How to use sql query with Curl command - bash

I have written a bash script using Curl command. I'm using an SQL query that gives a count of value 5. I want to assign that count value to T_4. Not sure how to do that in bash script using Curl command.
curl --netrc-file ~/.netrc -d '[
"T_1": "Test1",
"T_2": "Test2",
"T_3": "Test3",
"T_4": "1"
]' -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "SELECT count(5) FROM DUAL")
echo "Response from server"
echo $result
Also, when I run the above script in putty, I'm getting an error that says -
"errorCode":"SIP-10322","errorMessage":"SIP-10322: rows updated is not 1:0"
Need your input on this.
The output of the SQL query which is a metric value, I have to use it in Rest call(Post API). Can anyone guide me on this?

Use command substitution to execute the query and assign the output to a shell variable. For instance, if the DB is MySQL, you would use:
t_4=$(mysql -e "SELECT 5 FROM DUAL")
Then use the variable inside the JSON parameter.
"T_1": "Test1",
"T_2": "Test2",
"T_3": "Test3",
"T_4": "'$t_4'"
result=$(curl --netrc-file ~/.netrc -d "$json" -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json"


Running Curl POST w/ JSON Payload Sequentially Against File

I am hitting a wall trying to build a script to save myself quite a good bit of time. I am working in a system in which I need to run a curl POST against a list of values. The list is about 400 lines long, so I am hoping to find a way of scripting this in Bash instead of running that call manually for each entry. Below are some details to help understand what I'm trying to accomplish:
If I were to be doing this task manually, each call would be formatted like the below:
curl -X POST --header "Content-Type: application/json" -v '' -d #json_payload.json
This points to my JSON in the listed file which shows as the below:
"groupId": "12345678987654321",
"type": "serial",
"memberInfo": "apple"
If I run the above, the call works, and the expected operation occurs. The issue is that I need to run this against roughly 400 values for that "memberInfo" field in the JSON payload. I'm trying to identify a way to run a single bash script, which will run this curl command over and over, and update the JSON payload to use each row in a file as the below:
And then maybe insert a pointer in my JSON for the "memberInfo" field over to this file.
Any and all help/suggestions are greatly appreciated!
This will do as you intend. Its a little convoluted but you might polish it a bit.
function getString(){
echo $1 | python3 -c '
import json
import sys
"groupId": "12345678987654321",
"type": "serial",
"memberInfo": ""
obj = json.loads(payload)
obj["memberInfo"] =
print(json.dumps(obj, indent = " "))
while read member
getString "$member" > json_payload.json
curl -X POST --header "Content-Type: application/json" -v '' -d #json_payload.json
done <<< "$( cat fruits.txt )"
Hope it helps!
while read member; do
curl -X POST --header "Content-Type: application/json" -v '' -d '{"groupId": "12345678987654321","type": "serial","memberInfo": "$member"}'
done <members.txt
This will work if you only care about the memberInfo field, another method could be writing your json line by line to payloads.txt file.
{"groupId": "12345678987455432","type": "stereo","memberInfo": "apple"}
{"groupId": "34532453453453465","type": "serial","memberInfo": "banana"}
then use this as the script
while read payload; do
curl -X POST --header "Content-Type: application/json" -v '' -d '$payload'
done <payloads.txt
here is a collection of bash scripting common uses I've had to use

Shell script call API via curl and process response

I need to create a shell script that calls my login API via curl.
The script should be able to store and process the response from curl api call.
echo "Extract bearer token from curl calling login api"
# Check cURL command if available (required), abort if does not exists
type curl >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo >&2 "Required curl but it's not installed. Aborting."; exit 1; }
PAYLOAD='{"email": "", "password": "secret"}'
curl -s --request POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" --data "${PAYLOAD}"
My problem in the given script is:
it does not get the response of curl calling the API.
From the response json, get only the token value.
Sample Login API response:
"user": {
"id": 123,
"email": "",
"refreshToken": "<GENERATED-REFRESH-TOKEN>",
"uuid": "1239c226-8dd7-4edf-b948-df2f75508888"
"clientId": "abc12345",
"clientSecretKey": "thisisasecret"
I only need to get the value of token and store it in a variable... I will use token value in other curl api call as bearer token.
What do I need to change in my script to extract the token value from the response of curl api call?
Your curl statement has an error in it. You are executing it with the target URL as an header field:
curl --request POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" -H --data "${PAYLOAD}"
Remove this header flag
Also the silent -s flag helps when curl is executed from scripts:
-s, --silent
Silent or quiet mode. Don't show progress meter or error messages. Makes Curl mute.
Afterwards you could store the data in a variable and execute a regular expression on it to extract the token you need for further processing.
The complete script could look like the following:
echo "Extract bearer token from curl calling login api"
# Check cURL command if available (required), abort if does not exists
type curl >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo >&2 "Required curl but it's not installed. Aborting."; exit 1; }
PAYLOAD='{"email": "", "password": "secret"}'
RESPONSE=`curl -s --request POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" --data "${PAYLOAD}"`
TOKEN=`echo $RESPONSE | grep -Po '"token":(\W+)?"\K[a-zA-Z0-9._]+(?=")'`
echo "$TOKEN" # Use for further processsing
An alternate solution to parsing JSON with regex is jq :
echo '{ "user": { "id": 123, "token": "<GENERATED-TOKEN-HERE>", "email": "", "refreshToken": "<GENERATED-REFRESH-TOKEN>", "uuid": "1239c226-8dd7-4edf-b948-df2f75508888" }, "clientId": "abc12345", "clientSecretKey": "thisisasecret" }' | jq -r '.user.token'

