Storing Tim in Database - time

I am trying to add the time with AM/PM into the database with 12HRS format but it is only storing the time like 10:10 or 13:45 and i need like 10:10 AM OR 3:45 PM etc.. like.
<input type="time" name="time">
how i will insert like 10:10 AM OR 3:45 PM etc.. in database
how i will insert into database with 12 hrs format and with AM/PM


Check time and display the slot assigned

I have the following table
Start Time End Time Time Slot
00:00 05:59 TS1
06:00 11:59 TS2
12:00 17:59 TS3
18:00 23:59 TS4
So when input time is 06:45 , expected the results show is "TS2"
Anyone can share with me how to solve this with excel.
spend an hour try different way with if statement but can get the results

Convert UTC timestamp to AEDT in Oracle to consider daylight saving

Converting from UTC to AEST (Australian Eastern Standard Time) doesn't consider daylight saving as it's +11 hrs now, but this script still converts with 10 hrs :
Select from_tz (cast(DateField as TIMESTAMP),'UTC') at Time Zone 'Australia/Sydney' as AEST
Is there any intuitive way to make it 11 hours in Summer and 10 hours in winter without having to create a function and hard coding it?
Not sure how you determined that your formula "doesn't consider daylight savings". It does on my system. Note that the date literal assumes the time-of-day is midnight. Then compare:
select from_tz (cast(datefield as timestamp),'UTC')
at time zone 'Australia/Sydney' as aest
from ( select date '2020-07-31' as datefield from dual union all
select date '2020-12-15' from dual
2020-07-31 10:00:00 Australia/Sydney
2020-12-15 11:00:00 Australia/Sydney
Obviously Oracle is aware of the difference between "summer" and "winter" times (DST adjustment).

Find all customers who engaged continuously for 6 months

I need code help in Oracle
I have table with the following structure. This is an aggregate table grouped by Account_ID and month (month rolled to the start date of the month) and number of transactions performed in that month.
Account_ID Date Trans_cnt
A00001 01Jan2018 12
A00002 01Jan2018 14
A00002 01Feb2018 01
A00003 01Feb2018 02
A00001 01Mar2018 12
I need to find accounts which have had continuous 6 months of transaction and 3 months of transactions
an example if account A00001 is analyzed for 6 months, then in a given year's time say from Jan 2018 to Dec 2018, this account should have continuous transactions from Jan to Jun or Feb to Jul; or Mar to Aug likewise.
Let me know how to come up with a sql for the same.

Oracle Timezone Conversion

I am using the inbuilt oracle function from_tz for timezone conversion. Does anyone know if it takes into account daylight saving changes?
to_char(from_tz(CAST(enteredondtm AS TIMESTAMP),'UTC')
AT TIME ZONE 'PST','YYYY-MM-DD') entered_on_date .
in this function the enteredondtm is in UTC which is converted to PST with this function. The conversion happens correctly. Just wanted to make sure it will happen during daylight savings.
Yes, it will take DST into consideration.
To convince yourself of that, substitute date '2018-02-01' for the column name enteredondtm in your formula and see what you get (use a full format model for TO_CHAR though, to see the time-of-day, not just the date). You will see that the output is 16:00 hours on the previous day. Then change that to date '2018-08-01' and you will see that the result is 17:00 hours on the previous day.
The date date literal has midnight as the time-of-day. During standard time, the Pacific time zone is eight hours behind UTC; during DST, it is seven hours behind.
Yes it does, simple proof:
TIMESTAMP '2018-06-01 00:00:00 PST',
TIMESTAMP '2018-12-01 00:00:00 PST'
from dual;
01.06.2018 00:00:00 -07:00 01.12.2018 00:00:00 -08:00
However, why are you concerned about daylight savings if your output is YYYY-MM-DD, i.e. it does not contain any times?
Just a note, time zone PST can be ambiguous, see
PST -05:00 America/Bahia_Banderas
PST -06:00 America/Mazatlan
PST -06:00 America/Boise
PST -06:00 Mexico/BajaSur
PST -06:00 America/Inuvik
PST -07:00 America/Los_Angeles
PST -07:00 America/Hermosillo
PST -07:00 America/Ensenada
PST -07:00 America/Dawson_Creek
PST -07:00 America/Dawson
PST -07:00 America/Creston
PST -07:00 America/Santa_Isabel
PST -07:00 US/Pacific
PST -07:00 PST8PDT
PST -07:00 PST
PST -07:00 US/Pacific-New
PST -07:00 America/Tijuana
PST -07:00 America/Vancouver
PST -07:00 America/Whitehorse
PST -07:00 Canada/Pacific
PST -07:00 Canada/Yukon
PST -07:00 Mexico/BajaNorte
PST -08:00 America/Juneau
PST -08:00 America/Sitka
PST -08:00 Pacific/Pitcairn
PST -08:00 America/Metlakatla
Better use the "real" long name. There are only a few time zones (see SELECT * FROM V$TIMEZONE_NAMES WHERE TZABBREV = TZNAME) where you can use the abbreviation without getting a ORA-01882: timezone region not found error.

