How to uninstall a compiler on mac? - macos

First, I want to check all the c++ compilers I have installed on my mac.
I most probably have Clang and GCC both. So now I want to delete GCC.
please tell me how to do these 2 things.

You probably have clang pretending to be gcc (type gcc --version to check). But there's no clear definition of "installed" on Mac. You can place a compiler anywhere and run it from there (and I often have). But you can look in each part of your PATH (echo $PATH), and see what is in each directory. Or you can just use which clang and which gcc to see what would be picked up by default. You could even try locate gcc to find copies in some less usual locations that won't be run by default like versioned copies in homebrew (the first time you run this, it will tell you how to start the locate service).
But I expect that you really only have one compiler installed (clang). That's the normal situation. It just has hardlinks to gcc for backward compatibility.


Run a program built with gcc8 on a producing environment without gcc8

My developing/producing environments are all CentOS-7.7.
In order to compile my program with gcc-8.3.0, I have installed "devtoolset-8" on my developing env, but it can not be used in the way same as gcc-4.8.5 that was shipped with CentOS7 oringinally.
Every time I need to compile a program, I must use "scl enable devtoolset-8 -- bash" to switch to gcc8 instead of gcc4.8.5.
When the program was deploying onto the producing-env, there is no gcc8, nor, so it can not run.
I guess should be released with gcc8? I can neither install "devtoolset-8" on the producing-env, nor build gcc8 from source on the producing env.
The version of libstdc++ that can be installed from the official yum repo of CentOS, is, hence my programs can not be loaded at the producing-env.
How to let such programs to run?
Pls forgive my Ugly English.
In order to not have to copy or ship a separate but rather link statically (as suggested in a comment) against the C++ runtime, one can link C++ programs with -static-libstdc++ (also specifying -static-libgcc will also make sure that the program does not depend on a recent enough version of on the system - although that should rarely be a problem).
There can also be the issue of the target system having a version of glibc that is too old (relative to the build system). In that case, one could anyhow compile gcc of no matter how recent of a version on the older system, so that the resulting C++ executables as well as libstdc++ are linked against the older glibc. Linking C++ programs with -static-libstdc++ will again help to not depend on the program having to be able to find at run-time.
Finally, the C++ program could also be linked with -static not depending on any dynamic libraries at all.

GCC built from source in different location is incorrectly using same shared libs as native GCC

I'm a student doing research involving extending the TM capabilities of gcc. My goal is to make changes to gcc source, build gcc from the modified source, and, use the new executable the same way I'd use my distro's vanilla gcc.
I built and installed gcc in a different location (not /usr/bin/gcc), specifically because the modified gcc will be unstable, and because our project goal is to compare transactional programs compiled with the two different versions.
Our changes to gcc source impact both /gcc and /libitm. This means we are making a change to, one of the shared libraries that get built.
My expectation:
when compiling myprogram.cpp with /usr/bin/g++, the version of that will get linked should be the one that came with my distro;
when compiling it with ~/project/install-dir/bin/g++, the version of that will get linked should be the one that just got built when I built my modified gcc.
But in reality it seems both native gcc and mine are using the same libitm, /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
I only have a rough grasp of gcc internals as they apply to our project, but this is my understanding:
Our changes tell one compiler pass to conditionally insert our own "function builtin" instead of one it would normally use, and this is / becomes a "symbol" which needs to link to libitm.
When I use the new gcc to compile my program, that pass detects those conditions and successfully inserts the symbol, but then at runtime my program gives a "relocation error" indicating the symbol is not defined in the file it is searching in: ./test: relocation error: ./test: symbol _ITM_S1RU4, version LIBITM_1.0 not defined in file with link time reference
readelf shows me that /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ does not contain our new symbols while ~/project/install-dir/lib64/ does; if I re-run my program after simply copying the latter libitm over the former (backing it up first, of course), it does not produce the relocation error anymore. But naturally this is not a permanent solution.
So I want the gcc I built to use the shared libs that were built along with it when linking. And I don't want to have to tell it where they are every time - my feeling is that it should know where to look for them since I deliberately built it somewhere else to behave differently.
This sounds like the kind of problem any amateur gcc developer would have when trying to make a dev environment and still be able to use both versions of gcc, but I had difficulty finding similar questions. I am thinking this is a matter of lacking certain config options when I configure gcc before building it. What is the right configuration to do this?
My small understanding of the instructions for building and installing gcc led me to do the following:
cd ~/project/
mkdir objdir
cd objdir
../source-dir/configure --enable-languages=c,c++ --prefix=/home/myusername/project/install-dir
make -j2
make install
I only have those config options because they seemed like the ones closest related to "only building the parts I need" and "not overwriting native gcc", but I could be wrong. After the initial config step I just re-run make -j2 and make install every time I change the code. All these steps do complete without errors, and they produce the ~/project/install-dir/bin/ folder, containing the gcc and g++ which behave as described.
I use ~/project/install-dir/bin/g++ -fgnu-tm -o myprogram myprogram.cpp to compile a transactional program, possibly with other options for programs with threads.
(I am using Xubuntu 16.04.3 (64 bit), within VirtualBox on Windows. The installed /usr/bin/gcc is version 5.4.0. Our source at ~/project/source-dir/ is a modified version of 5.3.0.)
You’re running into build- versus run-time linking differences. When you build with -fgnu-tm, the compiler knows where the library it needs is found, and it tells the linker where to find it; you can see this by adding -v to your g++ command. However when you run the resulting program, the dynamic linker doesn’t know it should look somewhere special for the ITM library, so it uses the default library in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu.
Things get even more confusing with ITM on Ubuntu because the library is installed system-wide, but the link script is installed in a GCC-private directory. This doesn’t happen with the default GCC build, so your own GCC build doesn’t do this, and you’ll see in ~/project/install-dir/lib64.
To fix this at run-time, you need to tell the dynamic linker where to find the right library. You can do this either by setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH (to /home/.../project/install-dir/lib64), or by storing the path in the binary using -Wl,-rpath=/home/.../project/install-dir/lib64 when you build it.

