CMake does not produce Makefile - makefile

I'm using VS Code on windows. I have a simple CMakelists.txt like this:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.0)
add_executable(HelloWorld main.cpp)
When I run it, it produces a bunch of build, vcxproj, etc. But it does not create any Makefile. So when I run make I get: make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop.
Here is a screenshot
What is wrong here?

I think you should generate it with cmake -G "Unix Makefiles". It seems like now you have Visual Studio as a default build system. You can check all possible build systems with cmake --help.


How to configure CMakeLists to use Windows command line compiler instead of Visual Studio

I would like to convert my project from a Visual Studio solution to build with CMake and compile it with Makefiles.
This is a 2-part question.
Right now the CMakeLists.txt is:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.13.0)
project(Project2015 CXX)
add_executable(Project Source/main.cpp)
When I run cmake .. out of the build directory, it generates *.vcxproj and *.sln files, but there is no Makefile. How can I change the CMakeLists file to generate a Makefile?
What is the command line equivalent compiler to gcc for windows? And how do I set this compiler as the target for CMake and the generated Makefile?
Reading about the build tools
Do I need to target the cl.exe compiler? Would this work with CMake and Makefiles?
I'm reading online that these command line flags will set the compiler, how can I add these to the CMakeLists.txt to be used automatically?
G"NMake Makefiles"
You should use the build tool mode of CMake for builds from the command line.
After configuring your project for a 64bit build using Visual Studio 2019 e.g. with
cmake -S <sourcedir> -B <builddir> -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" -A x64
you would run
cmake --build <builddir> --target ALL_BUILD --config Release
For further options see here for an almost quiet build from the command line see here.
As suggested by #vre, you can run everything from the command line, while still using the Visual Studio generator. Just use CMake's command line build tools:
cmake ..
cmake --build . --config Release
This way, you don't have to open Visual Studio at all to build your libraries/executables.
Another option is to use Microsoft's nmake utility, which will generate NMake Makefiles. You can tell CMake to use this generator instead using this:
cmake -G"NMake Makefiles" ..
The full list of CMake generators you can choose from is listed here.
If you don't want to manually set the CMake generator in the command line, you can set it at the top of your CMakeLists.txt file:
It will be used on the second CMake configuration in this case, as the first run will use the system default generator. If you want CMake to use it on the first configuration, you can utilize the Preload.cmake procedure outlined in this answer.

cmake keeps adding the std=gnu++11 option

I'm trying to compile a project in C++ using cmake, and in the page of the project they tell me that it will crash if I don't add the standard 98. (I'm on a mac)
I've tried all I found on the internet and I could manage to make the cmake use the option -std=c++98 but it also adds -DNDEBUG -std=gnu++11. (I saw it using the make VERBOSE=1 option)
I would like to get rid of that. Using the --trace option I could see that the option is set in a file which is in the cellar folder, that is, is something that has to do with cmake itself and not in the CMakeList.txt file im using.
How can I solve this problem?
If it can help the code I'm trying to compile is this:
Thank you.
with the --trace option I was able to see that the -std=gnu++11 option was selected in the file:
which can be seen here GNU-CXX.cmake
If I eddit that file in a way that every if sets the option to -std=c++98 then, the cmake complains giving me the next error:
CMake Error in src/CMakeLists.txt:
The compiler feature "cxx_nullptr" is not known to CXX compiler
version 7.2.0.
I don't know what else can I try...
You need to set the language standard:
Depending on the compiler, it may enable extensions as well. To disable the GNU extensions also add:
Note that setting this options does so only for the specified target and dependent targets.
Have take a look at this section of the CMake manual for more information on compiler features. Do note however, using this
The inclusion of VTK is polluting SAMoS's CMake scope with the C++11 requirement. You can test this by disabling VTK on your cmake command line.
$ cd ~SAMoS
$ mkdir build; cd build
$ cmake -DVTK_FOUND=FALSE ../
$ make VERBOSE=1
Scanning dependencies of target samos
/Applications/ -f src/CMakeFiles/samos.dir/build.make src/CMakeFiles/samos.dir/build
[ 1%] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/samos.dir/samos.cpp.o
cd /Users/nega/SAMoS/build/src && /Applications/ -DCGAL_USE_GMP -DCGAL_USE_MPFR -DHAS_CGAL -isystem /usr/local/include -I/include -I/Users/nega/SAMoS/src/constraints -I/Users/nega/SAMoS/src/dump -I/Users/nega/SAMoS/src/log -I/Users/nega/SAMoS/src/integrators -I/Users/nega/SAMoS/src/messenger -I/Users/nega/SAMoS/src/parser -I/Users/nega/SAMoS/src/potentials -I/Users/nega/SAMoS/src/potentials/external -I/Users/nega/SAMoS/src/potentials/pair -I/Users/nega/SAMoS/src/potentials/bond -I/Users/nega/SAMoS/src/potentials/angle -I/Users/nega/SAMoS/src/system -I/Users/nega/SAMoS/src/utils -I/Users/nega/SAMoS/src/aligner -I/Users/nega/SAMoS/src/aligner/pair -I/Users/nega/SAMoS/src/aligner/external -I/Users/nega/SAMoS/src/population -I/Users/nega/SAMoS/src -I/Users/nega/SAMoS/build -DNDEBUG -o CMakeFiles/samos.dir/samos.cpp.o -c /Users/nega/SAMoS/src/samos.cpp
You'll notice there's no -std=gnu++11 flag anymore. Of course, since it looks like you're GCC version 7.2, you'll still want your set CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD to 98 since gcc-7.2 uses C++11 by default. (Or maybe it's C++14 now...) You can do this on your cmake command line.
CMake will then add -std=gnu++98 to its compile commands.
If you can't live without VTK, then you'll need to send a bug report upstream asking the SAMoS folks to clarify their documentation, or fix how they're including VTK.

