Can I restrict access to properties with Memgraph database? - memgraphdb

I see that you have documentation about the Label-based access control as an Enterprise feature of Memgraph. I notice that there is label/type based security, but is there a way to restrict access to properties?

At the moment, only label based access control is supported, and this means that there is no way of defining a property control, not even in the Enterprise version of Memgraph.


How to to automate user management on the account with feature set A?

we are currently using SAP BTP with global account with feature set A and are wondering - is there a way to automate user management there, creation, deletion of users etc. So far, we can do it only manually through the Cockpit UI. Found out about BTP CLI, but that one seems to work only on Feature set B. Is there some alternative for Feature set A accounts?
SAP BTP supports to use your Corporate Identity Provider for Platform Users [Feature Set A] as described here:

ServiceNow personal developer instance enabled SecurityOperations plugin?

I've deployed a ServiceNow developer instance running version 'London' and can't see an option to enable SecurityOperations plugin. However I had a previous instance and I'm sure it was a straight forward operation from the instance manager.
Does anyone know how to do this or whats changed?
The Security Operations modules can now be directly activated from the plugin list of your instance. You can navigate to System Definitions -> Plugins and then search for Security to get your required plugin.

Multitenency in Apache Nifi

I am working on a cloud based application using Apache Nifi, for this we required to support Multitenency. But the current Nifi implementation only supports role based access for users, for a single flow.
I could understand that the flow state is saved as a single compressed XML file for a Nifi instance. So that who ever logins into that instance can view the same flow. Our requirement is to create unique flows for each user login. I tried to replicate state saving gz XML file for each users, but couldn't succeeded as the FlowService/FlowController which loads the XML file, is instantiated at the application startup and they are singleton. Please correct me, if Iam wrong with this approach. Or is there any other solution for adding Multitenant support with Nifi. I also wonder the reason behind the Nifi as a single user application.
Multi-tenant support will be introduced in Apache NiFi 1.0.0. There is a BETA release available [1]. This will support assigning permissions on a per component basis. However, the different tenants still share a canvas. There has been discussions of introducing a workspace concept that could provide visually separate dataflows.

Is it possible to Restrict access to specific projects in Oracle Service BUS (OSB 11g)

Can you please inform me, if OSB provides the option to allow access to specific projects via the OSB Console?
According to , I know that I am provided the option to create custom users, roles and groups but I cannot see anywhere the option of giving partial access to the development of projects via the console. My options end in the restriction of menus/options in total, or upon a specific timeframe etc.
Thank you for your help.
Best Regards

Create new user in sonar

Is it possible to create a new user in sonar without using the web interface?
I need to write a script that inserts the same users for some tools, including sonar.
There are three ways you can do this:
Write directly to the database (there is a simple table called users).
Use the LDAP plugin, if you specify sonar.authenticator.createUsers: true in, it will create the users in the sonar database automatically the first time they authenticate.
Write a java application that depends on the sonar plugin API, you can then use constructor injection to get a Sonar hibernate session and persist the user you want. See Here.
Since SonarQube version 3.6, there is support for user management in webservice API:
The web service API does not seem to support user management. Anything's possible, but it doesn't look like this is offered directly via Sonar.
You could probably use some web automation library (webbrowser, webunit, watir, twill) to do it through the running server; it might even be possible to just use something like 'curl' by looking carefully at the page source for the users/create form.
Or, if you want to go straight to the database, you could try to pull out the user creation functionality from the code and mess with the sonar.users table directly.
There is the LDAP Plugin, which would take care of authentication, but it still requires you to create the users in Sonar, so that wouldn't solve your problem.
