project: Project) {
println("Latest spigot version: ${WebScraper.getLatestVersion()}")
val extension = project.extensions.create("spigot",
project.task("compileSpigotAPI") { = "spigot"
it.description = "Adds the spigot api implementation to the project."
it.doLast {
val apiVersion = extension.apiVersion.get()
val dependency = deriveDependencyStr(apiVersion)
project.dependencies {
project.dependencies.add(configurationName: String, dependencyNotation: Any)
This is supposed to mimic something like
dependencies {
compileOnly 'my.derived.dependency.str:apiVersion:xy'
only the dependency being added is supposed to be configurable via an extension.
If possible, I'd like to extend this to also add the appropriate repository as well but the dependency issue is more important.
Bit of an old question now, but I too struggled with this so hopefully this answer is of use to someone.
project.dependencies.add(configurationName: String, dependencyNotation: Any)
The configurationName is the configuration that you wish to add the dependency to e.g. implementation, testImplementation or api etc.
The dependencyNotation can be any of the following:
String Notation: Simply a String written using Gradle dependency notation e.g. com.mycompany:my-awesome-dependency:1.2.3. There are ways to also specify things like strictness when using these 'simple' declarations, this is somewhat documented here.
Map Notation: This is where you pass a Map<String, String> containing key-value pairs representing the dependency. The documentation on this is either non existent or elusive, but for example: "group": "com.mycompany", "name": "my-awesome-dependency", "version": "1.2.3".
Dependency Interface: This is where you pass in an object that implements one of the Dependency interfaces that the Gradle API provides. The most basic being org.gradle.api.artifacts.Dependency. The main issue with this method is again that the documentation is either elusive or non-existent. I cannot see a way to have Gradle create one of these objects (or see any pre implemented classes in the public API). You could always just implement the interface but there are some methods on there like contentEquals and copy() which seem overkill to implement.
My recommendation if it suits your use case would be to use the first option above.

How can I decompose a Gradle build into multiple files?

I'm writing a Gradle plugin which contains a collection of multiple chunks of independent configuration which will be applied to any project applying the plugin.
I want to keep the fragments very separate to discourage other people from adding unrelated logic to an existing place, and to improve visibility of what the plugin is actually configuring.
So I thought I could do this:
class CommonChecksPlugin implements Plugin<Project> {
void apply(Project project) {
project.apply plugin: 'base'
def resolveFile = { filename ->
new URL(buildscript.sourceURI.toURL(), filename)
project.apply from: resolveFile('configuration1.gradle')
project.apply from: resolveFile('configuration2.gradle')
Example configurationN.gradle:
task 'checkSomething', type: CheckSomething
Problem is, this Java class CheckSomething cannot be resolved.
Is there a sensible way to do this other than just giving up and moving all the sub-scripts in as full Groovy classes? I'm reluctant to move them to classes, because I want to apply the same checks to the plugin project itself, and it seems difficult to apply them if they require compilation.
The applied script has a different classloader to the plugin, it doesn't inherit the buildscript classloader so therefore the task isn't on the classpath. You can do the following:
project.ext.CheckSomething = CheckSomething
project.apply from: resolveFile('configuration1.gradle')

How Does Groovy Support Adding Configuration in Gradle Configuration Script Block

In the Gradle documentation when you use a configurations block in your build.gradle file the closure that is passed delegates to a ConfigurationContainer object. A truncated form of the example usage is given below:
configurations {
//adding a configuration:
I am used to the calls inside the closure being method calls on the delegated to object, but here myConfiguration is just a single word and I know that in Groovy a method with no parameters must have parentheses so this can't be a method call. Somehow by putting this single word in which looks to me like it should be invalid Groovy a new configuration of myConfiguration is added to the delegated to ConfigurationContainer.
How is this working?
Project.configurations(Closure) calls ConfigurationContainer.configure(Closure), which creates and adds named items to container, as they declared in closure. Because ConfigurationContainer extends NamedDomainObjectContainer, every item added to It should have name. In provided code sample only name is declared, so myConfiguration item is created and added, with default field values. In case one needs to configure item (change its properties), then configuration would look as follows:
configurations {
myConfiguration {
transitive = false
More info/insights

When to use plugins.withType(somePlugin).whenPluginAdded

A gradle build has several submodules. Some of them have the java plugin applied, some don't. I'm trying to configure the plugin only when it's applied. To do this, I add the following in my top-level build.gradle file:
allprojects {
plugins.withType(JavaPlugin) {
//some configuration on the JavaPlugin
However, I also noticed the following style:
allprojects {
plugins.withType(JavaPlugin).whenPluginAdded {
//some configuration on the JavaPlugin
What's the difference between the 2. When do I use the withType(){}-style configuration and when do I use the withType().whenPluginAdded{}-style?
When you use whenPluginAdded() it invokes whenObjectAdded() on the current collection. And when you call withType() and pass a Closure, it invokes all() on the current collection, which in its turn calls whenObjectAdded() on a copied collection.
So both these methods do the same thing but the former makes a defensive copy of a plugin collection.
