Gorm delete with clauses sqlmock test - go

I have a Gorm delete with the returning result:
expirationDate := time.Now().UTC().Add(-(48 * time.hour))
var deletedUsers Users
res := gormDB.WithContext(ctx).
Clauses(clause.Returning{Columns: []clause.Column{{Name: "email"}}}).
Where("created_at < ?", expirationDate).
Now the test with clauses always fails. e.g. :
.WillReturnResult(sqlmock.NewResult(1, 1))
Receiving error:
"call to Query 'DELETE FROM "my_users" WHERE created_at < $1 RETURNING "email"' with args [{Name: Ordinal:1 Value:2023-01-18 06:15:34.694274 +0000 UTC}], was not expected, next expectation is: ExpectedExec => expecting Exec or ExecContext which:\n - matches sql: 'DELETE'\n - is with arguments:\n 0 - 2023-01-18 06:15:34.694274 +0000 UTC\n - should return Result having:\n LastInsertId: 1\n RowsAffected: 1"
I tried many other sqlMock expectations, but they have a similar issue.
Also, we don't have a return value in ExpectExec, only in ExpectQuery...
Any chance someone has to test the Gorm query with the Clauses?

I was able to successfully manage what you need. First, let me share the files I wrote, and then I'll walk you through all of the relevant changes. The files are repo.go for production and repo_test.go for the test code.
package gormdelete
import (
type Users struct {
Email string
func Delete(ctx context.Context, gormDB *gorm.DB) error {
expirationDate := time.Now().UTC().Add(-(48 * time.Hour))
var deletedUsers Users
res := gormDB.WithContext(ctx).Table("my_users").Clauses(clause.Returning{Columns: []clause.Column{{Name: "email"}}}).Where("created_at < ?", expirationDate).Delete(&deletedUsers)
if res.Error != nil {
return res.Error
return nil
As you didn't provide the full file I tried to guess what was missing.
package gormdelete
import (
// this is taken directly from the docs
// https://github.com/DATA-DOG/go-sqlmock#matching-arguments-like-timetime
type AnyTime struct{}
// Match satisfies sqlmock.Argument interface
func (a AnyTime) Match(v driver.Value) bool {
_, ok := v.(time.Time)
return ok
func TestDelete(t *testing.T) {
db, mock, err := sqlmock.New()
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("an error was not expected: %v", err)
conn, _ := db.Conn(context.Background())
gormDb, err := gorm.Open(postgres.New(postgres.Config{
Conn: conn,
row := sqlmock.NewRows([]string{"email"}).AddRow("test#example.com")
mock.ExpectQuery("DELETE FROM \"my_users\" WHERE created_at < ?").WithArgs(AnyTime{}).WillReturnRows(row)
err = Delete(context.Background(), gormDb)
assert.Nil(t, err)
if err = mock.ExpectationsWereMet(); err != nil {
t.Errorf("not all expectations were met: %v", err)
Here, there are more changes that it's worth mentioning:
I instantiated the AnyTime as per the documentation (you can see the link in the comment).
Again, I guessed the setup of the db, mock, and gormDb but I think it should be more or less the same.
I switch the usage of ExpectExec to ExpectQuery as we'll have back a result set as specified by the Clauses method in your repo.go file.
You've to wrap the ExpectQuery within an ExpectBegin and an ExpectCommit.
Finally, pay attention to the difference in how the driver expects the parameters in the SQL statement. In the production code, you can choose to use ? or $1. However, in the test code, you can only use the ? otherwise it won't match the expectations.
Hope to help a little bit, otherwise, let me know!


