I have two projects: UnitTests.csproj (xunit) and IntegrationTests.csproj (specflow)
I'm using
dotnet test MySolution.sln --filter FullyQualifiedName\!~IntegrationTests
to run unit tests.
However, my IntegrationTests.csproj project contains a method decorated with [AfterTestRun] attribute, and it appears that my command runs that method, understandably, even though no tests were run from IntegrationTests.csproj project.
I have tried putting [Category("Integration")] on the [AfterTestRun]-decorated method, but that doesn't seem to be helping.
Question: How can I filter test lifecycle methods with dotnet test and xunit?
My workaround is to add the following code to all integration test lifecycle methods:
if (Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("TEST_SERVER_URL") is null) return;
I have found if I only add karate core dependency and run my tests, they run fine and report is generated.
So what is importance of making a test runner class? I can run my karate tests without it as well. Kindly explain!
With Karate runner class , you can use #KarateOptions to include or exclude feature files that you want to run eg #KarateOptions(features = "classpath:FeatureFiles/test.feature" , tags = "~#Smoke") will run all feature files other than the one having #Smoke tag .
How to pass parameter to run Karate tests from cmd/terminal as maven project
If we want to run only 'Smoke' tests then code can be written as :
Open cmd/terminal
cd 'karate project path'
mvn test -Dkarate.options="--tags #Smoke classpath:FeatureFiles"
I have project B linked to project A with npm link and am trying to run tests from B in A. Project A builds the entire front end and could use other modules than just B and so I want to be able have the test runner use A and its tests but also use tests from the linked project (assuming the linked projects all use similar Cypress directory structures). I first tried this by setting the testFiles attribute in the config to an array like [/path/to/ProjectATestingRoot/integration/**/*.*", "/path/to/ProjectBTestingRoot/integration/**/*.*"]
and running Cypress with integrationFolder to be from project A. While I'm able to see all my tests when I open Cypress, only project A's tests can be run. When I run project B's they get stuck when the browser loads the test and displays the "Your tests are loading..." screen for eternity.
Is there any way that I could run tests from outside the set integration folder? I thought I could write a little plugin to copy the testing files over but that seems more laborious than needed.
Using spec should solve the problem
npx cypress run --spec [abloluteFolderPath}
"testFiles": "**/*.{feature,spec.tsx}",
"integrationFolder": ".",
"ignoreTestFiles": "**/node_modules/**/*{feature,spec.js}"
Add this to your cypress.json. It adds all the files with .spec.tsx ignoring the ones inside the node_module.
There are 2 options
1 You can specify integrationFolder in the cypress.json
"integrationFolder": "cypress/tests"
// or
// "integrationFolder": "tests"
More information https://docs.cypress.io/guides/references/configuration#Folders-Files
2 You can specify integration folder for each test run
npx cypress --config integrationFolder=cypress/tests
npx cypress --config integrationFolder=tests
More information https://github.com/cypress-io/cypress/issues/2256#issuecomment-544408366
I know that if in Gradle I use: build -x test it builds and the test are not executed.
In STS with Buildship for support with Gradle, for example for Spring Integration
It has the following two tasks of my interest (build and test):
I can build with the following:
Because some test fails (randomly) I want skip the tests, so I tried
it fails with:
So I tried with:
And fails with
And with:
Nothing happens, only shows the following and stopping:
So how represent build -x test correctly with Buildship?
You must supply -x test as Program Arguments like this:
Or you just run assemble instead of build. assemble is a lifecycle task that aggregates all archive tasks in the project and, besides other tasks, does not execute check tasks, such as test.
Following is the directory structure for my integration tests
When I try to run a single integration tests as described https://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-invoker-plugin/usage.html. It gives a message that ' No projects were selected for execution' Here is the command I used to invoke the project
/src/main> mvn invoker:run -Dinvoker.test=first-test/my-test*
How should I make sure the test is run?
It looks like you misunderstood the docs how to structure your integration tests. The first integration test should be located /src/it/first-test the second integration test should be located /src/it/second-test which means your folder my-test should be removed...Furthermore you should start the integration test from your project root and not by mvn invoker:run you should use mvn verify -Dinvoker.test=first-test instead...
It looks like you are executing it from src/main. Try it again from the root of the project (where the pom.xml is located).
I created a Maven project with the standard folder strucure - i.e. src/main/java, src/test/java, etc.
I wrote a class ClassA and a test class TestA.
From the main program of ClassA, I refer to a static member of TestA.
The code compiles, but when I run it, I get: NoClassDefFoundError: TestA.
How can I access TestA from within ClassA?
Instead of solving your issue directly, I would advise to rethink your test design. Maven is perfectly capable of running tests on its own, just enter
mvn test
on the command line. If you want to run a single test class, enter
mvn test -Dtest=MyTest
for a single test method, use
mvn test -Dtest=MyTest#shouldRunPerfectly
It also supports wildcards, so to run some common tests, you could type
mvn test -Dtest=Integration*#shouldBeFaster*.
Most IDEs allow to run tests directly by a shortcut. If I recall correctly, It's Shift+Alt+X then T for Eclipse and Shift+Ctrl+F10 for IntelliJ. IntelliJ also uses the Ctrl+Shift+T shortcut to navigate to the test of the class you are working with.
Maven directory structure emphasizes the separation of the tests from the application and makes it much harder to do what you are planning to.
tl;dr - do it the maven way