Unable to use Variable inside curl

I have a JSON file inside a variable.
echo $JSON
{"name": "jkslave1", "nodeDescription": "This is a test agent", "numExecutors": "1", "remoteFS": "/root", "labelString": "jenkins", "mode": "NORMAL", "": ["hudson.slaves.JNLPLauncher", "hudson.slaves.RetentionStrategy$Always"], "launcher": {"stapler-class": "hudson.slaves.JNLPLauncher", "$class": "hudson.slaves.JNLPLauncher", "workDirSettings": {"disabled": false, "workDirPath": "", "internalDir": "remoting", "failIfWorkDirIsMissing": false}, "tunnel": "", "vmargs": ""}, "retentionStrategy": {"stapler-class": "hudson.slaves.RetentionStrategy$Always", "$class": "hudson.slaves.RetentionStrategy$Always"}, "nodeProperties": {"stapler-class-bag": "true"}, "type": "hudson.slaves.DumbSlave", "Jenkins-Crumb": "6af50cfe57d4685d84cc470f311fa559"}
And I want to use the variable inside my curl command like this
curl -k -X POST "https://<JENKINS-URL>/computer/doCreateItem?name=jkslave1&type=hudson.slaves.DumbSlave" \
-H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
-H "Jenkins-Crumb: ${CRUMB}" \
-d 'json=${JSON}'
But the above implementation gives me the ERROR
Caused: javax.servlet.ServletException: Failed to parse JSON:${JSON}
at org.kohsuke.stapler.RequestImpl.getSubmittedForm(
at hudson.model.ComputerSet.doDoCreateItem(
I tried the following too
-d 'json="${JSON}"'
and also
-d 'json=\"${JSON}\"'
But it doesnt seem to work.
How can I send the JSON body to my curl command saved as a variable ?
It's simply
curl ... -d "json=$JSON"
variables don't work within single quotes.
Inside single quotes everything is preserved literally, without exception.
This is well explained here
Try double quotes how you used it in the line before

"Invalid credentials" while doing a curl POST

I have a curl request in below format
curl -v -H "Content-Type:application/json" -H "x-user-id:xxx" -H "x-api-key:yyy" --data '{"logs":"'"${TEST_OUTPUT}"'","pass":"true | false"}'
This works fine while I do from my MAC terminal. But the same command throws
13:49:26 {
13:49:26 "status": "error",
13:49:26 "message": "Invalid credentials"
13:49:26 }
I saw this post but not sure how else would I send a json body without curly braces. I know that we can save it as a file.json and use the file as body.But for some reasons that cannot be implemented in my scenario
In general, you should avoid trying to build JSON using string interpolation. Use a tool like jq to handle any necessary quoting.
jq -n --argson o "$TEST_OUTPUT" '{logs: $o, pass: "true | false"}' |
curl -v -H "Content-Type:application/json" \
-H "x-user-id:xxx" \
-H "x-api-key:yyy" \
--data #- \
However, if you can manage to correctly generate your JSON as you are now, you can just replace the jq command with echo:
echo '{"logs": ...' | curl ...
The #- argument to --data says to read from standard input.

How to pass a variable in a curl command in shell scripting

I have a curl command:
curl -u ${USER_ID}:${PASSWORD} -X GET '${job_id}'
The variable job_id has a value in it, say, 1160. When I execute the curl command in shell it gives me the following error:
{"message":"Sorry. An unexpected error occured.", "stacktrace":"Bad Request. The request could not be understood by the server due to malformed syntax."}
If I pass the number '1160' directly in the command, as shown below, the curl command works.
curl -u ${USER_ID}:${PASSWORD} -X GET ''
I want to be able to pass the value of the variable in the curl command.
When using variables in shell, you can only use doubles quotes, not single quotes : the variables inside single quotes are not expanded.
Learn the difference between ' and " and `. See and
I ran into this problem with passing as well, it was solved by using ' " $1 " '
See connection.uri below
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '
{"name": "mysql-atlas-sink",
"config": {
"transforms": "ExtractField",
}}' http://localhost:8083/connectors -w "\n"
How to pass json to curl with shell variable(s):
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data #/dev/stdin<<EOF
{ "xkey": "$myvar" }
With the switch -d or --data, the POST request is implicit
use variable in a double-quote single-quote "' $variable '"
curl --location --request POST '' \
--form 'token="'$token'"' \
--form 'text="'$1'"' \
--form 'amount="'$2'"'
base_url="$base_url_part$path"**strong text**
curl -L -u "$userdetails" "$base_url" -o "$downloadfilename"
