How to set dynamic partition key in spring cloud aws kinesis binder? - spring

I am trying to use Supplier/Consumer to produce and consume messages from Kinesis data stream. Is there a way to add partition key dynamically?
private BlockingQueue<Message> messages = new LinkedBlockingQueue<>();
public Supplier<Message<String>> produceMessages() {
return () -> this.messages.poll();
public void produce(main.Test request, StreamObserver<Test> response) {
Message input = MessageBuilder.withPayload(request.getMessage())
.setHeader("partitionKey", "los").build();

We don't know what is channel1, but according to Spring Cloud Stream docs it has to be like this:'some-key'
You can find sample here:


Spring 6: Spring Cloud Stream Kafka - Replacement for #EnableBinding

I was reading "Spring Microservices In Action (2021)" because I wanted to brush up on Microservices.
Now with Spring Boot 3 a few things changed. In the book, an easy example of how to push messages to a topic and how to consume messages to a topic were presented.
The Problem is: The examples presented do just not work with Spring Boot 3. Sending Messages from a Spring Boot 2 Project works. The underlying project can be found here:
Example 1 (organization-service):
Consider this Config: #kafka is used as a network alias in docker-compose
And this Component(Class) which can is injected in a service in this project
public class SimpleSourceBean {
private Source source;
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SimpleSourceBean.class);
public SimpleSourceBean(Source source){
this.source = source;
public void publishOrganizationChange(String action, String organizationId){
logger.debug("Sending Kafka message {} for Organization Id: {}", action, organizationId);
OrganizationChangeModel change = new OrganizationChangeModel(
This code fires a message to the topic (destination) orgChangeTopic. The way I understand it, the firsttime a message is fired, the topic is created.
Question 1: How do I do this Spring Boot 3? Config-Wise and "Code-Wise"?
Example 2:
Consider this config:
And this code:
public class LicenseServiceApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
public void loggerSink(OrganizationChangeModel orgChange) {"Received an {} event for organization id {}",
orgChange.getAction(), orgChange.getOrganizationId());
What this method is supposed to do is to fire whenever a message is fired in orgChangeTopic, we want the method loggerSink to fire.
How do I do this in Spring Boot 3?
In Spring Cloud Stream 4.0.0 (the version used if you are using Boot 3), a few things are removed - such as the EnableBinding, StreamListener, etc. We deprecated them before in 3.x and finally removed them in the 4.0.0 version. The annotation-based programming model is removed in favor of the functional programming style enabled through the Spring Cloud Function project. You essentially express your business logic as java.util.function.Funciton|Consumer|Supplier etc. for a processor, sink, and source, respectively. For ad-hoc source situations, as in your first example, Spring Cloud Stream provides a StreamBridge API for custom sends.
Your example #1 can be re-written like this:
public class SimpleSourceBean {
StreamBridge streamBridge
public void publishOrganizationChange(String action, String organizationId){
logger.debug("Sending Kafka message {} for Organization Id: {}", action, organizationId);
OrganizationChangeModel change = new OrganizationChangeModel(
streamBridge.send("output-out-0", MessageBuilder.withPayload(change).build());
Just so you know, you no longer need that zkNode property. Neither the content type since the framework auto-converts that for you.
StreamBridge send takes a binding name and the payload. The binding name can be anything - but for consistency reasons, we used output-out-0 here. Please read the reference docs for more context around the reasoning for this binding name.
If you have a simple source that runs on a timer, you can express this simply as a supplier as below (instead of using a StreamBrdige).
public Supplier<OrganizationChangeModel> ouput() {
return () -> {
// return the payload
Example #2
public Consumer<OrganizationChangeModel> loggerSink() {
return model -> {"Received an {} event for organization id {}",
orgChange.getAction(), orgChange.getOrganizationId());
If you want the input/output binding names to be specifically input or output rather than with in-0, out-0 etc., there are ways to make that happen. Details for this are in the reference docs.

How many kafka topics to create for an api?

I'm using kafka for my api. I'm using spring with microservice I'll post my kafka code below:
private static final Logger logger =
private KafkaTemplate<String, Object> kafkaTemplate;
public void sendMessage(User objeto)
{"Message sent -> %s", objeto.toString()));
this.kafkaTemplate.send("quickstart-events", objeto);
private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(UserQueryServiceImpl.class);
private MongoTemplate mongoTemplate;
#KafkaListener(topics = "quickstart-events" , groupId = "group-id")
public void consume(String message)
{"Message recieved -> %s", message));
mongoTemplate.insert(message, "user");
I installed kafka from that site:
I'm using CQRS Pattern so each query is a microservice and command another.
My question is simple for each microservice I create a kafka topic?
Imagine a Kafka Topic as a database table, use one topic per kind of data.
If you are wondering how you can scale your application, you may ask how many partitions your topic should have. A topic is a set of partitions that will handle all data.
Take a look at the image below, a topic will receive values from more than one producer and it will have just one kind of message. A message can be stored in any partition and this is defined by the message key.

Spring Cloud Stream’s Apache Kafka

This is my application that consumes data from a Kafka topic and then computed results are sent to a topic.
public class WordCountProcessorApplication {
public KStream<?, WordCount> process(KStream<?, String> input) {
return input
.flatMapValues(value -> Arrays.asList(value.toLowerCase().split("\\W+")))
.groupBy((key, value) -> value)
.map((key, value) -> new KeyValue<>(null, new WordCount(key.key(), value, new Date(key.window().start()), new Date(key.window().end()))));
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
How can I print a log befor every consume data from a Kafka topic?
Add a Transformer at the beginning and end of your topology.
See this discussion where there was a request to automatically add custom transformers to the topology by the framework.
It was decided that the work around to add your own is sufficient.

