What happens to imports and package names when a Go program is compiled - go

Once a go program is compiled, is there any way one can extract the name of the packages (as later explained in the question) if the machine code is decompiled to Assembly (or then to C)?
In go we generally import packages by providing a link to the repo (if open source). For example github.com/abc/abc. This is means that the username of the library developer is usually part of the package import. Now, when the program is compiled, what happens to them? Can they be somehow extracted from the compiled binary?
Generally speaking, in think the compiler should put the whole code in one place and then it can get rid of those names, but I am unsure about it. That is why I asked the question. I asked this question because in one special case if that package import is somehow included in the binary, it will lead to a serious security problem.

After some investigation, I found that Go does include these in the binary. I opened the binary in a text editor and I tried to look up repo names. At the end of the file, there is a big text portion which includes a lot of textual information. The names of repos used in the program can also be simply looked up.
This means that if you are working on security projects where you need to hide as much information as possible, you need to somehow be careful about these.


Should the STM32 HAL be included as a precompiled library

I have a Keil STM32 project for a STM32L0. I sometimes (more often than I want) have to change the include paths or global defines. This will trigger a complete recompile for all code because it needs to ‘check’ for changed behaviour because of these changes. The problem is: I didn’t necessarily change relevant parameters for the HAL and as such it isn’t needed (as far as I understand) that these files are completely recompiled. This recompilation takes up quite a bit of time because I included all the HAL drivers for my STM32L0.
Would a good course of action be to create a separate project which compiles the HAL as a single library and include that in my main project? (This would of course be done for every microcontroller separately as they have different HALs).
ps. the question is not necessarily only useful for this specific example but the example gives some scope to the question.
pps. for people who aren't familiar with the STM32 HAL. It is the standardized interface with which the program interfaces with the underlying hardware. It is supplied in .c and .h files instead of the precompiled form of the STD/STL.
Here is an example of the defines that need to be managed in my example project:
Only STM32L072xx, and DEBUG are useful for configuring the HAL library and thus there shouldn't be a need for me to recompile the HAL when I change TRACE from defined to undefined. Therefore it seems to me that the HAL could be managed separately.
Seeing as a close vote has been cast: I've read the don't ask section and my question seeks to constructively add to the knowledge of building STM32 programs and find a best practise on how to more effectively use the HAL libraries. I haven't found any questions on SO about building the HAL as a static library and therefore this question at least qualifies as unique. This question is also meant to invite a rich answer which elaborates on the pros/cons of building the HAL as a separate static library.
The answer here is.. it depends. As already pointed out in the comments, it depends on how you're planning to manage your projects. To answer your question in an unbiased way:
Option #1 - having HAL sources directly in your project means rebuilding HAL every time anything in its (and underlying) headers changes, which you've already noticed. Downside of it is longer build times. Upside - you are sure that what you build is what you get.
Option #2 - having HAL as a precompiled static library. Upside - shorter build times, downside - you can no longer be absolutely certain that the HAL library you include actually works as you want it to. In particular, you'd need to make sure in some way that all the #defines are exactly the same as when the library has been built. This includes project-wide definitions (DEBUG, STM32L072xx etc.), as well as anything in HAL config files (stm32l0xx_hal_conf.h).
Seeing how you're a Keil user - maybe it's just a matter of enabling multi-core build? See this link: http://www.keil.com/support/man/docs/armcc/armcc_chr1359124201769.htm. HAL library isn't so large that build times should be a concern when it comes to rebuilding its source files.
If I was to express my opinion and experience - personally I wouldn't do it, as it may lead to lower reliability or side effects that will be very hard to diagnose and will only get worse as you add more source files and more libraries like this. Not to mention adding more people to work on the project and explaining to them how they "need to remember to rebuild X library when they change given set of header files or project-wide definitions".
In fact, we've ran into the same dilemma for the code base I work on - it spans over 10k source and header files in total, some of which are configuration-specific and many of which are shared. It's highly modular which allows us to quickly create something new (both hardware- and software-wise) just by configuring existing code, mainly through a set of header files. However because this configuration is done through headers, making a change in them usually means rebuilding a large portion of the project. Even though build times get annoying sometimes, we opted against making static libraries for the reasons mentioned above. To me personally it's better to prioritize reliability, as in "I know what I build".
If I was to give any general tips that help to avoid rebuilds as your project gets large:
Avoid global headers holding all configuration. It's usually tempting to shove all configuration in one place, create pretty comments and sections for each software module in this one file. It's easier to manage this way (until this file becomes too big), but because this file is so common, it means that any change made to it will cause a full rebuild. Split such files to separate headers corresponding to each module in your project.
Include header files only where you need them. I sometimes see an approach where there are header files created that only "bundle" other header files and such header file is later included. In this case, making a change to any of those "smaller" headers will have an effect of having to recompile all source files including the larger file. If such file didn't exist, then only sources explicitly including that one small header would have to be recompiled. Obviously there's a line to be drawn here - including too "low level" headers may not be the greatest idea either, e.g. they may not be meant to be included as being internal library files which may change any time.
Prioritize including headers in source files over header files. If you have a pair of your own *.c (*.cpp) and *.h files - let's say temp_logger.c/.h and you need ADC - then unless you really need some ADC definition in your header (which you likely won't), then include the ADC header file in your temp_logger.c file. Later on, all files making use of the temp_logger functions won't have to be re-compiled in case HAL gets rebuilt again.
My opinion is yes, build the HAL into a library. The benefit of faster build time outweighs the risk of the library getting out of date. After some point early in the project it's unusual for me to change something that would affect the HAL. But the faster build time pays off many times.
I create a multi-project workspace with one project for the HAL library, another project for the bootloader, and a third project for the application. When I'm developing, I only rebuild the application project. When I make a release build, I select Project->Batch Build and rebuild all three projects. This way the release builds always use all the latest code and build settings.
Also, on the Options for Target dialog, Output tab, unchecking Browse Information will greatly reduce the build time.

