Can't connect to cockroachdb on gcp - cockroachdb

I deployed a CockroachDB cluster on a 4 gcp instances in a secure mode and configured a TCP proxy load balancer to distribute the traffic, but when I try to connect to it through the load balancer sometimes I get connected but most of the times I get a connection timeout with this error message in the instances cockroachdb logs:
‹http: TLS handshake error from tls: first record does not look like a TLS handshake›
The address in the error message is the gcp LoadBalancer's IP address.
Any thoughts?


Connecting to AxonServer node [****] failed: UNAVAILABLE: Network closed for unknown reason

I am new to axon server. I use axon server as remote server in spring boot. not in the localhost. but when the spring boot application connect to the server it fails and show the fallowing error.
Connecting to AxonServer node [174.298.31.***:8024] failed: UNAVAILABLE: Network closed for unknown reason
Failed to get connection to AxonServer. Scheduling a reconnect in 2000ms
my property file like below,
servers: 174.298.31.***:8024
if you didn't change the default port, 8024 is the default port for HTTP access to the server dashboard. but when you try to connect to the server using a client, it is not the communication port, the communication protocol is 8124. please try putting 8124 port. 8024 only for the dashboard.
servers: 174.298.31.***:8124

GCP mongodb external ip connection issue

I have a spring MVC application and I am connecting it to MongoDB cluster
This is in the file
The cluster is deployed on GCP with one primary and 2 secondary servers.
However, after deployment when I hit the API to get the data I get an error
{ mongodb-3-arbiters-vm-0}}, {address=mongodb-3-servers-vm-1:27017, type=UNKNOWN, state=CONNECTING, exception={com.mongodb.MongoSocketException: mongodb-3-servers-vm-1}, caused by { mongodb-3-servers-vm-1}}
The external IPs are getting mapped to the server name on the GCP dashboard. xx.xx.xx.xx:27017 to mongodb-3-servers-vm-1:27017, hence resulting in unknown host exception. what to do to avoid that ?
When connecting to a replica set, the hostnames, IP addresses and port numbers provided in the connection string are the seedlist.
The driver will connect to the hosts in the seedlist in order to get an initial connection. It uses this connection to perform server discovery. It queries the server that is connected first for the host names, port numbers, and status of the other members of the replica set. The server obtains this information from the replica set configuration document.
This means that the hostnames and port number you used when running rs.initiate or rs.add must be resolvable by both the replica set members and each client host that will be connecting.
There is a feature that supports passing remote clients a different host name, similar to split-horizon DNS, but outside of the git repository, I don't see any mention of it. .servicebus.primitives.ServiceBusException

I can't connect to my queue on azure account using java code. It seems that the problem is the network. I can to connect with my private network but not with the company network.
I have this message error:
Exception in thread "main" .servicebus.primitives.ServiceBusException: Error{condition=amqp:connection:framing-error, description='connection aborted', info=null}.
Any hints?
It seems that the problem is the network. I can to connect with my private network but not with the company network.
Yes, you are right. I also find the simlar issue on the github. It seems that your company firewall restriction which blocks all traffic on ports 5671 and 5672. We could get more information from AMQP 1.0 in Azure Service Bus and Event Hubs protocol guide.
Azure Service Bus requires the use of TLS at all times. It supports connections over TCP port 5671, whereby the TCP connection is first overlaid with TLS before entering the AMQP protocol handshake, and also supports connections over TCP port 5672 whereby the server immediately offers a mandatory upgrade of connection to TLS using the AMQP-prescribed model. The AMQP WebSockets binding creates a tunnel over TCP port 443 that is then equivalent to AMQP 5671 connections.
If possible, you could ask permission to open 2 ports in your company firewall.

AWS Elastic Load Balancer not responding from Internet connection

I have created one EC2 instance (as part of the provision of a Tomcat Beanstalk instance). Now I need to configure HTTPS connection to the EC2 instance. As per the Beanstalk documentation, the easiest way is to configure a load balancer that interacts with browsers using HTTPS and that routes traffic to the EC2 instance using HTTP.
So I configured a load balancer under the EC2 management console. After the configuration, I tried to ping the public DNS name of the load balancer or the resolved IP address. The target is reachable but does not produce any response, as shown below:
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
^C ping statistics ---
7 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 6139ms
I carefully checked all the configurations, as per the load balancer configuration and trouble-shooting documentation. All seem to have been configured properly.
Target group: the target group has the healthy state in monitoring tab.
VPC: the load balancer availability zone and the EC2 instance are in
the same VPC zone. Also in the route table, there is an internet
gateway associated to destination.
load balancer listeners: both HTTP and HTTPS listeners are
configured. Load balancer is also configured for internet-facing
Security group for load balancer: for inbound traffic, both
HTTP/HTTPS and TCP protocol are configured, accepting all sources;
for outbound traffic: all protocols to all destinations are allowed.
Security group for EC2: for the purpose of testing, we enable all
traffic for all sources in inbound traffic.
I researched a few forum threads about the "load balancer not responding" topic and checked the configurations they mentioned. However, none of them worked for me.
So I am at loss now. Can someone enlighten me where I might have missed in configuring the load balancer? Or what I need to do for trouble-shooting?

Do I need to open port 8300 for consul servers in different DCs?

I have created a Consul architecture that spans across different consul datacenters.
When I now open the UI on one of the consul servers, and switch via the little dropdown menu
to look at at a different datacenter the request times out. In the log I can see this error message:
2016/05/03 06:26:08 [ERR] http: Request GET /v1/internal/ui/nodes?dc=dc1-live&token=<hidden>, error: rpc error: failed to get conn: dial tcp i/o timeout
Does this mean I need to open port 8300 additionally to port 8302 between the servers of the different datacenters?
I ended up having port 8300 being opended and that made the error messages go away. So I conclude that it is necessary.