make without makefile after cmake

I try to use the c++ language bindings for the ev3dev lego brick:
The instruction is as follows:
mkdir build
cd build
I am running windows and have cmake and mingw available. After running cmake it creates some files in the build directory. However: There is no makefile which could be picked of by make. So I am wondering how iam supposed to compile these bindings
On Windows, CMake generates a MSVC solution by default. Check for a .sln file in your build directory.
The instructions you linked are assuming a Unix-ish platform, where the default is to create Makefiles.
If you actually want Makefiles on Windows, add -G "Unix Makefiles" to the cmake line.
If you want to use MSVC as compiler but work on the command line, another option is -G "NMake Makefiles", and calling nmake after that.
Make sure to delete your build directory before trying to build a new generator target. CMake can be touchy about that.
Check cmake --help for a list of available options. (Especially the generator targets are platform-specific.)

Using local makefile for CLion instead of CMake

Is there a way to configure CLion to use a local makefile to compile code, rather than CMake? I can't seem to find the way to do it from the build options.
Update: If you are using CLion 2020.2, then it already supports Makefiles. If you are using an older version, read on.
Even though currently only CMake is supported, you can instruct CMake to call make with your custom Makefile. Edit your CMakeLists.txt adding one of these two commands:
When you tell CLion to run your program, it will try to find an executable with the same name of the target in the directory pointed by PROJECT_BINARY_DIR. So as long as your make generates the file where CLion expects, there will be no problem.
Here is a working example:
Tell CLion to pass its $(PROJECT_BINARY_DIR) to make
This is the sample CMakeLists.txt:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.4)
set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -std=c++11")
add_custom_target(mytest COMMAND make -C ${mytest_SOURCE_DIR}
Tell make to generate the executable in CLion's directory
This is the sample Makefile:
echo Compiling $(CLION_EXE_DIR)/$# ...
g++ mytest.cpp -o $(CLION_EXE_DIR)/mytest
That is all, you may also want to change your program's working directory so it executes as it is when you run make from inside your directory. For this edit: Run -> Edit Configurations ... -> mytest -> Working directory
While this is one of the most voted feature requests, there is one plugin available, by Victor Kropp, that adds support to makefiles:
Makefile support plugin for IntelliJ IDEA
You can install directly from the official repository:
Settings > Plugins > search for makefile > Search in repositories > Install > Restart
There are at least three different ways to run:
Right click on a makefile and select Run
Have the makefile open in the editor, put the cursor over one target (anywhere on the line), hit alt + enter, then select make target
Hit ctrl/cmd + shift + F10 on a target (although this one didn't work for me on a mac).
It opens a pane named Run target with the output.
Newest version has better support literally for any generated Makefiles, through the compiledb
Three steps:
install compiledb
pip install compiledb
run a dry make
compiledb -n make
(do the autogen, configure if needed)
there will be a compile_commands.json file generated
open the project and you will see CLion will load info from the json file.
If you your CLion still try to find CMakeLists.txt and cannot read compile_commands.json, try to remove the entire folder, re-download the source files, and redo step 1,2,3
Orignal post: Working with Makefiles in CLion using Compilation DB
To totally avoid using CMAKE, you can simply:
Build your project as you normally with Make through the terminal.
Change your CLion configurations, go to (in top bar) :
Run -> Edit Configurations -> yourProjectFolder
Change the Executable to the one generated with Make
Change the Working directory to the folder holding your executable (if needed)
Remove the Build task in the Before launch:Activate tool window box
And you're all set! You can now use the debug button after your manual build.
Currently, only CMake is supported by CLion. Others build systems will be added in the future, but currently, you can only use CMake.
An importer tool has been implemented to help you to use CMake.
Source :
I am not very familiar with CMake and could not use Mondkin's solution directly.
Here is what I came up with in my CMakeLists.txt using the latest version of CLion (1.2.4) and MinGW on Windows (I guess you will just need to replace all:
g++ mytest.cpp -o bin/mytest by make if you are not using the same setup):
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.3)
set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -std=c++11")
add_custom_target(mytest ALL COMMAND mingw32-make WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR})
And the custom Makefile is like this (it is located at the root of my project and generates the executable in a bin directory):
g++ mytest.cpp -o bin/mytest
I am able to build the executable and errors in the log window are clickable.
Hints in the IDE are quite limited through, which is a big limitation compared to pure CMake projects...