How to export/package a group of files from Bazel

This feels too obvious to be unanswered, but if the answer is out there, I haven't found it. For context, I'm incorporating someone else's existing code into a Bazel build, so I'm really not looking for "just don't do it that way"-type answers.
The code produces man dozen related files: Libraries, compiled binaries (from C and C++, if that matters), python and shell scripts, etc. Those files expect to find each other in specific locations (e.g. shell scripts reference binaries by relative or absolute path), and I need to package up and install the whole lot.
Is there a way to do that in Bazel? To pick out a bunch of bazel-generated files (and, in this case, a bunch of input files that we pass through unmodified) and put them in a tarball, or a standard package format (e.g. .deb) or even just place them in the local file system in known locations?
The closest ideas I've seen involve basically doing it by hand (e.g. writing a shell script to go into Bazel's output directory and copy out the files of interest) but that seems easy to get wrong. There has to be a way to use the intelligence of the build system to bundle up a bunch of targets and data files, right?
Naturally, I find what's probably the answer shortly after posting the question: https://docs.bazel.build/versions/master/be/pkg.html. If anyone has further insight, though, I'm definitely happy to hear it!

gentoo: how delete all config files on unmerging package (from its ebuild)

I am making my own personal package to have collection of usefull programs and configs. Main idea is to emerge this package and have system prepared for my prefferencies. Mainly it works (it simply depends on all my favourite programs), but I have two problems here:
how to install USE flags, UNMASK and such before affected programs are installed?
how to uninstall it (emerge --unmerge does NOT delete files in /etc, so even after uninstalling the package the USE flags (and others) are still kept - my intent is to REMOVE them, so next rebuild of world would NOT use them anymore - yes it means a lot of programs would lose some functionalities like support for some languages, support for some other programs and so on, it is desired result)
My solutions so far are:
The package have some files in /etc/portage/package.*
1.1. I emerge that package with --nodeps (so the config files are installed)
1.2. I emerge it again without that flag (so dependencies are installed
with right configuration))
I create (and install) script to parse /var/db/packages for my package CONTENTS and delete all /etc/portage/something files "manually" and I have to rum this script before unmerging the package
Is there better way to do it ?
You just doing/understanding it wrong! (sorry :)
First of all, instead of a metapackage (an empty ebuild that have only runtime dependencies) there is other ways:
use sets to describe your preferred packages. Manage your USE flags in a usual way (including per package USE if needed).
medium complexity solution is to write a metapackage ebuild (your current case) -- but, you can't mask/unmask USE flags anyway…
if you already have your overlay (obviously) -- defining your own profile would solve everything! Here you can manage everything just like you want: mask/unmask any USE flags, define what is system predefined package means for you, & etc…
Unfortunately, I don't use Gentoo portage (and emerge) and have no idea if it's possible to have multiple additive profiles. I have my own profiles here and it works perfectly with Paludis.
Second, never remove any configuration files (config-protected) after uninstall! There is no packages that do that, and there is a bunch of reasons for that… The main one is that user may have them modified and don't want to loose his changes. Moreover, personally I prefer to have all configs that I've ever touched to be in a dedicated VCS repo -- it wouldn't be nice, if someone, except me, would remove smth…
Imagine a real life example: user wants to reinstall some package and he has a bunch of configuration files, he spent some time to carefully edit them. Trivial way is to uninstall and then install again -- Oops! He lost his configs!
Moreover, from ebuild's POV, you have pkg_prerm and pkg_postrm functions, but both of them are called even at upgrade time (i.e. when unmerge followed by immediate merge phase). You have to be really careful to distinct that use cases… And what is more scare, having any "hardcoded" (and unique) rules in any package, you don't have any influence on them…
So, please, never remove any config protected files, let the user to take care of them (he is the boss, not a package manager)…
Update: If you really want to be able to remove some config-protected files, setting up your own profile looks even more better idea. You can set CONFIG_PROTECT_MASK to enforce unprotect files and/or directories. In that way you don't need to modify any ebuilds and/or write an ugly cleanup code.