Kinesis as producer in Spring Boot Reactive Stream API

I'm trying to build a small Spring Boot Reactive API. The API should let the users subscribe to some data, returned as SSE.
The data is located on a Kinesis Topic.
Creating the Reactive API, and the StreamListener to Kinesis is fairly easy - but can I combine these, so the Kinesis Topic are used as a producer for the event stream used by my data service.
The code looks more or less like this
//Kinesis binding, with listenerMode: rawRecords
public class KinesisStreamListener {
#StreamListener(value = Sink.INPUT)
public void logger(List<Record> payload) throws Exception {
public class DataResource {
DataService service;
public Flux<EventObject> getData() {
return service.getData();
public class DataService {
Flux<EventObject> getData() {
Flux<Long> interval = Flux.interval(Duration.ofMillis(1000));
Flux<EventObject> dataFlux = Flux.fromStream(Stream.generate(() -> ???
return, dataFlux).map(Tuple2::getT2);
Here is a sample how I would do that:
Once we agree about details and some improvements it can go to the official Spring Cloud Stream Samples repository:
The main idea is to reuse the same Flux provided by the #StreamListener via Spring Cloud Stream Reactive Support. This is is already a FluxPublish, so any new SSE connections will work as a plain Reactive subscribers.
There are a couple tricks to count with:
For the listenerMode: rawRecords, we also need to configure a contentType: application/octet-stream to avoid any conversion attempts when Binder sends a message to the Sink.INPUT channel.
Since listenerMode: rawRecords returns a List<Record> our Flux in the #StreamListener method should expect exactly this type, but not a plain Record.
Both concerns are considered as a Framework improvements.
So, let us now how it looks and works for you.

Spring Cloud Stream RabbitMQ

I am trying to understand why I would want to use Spring cloud stream with RabbitMQ. I've had a look at the RabbitMQ Spring tutorial 4 ( which is basically what I want to do. It creates a direct exchange with 2 queues attached and depending on the routing key a message is either routed to Q1 or to Q2.
The whole process is pretty straight forward if you look at the tutorial, you create all the parts, bind them together and youre ready to go.
I was wondering what benefit I would gain in using Sing Cloud Stream and if that is even the use case for it. It was easy to create a simple exchange and even defining destination and group was straight forward with stream. So I thought why not go further and try to handle the tutorial case with stream.
I have seen that Stream has a BinderAwareChannelResolver which seems to do the same thing. But I am struggling to put it all together to achieve the same as in the RabbitMQ Spring tutorial. I am not sure if it is a dependency issue, but I seem to misunderstand something fundamentally here, I thought something like:'key'
should to the trick.
Is there anyone with a minimal example for a source and sink which basically creates a direct exchange, binds 2 queues to it and depending on routing key routes to either one of those 2 queues like in
Below is a minimal set of code which demonstrates how to do what I asked. I did not attach the build.gradle as it is straight forward (but if anyone is interested, let me know) setup the producer
Sources.class: setup the producers channel
public interface Sources {
String OUTPUT = "output";
MessageChannel output();
StatusController.class: Respond to rest calls and send message with specific routing keys
* Status endpoint for the health-check service.
public class StatusController {
private int index;
private int count;
private final String[] keys = {"orange", "black", "green"};
private Sources sources;
private StatusService status;
public StatusController(Sources sources, StatusService status) {
this.sources = sources;
this.status = status;
* Service available, service returns "OK"'.
* #return The Status of the service.
public String status() {
String status = this.status.getStatus();
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder("Hello to ");
if (++this.index == 3) {
this.index = 0;
String key = keys[this.index];
builder.append(key).append(' ');
String payload = builder.toString();;
// add kv pair - routingkeyexpression (which matches 'type') will then evaluate
// and add the value as routing key
Message<String> msg = new GenericMessage<>(payload, Collections.singletonMap("type", key));
// return rest call
return status;
consumer side of things, properties:
public interface Sinks {
String INPUT = "input";
SubscribableChannel input();
String INPUTER = "inputer";
SubscribableChannel inputer();
ReceiveStatus.class: Receive the status:
public class ReceiveStatus {
public void receiveStatusOrange(String msg) {"I received a message. It was orange number: {}", msg);
public void receiveStatusBlack(String msg) {"I received a message. It was black number: {}", msg);
Spring Cloud Stream lets you develop event driven micro service applications by enabling the applications to connect (via #EnableBinding) to the external messaging systems using the Spring Cloud Stream Binder implementations (Kafka, RabbitMQ, JMS binders etc.,). Apparently, Spring Cloud Stream uses Spring AMQP for the RabbitMQ binder implementation.
The BinderAwareChannelResolver is applicable for dynamically binding support for the producers and I think in your case it is about configuring the exchanges and binding of consumers to that exchange.
For instance, you need to have 2 consumers with the appropriate bindingRoutingKey set based on your criteria and a single producer with the properties(routing-key-expression, destination) you mentioned above (except the group). I noticed that you have configured group for the outbound channel. The group property is applicable only for the consumers (hence inbound).
You might also want to check this one: as I see some discussion around using routing-key-expression. Specifically, check this one on using the expression value.
