net6 minimal web API override settings for test - xunit

WebApplicationBuilder builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
string foo = builder.Configuration.GetValue<string>("foo"); // Is null. Shoudn't be.
public partial class Program{}
Test project
public class MyWebApplicationFactory<TStartup> : WebApplicationFactory<TStartup> where TStartup : class
protected override void ConfigureWebHost(IWebHostBuilder builder)
builder.ConfigureAppConfiguration((context, configBuilder) =>
(new Dictionary<string, string?>
["foo"] = "bar"
public class Test
private readonly HttpClient _client;
public Test(MyWebApplicationFactory<Program> factory)
_client = factory.WithWebHostBuilder().CreateClient();
But the new settings are never added -- when I debug the test foo is always null.
I don't see how the settings can added, either, because Program creates a new builder that never goes anywhere near the WebApplicationFactory.
I think this might be something to do with my Program needing to read settings in order to configure services, but the settings not being updated by the test system until after the services have been configured?
Can it be made to work?


Kestrel and ASP.NET Core MVC use custom base path

How can you mount your app on a different base path?
For example, my controller's route is /api/keywords, but when running the web server I want the basepath to be /development, so my controller route would be /development/api/keywords. I would rather not have to modify my controllers. In old Web API versions you could mount an OWIN app in a different path so I'm looking to do something similar.
There's a new method called UsePathBase that can do this easily.
You can view the original great article here
First create a class that inherits from IApplicationModelConvention interface
public class EnvironmentRouteConvention : IApplicationModelConvention
private readonly AttributeRouteModel _centralPrefix;
public EnvironmentRouteConvention(IRouteTemplateProvider routeTemplateProvider)
_centralPrefix = new AttributeRouteModel(routeTemplateProvider);
public void Apply(ApplicationModel application)
foreach (var controller in application.Controllers)
var matchedSelectors = controller.Selectors.Where(x => x.AttributeRouteModel != null).ToList();
if (matchedSelectors.Any())
foreach (var selectorModel in matchedSelectors)
//This will apply only to your API controllers. You may change that depending of your needs
if (selectorModel.AttributeRouteModel.Template.StartsWith("api"))
selectorModel.AttributeRouteModel = AttributeRouteModel.CombineAttributeRouteModel(_centralPrefix, selectorModel.AttributeRouteModel);
Then create a class just for the purpose of easier and cleaner use.
public static class MvcOptionsExtensions
public static void UseEnvironmentPrefix(this MvcOptions opts, IRouteTemplateProvider routeAttribute)
opts.Conventions.Insert(0, new EnvironmentRouteConvention(routeAttribute));
Now to use it, first very common, save your environment in a property of your Startup class
private IHostingEnvironment _env;
public Startup(IHostingEnvironment env)
_env = env;
And then all you need to do is to call your static extention class
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
services.AddMvc(options =>
options.UseEnvironmentPrefix(new RouteAttribute(_env.EnvironmentName));
But there is one last thing to care about. Whatever client you have that consume your API, you certainly don't want to change all URLs of the HTTP requests you send. So the trick is to create a middleware which will modify the Path of your request to include your environment name. (source)
public class EnvironmentUrlRewritingMiddleware
private readonly RequestDelegate _next;
public EnvironmentUrlRewritingMiddleware(RequestDelegate next)
_next = next;
public async Task Invoke(HttpContext context, IHostingEnvironment env)
var path = context.Request.Path.ToUriComponent();
//Again this depends of your need, whether to activate this to your API controllers only or not
if (!path.StartsWith("/" + env.EnvironmentName) && path.StartsWith("/api"))
var newPath = context.Request.Path.ToString().Insert(0, "/" + env.EnvironmentName);
context.Request.Path = newPath;
await _next.Invoke(context);
and your ConfigureServices method in your Startup class becomes
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
services.AddMvc(options =>
options.UseEnvironmentPrefix(new RouteAttribute(_env.EnvironmentName));
The only drawback is that it doesn't change your URL, so if you hit your API with your browser, you won't see the URL with your environment included. response.Redirect always sends a GET request even if the original request is a POST. I didn't find yet the ultimate solution to this to reflect the Path to the URL.
Take a look at this:
public class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
var contentRoot = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();
var config = new ConfigurationBuilder()
var hostBuilder = new WebHostBuilder()
//Content root - in this example it will be our current directory
//Web root - by the default it's wwwroot but here is the place where you can change it
var host = hostBuilder.Build();
There are two extension methods - UseWebRoot() and UseContentRoot() - which can be used to configure web and content roots.

