Kendo Grid with .net core - kendo-ui

Hi Need help in datetime filtering in kendo grid. Need to transform grid filter to return results without attached time in mvc .net 6 web app.
For .net mvc this can be referred, but will not work with .net core
Need suggestions on how the above implementation be modified to work in .net 6 web app


Is there any difference in Kendo UI Gantt Chart for mvc and jquery

I am using Kendo UI controls in our project. I just want to know is there any difference in kendo ui controls for ASP Net MVC and Kendo UI for jquery? Which one I should use in my mvc 5 project?

Angular 2 and Kendo UI

I want to create a view using controls of the Kendo UI. Also, I use Angular 2.
So is it possible to integrate Kendo UI in views and components of the Angular 2 haveing two-way data binding at the same time?
As of today, KendoUI components are only available for Angular 1.X
Angular 2 is bringing a fundamental shift in the UI components paradigm, the KendoUi team are working on that and it will available later this year.
Here's a full roadmap
-- UPDATE (8 Sep 2016) --
On 9/14/2016 Telerik will be releasing a beta of Kendo UI for Angular 2, including :
Buttons (including Button and a ButtonGroup)
Layout (TabStrip and PanelBar)
Inputs (Slider, Switch)
DropDowns (ComboBox, DropDownList)
DataViz (Preview)
Grid (Preview)

Why KendoUI.Mvc.dll for Kendo when all can be done using Js?

Kendo UI is a set of client library and consists of .js and .css. then why would you want to use a dll like KendoUI.Mvc.dll
If you're a C# developer (say you're transitioning from Windows Forms) and you don't have experience with JavaScript/HTML5/CSS. It gives you the flexibility to develop a Kendo UI web application using C# Razor syntax without having to spend a lot of time learning.

Does Kendo UI for web support c# MVC 4?

Does Kendo-UI for web support MVC 4 ?
I am trying to implemented Grid in Kendo with custom filter menu with radio button. It seems that is not being supported as of now.
yes, Kendo supports Asp.Net MVC 4 , all of their docs for Razor MVC will work in MVC 4. I currently use a gird in many different instances in MVC 4
Yes. Ive done lots of project with Kendo ui and mvc 4
From kendo ui blog
"The answer is of course a resounding "YES!".
I think, that user2018741 is talking about MVC Server Wrappers. And they are not in Kendo UI WEB edition.

KendoUI for Ipad

I want to create an App that contains student profiles targeting tablette with KendoUI.
The app will have the native look and feel (not website).
Can i create the app with ASPX pages or should i necessarily use .HTML pages?
What is the best practices?
The final result (no matter what web framework you use) is always HTML. Kendo UI is a client-side framework which means that you can use KendoUI with ASPX if you want or with clean HTML pages. It is up to the developer and there are no best practices.
However I would say +1 for the ASP.NET MVC framework :).
