"set-elts: contract violation. expected: set? , given: x" in Scheme - scheme

Friend gave me this problem to solve as a way for me to learn Scheme:
E ::= (λ V E) | (E E) | V with V=variable and write a Scheme function freeVariables which takes the free variables. For example:
Input = (freeVariables '(λ f (λ x (f ((t g) g)))))
Output = (t g)
However I have the code complete as shown below with logic done. But this is what happens when I add an input:
Input = (freeVariables'(λ f (λ x (f ((t g) g)))))
Output = set-elts: contract violation
expected: set?
given: x
What exactly is wrong with the code I have created? What does the output above mean? And are there any possible fixes? Everything is below Code, logic behind it and debugger.
#lang scheme
(require data/set)
(define (freeVariables exp)
(cond [(null? exp) '()]
[(symbol? exp) (list exp)]
[(eq? (car exp) 'λ)
(let ((variables (cadr exp))
(body (caddr exp)))
(set-difference (freeVariables body) variables))]
[else (apply append (map freeVariables exp))]))
So the logic would work is this:
If exp is null = return empty list
If exp is a variable = return a list containing the variable
-If the first element of exp is the symbol λ, then exp represents a lambda term. Then bind the variables in the lambda term to variables and the body of the lambda term to body, and we return the difference between the free variables in the body and the variables in the lambda term with usage of set-difference to remove bound variables from free variables in body.
Else exp must be a function application and append the results.
Thank you and kind regards
Input = (freeVariables'(λ f (λ x (f ((t g) g)))))
Output = set-elts: contract violation
expected: set?
given: x

The grammar in the question only allows for (λ x ...) λ-expressions, with just one parameter.
This means you have a variable x, not a list of variables, to handle.
Thus, write
(let ((var (cadr exp)) ; singular
to get that variable, and if you need to have a list of symbols to pass to set-difference, you need to create that list, using (list var) instead of your variables.
The error message indicates that a "contract" has been violated, i.e. a piece of code's expectations about one of its argument's type have not been met.
Specifically it says that a function set-elts, apparently called somehow by set-difference, expects one of its arguments to answer to the predicate set?, but it does not.
It also indicates x as the culprit, which is just a symbol inside your test expression. In your case, set? probably means lists, i.e. (list 'x) could pass the muster. If not, try (list->seteq (list var)).
Another problem with your code is its use of append, which breaks the abstraction. Use set-union instead.


How do I get a function's name as a symbol?

I am trying to define a function func->symbol that takes a function and returns its name as a symbol. For example:
(define (pythagoras a b)
(sqrt (+ (* a a) (* b b))))
;; #1
(func->symbol pythagoras) ; Returns: 'pythagoras
;; #2
(func->symbol (if #t pythagoras sqrt)) ; Returns: 'pythagoras
;; #3
(let ((f (if #t pythagoras sqrt)))
(func->symbol f)) ; Returns: 'pythagoras
;; #4
(let ((f (if #t pythagoras sqrt)))
(let ((g f))
(func->symbol g))) ; Returns: 'pythagoras
This is a follow-up question on How do I get a definition's name as a symbol? which only deals with case #1. For case #1, a simple macro def->symbol is sufficient:
(define-syntax def->symbol
(syntax-rules ()
((_ def) 'def)))
However, this macro definition does not pass cases #2, #3, #4. Is it possible to define func->symbol, or is Scheme not expressive enough for this?
In Racket, in many cases, you can get a function's name using object-name. But it is probably a bad idea to rely on this result for anything other than debugging.
Perhaps it's worth an answer which shows why this is not possible in any language with first-class functions.
I'll define what I mean by a language having first-class functions (there are varying definitions).
Functions can be passed as arguments to other functions, and returned as values from them.
Functions can be stored in variables and other data structures.
There are anonymous functions, or function literals.
Scheme clearly has first-class functions in this sense. Now consider this code:
(define a #f)
(define b #f)
(let ((f (lambda (x)
(+ x 1))))
(set! a f)
(set! b f))
Let's imagine there is a function-name function, which, given a function, returns its name. What should (function-name a) return?
Well, the answer is that there's simply no useful value it can return (in Racket, (object-name a) returns f, but that's clearly exposing implementation details which might be useful for debugging but would be very misleading as a return value for a function-name procedure.
This is why such a procedure can't exist in general in a language with first-class functions: the function which maps from names to values is many-to-one and thus has no inverse.
Here is an example of the sort of disgusting hack you could do to make this 'work' and also why it's horrible. The following is Racket-specific code:
(define-syntax define/naming
;; Define something in such a way that, if it's a procedure,
;; it gets the right name. This is a horrid hack.
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ (p arg ...) form ...)
(define (p arg ...) form ...)]
[(_ name val)
(define name (let ([p val])
(if (procedure? p)
(procedure-rename p 'name)
And now, given
(define/naming a
(let ([c 0])
(set! c (+ c 1))))))
(define/naming b a)
> (object-name a)
> (object-name b)
> (eqv? a b)
> (a)
> (b)
> (a)
So a and b have the 'right' names, but because of that they are necessarily not the same object, which I think is semantically wrong: if I see (define a b) then I want (eqv? a b) to be true, I think. But a and b do capture the same lexical state, so that works, at least.

