Kendo React Editor how to set up text colors in HEX format instead of rgba - kendo-ui

I am using Kendo React Editor and when I am sending my colorized text to backend it comes with rgba color format:
<span style="color: rgba(67, 113, 196, 1);">test</span>
Is there any way to set it to HEX?
I haven't found anything helpful at Telerik's forums
Thank you


Firemonkey how to set font color for selected text in TEdit

I'm trying to find a way to use styles to set the color of the selected text in a TEdit in Firemonkey.
In Delphi VCL, the text color by default changes to white (or perhaps a windows constant) when the text is selected, so that it shows clearly through the selection highlight.
In FMX, the default style is for the text color not to change. That results in the text being hard to read. I'd like to set it so that it works like VCL, but I can't find anywhere in the style to set the text color of the selected text.
Thanks for any help you can provide.

Is there any way to change datepicker border line colour in xamarin

When displaying datepicker in XAML page bottom borderline color is black. I want to change this color to white. How to solve this problem. Is there any custom renderer to set the bottom borderline color. I am using absolute layout in my XAML page. By default when displaying datepicker on my page the date with black bottom borderline color. I just want to change to white color.
I posted an answer yesterday for another user who wanted to change the bottom line color of a text view. You can most likely do it the same way with a custom DatePicker; simply change the background to the xml resource in your custom renderer.
See here:
How can i change editor bottom border line color using custom renderer in xamarin forms
Just change the color values in the XML code to color="white".
You have to create an XML file in drawable folder and add this styling. You can customize it according to the color you want.
Add this file to style of datepicker, Resource.Style.datepicker.
<style name="datepicker" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light.Dialog">
<item name="colorPrimary">#color/clrDatePrimary</item>
<item name="colorPrimaryDark">#color/clrDatePrimaryDark</item>
<item name="colorAccent">#color/clrDateAccent</item>

Change font color in Kendo datepicker

I need to change the font color of the calendar that appears after clicking on a Kendo datepicker widget. I have been able to change the font size, the background color, but I can't seem to be able to change the font color to display the calendar header (month), week days, or days of the month.
Is there a way to do it, or perhaps this is not a supported feature in Kendo Calendar right now?
Thanks in advance.
You can try the following in your custom css file or in the page header style
.k-calendar .k-header .k-link {
color: #ff0000;
Use the browser developer tool F12 and look at the style involved in it and update it as you like.

How to set the background of a textbox with a color similar to an existing image background

I created text components as well as put a sort of background image in MatLab. What I wanted to do now is to set the background of the textbox the same as that of the image so as to make it a bit more pleasing). Is that possible?
You can at least resolve the labeling-issue following Creating a transparent text box in MATLAB GUI using GUIDE and The following code is provided by the latter link:
axis off;
set(th,'position',[.5 .5 0]);
set(th,'color',[0 0 1]);
set(th,'edgecolor',[1 1 1]);
set(th,'string','this is a text box');
Regarding the dropdown-list, I'd assume you have to implement something yourself (e.g. using MouseDown-events).
You can achieve this using CSS
<input type="text" name="abc" class="txtbg">

Kendo UI + inherit font

I'm using Kendo ui dataviz components (pie and line charts). I need to make the font inherited from the main div.
Is there any attributes to set the font as "inherit" for kendo UI as in css?
Kendo UI DataViz uses SVG for charts in newer browsers and VML for old IE (7 and 8). You can use CSS to change the text font, but the VML part wouldn't be affected. Additionally CSS changes are not expected and the label sizing would probably break.
You're better off using the provided configuration options by the Chart to change the font - check the documentation and use "font" filter.
