My laravel livewire create form keeps giving me errors - laravel

why isn't my form to create a new user not working? im using laravel 9 and livewire. This is my code:
this is the button from where i show the model to create a form:
<div class="py-4 space-y-4">
<div class="flex justify-between px-2">
<div class="w-1/4">
<x-jet-input placeholder="search will go here"/>
<x-jet-button wire:click="create">New Skill</x-jet-button>
This is the model that shows the form. this model is also used to edit a skill as per Caleb the livewire creator:
<form wire:submit.prevent="save">
<x-jet-dialog-modal wire:model.defer="showEditModal">
<x-slot name="title">Edit Skill</x-slot>
<x-slot name="content">
<div class="col-span-6 sm:col-span-4">
<x-jet-label for="name" value="{{ __('Skill name') }}" />
<select wire:model=""
class="mt-1 block w-full border-gray-300
focus:border-indigo-300 focus:ring
focus:ring-indigo-200 focus:ring-opacity-50
rounded-md shadow-sm">
#foreach(\App\Models\Skill::LANGUAGES as $value => $label)
<option value="{{ $value }}">{{ $label }}</option>
<x-jet-input-error for="" class="mt-2" />
<x-jet-label for="years" value="{{ __('Years of experience') }}" class="mt-4"/>
<x-jet-input wire:model="editing.years" id="years" type="number"
class="mt-1 block w-full"
placeholder="Years of experience"/>
<x-jet-input-error for="editing.years" class="mt-2" />
<x-slot name="footer">
<x-jet-secondary-button wire:click="$set('showEditModal', false)" class="mr-2">Cancel</x-jet-secondary-button>
<x-jet-button type="submit">Save</x-jet-button>
And this is my livewire component:
namespace App\Http\Livewire;
use App\Models\Skill;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Auth;
use Livewire\Component;
class Skills extends Component
public $name ='';
public $showEditModal = false;
public Skill $editing;
public function rules()
return [
'' => 'required|in:'.collect(Skill::LANGUAGES)->keys()->implode(','),
'editing.years' => 'required|numeric|between:' . Skill::MIN_YEARS_OF_EXPERIENCE . ',' . Skill::MAX_YEARS_OF_EXPERIENCE,
public function render()
return view('livewire.skills', [
'skills' => Skill::where('user_id', auth()->id())->get(),
public function mount(){
$this->editing = $this->makeBlankSkill();
public function makeBlankSkill(){
return Skill::make([
'name' => 'javascript',
'user_id' => auth()->user()->id,
public function create(){
if ($this->editing->getKey()) $this->editing = $this->makeBlankSkill();
$this->showEditModal = true;
public function edit(Skill $skill) {
if ($this->editing->isNot($skill)) $this->editing = $skill;
$this->showEditModal = true;
public function save()
$this->showEditModal = false;
I keep getting SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1364 Field 'user_id' doesn't have a default value and i dont know why.
This is my modal:
namespace App\Models;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Factories\HasFactory;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
class Skill extends Model
use HasFactory;
const DEFAULT_OPTION = 'Please select a skill';
const LANGUAGES = [
'javascript' => 'JavaScript',
'php' => 'PHP',
'python' => 'Python',
'java' => 'Java',
'c#' => 'C#',
'c++' => 'C++',
'ruby' => 'Ruby',
'swift' => 'Swift',
'typescript' => 'TypeScript',
'rust' => 'Rust',
'go' => 'Go',
'kotlin' => 'Kotlin',
'scala' => 'Scala',
'dart' => 'Dart',
'r' => 'R',
'perl' => 'Perl',
'elixir' => 'Elixir',
'clojure' => 'Clojure',
'haskell' => 'Haskell',
'erlang' => 'Erlang',
'lisp' => 'Lisp',
'sql' => 'SQL',
'bash' => 'Bash',
'laravel' => 'Laravel',
'symfony' => 'Symfony',
'codeigniter' => 'CodeIgniter',
'yii' => 'Yii',
'zend' => 'Zend',
'cakephp' => 'CakePHP',
'fuelphp' => 'FuelPHP',
'slim' => 'Slim',
'lumen' => 'Lumen',
'phalcon' => 'Phalcon',
'silex' => 'Silex',
'express' => 'Express',
'koa' => 'Koa',
'hapi' => 'Hapi',
'meteor' => 'Meteor',
'angular' => 'Angular',
'ember' => 'Ember',
'react' => 'React',
'vue' => 'Vue',
'backbone' => 'Backbone',
'd3' => 'D3',
'threejs' => 'Three.js',
protected $fillable = [
'name', 'user_id', 'years'
public function user()
return $this->belongsTo(User::class);
Any help is greatly appriceated
I've done all there is to do.At least i hope. I've added the
array ive set the
'user_id' => auth()->user()->id,
Not sure what else im missing

public function save()
$user = auth()->user();
$this->editing->user_id = $user->id;
$this->showEditModal = false;
This was the answer for me

If user_id is null when creating a new Skill, this means there is no authenticated user. You can simply check by doing dd(auth()->id()). If you're logged in, this will return the primary key for your authentication model. If this is empty, you're simply not authenticated, and so you must first log in.
In the case your user_id is actually set, but it isn't arriving in your database upon saving, you'll have to check if the property user_id is correctly set on the Skill model's protected $fillable property.
If you dd($this->editing) right after mount, you can check the attributes of the model, and if the user_id is set, you know the error happens when saving to the database.
As it turns out, Livewire won't hydrate newly set properties on models. This is because Livewire "rehydrates" the models by simply re-fetching them from the database. This can be solved defining a rules property as shown here, directly relating to the model properties. This would ensure Livewire keeps the state of the updated properties.


Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: initialData is null - my components are wrapped in a single div but still getting the error

I am getting an initial data is null error. This has been talked about github forum, however, the answer was that the component was not wrapped in a single div. My components are. So I am still getting:
Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: initialData is null
I have a simple button that runs a function when clicked
which is produced by this code:
<div class="mx-0 col-span-1 block font-medium text-sm text-gray-700 mb-0">
<x-green-button-sm class="px-0 mx-0" title="Add a New person to the family." wire:click="createChild">
<h3 class="my-0 text-xss">Add Child</h3>
#livewire('admin.shared.edit-add-child', ['showEditAddChildModal' => $showEditAddChildModal,
'editadd' => 'add', 'userid' => $user->id, 'registrantOrAdmin' => $registrantOrAdmin])
Which calls this function in the component
public function createChild(){
$this->showEditAddChildModal = true;
And notice that the livewire component above is passed the value of $showEditAddChildModal
The beginning of the admin.shared.edit-add-child blade component is:
<form wire:submit.prevent="save">
<x-modal.dialog wire:model="showEditAddChildModal">
</div> // the blade component is contained in a single div as required
so the effort is to make the model visible obviously. The admin.shared.edit-add-child blade blade makes reference to models (public properties) like this
the EditAddChild.php component is set up like this:
namespace App\Http\Livewire\Admin\Shared;
use App\Models\Person;
use Livewire\Component;
class EditAddChild extends Component
public $showEditAddChildModal = false;
//(if i set the above true, the modal does show up.)
public $userid;
public $txtmsgp;
public $fullname;
public $registrantOrAdmin;
public $editadd;
public $editChild;
// (I started with public Person $editChild but the system balked at //initializing a typed variable in the mount() function)
public $dateOfBirth;
Below, note that the $this->editadd variable is passed in the #livewire call seen above. The mount() function in the EditAddChild.php component is:
public function mount(){
if($this->editadd == 'add')
$this->editChild = $this->addNewChild();
addNewChild() is:
public function addNewChild()
return Person::make(['added_by' => auth()->user()->id,
'updated_by' => null,
'family_type' => 'child',
'firstname' => '',
'lastname' => '',
'pronouns' => 'u',
'sex' => 'u',
'dob' => now(),
'age_today' => 0,
'mobile_phone' => null,
'receive_texts' => 'u',
'email' => '',
'allow_emails' => 'u',
'member' => 'u',
'allow_photos' => 'u',
'show' => 0,
when i click on the add child button to change the x-show variable to true, the modal does not show and the console reports this:
My apologies, but I thought I would list the entire modal coponent as well. There are two parts [dialog.blade.php] :
#props(['id' => null, 'maxWidth' => null])
<x-modal :id="$id" :maxWidth="$maxWidth" {{ $attributes }}>
<div class="px-6 py-4">
<div class="text-lg">
{{ $title }}
<div class="mt-4">
{{ $content }}
<div class="px-6 py-4 bg-gray-100 text-right">
{{ $footer }}
the second part being [modal.bade.php]:
#props(['id', 'maxWidth'])
$id = $id ?? md5($attributes->wire('model'));
$maxWidth = [
'sm' => 'sm:max-w-sm',
'md' => 'sm:max-w-md',
'lg' => 'sm:max-w-lg',
'xl' => 'sm:max-w-xl',
'2xl' => 'sm:max-w-2xl',
'3xl' => 'sm:max-w-3xl',
'4xl' => 'sm:max-w-4xl',
'5xl' => 'sm:max-w-5xl',
'6xl' => 'sm:max-w-6xl',
'7xl' => 'sm:max-w-7xl',
][$maxWidth ?? '3xl'];
show: #entangle($attributes->wire('model')).defer,
focusables() {
// All focusable element types...
let selector = 'a, button, input, textarea, select, details, [tabindex]:not([tabindex=\'-1\'])'
return [...$el.querySelectorAll(selector)]
// All non-disabled elements...
.filter(el => ! el.hasAttribute('disabled'))
firstFocusable() { return this.focusables()[0] },
lastFocusable() { return this.focusables().slice(-1)[0] },
nextFocusable() { return this.focusables()[this.nextFocusableIndex()] || this.firstFocusable() },
prevFocusable() { return this.focusables()[this.prevFocusableIndex()] || this.lastFocusable() },
nextFocusableIndex() { return (this.focusables().indexOf(document.activeElement) + 1) % (this.focusables().length + 1) },
prevFocusableIndex() { return Math.max(0, this.focusables().indexOf(document.activeElement)) -1 },
x-init="$watch('show', value => {
if (value) {
} else {
x-on:close.stop="show = false"
x-on:keydown.escape.window="show = false""$event.shiftKey || nextFocusable().focus()""prevFocusable().focus()"
id="{{ $id }}"
class="overflow-auto jetstream-modal fixed inset-0 overflow-y-auto px-4 py-6 sm:px-0 z-50"
style="display: none;"
<div x-show="show" class="fixed inset-0 transform transition-all" x-on:click="show = false"
x-transition:enter="ease-out duration-3000"
x-transition:leave="ease-in duration-3000"
<div class="absolute inset-0 bg-gray-500 opacity-75"></div>
<div x-show="show" class="mb-6 bg-white rounded-lg overflow-hidden shadow-xl transform transition-all sm:w-full {{ $maxWidth }} sm:mx-auto"
x-transition:enter="ease-out duration-300"
x-transition:enter-start="opacity-0 translate-y-4 sm:translate-y-0 sm:scale-95"
x-transition:enter-end="opacity-100 translate-y-0 sm:scale-100"
x-transition:leave="ease-in duration-200"
x-transition:leave-start="opacity-100 translate-y-0 sm:scale-100"
x-transition:leave-end="opacity-0 translate-y-4 sm:translate-y-0 sm:scale-95">
{{ $slot }}
Please check in here
#livewire('admin.shared.edit-add-child', ['showEditChildModal' => $showEditAddChildModal,
'editadd' => 'add', 'userid' => $user->id, 'registrantOrAdmin' => $registrantOrAdmin])
precisely at "'showEditChildModal' => $showEditAddChildModal" part. You're binding the parent property ($showEditAddChildModal) to the child ('showEditChildModal'), but in the child component that property doesn't exist, instead you have declared the property as next:
public $showEditAddChildModal = false;
It's a typo of you should fix it???