Racket count occurrences using `map`

Write a Racket function count-occurrences that consumes two lists of symbols and produces a list of
natural numbers measuring how many times items in the first list occur in the second list. For example:
(count-occurrences (list 'a 'b 'a 'q) (list 'r 'a 'b 'e 'b 'g))
=> (list 1 2 1 0)
I've been struggling with this question - how do I use map to do it, since for this question it's specified we can't use recursion.
My original idea was to do the following:
(define (count-occurrences los1 los2)
(length (filter (lambda (x) (symbol=? x (first los1))) los2))
but using length here can only get us the number 'a occurred, instead of going into recursion. and for abstract functions there can only be one argument for the inside function, so I'm totally lost.
If ... x ... is an open formula, i.e. an expression which references an unbound variable x, wrapping it in a lambda form makes it a function in x, like so:
(lambda (x) ... x ... )
where x becomes bound by that lambda form; a parameter to this so called lambda function, which is to say, an anonymous function introduced by a lambda form.
So, the solution for your troubles is quite simple: recognize that
(filter (lambda (x)
(symbol=? x (first los1)))
should actually be
(filter (lambda (x)
(symbol=? x y))
where y refers to each of the elements of los1 in turn, not just the first one; and that it is then an open formula in y – that is to say, y is unbound, free, there. So we must capture it, and make it bound, by ... yes, enclosing this expression in a lambda form, thereby making it a function in y! Like so:
(lambda (y)
(filter (lambda (x)
(symbol=? x y))
And this is what gets mapped over los1.
With this simple tweak, your code becomes a correct, working function definition.
Does this fit your requirements and restrictions?
(define (count-occurrences lst1 lst2)
(map (lambda (e1)
(count (lambda (e2) (eq? e1 e2))
A good way to keep track of keys and values is with a hash-table. While it is possible to write count-occurrences using map and passing a lambda, being explicit may make it easier to see what is going on.
;;; list list -> list
(define (count-occurrences keys values)
;; Create data structure
(define ht (make-hash))
;; Initialize data structure with keys
;; Set the value of each key to zero
;; Since we have not started counting
(for ([k keys])
(hash-set! ht k 0))
;; Iterate over values and
;; Increment hash table if
;; When value is a key
(for ([v values])
(if (hash-has-key? ht v)
(hash-set! ht v (+ (hash-ref ht v) 1))
;; Iterate over keys and
;; Create list of values
(for/list ([k keys])
(hash-ref ht k)))
Since recursion is prohibited, explicitly looping may make for more maintainable/readable code than an implicit loop. Besides, the variations of for are worth knowing. Hash tables have the advantage that duplicate keys read the same value and there is no need to track the same key twice.
One of the engineering advantages of using for rather than map is that it is easier to reason about the running time. The running time for this code is 2m + n where m is keys and n is values. Solutions using map will typically be m * n. There's nothing inherently wrong with that. But it is worth recognizing.