How to fake an HttpContext and its HttpRequest to inject them in a service constructor

In a console application, I would like to use a service that would normally need the current http context to be passed to its constructor. I am using Ninject, and I think I can simply fake an http context and define the proper binding, but I have been struggling with this for a few hours without success.
The details:
The service is actually a mailing service that comes from an ASP.Net MVC project. I am also using Ninject for IoC. The mail service needs the current http context to be passed to its constructor. I do the binding as follows:
.WithConstructorArgument("httpContext", ninjectContext => new HttpContextWrapper(HttpContext.Current));
However, I would like now to use this mailing service in a console application that will be used to run automated tasks at night. In order to do this, I think I can simply fake an http context, but I have been struggling for a few hours with this.
All the mailing service needs from the context are these two properties:
I thought I could do something like this, but:
Define my own fake request class:
public class AutomatedTaskHttpRequest : SimpleWorkerRequest
public string UserHostAddress;
public string RawUrl;
public AutomatedTaskHttpRequest(string appVirtualDir, string appPhysicalDir, string page, string query, TextWriter output)
: base(appVirtualDir, appPhysicalDir, page, query, output)
this.UserHostAddress = "";
this.RawUrl = null;
Define my own context class:
public class AutomatedTasksHttpContext
public AutomatedTaskHttpRequest Request;
public AutomatedTasksHttpContext()
this.Request = new AutomatedTaskHttpRequest("", "", "", null, new StringWriter());
and bind it as follows in my console application:
.WithConstructorArgument("httpContext", ninjectContext => new AutomatedTasksHttpContext());
Unfortunately, this is not working out. I tried various variants, but none was working. Please bear with me. All that IoC stuff is quite new to me.
I'd answered recently about using a HttpContextFactory for testing, which takes a different approach equally to a console application.
public static class HttpContextFactory
private static HttpContextBase _serviceHttpContext;
public static void SetHttpContext(HttpContextBase httpContextBase)
_serviceHttpContext = httpContextBase;
public static HttpContextBase GetHttpContext()
if (_serviceHttpContext!= null)
return _serviceHttpContext;
if (HttpContext.Current != null)
return new HttpContextWrapper(HttpContext.Current);
return null;
then in your code to this:
var rawUrl = HttpContextFactory.GetHttpContext().Request.RawUrl;
then in your tests use the property as a seam
where HttpMocks has the following and would be adjusted for your tests:
public static HttpContextBase HttpContext()
var context = MockRepository.GenerateMock<HttpContextBase>();
context.Stub(r => r.Request).Return(HttpRequest());
// and stub out whatever else you need to, like session etc
return context;
public static HttpRequestBase HttpRequest()
var httpRequest = MockRepository.GenerateMock<HttpRequestBase>();
httpRequest.Stub(r => r.UserHostAddress).Return("");
httpRequest.Stub(r => r.RawUrl).Return(null);
return httpRequest;

Autofac, ASP.NET MVC 3 httpRequest scope and AutoMapper: No scope with a Tag matching 'httpRequest' is visible

