JPA CascadeType.PERSIST triggers persist even if the parent is not persisting - spring

My problem is my application "works" although it shouldn't (AFAIK)
Every tutorial says that CascadeType.PERSIST causes a child to be persisted automatically when his parent is persisted. And it is usually followed by an example with explicit em.persist(parent)
My code looks like this (simplified):
class Parent(
#OneToMany(cascade = [CascadeType.PERSIST])
val children: List<Child>
fun addChild() {
val parent = parentRepository.find(id)
val child = new Child()
// is missing here but surprisingly the child is persisted
It seems CascadeType.PERSIST is triggered when the parent's collection is modified. Is it right? (I am using Hibernate 5.6.8, Spring 5.3.19 and Spring Data 2.6.4)

This is the correct behavior according to section 3.2.4 of the JPA specification, covering discovering changes during synchronization to the database:
If X is a managed entity, it is synchronized to the database.
For all entities Y referenced by a relationship from X, if the relationship to Y has been annotated with the cascade element value
cascade=PERSIST or cascade=ALL, the persist operation is applied to


How to get actual child collection when updating parent

How can I get actual child collection, when adding new one in separated transactional method, while updating parent.
I have spring boot app with hibernate/jpa and one-to-many unidirectional model:
public class Deal {
private UUID id;
#OneToMany(cascade = CascadeType.ALL, fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
private List<Rate> rates;
public class Rate {
private UUID id;
And I have non transactional method for do some business logic by rest call:
public Deal applyDeal(UUID dealId) {
return dealService.getById(dealId);
Method apply in DealService has several methods in separate transactions (all methods doLogic() annotated with #Transactional(Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW):
public void apply(UUI dealId) {
In do2Logic() I have some logic that adding new Rate entity to my parent entity with dealId and direct call of save method for Deal object.
publid void do2Logic(...) {
var deal = dealService.getById(...);
deal.getRates().add(new Rate());;
But when I get response from root method applyDeal the new child entity is absent.
If after that I will try to get this parent in separate rest call (getDeal) I get actual parent entity with new child in collection.
How to get actual child collection in parent response of applyDeal method?
I tried to make all logic in one #Transactional but it doesn't works.
I also don't understand why when I am try to get deal instance to return in applyDeal I get old data.
Thank you.
I guess you are running MySQL or MariaDB? These two database by default use the repeatable read transaction isolation level, which can cause this behavior. Try configuring the read committed isolation level instead, and/or remove the REQUIRES_NEW propagation if possible, since that will suspend an already running transaction to start a second one.

Collection not updating upon saving opposite entity using Spring Data Jpa

I have two entities that are in a one-to-many relationship:
Parent entity:
#OneToMany(mappedBy = "parent")
public List<Child> getChildren()
Child entity:
#JoinColumn(name = "PARENT_ID")
public Parent getParent()
Consider the following code (inside transaction):
Child child = childRepository.findById(id).get();
Parent parent = child.getParent();
List<Child> children = parent.getChildren();
In this case the 'children' list will still contain the child entity although it is already removed. I tried flushing the repositories, saving the parent entity or even getting a new one from the parentRepository, none of these worked.
Why is the children list not updated upon save and how can I make sure the collection is up-to-date without explicitly removing the entity (I want to make further operations on the entities in the collection)?

Why Entitys uninitialized collection is initialized automatically only for Entities persisted before current transaction?