Typed Racket - dynamic function calls (string to procedure) revisited

About a year ago, #soegaard provided an answer to an interesting problem - how to take a string and return the procedure named in that string. The solution was simple and elegant.
Enter typed racket and a twist.
I can make it work in typed racket as long as it returns only functions with the same arity, for example (-> Number Number Number), but if I try to have it able to return functions with different arities, such as shown below, I cannot figure out how to make the require/typed call work.
Here is the modified file with my second function with a different arity.
#lang racket
(provide string->procedure add square)
(define (add x y)
(+ x y))
(define (square x)
(sqr x))
(define ns (variable-reference->namespace (#%variable-reference)))
(define (string->procedure s)
(define sym (string->symbol s))
(eval sym ns))
(string->procedure "add")
((string->procedure "add") 1 2)
((string->procedure "square") 5)
And here is the call that only works with the "add" fuction or any other function that takes two numbers and returns one number.
#lang typed/racket
(require/typed "string-procedure.rkt"
(-> String (-> Number Number Number))]
[add (-> Number Number Number)]
[square (-> Number Number)])
I've tried using case-> and unions to no avail. Using case-> for the return type at least will run but then it fails all calls.
In case you think I'm nuts for trying this, what I'm trying to do is take the result of a database call, a string, and determine the correct procedure to call to access the appropriate data element in a struct. I can do it with a long case statement, but I was hoping for a more elegant solution.
Thank you.
I don't think you want to use eval, or to solve this problem in quite this way. Specifically: what if the database contains a string that refers to a function that doesn't exist, or a function that you didn't want to have called? This is how security problems arise.
I would say that in this case, you'd probably be willing to specify the names of the procedures that are "legal", and you can probably do that easily with a macro that doesn't mangle hygiene too badly:
#lang typed/racket
;; defines the 'db-callable' syntax. Put this in a library file...
(define-syntax (db-callable stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
[(_ fun-name [id ...])
(with-syntax ([(id-strs ...)
(for/list ([id-stx (in-list (syntax->list #'(id ...)))])
(symbol->string (syntax-e id-stx)))])
#'(define (fun-name str)
(match str
[id-str id] ...)))]))
;; here are some functions we want the DB to be able to call
(define (f x) 3)
(define (g x) 4)
;; here's the list of functions we want the db to be able to call:
(db-callable getfun [f g])
((getfun "f") 9)
((getfun "g") 123)

Achieving name encapsulation while using 'define' over 'let'

In an attempt to emulate simple OOP in scheme (just for fun), I have caught myself repeating the following pattern over and over:
(define my-class ; constructor
(let ((let-for-name-encapsulation 'anything))
; object created from data is message passing interface
(define (this data)
(lambda (m)
(cond ((eq? m 'method1) (method1 data))
((eq? m 'method2) (method2 data))
(else (error "my-class: unknown operation error" m)))))
(define (method1 data)
(lambda (arg1 ...)
... )) ; code using internal 'data' of object
(define (method2 data)
(lambda (arg2 ...)
... ))
; returning three arguments constructor (say)
(lambda (x y z) (this (list 'data x y z)))))
I decided to wrap everything inside a let ((let-for-name-encapsulation ... so as to avoid leaking names within the global environment while still
being able to use the define construct for each internal function name, which enhances readability. I prefer this solution to the unsightly construct (let ((method1 (lambda (... but I am still not very happy because of the somewhat artificial let-for-name-encapsulation. Can anyone suggests something simple which would make the code look even nicer?. Do I need to learn macros to go beyond this?
I use that pattern often, but you don't actually need to define any variables:
(define binding
(let ()
(define local-binding1 expression)
I've seen it in reference implementations of SRFIs so it's a common pattern. Basically it's a way to make letrec without the extra identation and lambdas. It can easily be made a macro to make it even flatter:
(define-syntax define/lexical
(syntax-rules ()
((_ binding body ...)
(define binding
(let ()
body ...)))))
;; test
(define/lexical my-class
(define (this data)
(lambda (m)
(cond ((eq? m 'method1) (method1 data))
((eq? m 'method2) (method2 data))
(else (error "my-class: unknown operation error" m)))))
(define (method1 data)
(lambda (arg1 ...)
... )) ; code using internal 'data' of object
(define (method2 data)
(lambda (arg2 ...)
... ))
;; returning three arguments constructor (say)
(lambda (x y z) (this (list 'data x y z))))
;; it works for procedures that return procedures as well
(define/lexical (count start end step)
(define ...)
(lambda ...))
Of course you could use macros to simplify your object system as well.