When I use a web type registered with autofac from an automapper mapping, I get this error:
No scope with a Tag matching 'httpRequest' is visible from the scope in which the instance was requested. This generally indicates that a component registered as per-HTTP request is being reqested by a SingleInstance() component (or a similar scenario.) Under the web integration always request dependencies from the DependencyResolver.Current or ILifetimeScopeProvider.RequestLifetime, never from the container itself.
When another type is resolved in the mapping it works.
When a web type is resolved from the controller it works.
Why doesnt web (or any other httprequest scoped?) types get successfully resolved in my mapping?
protected void Application_Start()
var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
builder.Register(c => Mapper.Engine)
var container = builder.Build();
DependencyResolver.SetResolver(new AutofacDependencyResolver(container));
var profiles = container.Resolve<IEnumerable<Profile>>();
Mapper.Initialize(c => profiles.ToList().ForEach(c.AddProfile));
public class HomeController : Controller
private readonly IMappingEngine _mapper;
private readonly Func<HttpContextBase> _httpContext;
public HomeController(IMappingEngine mapper, Func<HttpContextBase> httpContext)
_mapper = mapper;
_httpContext = httpContext;
public ActionResult Index()
var test = _httpContext.Invoke();
return View(_mapper.Map<Model, ViewModel>(new Model()));
public class MyProfile : Profile
private readonly Func<HttpContextBase> _httpContext;
private readonly Func<IAnotherType> _anotherType;
public MyProfile(Func<HttpContextBase> httpContext, Func<IAnotherType> anotherType)
_httpContext = httpContext;
_anotherType = anotherType;
protected override void Configure()
CreateMap<Model, ViewModel>()
.ForMember(d => d.Url, o => o.ResolveUsing(s =>
var test = _anotherType.Invoke().GetAValue();
return _httpContext.Invoke().Request.Url;
public interface IAnotherType
string GetAValue();
public class AnotherType : IAnotherType
public string GetAValue() { return "a value"; }
public class ViewModel
public string Url { get; set; }
public class Model
EDIT: Its easy to create an empty MVC project, paste the code and try it out and see for yourself.
EDIT: Removed the ConstructServicesUsing call because its not required by the example. No services are resolved through AutoMapper in the example.
#rene_r above is on the right track; adapting his answer:
c.ConstructServicesUsing(t => DependencyResolver.Current.GetService(t))
Still might not compile but should get you close.
The requirement is that the call to DependencyResolver.Current is deferred until the service is requested (not kept as the value returned by Current when the mapper was initialised.)
I think you should use DependencyResolver.Current.Resolve instead of container.Resolve in
Mapper.Initialize(c =>
I recently had a similar problem and it turned out to be a bad setup in my bootstrapper function. The following autofac setup did it for me.
builder.Register(c => new ConfigurationStore(new TypeMapFactory(), AutoMapper.Mappers.MapperRegistry.Mappers))
builder.Register(c => Mapper.Engine)
I did not have to specify resolver in the Mapper.Initialize() function. Just called
Mapper.Initialize(x =>
after the bootstrapped and it works fine for me.

How to use a single Log4Net instance in mutliple Nunit TestFixtures with SetUpFixture

I'm just getting into the use of Selenium Webdriver and its EventFiring so that I can log any exceptions thrown by the driver to a file or email etc.
I have got Log4Net working and my Unit Tests are running fine with Selenium.
What I am having issues with is having Log4Net create 1 log file, but for multiple test fixtures.
Here are some important classes which I think I need to show you in order to explain my issue.
public class EventLogger : EventFiringWebDriver
// Not sure if this is the best place to declare Log4Net
public static readonly ILog Log = LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(EventLogger));
public EventLogger(IWebDriver parentDriver) : base(parentDriver)
// To get Log4Net to read the configuration file on what logger to use
// To console , file, email etc
if (Log.IsInfoEnabled)
Log.Info("Logger started.");
protected override void OnFindingElement(FindElementEventArgs e)
if (Log.IsInfoEnabled)
Log.InfoFormat("OnFindingElement: {0}", e);
protected override void OnElementClicked(WebElementEventArgs e)
if (Log.IsInfoEnabled)
Log.InfoFormat("OnElementClicked: {0}", e.Element.GetAttribute("id"));
Here is my SetupFixture - which I THINK is run every time a new TestFixture class is run.
public class BaseTest
protected static readonly ILog Log = LogManager.GetLogger(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType);
private FirefoxProfile firefoxProfile;
private IWebDriver driver;
private EventLogger eventLogger;
public IWebDriver StartDriver()
Common.WebBrowser = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["WebBrowser"];
Log.Info("Browser: " + Common.WebBrowser);
switch (Common.WebBrowser)
case "firefox":
firefoxProfile = new FirefoxProfile { AcceptUntrustedCertificates = true };
driver = new FirefoxDriver(firefoxProfile);
case "iexplorer":
driver = new InternetExplorerDriver();
case "chrome":
driver = new ChromeDriver();
// Here is where I start my EventLogger to handle the events from selenium
// web driver, onClick, OnFindingElement etc.
// Is this the best way? Seems a bit messy, lack of structure
return eventLogger = new EventLogger(driver);
public EventLogger EventLogger
get { return eventLogger; }
Here is one of the many TestFixtures I have, each one based on a Selenium2 PageObjects
public class LoginPageTest : BaseTest
private IWebDriver driver;
private LoginPage loginPage;
public void SetUp()
// Where I use the Log from the BaseTest
// protected static readonly ILog Log <-- top of BaseTest
driver = StartDriver();
loginPage = new LoginPage();
PageFactory.InitElements(driver, loginPage);
public void SubmitFormInvalidCredentials()
IWebElement invalidCredentials = driver.FindElement(By.Id("ctl00_ctl00_ctl00_insideForm_insideForm_ctl02_title"));
Assert.AreEqual("Invalid user name or password", invalidCredentials.Text);
My Log.txt file is obviously being re-written over and over after each TestFixture is run,
How can I set up my NUnit Testing so that I only run the Log4Net once, so that I can use it in both my EventLogger and TestFixtures?
I have Googled around a lot, maybe its something simple. Do I have some design issues with the structure of my project?
Try out setting explicitly AppendToFile="True" in the log4net configuration for the FileAppender you are using:
<appender name="..." type="log4net.Appender....">
<appendToFile value="true" />
FileAppender.AppendToFile property
Gets or sets a flag that indicates whether the file should be appended
to or overwritten
Regarding [SetupFixture], I believe you are using it in wrong way. It not supposed to mark base class of the each TesFixture by this attribute, this looks messy. You should declare class which considered to be SetupFixture and mark it by [SetupFixture] attribute so it will be called ONCE for all TestFixtures within a given (declaration) namespace.
From NUnit documentation, SetUpFixtureAttribute:
This is the attribute that marks a class that contains the one-time
setup or teardown methods for all the test fixtures under a given
namespace. The class may contain at most one method marked with the
SetUpAttribute and one method marked with the TearDownAttribute