Can't indexing an array without using another var

I think is something that I miss theoretically from the passing by reference topic but I can't find a way to read the ID without using the support networkInterfaceReference
package main
import (
var selectedSub subscription.Model
var selectedRG resources.Group
var selectedVM compute.VirtualMachine
func main() {
selectedSub = GetSubscription()
selectedRG = GetResourceGroup()
selectedVM = GetVM()
fmt.Printf("Sub: %s\nRG: %s\nVM: %s\n", *selectedSub.DisplayName, *selectedRG.Name, *selectedVM.Name)
networkInterfaceReference := *selectedVM.NetworkProfile.NetworkInterfaces
fmt.Printf("%s", *networkInterfaceReference[0].ID)
fmt.Printf("%s", *selectedVM.NetworkProfile.NetworkInterfaces[0].ID)
func GetVM() compute.VirtualMachine {
vmClient := compute.NewVirtualMachinesClient(*selectedSub.SubscriptionID)
authorizer, err := auth.NewAuthorizerFromCLI()
if err == nil {
vmClient.Authorizer = authorizer
vmList, err := vmClient.List(context.TODO(), *selectedRG.Name)
if err != nil {
idx, err := fuzzyfinder.Find(vmList.Values(), func(i int) string {
return *vmList.Values()[i].Name
if err != nil {
return vmList.Values()[idx]
Hovering to the error showed the following error message:
field NetworkProfile *[]compute.NetworkProfile
(compute.VirtualMachineProperties).NetworkProfile on pkg.go.dev
NetworkProfile - Specifies the network interfaces of the virtual machine.
invalid operation: cannot index selectedVM.NetworkProfile.NetworkInterfaces (variable of type *[]compute.NetworkInterfaceReference)compiler (NonIndexableOperand)
If you want the 2nd way to work:
networkInterfaceReference := *selectedVM.NetworkProfile.NetworkInterfaces
fmt.Printf("%s", *networkInterfaceReference[0].ID)
fmt.Printf("%s", *selectedVM.NetworkProfile.NetworkInterfaces[0].ID)
studying the compilation error you are getting (P.S. please don't post screen-shots of code/errors) - the error is failing because you are trying to index a pointer which is not allowed in Go. You can only index maps, arrays or slices.
The fix is simple, since you do two (2) pointer dereferences in the working version, you need to do two (2) same in the single expression - but also you need to ensure the lexical binding order so the indexing is done after the pointer dereference:
fmt.Printf("%s", *(*selectedVM.NetworkProfile.NetworkInterfaces)[0].ID)
Finally, there is no pass-by-reference in Go. Everything is by value. If you want to change a value, pass a pointer to it - but that pointer is a still just a value that is copied.

How to find the datatype of a value stored as a string in Go?

I'm in a situation where all my variables are stored as strings. E.g. var boolVar = "false". Is there some package in Go for returning the datatype of the value in boolVar?
I can think of a bit cumbersome way of using strconv and then testing the returned error using if-else, but I wonder if some package already provides this functionality.
var boolVar = "false"
var type = "string"
if _, err := strconv.ParseBool(boolVar); err == nil {
type = "bool"
There isn't any silver-bullet solution for your problem, you should check all types one by one.
Firstly go is not built for these requirements,
but there is a package for you requirement which does this: go eval
remember it can eval expr only and not code like eval in python can.
package main
import (
func main() {
str := "int64(10*(1.1+2))"
exp, err := eval.ParseString(str, "")
if err != nil {
val, err := exp.EvalToInterface(nil)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("%v %T", val, val)

Google sheets API - download data with no formatting

Using Go, when fetching sheet data, the data is arriving with its applied cell formatting
i.e. "$123,456" while I need the original 123456.
is there something in the api that can remove formatting? like formatting: false
package main
import (
func main() {
service := authenticate()
spreadsheet, err := service.FetchSpreadsheet(spreadsheetID)
sheet, err := spreadsheet.SheetByIndex(1)
for _, row := range sheet.Rows {
var csvRow []string
for _, cell := range row {
csvRow = append(csvRow, cell.Value)
// function to authenticate on Google
func authenticate() *spreadsheet.Service {
data, err := ioutil.ReadFile("secret.json")
conf, err := google.JWTConfigFromJSON(data, spreadsheet.Scope)
client := conf.Client(context.TODO())
service := spreadsheet.NewServiceWithClient(client)
return service
func checkError(err error) {
if err != nil {
Yes, there is a way. In the Method: spreadsheets.values.get endpoint, there is a request parameter called valueRenderOption, which one of its values is UNFORMATTED_VALUE, as its name suggests, it will give you back all the data without format.
Try this Request with the range of values you want to play around with the API and see in that way the unformatted values it will return.
You want to retrieve $123,456 as 123456 from Google Spreadsheet.
$123,456 is shown by the cell format. It's actually the number.
You want to achieve this using gopkg.in/Iwark/spreadsheet.v2 with golang.
You have already been able to get and put values for Google Spreadsheet using the service account with Sheets API.
If my understanding is correct, how about this answer? Please think of this as just one of several possible answers.
Modification points:
When I saw the script of the library of gopkg.in/Iwark/spreadsheet.v2, I noticed that the values are retrieved by the method of spreadsheets.get in Sheets API.
Furthermore, it was found that spreadsheetId,properties.title,sheets(properties,data.rowData.values(formattedValue,note)) was used as the fields. It seems that the fields is constant.
The reason of your issue is that the values are retrieved with formattedValue. In your case, the values are required to be retrieved with userEnteredValue.
When you want to achieve your goal using the library of gopkg.in/Iwark/spreadsheet.v2, in order to reflect above to the library, it is required to modify the script of library.
Modified script:
Please modify the files of gopkg.in/Iwark/spreadsheet.v2 as follows. Of course, please backup the original files in order to back to the original library.
1. service.go
Modify the line 116 as follows.
fields := "spreadsheetId,properties.title,sheets(properties,data.rowData.values(formattedValue,note))"
fields := "spreadsheetId,properties.title,sheets(properties,data.rowData.values(formattedValue,note,userEnteredValue))"
2. sheet.go
Modify the line 52 as follows.
Value: cellData.FormattedValue,
Value: strconv.FormatFloat(cellData.UserEnteredValue.NumberValue, 'f', 4, 64),
And add "strconv" to import section like below.
import (
3. cell_data.go
Modify the line 8 as follows.
// UserEnteredFormat *CellFormat `json:"userEnteredFormat"`
UserEnteredFormat struct {
NumberValue float64 `json:"numberValue"`
} `json:"userEnteredFormat"`
In this case, your script is not required to be modified. After above modification, when you run your script, you can see [123456.0000] at the console. As an important point, it seems that this library uses the values as the string type. In this modification, I used this. But if you want to use it as other type, please modify the library.
Other pattern:
As the other pattern for achieving your goal, how about using google-api-go-client? About this, you can see it at Go Quickstart. When google-api-go-client is used, the sample script becomes as follows. In this case, as a test case, the method of spreadsheets.get was used.
Sample script 1:
In this sample script, authenticate() and checkError() in your script are used by modifying.
package main
import (
func main() {
c := authenticate()
sheetsService, err := sheets.New(c)
spreadsheetId := "###" // Please set the Spreadsheet ID.
ranges := []string{"Sheet1"} // Please set the sheet name.
resp, err := sheetsService.Spreadsheets.Get(spreadsheetId).Ranges(ranges...).Fields("sheets.data.rowData.values.userEnteredValue").Do()
for _, row := range resp.Sheets[0].Data[0].RowData {
for _, col := range row.Values {
func authenticate() *http.Client {
data, err := ioutil.ReadFile("serviceAccount_20190511.json")
conf, err := google.JWTConfigFromJSON(data, sheets.SpreadsheetsScope)
client := conf.Client(context.TODO())
return client
func checkError(err error) {
if err != nil {
Sample script 2:
When spreadsheets.values.get is used, the script of main() is as follows.
func main() {
c := authenticate()
sheetsService, err := sheets.New(c)
spreadsheetId := "###" // Please set the Spreadsheet ID.
sheetName := "Sheet1" // Please set the sheet name.
resp, err := sheetsService.Spreadsheets.Values.Get(spreadsheetId, sheetName).ValueRenderOption("UNFORMATTED_VALUE").Do()
Here, UNFORMATTED_VALUE is used for retrieving the values without the cell format. This has already been answered by alberto vielma
Method: spreadsheets.get
Go Quickstart
Method: spreadsheets.values.get
If I misunderstood your question and this was not the direction you want, I apologize.