Working with digital signatures in Go

I would like to use signatures for a program that I am writing in Go, but I can't figure out the documentation, which is here. In particular, I would like to use the SignPKCS1v15 and VerifyPKCS1v15 functions, but I'm not sure exactly what I have to pass as arguments. I would greatly benefit from some example code of these two functions. Thanks.
Note: The message that I would like to send is a struct that I defined.
I think the src\pkg\crypto\rsa\pkcs1v15_test.go file in the Go source tree should be a good start.
An update striving provide more context… Go source contains many tests for the code in its standard library (and the crypto/rsa package is a part of it), so whenever you have no idea how to use a standard package (or, actually, any other Go package), a good place to start is to look at the tests involving that package as testing code naturally uses the package! Tests are kept in files ending in _test.go, usually have meaningful names and are located in the same directories actual code implementing a particular package is kept.
So in your particular case you could do this:
Download the Go source package of the version matching your compiler (what go version shows) and unpack it somewhere.
Navigate to the directory matching the package of interest. Code for standard Go packages is located in the "pkg" directory under the "src" top-level directory, so if you're interested in the crypto/rsa package, you need the src/pkg/crypto/rsa directory.

ada95 have 3 files .ali, .adb and .o - can I compile

I've found some old college work, with my final Ada95 project on it. Sadly, the disc was corrupted, and I have only managed to recover 3 files (the source and executable couldnt be recovered):
project.adb, project.ali and project.o
Are these 3 files enough to compile a new exe? I'm downloading the gnat compiler now, but have to admit, I have forgotten almost everything ada related...
shucks.... using GCC to compile the project.adb throws an error about a missing ads file, which I cannot recover.
Is it possible to extract this / compile just the ".o" or ".ali" files? Or, am I stuffed?
project.adb is a source file.
Since you say that gcc complains about a missing .ads file, that indicates that project.adb contains a package body. You can manually construct a corresponding package spec by putting the following into package.ads:
package Project is
end Project;
Now that's almost certainly not enough, because the project spec probably had some type and constant declarations in it, so you'd have to analyze your package body and identify what it references. Infer what those declarations should look like and add them. Oh, and if your package body "with's" any packages that are not part of the standard Ada library, you'll have to recover those as well.
If you do manage to get your reverse engineered spec and the body to compile, you'll still have to create a "driver" program that "with's" the project package, and calls whatever functions and/or procedures that carried out the function of your project (and you'll have to pull the specs of those subprograms--which match their appearance in the package body--into the spec as well.)
Frankly, if it were me, I'd spend more time on trying to use some disk recovery tools to pull whatever else I could off the disk.
In Ada95 (and 2005) one mostly work with adb files (occasionally with ads files) everything else is generated on the run. In your case the adb file is surely other linked up to other ads files.
However, ads files are usually small programs (Obviously, if you are not attempting really exotic things as 'the dining philosophers') which pertain to the algorithmic/mathematical structure of the program, if you can dig out what you did in your project then it should not be impossible to restore it !