(Please feel free to edit the title after reading this question)
I have quite simple #ManyToOne bidirectional mapping between entities Parent and Child.
The list of children Collection<Child> children in Parent is never initialized so it should be null.
When using EntityManager.find(...) for previously persisted Parent and then getting the list from that Parent gives ArrayList even there are no children yet with this Parent and it is fine.
However if persisting or merging a new Parent in the same transaction collection of children will be null even if the persisted/merged Parent is fetched again with EntityManager.find(...).
So i wonder this different behavior and if it is happening only in my environment.
I assume it has something to do with the caching of entities: entity is found from cache and it is returned instead of fetching it from db AND the initialization of empty collections will happen only when fetched from db, maybe depending on the JPA implementation.
Is my assumption even near the truth and if not what is the reason ?
Entities and test cases below. My test environment listed in tags.
// using lombok
public class NoPersistTest {
private EntityManager em;
public static final WebArchive deploy() {
WebArchive wa = ShrinkWrap.create(WebArchive.class, "test.war")
.addAsWebInfResource("test-persistence.xml", "persistence.xml").addClasses(Parent.class, Child.class);
return wa;
public void testWithPreviouslyPersistedParent() {
Parent parent = em.find(Parent.class, 1); // has no children in db
// before
Child child = new Child();
parent.getChildren().add(child);"type of Collection<Child> is {}", parent.getChildren().getClass().getName());
// above logs "type of Collection<Child> is
#Test(expected = NullPointerException.class)
public void testPersistingParentInSameTransaction() {
Parent parent = new Parent();
Parent parent2 = em.find(Parent.class, parent.getId());
Child child = new Child();
child.setParent(parent2);"Collection<Child> is {}", parent2.getChildren());
// above logs Collection<Child> is null
#Test(expected = NullPointerException.class)
public void testMergingParentInSameTransaction() {
Parent parent = new Parent();
parent = em.merge(parent);
Parent parent2 = em.find(Parent.class, parent.getId());
Child child = new Child();
child.setParent(parent2);"Collection<Child> is {}", parent2.getChildren());
// logs Collection<Child> is null
#Entity #Getter #Setter
public class Parent {
#Id #GeneratedValue(strategy=GenerationType.IDENTITY)
private Long id;
#OneToMany(mappedBy="parent", cascade=CascadeType.ALL, orphanRemoval=true)
private Collection<Child> children;
private Date created = new Date(); // just to have something to persist
#Entity #Getter #Setter
public class Child {
#Id #GeneratedValue(strategy=GenerationType.IDENTITY)
private Long id;
private Date created = new Date(); // just to have something to persist
private Parent parent;
If you create the Parent the collection is not initialized because you don't do it. And also when persisting the Parent JPA will leave the collection as it is.
But when you read the Parent with Hibernate the collection will contain a proxy because toMany relationships are fetched LAZY and this proxy is used to fetch the children on demand.
My recommendation is to always initialize collection to avoid NullPointerExceptions. That's good programming style.
The answer below is correct, I'd just like to add some more information as I was asked to in a comment elsewhere.
JPA uses caching to avoid database hits where possible, and where a database hit is still required, caching avoids the cost of rebuilding objects and allows maintaining Identity - ensuring you get back the same A instance when traversing A->B->A circular references.
When you persist an entity, you are placing it in the EntityManager cache as a managed entity - calling find on that EntityManager will return you the same exact instance you just passed in.
A initialA = new A();
A managedA = em.persist(initialA);
The persist call itself will not change anything within your entity (except possibly the ID if a sequence that allows preallocation to be used), so any null references will still be null.
Eventually the transaction commits and depending on your provider, entities can be cached in a second level cache. I'll assume you aren't using it for the sake of brevity; unless you force the EM to refresh this instance (flush first if its a new one!) or read it in a separate EntityManager, you will always get that same instance back with any null references.
If you refresh it or otherwise cause it to be reloaded, your JPA provider is required to set everything in the object as it is in the database, according to your mappings. Since null isn't a persistable state for a collection mapping, that means it will either eagerly fetch your references, or place proxies in there for lazy relationships, causing you to find an empty collection.

JPA - EntityGraph and Hibernate L2 Cache (ehcache)

I have a one-to-many relationship defined as below
name = "Parent.Child",
attributeNodes = {
public class Parent {
private Set<Child> children;
// getter - setter
Now in my DAL, i'm calling this method
public Parent getParentWithChildren(int id) {
EntityGraph<?> graph = entityManager.getEntityGraph("Parent.Child");
Map<String, Object> props = new HashMap<>();
props.put("javax.persistence.fetchgraph", graph);
return entityManager.find(Parent.class, id, props);
Since i have loaded Parent with Children, i should be able to use children collection outside of the transaction. But i'm getting Lazyinitialization Exception. This happens only when hibernate level 2 cache - ehcache is enabled. If i disable it from config, it works as expected. Also if i initialize collection explicitly after find, it works as expected. So is it a bug?. I'm using Hibernate 5.2.6.Final with JPA 2.1.
EDIT: One more thing i noticed was that entity loads fine for the first time, so that problem must be related with hibernate & cache provider.
In order for Hibernate to use an entity graph one must bypass the second-level cache (e.g. EhCache) by using the javax.persistence.cache.retrieveMode hint with the value CacheRetrieveMode.BYPASS:
final EntityGraph<?> graph = em.getEntityGraph("myGraph");
final Map<String, Object> hints = new HashMap<>();
hints.put("javax.persistence.cache.retrieveMode", CacheRetrieveMode.BYPASS);
hints.put("javax.persistence.fetchgraph", graph);
final SomeEntity entity = em.find(SomeEntity.class, 42, hints);
Note that the second-level cache will still be populated as usual.
No. It's not a bug. I guess Hibernate is delaying the loading from cache until really necessary. The implementation can decide to be lazy as see fit unless you ask for eager fetching.
So the general rule is to load everything you need before going out of the transaction (before closing the Hibernate session to be precise).

