/Users/jaehunshim/.vscode/extensions/ms-dotnettools.csharp-1.24.4-darwin-arm64/.omnisharp/1.39.3-beta.27/run: line 19: mono: command not found
The following error is showing when I'm trying to open omnisharp project.
I already download latest version of .NET and Mono Framework but the error is showing command not found.
I have used vcpkg install eige3:x64-windows and then the integrate install command on Windows 10. Now, from inside CMakeLists.txt I do find_package(Eigen3 CONFIG REQUIRED), but I get the following in the Visual Studio 2019:
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error CMake Error at C:/dev/vcpkg/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake:792 (_find_package):
Found package configuration file:
but it set Eigen3_FOUND to FALSE so package "Eigen3" is considered to be
NOT FOUND. C:/dev/vcpkg/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake 792
How to fix this problem?
On MacOs, when I try to launch daml studio from command line, I receive several errors and it doesn't launch.
I have gone through all the installation requirements for DAML including installing Visual Studio Code which runs successfully on my Mac as well as the latest Java SDK. I went through the quickstart and DAML successfully works on my system using the IOU on http://localhost:4000. I updated %PATH correctly and have gone through the instructions twice to make sure I'm not missing anything.
Here is what I launch and the results that it is providing...
MacBook-Pro-2:quickstart aron.elston$ daml studio
/bin/sh: code: command not found
Failed to install DAML Studio extension from marketplace.
Installing bundled DAML Studio extension instead.
/bin/sh: code: command not found
Failed to install DAML Studio extension from SDK bundle.
Please open an issue on GitHub with the above message.
/bin/sh: code: command not found
Failed to launch DAML studio. Make sure Visual Studio Code is installed.
See https://code.visualstudio.com/Download for installation instructions.
MacBook-Pro-2:quickstart aron.elston$ echo $PATH
MacBook-Pro-2:quickstart aron.elston$ pwd
MacBook-Pro-2:quickstart aron.elston$
I would expect it to open the project in Visual Studio Code but instead I get errors as shown above.
Looks like the code command to launch VS code isn't available on the command line. That should be fixable by following the instructions here: https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/setup/mac#_launching-from-the-command-line
I'm trying to add a reference to FSharp.Data 2.3.2 to a project in Visual Studio Code. Adding with paket add nuget package FSharp.Data 2.3.2 fails with message:
Paket version 5.156.7
- Runtime: 438 milliseconds
Paket failed with
-> You cannot use the old and new syntax at the same time:
'nuget' is the default argument and must be omitted.
I'm having to use 2.3.2 because the latest version gives error in my one line of code. I tried syntax that works in Visual Studio too: Install-Package FSharp.Data -Version 2.3.2, but this just gives me a help page text.
You can find the complete documentation for Paket commands on the web site - the paket add page has the information about adding references. The following command works for me:
paket add FSharp.Data --version 2.3.2
I am trying to run the command nuget pack project.csproj from the command line but get the following error:
ProgamFiles (x86)\MSBuild...\Microsoft.WebApplication.Targets was not found
this pops up on the command line, even though the compiler works perfectly on VS2013 (same install).
Since the questions I've run into so far have to do with VS not working, I wrote this question.
While trying to open a project I observe the following error.
error : An IO error occurred while scanning the disk for installed platforms.
I have Visual Studio 2010 installed and the same project was working earlier. I have installed Python 2.6, SCons, command line version of SVN for a different project and then onwards am seeing this failure.
Could you suggest the possible error here?