Proper way to upgrade from llvm-g++-4.2 to g++-4.7 on Mac

I have Lion 10.7.3 with the Command-line tool installed. I wanted to experiment with C++11, so I used homebrew to install GCC 4.7 as documented here.
How can I now upgrade the /usr/bin/g++ to be the one installed by Homebrew? Is it as simple as symlinking it? I just want to double check and make sure. Thanks!
First, are you sure you need g++ 4.7? As you can see from the C++11 implementation status page, recent versions of clang support most of C++11 too. Of course there are still things that g++ handles and clang doesn't, but there are also still things that clang supports and g++ doesn't. And, more importantly, you already have a recent version of clang, from Apple, configured and ready to go, as your default compiler. Plus, g++ after 4.2 doesn't support Mac extensions like, say, -arch, which means you can't use it to build a whole lot of third-party software (because most configure scripts assume that if you're on a Mac, your compiler supports Mac extensions).
But if you want g++ 4.7, you can do it. Just not by trying to replace /usr/bin/g++ with a different version. Never replace anything in /usr/bin (or /System) with non-Apple stuff except in a few very rare cases (when you have a strong reassurance from someone who knows what they're talking about).
A better thing to do is to just install another compiler in parallel. Just let Homebrew install its favorite way (so it installs into some prefix like /usr/local/Cellar/gcc/4.7, then symlinks all the appropriate stuff into /usr/local/bin, etc.), and use it that way.
When compiling your code, instead of writing g++, write /usr/local/bin/g++, or g++-4.7.
If you get tired of doing that, put /usr/local/bin higher on your PATH that /usr/bin, or create a shell alias, or stick it in the environment variable CXX and write $CXX instead of g++.
If you're using a GUI IDE, you should be able to configure it to use your compiler by setting the path to it somewhere. (Unless you're using Xcode, which you can only configure to work with Apple-tested compilers.)
This is all you need for experimenting with your own code. If you want to compile third-party applications with this compiler, that may be a bit more complicated. You don't often actually compile each source file and link the result together; you just do configure && make and let them do the heavy lifting for you.
Fortunately, most packages will respect the standard environment variables, especially CXX for specifying a default C++ compiler and CC for a default C compiler. (That's why I suggested the name CXX above.)
Just remember that, again, g++ 4.7 doesn't support Mac extensions, so if you're not prepared to debug a bunch of autoconf-based configure scripts complaining that your compiler can't generate code because it assumed it could throw -arch x86_64 at any compiler on a Mac, etc., don't do this.

MinGW GCC -- Single 32-bit and 64-bit cross-compiler?

I've downloaded MinGW with mingw-get-inst, and now I've noticed that it cannot compile for x64.
So is there any 32-bit binary version of the MinGW compiler that can both compile for 32-bit Windows and also for 64-bit Windows?
I don't want a 64-bit version that can generate 32-bit code, since I want the compiler to also run on 32-bit Windows, and I'm only looking for precompiled binaries here, not source files, since I've spent countless hours compiling GCC and failing, and I've given up for a while. :(
AFAIK mingw targets either 32 bit windows or 64 bit windows, but not both, so you would need two installs. And the latter is still considered beta.
For you what you want is either mingw-w64-bin_i686-mingw or mingw-w64-bin_i686-cygwin if you want to compile for windows 64. For win32, just use what you get with mingw-get-inst.
See for an explanation of file names.
I realize this is an old question. However it's linked to the many times the question has been repeated.
I have found, after lots of research that, by now, years later, both compilers are commonly installed by default when installing mingw from your repository (i.e. synaptic).
You can check and verify by running Linux's locate command:
$ locate -r "mingw32.*[cg]++$"
On my Ubuntu (13.10) install I have by default the following compilers to choose from... found by issuing the locate command.
Finally, the least you'd have to do on many systems is run:
$ sudo apt-get install gcc-mingw32
I hope the many links to this page can spare a lot of programmers some search time.
for you situation, you can download multilib (include lib32 and lib64) version for Mingw64:
Multilib Toolchains(Targetting Win32 and Win64)
By default it is compiled for 64bit.You can add -m32 flag to compile for 32bit program.
But sadly,no gdb provided,you ought to add it manually.
Because according to mingw-64's todo list, gcc multilib version is done,but gdb
multilib version is still in progress,you could use it maybe in the future.
Support of multilib build in configure and in gcc. Parts are already present in gcc's 4.5 version by using target triplet -w64-mingw32.
gdb -- Native support is present, but some features like multi-arch support (debugging 32-bit and 64-bit by one gdb) are still missing features.

Does gcc work when the wrapper is a different version than the platform-specific binary?

The way I understand gcc, /usr/bin/gcc (and other bits related to gcc, like ld) is a small wrapper that delegates to a platform-specific binary somewhere else on the system.
So does compilation still work correctly if you have a cross compiler that is a couple of versions behind /usr/bin/gcc?
Yes, the whole Idea is to allow gcc to be installed in different versions and for different target platforms (in any combination) to be installed in parallel.
/usr/bin/gcc just uses fork+exec to call the actual compiler. The command line arguments given to gcc are just passed to the actual compiler with two exceptions: -V and -b. The latter selects the target platform the former the version of the compiler.
You won't use /usr/bin/gcc to cross-compile. Instead you'll install another compiler in another prefix. For instance if you're on debian/ubuntu you can install a ming (win32) cross-compiler by doing:
apt-get install mingw32
Which will work perfectly fine side by side with the normal gcc.