Oracle date compare broken because of DST

We've been debugging an issue with a SQL query executed from an app server running Java via Hibernate. The error:
[3/10/14 10:52:07:143 EDT] 0000a984 JDBCException W org.hibernate.util.JDBCExceptionReporter logExceptions SQL Error: 1878, SQLState: 22008
[3/10/14 10:52:07:144 EDT] 0000a984 JDBCException E org.hibernate.util.JDBCExceptionReporter logExceptions ORA-01878: specified field not found in datetime or interval
We've been able to narrow this down to the simple SQL below.
select *
where T.MY_TIMESTAMP >= (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - interval '1' hour );
When we run this in the same database, we get the error:
ORA-01878: specified field not found in datetime or interval
01878. 00000 - "specified field not found in datetime or interval"
*Cause: The specified field was not found in the datetime or interval.
*Action: Make sure that the specified field is in the datetime or interval.
The MY_TIMESTAMP column is defined as TIMESTAMP(6).
FWIW, if we change the comparison in the SQL above from >= to <=, the query works.
We assume this has something to do with the time change (we're in America/New_York) but we're having problems trying to figure out where to go from here with our debugging.
Also, we've seen this problem with a similar query that's running through MyBatis and the error looks like:
### Error querying database. Cause: java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01878: specified field not found in datetime or interval
### The error may involve defaultParameterMap
### The error occurred while setting parameters
### Cause: java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01878: specified field not found in datetime or interval
UPDATE: A teammate on Windows changed her Windows Date and Time settings by un-checking "Automatically adjust clock for Daylight Saving Time" and then opened a new SQLDeveloper instance. The second instance is able to run the query without any issue but the first (with the old DST setting) still fails.
To avoid this error, consider using an explicit cast of the expression in the where clause to a timestamp type (timestamp without timezone), in this way:
select *
where T.MY_TIMESTAMP >= cast(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - interval '1' hour As timestamp );
Alternatively you can explicitely set the session time zone to, for example '-05:00' - for New York standard (winter) time, using ALTER SESSION time_zone = '-05:00', or by setting ORA_SDTZ environment variable in all client's environments, see this link for details:
But it also depends on what really is stored in the timestamp column in the table, for example what a timestamp 2014-07-01 15:00:00 represents in fact, is it a "winter time" or a "summer time" ?
CURRENT_TIMESTAMP function returns a value of datatype TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE
see this link:
While comparing timestamps and dates, Oracle implicitely converts the data to the more precise data type using the session time zone !
See this link -->
In our particular case, Oracle casts timestamp column to the timestamp with time zone type.
Oracle determines a session timezone from the client environment.
You can determine current session timezone using this query:
select sessiontimezone from dual;
For example on my PC (Win 7), when the option ""Automatically adjust clock for Daylight Saving Time" is checked, this query returns (under SQLDeveloper):
When i uncheck this option in Windows and then restart SQLDeveloper, it gives:
The former session timezone is a timezone with a region name, for which Oracle uses the Daylight Saving Time rules for this region in date calculations:
alter session set time_zone = 'Europe/Belgrade';
select cast( timestamp '2014-01-29 01:30:00' as timestamp with time zone ) As x,
cast( timestamp '2014-05-29 01:30:00' as timestamp with time zone ) As y
from dual;
session SET altered.
---------------------------- ----------------------------
2014-01-29 01:30:00 EUROPE/B 2014-05-29 01:30:00 EUROPE/B
The latter timezone uses a fixed offset "+01:00" (always the "Winter time"), and Oracle does not apply any DST rules for it, it simply adds the fixed offset.
alter session set time_zone = '+01:00';
select cast( timestamp '2014-01-29 01:30:00' as timestamp with time zone ) As x,
cast( timestamp '2014-05-29 01:30:00' as timestamp with time zone ) As y
from dual;
session SET altered.
---------------------------- ----------------------------
2014-01-29 01:30:00 +01:00 2014-05-29 01:30:00 +01:00
Please note, for curiosity's sake, that Y results in the above represent two different times !!!
014-05-29 01:30:00 EUROPE/BELGRADE is not the same as: 2014-05-29 01:30:00 +01:00
but actually this:
014-05-29 01:30:00 EUROPE/BELGRADE is equal to: 2014-05-29 01:30:00 +02:00
The above is only to make you aware of how simple "box un-checking" could affect your queries, and where to dig for a reason when users complain "this query worked fine in January, but gave wrong results in July".