Spring-JPA: updating parent Entity fails to persist new child Entities, interpreting them as Transient instead

I'm new to Spring/JPA/Hibernate, and while it sounds easy reality just hasn't been. I could use some help.
I have a parent Entity that holds a list of child Entities. I'll use these to keep the discussion simple:
public class Parent {
private Long id;
#OneToMany(fetch=FetchType.EAGER, cascade = CascadeType.ALL, mappedBy="parent")
private List<Child> children= new ArrayList<Child>();
public class Child {
private Long id;
private Parent parent;
public interface ParentRepository extends JpaRepository<Parent, Long> {};
Round 1, I create a new parent and a new child, add the child to the parent's list and set the parent on the child. When I save the parent the child is saved as well.
void create() {
Parent parent = new Parent();
Child child = new Child();
parent =;
Now, Round 2, I add a new child:
void update() {
Parent parent = repository.findOne(parentID);
Child newChild = new Child();
parent =;
However, this time the new child is never persisted!
I've tried most every variation of CascadeType, #GeneratedValue GenerationType, #Transactional Propagation type...
Tracing this through hibernate (painful!), here's what I've found:
When saving the second time, the problem is with the second (new) child.
The issue seems to be that when it comes time to persist the parent's Child list
the new child is not in the EntityManager (yet) and thus in considered to be Transient.
As a result, it is effectively being passed down the chain as null, resulting in the following:
org.springframework.transaction.TransactionSystemException: Could not commit JPA transaction; nested exception is
javax.persistence.RollbackException: Error while committing thetransaction
at org.springframework.orm.jpa.JpaTransactionManager.doCommit(
Caused by: javax.persistence.RollbackException: Error while committing the transaction
at org.hibernate.ejb.TransactionImpl.commit(
at org.springframework.orm.jpa.JpaTransactionManager.doCommit(
Caused by: org.hibernate.AssertionFailure: collection [null] was not processed by flush()
at org.hibernate.engine.spi.CollectionEntry.postFlush(
It might be relevant that in my actual code "Child" also has a map of child Entities. This "value" is what gets passed down as null due to the "Transient" misappropriation.
I've been using repository.saveAndFlush() to keep things synchronous for debugging. When I use just .save() my #PreUpdate EntityListener is called but the #PostUpdate listener never is.
It seems that there wouldn't be a problem if Child were just persisted or given an Id at least before persisting Parent. But it also seems counter-productive to do that manually. Still, that's the only alternative I can think of.
Thanks for reading. Any help would be much appreciated!
I found the problem, though I don't really have a complete solution yet.
First, some additional background. In addition to Parent and Child, I had a related class I'll call "House" here. House has an EntityListener defined so that when it is saved/updated, the associated Parent & Child objects get created/updated. So it is during House's PostPersist/PostUpdate that Parent and Child objects are created, linked, pointed back to House, and then persisted.
So the problem seems to be this is done before the House transaction completes. By merely pulling out the Parent/Child activity until after the House activity completes, all the problems went away.
The only thing I can figure (I'll dig a little deeper) is that since House hasn't been completely persisted at that moment, it results in the Transient condition described above.
Chalk one up to ignorance. Apparently EntityCallback methods "should not call EntityMan­ager or Query methods and should not access any other entity objects." Did not know that. This raises the question now of how should I trigger an Entity's creation on another's activity. But I'll start another thread for that if necessary. Thanks all!
Everything in what you've shown seems pretty normal, so the problem might lie in that map you mentioned. I have a working example of a bidirectional one-to-many using Spring Data JPA on Github. You can look through the code or clone and run it with:
git clone git:// tmp
cd tmp/spring-data
mvn -q compile exec:java -D exec.mainClass=rds.springdata.JpaBiDiOneToManyExample
