Is it possible to enable persistance for some part of the Redis data? - caching

I want to use Redis RDB persistence, but I need persistency for only small part of the data. How can I configure Redis to take snapshot for some part of data. Is it possible or I need 2 different Redis DB?

No, you can't do it. You'll need 2 different Redis instances.


Using Redis Pub/Sub to persist data into an RDBMS

I was experimenting with using Redis for caching and got a bit confused with persistence. I would like to create a service that automatically writes into a PostgreSQL database every time the Redis cache is updated.
My initial thought was to use the Pub/Sub feature to listen to events and then trigger the appropriate queries that write into my RDBMS. Though, after looking some more into the Pub/Sub feature it appears that it is probably not be meant to be used this way.
It seems that the standard practice is to keep that logic inside of the REST API that queries Redis. I would however like to have a service that automatically does this in the background. Is there a simpler way of doing this that I am missing ?
Thank you in advance.
I guess the common way is to Save data to MongoDB and Redis manually.
for example when a user post new message:
newPost = new Post("Hello world!");
// save to db and get model ID
// save model to Redis
This approach will guarantee that all new Models will store in database even when Redis is down.
An other approach is to save data in Redis first, and add a flag to a Redis List, Then(anytime later) read flags from list and save related data to database.

Caching with Redis on a Parse Server

I'm on a 2.6.3 Parse Server and I need to cache the results of queries, to speed things up!
I understand that Parse Server offers a Redis adapter. What exactly do I have to do, in order to start using Redis? Are there any modules I should install? Anything I should import or configure?
Also, I found this on Parse's documentation:
Those cache adapters can be cleaned at anytime internally, you should not use them to cache data and you should let parse-server manage their data lifecycle.
What do they mean by saying you should not use them to cache data and you should let parse-server manage their data lifecycle.? Should I not use the adapter?
What the doc is saying is that parse caches with it's own in-memory structure by default, but it leaves developers the option to use reddis as a substitute. To opt for that, just (1) setup redis as you typically would, (2) initialize the parse server with a RedisCacheAdapter that's been configured with your redis URL.
The point you're asking about: "you should not use them to cache data ..." means that Parse will continue to decide when to cache, when to retrieve from cache, and when to clean, etc. but it will do so by invoking the redis that you configured with.
I think the major advantage to this more elaborate setup is redis's distributed capability. If you're not running on a cluster, you may find the redis idea to be about equivalent performance-wise and a little messier setup-wise as not doing it.

what are the best approaches (practices) to create stateful microservices?

I need to create a food ordering service, using microservices, scalable , cluster, several steps to order. Need to store user data between steps / requests.
What is an approach to keep state and user data? Store it in DB? Cache? Shared memory?
Are there any tutorials for the best practice of it?
(I gonna use spring / springboot and modules)
Anything that you cannot afford to lose (usually the business data) will go in DB and can be parallelly cached in an in-memory DB like Redis that has a cache eviction algorithm inbuilt.
Anything that, if lost, is not a big deal (usually the technical things that are not directly linked with the business data) can go only in an in-memory DB.
Since you are using Spring, you could probably use something like Redis with Spring Data Redis. There are already known Spring solutions (such as this) to fall back on api calls to fetch data from DB if the Redis server goes down. You can also run multiple Redis instances behind Redis Sentinel to provide failover. Redis Cluster provides a way to run a Redis installation where data is automatically sharded across multiple Redis nodes. Also, you can configure Redis to persist the data in file system once daily or so to backup the cache data for disaster recovery.
If you are looking for a fully managed service, AWS provides "Step Functions" to satisfy your stateful requirements:

How to use redis for number of micro-services?

I am very much new to redis. I have been investigating on redis for past few days.I read the documentation on cache management(lru cache), commands ,etc. I want to know how to implement caching for multiple microservice(s) data .
I have few questions:
Can all microservices data(cached) be kept under a single instance of redis
Should every microservice have its own cache database in redis?
How to refresh cache data without setting EXPIRE? Since it would consume more memory.
Some more information on best practices on redis with microservices will be helpful.
It's possible to use the same Redis for multiple microservices, just make sure to prefix your redis cache keys to avoid conflict between all microservices.
You can use multi db in the same redis instance (i.e one for each microservice) but it's discouraged because Redis is single threaded.
The best way is to use one Redis for each microservices, then you can easily flush one of them without touching others.
From my personal experience with a redis cache in production (with 2 million keys), there is no problem using EXPIRE. I encourage you to use it.
Please find below the answer to all your questions -
Can all microservices data(cached) be kept under a single instance of redis server? Ans - Yes you can keep all the data under single redis instance, all you need to do is to set that data using different key Name. As redis is basically a Key-Value Database.
Should every microservice have its own cache database in redis? Ans - Not required. Just make different key for each microservice. Also please note that you can use colon (:) to make folders in redis, to identify different microservices easily on Redis Desktop Manager.
Example - Key Name X:Y:Z, here Z is placed in Y folder and Y is in X. SO you will get a folder kind of structure. That would be helpful to differentiate different microservices.
How to refresh cache data without setting EXPIRE? Since it would consume more memory. Ans - You can set data again on the same key if you have any change in Microservice response. That Key value will get over written in that case.
Can all microservices data(cached) be kept under a single instance of redis server?
In microservice architecture it's prefirible "elastic scale SaaS". You can think your Cache service is perse a microservice (that will response on demand) Then you have multiple options here. The recommended practice on data storage is sharding .See the diagram below for book Microservices, IoT and Azure
Should every microservice have its own cache database in redis? It's possible to still thinking "vertical partition" but you should consider "horizontal partitions" so again consider sharding; additionally It's not a bad idea to have "local cache" specialy to avoid DoS
"Be careful not to introduce critical dependencies on the availability of a shared cache service into your solutions. An application should be able to continue functioning if the service that provides the shared cache is unavailable. The application should not hang or fail while waiting for the cache service to resume."
How to refresh cache data without setting EXPIRE? Since it would consume more memory.
You can define your synch polices; I think cache is suitable for things that have few changes.
"It might also be appropriate to have a background process that periodically updates reference data in the cache to ensure it is up to date, or that refreshes the cache when reference data changes."
For cahe best practices check
Caching Best Practices

What is the best way to invalidate cache in Redis?

I can only think of Redis messaging. But isn't that costly? I do not want to use template.expire() either because it is static. What I need is to re-populate cache whenever there is a new information in the DB. Thanks!
