How to create a Dashboard in ARCGis to display a map? - dashboard

I have created a map in ARCGis Pro. Now, I want to use that map to create a Dashboard where users might be able to see it and interact with it. I am barely learning ARCGis, and I know it's possible to create Dashboards within its interface. However, I am not sure how the process would look like. Can I create a Dashboard within ARCGis Pro? Do I have to export the map to ARCGis online first?


Here maps with Xamarin Forms

I plan to use here api to reduce my costs compared to google maps.
Is there a way to use the here map in Xamarin forms?
I have already designed the search combo suggestion to find places. Now I would like to show the places on the here map.
You can use android studio. The Xamarin bindings still need to be created in the SDK, as the are not on our roadmap yet.
But you can either create the bindings yourself.

How to use Google Fitness API in xamarin forms PCL?

Im very new to Xamarin forms and mobile programming, so bear with me. Im doing a project where i need to show users' daily number of steps. Hence i need to use Google Fitness API but as ive seen so far, my class has to extend AppCompactActivity when trying to create GoogleApiClient. Initially i thought id create an interface in PCL, then implement it in android project(and use Fitness API there) but im not sure how to do that since it needs to extend an activity. Im kinda lost as to what happens if i start activity from android project. I dont want to start activity, just need to get History Data and return it to PCL shared code to display it there.
Can anyone help me with this

Implementing other maps than Google or Mapbox

As in title. Is it possible to implement maps other than Google Maps or Mapbox (they are expensive)? I would aim into Open Street Maps or other free solution as I would like to use it in my commercial app.
You should be able to use open street maps fine in a NativeScript application. &
You would just need to call into the OSM maps API. You can check out several blogs from as several bloggers have written posts on how to take a native component and make it into a NativeScript plugin.

can i create project in google developer console programmatically

I want to create project in google console programmatically and create new key in this project automatically using java code .is that possible or is any library to do this?
Unfortunately there is nothing as yet that will allow you to programmatically create a project in Google Developer console. I would also love to have some programmatic access to the console as well it would be nice to be able to track stats at the very least.

How to get current location of the user on Google maps in Windows Phone

When the user opens my Windows Phone app, he should be shown his current position - either using Google maps or Bing maps.
I tried to integrate Bing maps in my app, but the question is:
How do I locate the exact or nearby location of the user?
The map is just a control, on which you can show your position if you got it from the GeoCoordinateWatcher. You can look for good examples (e.g. ) on the web but if you need I can help to implement it too.