cmake & gcc compiles every file every time

I'm a learning c++ developer writing a game initially on the Mac platform using XCode, but now moving to cross platform by leveraging CMake. So far I can get it compiled on my ickle linux netbook and I'm putting together a dev environment on this machine for on the go coding. However I'm finding that gcc recompiles every file whenever I make a change. Clearly I need some additional configuration to the CMakeLists.txt . My current one is very simple. Like so;
cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 2.8)
set (source
find_package (OpenAL)
find_package (OpenGL)
find_package (SFML)
set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "-g -Wall -pg")
add_executable (tractionedge ${source})
target_link_libraries(tractionedge ${SFML_LIBRARY} ${OPENGL_LIBRARY} ${OPENAL_LIBRARY})
I've concentrated so far on C++ as a language rather than build systems by sticking with XCode for everything. My knowledge of Autotools (make?) and Gcc is very limited. How do I have gcc only recompile the changed source?
Are you rerunning cmake every time? If you just modify one source file, you should be able to simply rerun make, and it should rebuild just the one object file before linking. If you rerun cmake, it might mark all of the source files dirty and rebuild everything.
Only rerun cmake if you change the actual list of source files being used, or other major changes like that.
Rebuilding only the modified sources SHOULD be the default behavior. Of course if you change a central header included by nearly all dependent cpp files it'll trigger a nearly complete rebuild. Look at what happens if you only modify one cpp file (adding a comment or alike), if more than that compilation unit is compiling then I propose you to invest more time investigating it eventually giving you my EMail to have a deeper look at the configuration.
Another possibility is that you are compiling under windows and using a 2.8 cmake that has a bug regarding this. Look at a 2.9 version to see if that defect is away then:
I would rewrite your CMakeLists.txt using glob (maybe move the files in a "src" directory if you have other *.cpp files around) and give your project a name (this sets some important variables):
cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 2.8)
find_package (OpenAL)
find_package (OpenGL)
find_package (SFML)
set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "-g -Wall -pg")
add_executable (tractionedge ${TRACTION_SOURCES})
target_link_libraries(tractionedge ${SFML_LIBRARY} ${OPENGL_LIBRARY} ${OPENAL_LIBRARY})
I also experienced unnecessary rebuilds using cmake and visual studio. The problem is related to an inappropriate x64 configuration parameter: Visual Studio 2008 Unnecessary Project Building
A simple solution in many of these cases is to completely wipe the build tree and regenerate it (and I mean something along the lines of rm -rf build && mkdir build && cd build && cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" ../src, not just make clean)