And still on the topic of ORA-01878 - let say my session is EUROPE/Warsaw and my table containts this timestamp (without time zone)
'TIMESTAMP'2014-03-30 2:30:00'
Note that in my region the DST change, in 2014 year, occurs on 30 of march at 2:00 a.m.
It simply means that on march 30, at 2:00 at night, I must wake up and shift my watch forward from 2:00 to 3:00 ;)
alter session set time_zone = 'Europe/Warsaw';
select cast( TIMESTAMP'2014-03-30 2:30:00' as timestamp with time zone ) As x
from dual;
SQL Error: ORA-01878: podane pole nie zostaƂo znalezione w dacie-godzinie ani w interwale
01878. 00000 - "specified field not found in datetime or interval"
*Cause: The specified field was not found in the datetime or interval.
*Action: Make sure that the specified field is in the datetime or interval.
Oracle knows, that this timestamp is not valid in my region according to DST rules, because there is no time 2:30 on 30 of march - at 2:00 the clock is moved to 3:00, and there is no time 2:30. Therefore Oracle throws the error ORA-01878.
However this query works perfectly fine:
alter session set time_zone = '+01:00';
select cast( TIMESTAMP'2014-03-30 2:30:00' as timestamp with time zone ) As x
from dual;
session SET altered.
2014-03-30 02:30:00 +01:00
And this is a reason of this error - your table contains timestamps like 2014-03-09 2:30 or so (for New York, where DST shifts occur on 9 of March and 2 of November), and Oracle doesn't know how to convert them from timestamp (without TZ) to timestamp with TZ.
The last question - why the query with >= doesn't work, but the query with <= works fine ?
They work/don'n work, because SQLDeveloper returns only first 50 rows (maybe 100 ? It depends on settings). The query doesn't read the whole table, it stops when first 50(100) rows are fetched.
Change the "working" query to, for example:
select sum( EXTRACT(HOUR from MY_TIMESTAMP) ) from MY_TABLE
where MY_TIMESTAMP <= (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - interval '1' hour );
This force the query to read all rows in the table, and the error will appear, I'am 100% sure.
Thanks to kordirko for the extremely detailed write up. I think in the future, we will be looking at different ways to compare dates that aren't as prone to error. In the meantime, we were able to figure out the problem and both a temporary and long-term solution.
First, more details on the issue. It turns out that the values being stored in the TIMESTAMP field in the database were incorrect. We saw this by using the dump function and examining the bytes. If you look at the 5th byte in the output below, you'll see the hour (this is actually the hour + 1 so 5 is actually 4AM). For the values between 3AM and 4AM, you'll notice that the 5th byte is 3 which represents 2AM. 2 AM March 9, 2014 in EST doesn't exist - this is an incorrect time according to DST rules and Oracle's rules.
09-MAR-14 AM Typ=180 Len=11: 120,114,3,9,3,7,22,31,29,22,128
09-MAR-14 AM Typ=180 Len=11: 120,114,3,9,3,33,38,51,203,227,64
09-MAR-14 AM Typ=180 Len=11: 120,114,3,9,3,37,50,47,236,17,0
09-MAR-14 AM Typ=180 Len=11: 120,114,3,9,3,44,48,19,140,226,0
09-MAR-14 AM Typ=180 Len=11: 120,114,3,9,3,48,56,15,50,253,192
09-MAR-14 AM Typ=180 Len=11: 120,114,3,9,3,56,46,7,176,98,64
09-MAR-14 AM Typ=180 Len=11: 120,114,3,9,5,6,4,19,95,27,64
09-MAR-14 AM Typ=180 Len=11: 120,114,3,9,5,29,42,15,234,24,192
09-MAR-14 AM Typ=180 Len=11: 120,114,3,9,5,36,17,4,74,162,0
09-MAR-14 AM Typ=180 Len=11: 120,114,3,9,5,42,8,15,127,73,0
09-MAR-14 AM Typ=180 Len=11: 120,114,3,9,5,47,32,2,205,41,192
09-MAR-14 AM Typ=180 Len=11: 120,114,3,9,5,54,34,28,18,227,192
After much research and discussion, we zeroed in on the fact that our version of the Oracle JDBC driver ( might've been inserting the bad values. Oracle's information page on references a bug that looks like it's our issue: "9785135 DST conversion not correct using jdbc 11g timestamtz". We wrote a quick test class that inserts values from March 9, 2014 1:50 AM to 4:00 AM using both the and driver. Here's a snippet of what was inserted into the db:
DRIVER_V JAVA_DATE_AS_STRING ORACLE_TIMESTAMP DUMP(ORACLE_TIMESTAMP) Sun Mar 09 01:50:00 EST 2014 09-MAR-14 AM Typ=180 Len=7: 120,114,3,9,2,51,1 Sun Mar 09 03:00:00 EDT 2014 09-MAR-14 AM Typ=180 Len=7: 120,114,3,9,3,1,1 --Invalid timestamp Sun Mar 09 01:50:00 EST 2014 09-MAR-14 AM Typ=180 Len=7: 120,114,3,9,2,51,1 Sun Mar 09 03:00:00 EDT 2014 09-MAR-14 AM Typ=180 Len=7: 120,114,3,9,4,1,1 --Correct timestamp
You'll notice that the 5th byte of the timestamp on the second row for 3:00 AM is incorrect (3). This was inserted using the version. The same value inserted with the version can be found on the fourth line with the correct 5th byte (4).
The long term fix here is to update our JDBC driver. The short term fix here was to find the rows that have the bad values and run an update statement on them from SQL Plus to set the time again (using the same value but SQL Plus will convert them correctly).