I cannot access err.Err from strconv package

I am probably missing something really simple here:
package main
import (
func main() {
s := "abd"
_, err := strconv.Atoi(s)
if err != nil {
I am trying to extract the error itself e.g. ErrSyntax or ErrRange, but I am not able to do so.
After looking at:
I see that err is a pointer to strconv.NumError
15 // A NumError records a failed conversion.
16 type NumError struct {
17 Func string // the failing function (ParseBool, ParseInt, ParseUint, ParseFloat)
18 Num string // the input
19 Err error // the reason the conversion failed (ErrRange, ErrSyntax)
20 }
And Err is the field that holds either ErrRange of ErrSyntax. Therefore, I thought that err.Err would work, but I get:
err.Err undefined (type error has no field or method Err
Err is public, am I missing something with visibility rules?
What am I missing?
Use a type assertion to get the *strconv.NumError value:
if e, ok := err.(*strconv.NumError); ok {
fmt.Println("e.Err", e.Err)
playground example

Output Go time in RFC3339 like MySQL format

In Holland we mostly use YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS. How can I format that in Go? Everything I insert (even according the standard) gives weird numbers.
This is my code (p.Created is a NanoSeconds int64 object):
package main
import (
_ "github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql"
const createdFormat = "2010-01-01 20:01:00" //"Jan 2, 2006 at 3:04pm (MST)"
type Post struct {
Id int64
Created int64
Title string
Body string
func main() {
// Establish database connection
dsn := "root#tcp("
con, err := sql.Open("mysql", dsn)
if err != nil {
log.Println("Couldn't connect to databse:", err)
} else {
log.Println("DB Connection established")
defer con.Close()
// Try to get something
row := con.QueryRow("SELECT * FROM posts LIMIT 1")
p := new(Post)
err = row.Scan(&p.Id, &p.Created, &p.Title, &p.Body)
if err != nil {
log.Println("Failed to fetch Post")
fmt.Println(time.Unix(0, p.Created).Format(createdFormat))
I could just concat time.Unix(0, p.Created).Year() etc., but that's not very clean and is an annoyance for consistency.
There were two mistakes in the above. For the format you need to make the output of that special date/time, and the parameters to time.Unix are the other way round (playground)
const createdFormat = "2006-01-02 15:04:05" //"Jan 2, 2006 at 3:04pm (MST)"
fmt.Println(time.Unix(1391878657, 0).Format(createdFormat))
Using the current time is just as easy
timestamp := time.Now().Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05")