Beginners Moq question on Verifying

I'm just playing around with Moq and I cannot work out how to get a call to Verify to work as expected. My problem seems to be that the method I'm calling on the SUT is not being called. Here's my code to test:
public class ImageHandler : BaseHttpHandler
public override void ProcessRequest(HttpContextBase context)
var person = new Person();
context.Response.ContentType = "image/jpeg";
if (context.Request.RawUrl.ToLower().Contains("jellyfish.jpg"))
else if (context.Request.RawUrl.ToLower().Contains("koala.jpg"))
context.Response.Write("File not found.");
public virtual void DoPerson(Person person)
Here is my MSpec test:
public class When_Given_Person
private static Mock<HttpContextBase> httpContext;
private static Mock<HttpRequestBase> httpRequest;
private static Mock<HttpResponseBase> httpResponse;
private static Mock<ImageHandler> mockSut;
private static BaseHttpHandler sut;
private Establish context = () =>
httpContext = new Mock<HttpContextBase>();
httpResponse = new Mock<HttpResponseBase>();
httpRequest = new Mock<HttpRequestBase>();
mockSut = new Mock<ImageHandler>();
httpContext.SetupGet(context => context.Response).Returns(httpResponse.Object);
httpContext.SetupGet(context => context.Request).Returns(httpRequest.Object);
httpRequest.SetupGet(r => r.RawUrl).Returns("http://logicsoftware/unkown.jpg");
sut = mockSut.Object;
private Because of = () => sut.ProcessRequest(httpContext.Object);
private It should_call_person_with_expected_age = () =>
mockSut.Verify(s => s.DoPerson(Moq.It.IsAny<Person>()),Times.AtLeastOnce());
This is really basic stuff, nothing too fancy. Now, when I run the test I get:
Expected invocation on the mock at least once, but was never
performed: s => s.DoPerson(It.IsAny()) No setups configured.
I believe this is due to the fact that sut.ProcessRequest() is not actually called - I have a breakpoint at the start of ProcessRequest(), but it's never hit. Can someone show me how to setup my mockSut so that ProcessRequest() is called.
When you make a Mock of an object with Moq, it will mock the whole object and set it up to return defaults or do nothing on every method and property. So sut.ProcessRequest, won't actually do anything: DoPerson will never be called.
You'll only want to mock out dependencies to the classes you want to test, never the class itself.