Function for detecting quotes in Scheme code

I am trying to write a function that can check whether or not some input is a quotation for a syntax checker.
I have the following code:
(define is-quote-expression?
(lambda (v)
(equal? (car v) 'quote)
(is-quotation? (cdr v)))))
(define is-quotation?
(lambda (v)
(or (number? v)
(boolean? v)
(char? v)
(string? v)
(symbol? v)
(null? v)
(and (pair? v)
(is-quotation? (car v))
(is-quotation? (cdr v)))))
When I try to evaluate, I get the following:
(is-quote-expression? '1)
(is-quote-expression? (cons 'quote 1))
I think my TA told me that the Scheme environment replaced all "'" with "'quote", however, this does not seem to be the case. We are running Petite Chez Scheme.
What am I not seeing?
Thanks in advance.
There are a couple of problems with your code, for starters the (lambda (pair? v) part in is-quote-expression? is almost certainly a mistake (you're defining a lambda with two parameters called pair? and v).
Also, I believe you intended to call is-quotation? from is-quote-expression? only if v isn't a pair, so it doesn't make sense to ask again if (pair? v) in is-quotation?. And who said that a pair is a quotation only if both its car and cdr are quotations?
Here, I believe this is what you intended:
(define is-quote-expression?
(lambda (v)
(if (pair? v)
(equal? (car v) 'quote)
(is-quotation? v))))
(define is-quotation?
(lambda (v)
(or (number? v)
(boolean? v)
(char? v)
(string? v)
(symbol? v)
(null? v))))
I agree with Óscar's post, though, is-quote-expression? accepts a list rather than a pair and returns whether it was a quotation.
(define is-quote-expression?
(lambda (v)
(and (proper-list-of-given-length? v 2)
(equal? (car v) 'quote)
(is-quotation? (cadr v)))))
Also, your original question shows some confusion as to what quote actually does. This is what really should happen:
> (is-quote-expression? '1)
> (is-quote-expression? (cons 'quote 1))
> (is-quote-expression? (quote 42))
> (is-quote-expression? (quote (quote 42)))
Note how the built-in quote procedure simply returns what it is passed. In the case of (quote 42) it simply returns 42. But (quote (quote 42)) returns (quote 42), which is what you wish to pass to is-quote-expression?.
The behavior of quote is specified in R6RS, appendix A.3. For '1, the relevant rule is 6sqv:
(store (sf1 ...) S1[ 'sqv1 ]) → (store (sf1 ...) S1[ sqv1 ])
Time to break this down.
The "S → T" notation defines one step in evaluating a term, where "S" evaluates to "T".
Since store and the sf1 non-terminals appear the same on both the left and right sides, you don't need to understand them to understand how '1 evaluates. If you need something, think of store as "storage environment" and the sfn as pairs of names and values; (store ((x 1) (y 2)) S) means the identifier x is associated with the value 1 and y with 2 when evaluating the term S.
If you're not familiar with the S[e] notation, it refers to a term with one "hole" (an term with a [] in it) filled with e. There are two related syntax elements: terms with holes (S[]) and terms with a hole filled by a value (S[e]). Holes are a little (but only a little) like unnamed variables. One important difference is that a term is allowed only one hole. Holes are perhaps best explained by example. All of the following are S[]:
(+ [] 1 2)
(list [] 'a "foo")
(cond ((= x 0) [])
((> x 0) 1)
(else -1))
Note that a hole can only appear where a sub-term is syntactically valid; [] 2) is not a term-with-hole. S[0] would be a term with 0 substituted into the hole:
(+ 0 1 2)
(list 0 'a "foo")
(cond ((= x 0) 0)
((> x 0) 1)
(else -1))
When a value is given for a hole, the term S[] is also called a "context". This comes from one of the primary uses for terms-with-holes: to match any term containing the given value. S[e] is any term that contains e as a valid sub-term, so S[] is the context that e appears in. In short, S1['sqv1] is a stand-in for any term that contains a quote.
(+ 'foo 1 2)
(list 'bar 'a "foo")
(cond ((= x 0) 'baz)
((> x 0) 1)
(else -1))
Note the second term provides two different contexts for quote-terms: (list [] 'a "foo"), (list 'bar [] "foo"). This suggests that you shouldn't think of holes too much as just being unnamed variables.
If you're wonder why context terms and holes are used, they're an alternative to recursive definitions. Without contexts, → would have to be defined recursively over the structure of terms (Scheme's grammar defines the structure). Substitution in lambda calculus is an example of structural recursion, as are any tree-processing functions you might define in Scheme (though Scheme syntax is quite different than the syntax used to define → and lambda calculus substitution).
(define (tree-depth tree)
(if (pair? tree)
(max (tree-depth (car tree))
(tree-depth (cdr tree)))
) )
Next, let's examine the meaning of sqv, which is short for "self-quoting values". This is a non-terminal from the Scheme grammar, given in appendix A.2.
sqv ::= n | #t | #f
n ::= [numbers]
sqv is simply a number or boolean.
All together, the 6sqv evaluation rule means that a quoted number or boolean evaluates to the number or boolean; the quote is simply discarded.
What this signifies for your homework is that you can't tell the difference between 1 and '1 with a normal function, since sub-terms are evaluated before the function is called. You'll need a macro.
Why go through all this just to say that "'1 evaluates to 1"? Firstly, answering "why" takes more than answering "what". Also, it will hopefully help you go beyond the question, learning a little bit how to read Scheme's formal semantics, give you a taste of computational theory concepts and lead to many more questions.
