editor substitutes class=data-ck-unsafe-element for custom tag - ckeditor

I have created a custom ckeditor5 plugin (run with Drupal 9) and that all works fine for initial editing and output. It creates a custom tag: <bbref ver="RSV">Ex 2:32</bbref>
A couple of days later the editor now rejects my tag when it loads saved HTML and replaces it with <span data-ck-unsafe-element="bbref"></span>
This seems to occur in ckeditor's domconverter.js
There is a method for handling a similar thing with data-ck-unsafe-attribute- (eg https://ckeditor.com/docs/ckeditor5/latest/updating/guides/update-to-31.html#the-table-and-tablecell-attributes-names-change) but not for unsafe-element and trying the unsafe-attribute method does not seem to work.
I'm using the createAttributeElement() function in downcast (from the abbreviation plugin)


How do I reply using a file in Fiddler Everywhere Free?

I am trying to replace a production js file on a site with a local copy of it so I can set my own event listeners and control the layout of the page as needed. A lot of old stackoverflow answers suggest using fiddler to do that, but apparently the UI has changed since then. I have added the file I want changed to the autoresponder list but it does not have an option to return a file. The closest I've gotten is return a manual response which I have to copy and paste a 50k line javascript file every time. Can I get a more detailed explanation of how to do this in the new UI or was this removed from the free version of Fiddler Everywhere?
You can use the Auto Responder and create a rule that uses an external file. The file could contain the whole mocked response including the references (or the content) of the JS script.
To achieve the above use the last action from the Action drop-down which is named Choose saved response file ... (see more about the actions in this article).

Kendo UI MVC cant find KendoNotification widget?

Similar to a previous post, but this time Im using MVC and the html helper
Using Kendo.MVC ver# 2015.1.318.545
and script ui library 2013.3.1324
At run time the above results in this code:
<span id="popupNotification"></span><script>
, in chrome developer tools, I see an error:
Uncaught TypeError: jQuery(...).kendoNotification is not a function
Its strange that I can put in a datepicker in the same spot, but the notification blows chunks.
[ See reply by user Win below - that was the answer ]
Ideally, you want to use all 3 files (CSS and images too) in same version. Otherwise, they will be out of sync.
kendo.all.min.js (this might vary if you use individual widget)
FYI: Also make sure that you use Kendo supported jQuery version. New version requires new jQuery version.

Birt Mapit not working in Birt-Viewer

I have created few maps using the mapit library of Birt. The maps are working fantastic in Birt Designer. However, when I put the same report in Birtviewer, the map does not load. My question is whether this is a compatibility issue of Mapit with java8 or birtviewer that it does not work in birt viewer?
My second question is how can I actually see whether the birt library file is being read correctly and whether it could be a problem with reading the library file?
Unlike "preview" mode, the frameset servlet loads the report through an ajax query. Problem is the Eclipse Webviewer does not make use of a framework such jquery to handle ajax: only the first html script tag is triggered.
Your sample works with the portlet viewer i developed because jquery handles all this ajax stuff automatically. To make it work with the frameset servlet of the Eclipse WebViewer, i tried a quick and dirty workaround, only tested with Chrome & Firefox:
1/ I added this fragment at the end of your first script tag:
console.log("Evaluate ajax html...");
var scripts = document.getElementsByName("scriptMap");
for (var i=0;i<scripts.length;i++) {
if (scripts[i].text!=null) eval(scripts[i].text)
}, 1000);
2/ I also added a name "scriptMap" allowing to select the 2 remaining script tags For example here is the last script:
<script name="scriptMap">
setTimeout(actuate.birt.maps.google.start, 1);
This way the sample runs finely with a WebViewer frameset.
Furthermore, if you need to deploy a flat file as relative path you can manage this by using a file URI such described below. It means in your sample you have to declare two distinct datasource, one for each file. I hope it will help.

Firefox extensions: custom autocomplete

I've found code sample for google autocomplete and created other components for Bing and other search providers, but I can't switch autocompletion. I use following code to change autocompletesearch, but it doesn't work. Component works only if I define autocompletesearch property in XUL.
textbox.setAttribute("autocompletesearch", engine + "-autocomplete");
Worked around that problem by cloning and replacing input field each time I need to change autocomplete source.

Joomla Session Variable as Plugin Parameter

I have a Joomla plugin which takes varying parameters. I need to retrieve one of these parameters from the current session. I've tried using Jumi and a little PHP snipped to retrieve the value and output it in the plugin's parameter list, but the Joomla plugin parser only handles the outter-most set of curly braces. ex.
{fabrik view=table id=62 resetfilters=1 fab_tours_ro___tour_id=[tour_id]}
[tour_id] I need to retrieve from the current session. I've tried
{fabrik view=table id=62 resetfilters=1 fab_tours_ro___tour_id={jumi [scripts/get_tour_id.php]}}
In that case the {jumi} tag never gets parsed. I could hack the {fabrik} plugin, but I'd prefer to do this without making any core or component changes, especially since I update Fabrik quite regularly via svn.
I actually ended up using the latest Jumi 2.1 beta plugin which runs as System rather than Content. Then it was as simple as echoing the plugin syntax with the value already filled in:
$tour_id = $mainframe->getUserState("tour_id", '0');
echo '{fabrik view=table id=62 resetfilters=1 fab_tours_ro___tour_id='.$tour_id.'}';
Make sure your jumi plugin is executing before your fabrik plugin. You can check the order they are being fired in Extensions -> Plugin Manager.
