ORACLE APEX ORDS Ошибка при запуске страницы (приложения). Null username passed to login procedure. SSO_USER= [closed] - oracle-apex21.2

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Closed 14 days ago.
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There are two apps in APEX. One starts and the other doesn't. When launching the APEX application, the Null username passed to login procedure error is returned. SSO_USER=. The same error is issued if you go to APEX and launch any application or application page.
At least launch the application. One starts and the other doesn't.


Youtube API v3 - Insert using internal Oauth consent screen gets locked as private [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I'm trying to use the YouTube Data API's Videos.insert endpoint using an internal OAuth consent screen since it's just for a console application I'm writing to combine and upload videos I have edited.
Every time I do this the video gets locked as private with an email saying:
your video has been locked as private. This is because it was
uploaded to YouTube using a third-party service that hasn't yet been
through our verification process.
It was my understanding that using an internal consent screen for my application would bypass this issue and the need for verification. Can someone explain to me what "internal" actually means here and how I would use the YouTube API correctly for my needs?
Also the option to verify the application is removed when you select "Internal", yet the issue still persists

How do I find out what project is connected to Youtube data API service based on the project number? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I got an email stating that my project(s) hasn't accessed or used the YouTube Data API Service in the last 60 days and if it's inactive for another 30 days they'll disable access to the API. The project is referenced only by a number, and I have no idea what the "project" is or how to find it based on that number.
I have had the same email. I eventually found the Project by stumbling my way to this part of my Google Account, so you should find the Project in your Google Account using the same link:
In my case the Project relates to the Wordpress Plugin "YouTube Lyte":
I installed this Plugin on a Wordpress self-hosted blog some years ago.
I have no idea why my Google Developer Console identifies me (ie. my Google Account) as the "Owner" of the "YouTube Lyte" api.
I will see if I can get any clarification via the YouTube Lyte Plugin Support Page:
This is not my highest priority at the moment so someone else might get there first - and maybe kindly post an answer here?

My application uses Pinterest api not working today? [closed]

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Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question.
Closed 4 years ago.
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My application is not working today
it's an error message: The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized.
and I try to use link :
to debug.
but Response error:Something went wrong, are your fields correct?
Is Pinterest blocking this feature?
I have the same problem. It seems like Pinterest is banning all tokens generated outside an App (using the access token generator tool).
Please refer to Token Debugger Tool and see if your token is banned.
I think they are pushing us to create an App in fufilment of new privacy policies.

Sage Pay integrate terminal payments in backend [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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We're using direct integration which works fine for the customer and they are correctly redirected to the 3D secure page for validation and enter the password if required by the backend. We want to take payment over the phone as well. Sage Pay offers terminal transaction within My Sage Pay page, but I couldn't see to find any documents that we can do same but from our backend.
It's exactly the same as your ecommerce integration - all you need to do differently is specify AccountType=M in the transaction post. This will suppress 3D Secure checking. You will need a MOTO MID on your sagepay account, though.

"Synchronous" browsing -- make one user see what another one is doing [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I would like to implement a "guided" photo browsing. That is, when one web-site visitor chooses to be in the guided mode and another to be a guide, the former sees photos chosen by the latter.
This is similar to what Google Drive simultaneous editing looks like, when one user sees changes by another user in real time. So I was wondering if I could just use the same technology. Does anyone know how it is implemented? Also any comments on whether it would be suitable for me would be appreciated.
You can use a real time socket messaging like
The user that wants to see the photos will subscribe to a channel where the messages will be sent. The message gets to the user immediately.
The application will read the message in JSON format. You can include the photo name/title as well as the URL. You will process the message and load the image.
Here is an example of how they implemented a stream of Hacker News articles:
