Return multiple PDF views using one route - laravel

I would like to know if it's possible to display multiple PDF files using one route (with package Barryvdh\DomPDF). Would be something like this :
User clicks on link "Download all files";
Link points towards method downloadAll()
This method returns multiple streams with foreach using either queues, workers or anything else that could help (each time _blank page).
My current method :
public function downloadAll(Person $person)
foreach ($person->letter as $letter) {
dispatch(function () use ($letter) {
return Pdf::loadView('cancellation-letter', [
'letter' => $letter,
])->stream($letter->uuid . '.pdf');
return redirect()->back();
Obviously this won't work, since method cannot return multiple responses. But is this possible to do in the first place? And if yes, would you have any advice on how i could do this?


How do I pass a value in my Route to the Controller to be used in the View in Laravel?

I have 2 entities called Match and Roster.
My Match routes are like this
http://localhost:8888/app/public/matches (index)
http://localhost:8888/app/public/matches/14 (show)
In order to view/create the teams for each specific match I added the routes for the match roster like this:
Route::get('/matches/'.'{id}'.'/roster/', [App\Http\Controllers\RosterController::class, 'index']);
Now I need that {id} i have in my URL to pass it to the Controller here:
public function index()
return view('roster.index');
I need that for a couple of things. First I need to do a search on the Roster table filtering by a column with that value, so I can display only the players that belong to that match.
Second, I need to pass it on to the view so I can use it on my store and update forms. I want to add or remove players from the roster from that same index view.
How can I do that?
#1 You can get the route parameter defined on ur routes via request()->route('parameter_name').
public function index()
// get {id} from the route (/matches/{id}/roster)
$id = request()->route('id');
#2 You can pass the data object via using return view(file_name, object)
public function index()
// get {id} from the route (/matches/{id}/roster)
$id = request()->route('id');
// query what u want to show
// dunno ur models specific things, so just simple example.
$rosters = Roster::where('match_id', '=', $id);
// return view & data
return view('roster.index', $rosters);
#3 It can be done not only index but also others (create, store, edit, update)
In addition, STRONGLY RECOMMEND learn Official Tutorial with simple example first.
Like a Blog, Board, etc..
You need to know essentials to build Laravel App.
Most of the time, I prefer named routes.
Route::get('{bundle}/edit', [BundleController::class, 'edit'])->name('bundle.edit');
In controller
public function edit(Bundle $bundle): Response
// do your magic here
You can call the route by,
route('bundle.edit', $bundle);

Sending different data from different method on same route - laravel 8

I am trying to get order data in order tab and profile details data in profile tab.
Is it possible to achieve ???
If Yes, then please tell me how ?
If No, then please tell me, laravel is the most advance framework of PHP, why we can't send multiple data from multiple methods in same View ?
public function GetOrders()
$gtord = DB::table('orders')->where('email',Session::get('email'))->get();
return view('/my-account')->with('gtord',$gtord);
public function ProfileEdit()
$data = DB::table('customers')->where('email',Session::get('email'))->first();
return view('/my-account')->with('data',$data);
Route::get('/my-account', 'App\Http\Controllers\CustomerController#ProfileEd');
Route::get('/my-account', 'App\Http\Controllers\CustomerController#GetOrders');
Thank you in advance
You can't have multiple routes with the same 'signature', ie method and url.
If you're just showing/hiding tabs using JS, what you can do is return the view with two variables, eg:
public function AccountView()
$data = DB::table('customers')->where('email',Session::get('email'))->first();
$gtord = DB::table('orders')->where('email',Session::get('email'))->get();
return view('/my-account')->with(['data' => $data, 'gtord' => $gtord]);
And then just use one route:
Route::get('/my-account', 'App\Http\Controllers\CustomerController#AccountView');
If the two tabs are different urls, or you're using Vue or similar you would have two distinct routes with different signatures.
First, you can't have 2 same routes with the same method. It's quite logical and necessary. Otherwise, the whole routing system would collapse.
On the other hand, you can have a function in the controller, and call the other functions to collect data.
// web.php
Route::get('/my-account', 'App\Http\Controllers\CustomerController#index');
// controller
public function index()
$orders = $this->getOrders();
$profile = $this->getProfiles();
return view('yourView', compact(['orders', 'profile']));
public function getOrders()
public function getProfiles()
BTW, it's a better practice to move custom function to models, services or traits, and keep only the functions of 7 verbs in the contoller.

is there any possibility to display image from public folder in Laravel controller?

this function returns only one image. but I want to show all images which are stored in this folder. can anyone help me?
My controller
public function index()
foreach ($get as $image) {
$path =public_path().'/Images/Resturants/'.$image->image;
$file= File::get($path);
$type= File::mimeType($path);
$response= Response::make($file, 200);
return $response;
You don't need to be trying to return a file response, since your web server itself can handle serving files in the public folder. Also you wouldn't be trying to return multiple files (somehow) in the response. You can just return an array of the URLs to the files and let what ever is consuming this make the requests to get these files by URL. This would simplify your controller method quite a bit:
return Resturant::pluck('image')
->map(fn ($i) => asset('Images/Resturants/'. $i));
PHP 8 here, but its pretty simple, just have to make URLs from each image.
If you want to have the names to go along with this you can adjust pluck to use a column for the index:
...pluck('image', 'name')...

How to render a cms page with default theme AND variables from controllers in OctoberCMS?

I'm wondering how I can render a view, or display a page with my default theme in OctoberCMS, via a route that executes a function in a controller.
If I have the following route:
Route::get('bransje', [
'uses' => 'Ekstremedia\Cityportal\CPController#bransje'
And in my controller CPController ive tried several things, like I used to with Laravel:
public function bransje() {
$stuff = Stuff::with('info');
return View::make('cms::bransje')->with('stuff',$stuff);
But I cannot seem to get it to work, and I've tried to search the web, but it's hard to find answers. I have found a workaround, and that is to make a plugin component, then I can include that component and do:
public function onRun()
$this->eventen = $this->page['stuff'] = $this->stuff();
protected function stuff()
return ...
Is there any way so I can make pages without using the Cms, and that are wrapped in my default theme? I've tried
return View::make('my-theme-name::page');
and a lot of variants but no luck.
I know I can also do a:
public function onRun()
in the start of my page in the cms, but I'm not sure how to call a function from my plugin controller via there.
You can bypass frontend routing by using routes.php file in your plugin.
Full example in this video turotial.
If this answer can still be useful (Worked for October v434).
I have almost the same scenerio.
What I want to achieve is a type of routing like facebook page and profile. is the same url structure as
First I create a page in the CMS for each scenario (say catchpage.htm)
Then a created a catchall route at the buttom of routes.php in my plugin that will also not disturb the internal working of octobercms.
if (!Request::is('combine/*') && !Request::is('backend/*') && !Request::is('backend')) {
// Last fail over for looking up slug from the database
Route::get('{slug}/{slug2?}', function ($slug, $slug2 = null) {
//Pretend this are our routes and we can check them against the database
$routes = ["bola", "sade", "bisi", "ade", "tayo"];
if(in_array($slug, $routes)) {
$cmsController = new Cms\Classes\Controller;
return $cmsController->render("/catchpage", ['slug' => $slug]);
// Some fallback to 404
return Response::make(View::make('cms::404'), 404);
The if Request::is check is a list of all the resource that october uses under the hood, please dont remove the combine as it is the combiner route. Remove it and the style and script will not render. Also the backend is the url to the backend, make sure to supply the backend and the backend/*.
Finally don't forget to return Response::make(View::make('cms::404'), 404); if the resource is useless.
You may put all these in a controller though.
If anyone has a better workaround, please let us know.

How to call several actions from within another action?

I'm migrating a non-MVC application to Laravel 4.2 and I'm unsure of the best way to accomplish this task. I have several reports created on routes like this:
These actions query the database, run a bunch of calculations, and generate some html tables and forms.
What I need to add now is a page like this:
This dashboard page should display the output of all 3 reports in a condensed format, each with a "click to view details" link that takes the user to the main report page.
Is there a way for the dashboard action to call each of the report actions, and use their output as data in the dashboard view?
Here's a little code of how you would do this. I'm not exactly sure how you have everything structured, so you might have to adapt this a little.
Lets say you have a route for the dashboard like this.
Route::get('/reports/dashboard', DashboardController#showDashboard');
This route should call a controller method that will do your processing.
class DashboardController extends BaseController
public function showDashboard()
return View::make('dashboard')->with(array(
'report1_data' => $this->getReport1Data(),
'report2_data' => $this->getReport2Data(),
'report3_data' => $this->getreport3Data()
public function getReport1Data() { //calculations, return array of results }
public function getReport2Data() { //calculations, return array of results }
public function getReport3Data() { //calculations, return array of results }
public function showThisReport()
$data = $this->getReport1Data();
return View::make('report')->with(array('data' => $data));
public function showThatReport()
$data = $this->getReport2Data();
return View::make('report')->with(array('data' => $data));
public function showAnotherReport()
$data = $this->getReport3Data();
return View::make('report')->with(array('data' => $data));
So, this dashboard method will call the other methods (that you will also include in this controller) that will query the database and calculate the reports.
Then it returns a View with all of the data. The view will format the data and display it to the user.
Now, to make it so you can see the detailed view of each report, I suggest adding a couple more methods and routes to show detailed views.
Route::get('/reports/this_report', 'DashboardController#showThisReport');
Route::get('/reports/that_report', 'DashboardController#showThatReport');
Route::get('/reports/another_report', 'DashboardController#showAnotherReport');
I hope this helps! Good luck.