Updating many-to-many relational data with attach() from multiple checkboxes in Laravel

I am creating an online bookstore in Laravel, and upon creating a new book, the administrator is able to define which warehouses that are able to stock this book, by checking the specific warehouses checkboxes.
To give insight in how it works, this is my create function:
public function create()
$authors = Author::all();
$selectedAuthor = Book::first()->author_id;
$publishers = Publisher::all();
$selectedPublisher = Book::first()->publisher_id;
$warehouses = Warehouse::all();
$selectedWarehouse = Book::first()->warehouse_id;
return view('books.create', compact(['authors', 'publishers', 'warehouses'],
['selectedAuthor', 'selectedPublisher', 'selectedWarehouse']
and my store method:
public function store(Request $request)
'ISBN' => 'required',
'author_id' => 'required',
'publisher_id' => 'required',
'year' => 'required',
'title' => 'required',
'price' => 'required',
try {
$book = Book::create($request->all());
foreach ($request->checked as $value){
return redirect()->route('books.index')
->with('success','Book created successfully.');
} catch (\Illuminate\Database\QueryException $e) {
But when an administrator edits a book, the checkboxes that were checked upon creating the book, should be "checked", and the administrator should be able to attach more warehouses, and be able to "unselect" a warehouse, so if an already checked value gets unchecked and sumbitted, it should get detached from the many-to-many table.
This is what i currently have:
My edit method:
public function edit(Book $book)
$authors = Author::all();
$selectedAuthor = Book::first()->author_id;
$publishers = Publisher::all();
$selectedPublisher = Book::first()->publisher_id;
$warehouses = Warehouse::all();
$selectedWarehouse = Book::first()->warehouse_id;
return view('books.edit', compact(['book', 'authors', 'publishers', 'warehouses'],
['selectedAuthor', 'selectedPublisher', 'selectedWarehouse']));
And my update method:
public function update(Request $request, Book $book)
'ISBN' => 'required',
'publisher_id' => 'required',
'author_id' => 'required',
'year' => 'required',
'title' => 'required',
'price' => 'required',
try {
// TODO: Update warehouses
return redirect()->route('books.index')
->with('success','Book updated successfully.');
} catch (\Illuminate\Database\QueryException $e) {
And the checkboxes in my edit.blade view:
#foreach($warehouses as $warehouse)
<input type="checkbox" name="checked[]" value="{{ $warehouse->id }}">
{{ $warehouse->address }}
My Book model:
public function warehouses()
return $this->belongsToMany(Warehouse::class);
And my warehouse model:
public function books()
return $this->belongsToMany(Book::class);
Any help on being able to attach / detach upon editing an existing book, would be highly appreciated!
Try this on create and update method for storing
// Your method
foreach ($request->checked as $value){
// Try This
$book->warehouses()->sync($request->checked); // $request->checked must be an array
Update Blade
#foreach($warehouses as $warehouse)
<input #if($book->warehouses()->where('warehouse_id', $warehouse->id)->exists()) checked #endif type="checkbox" name="checked[]" value="{{ $warehouse->id }}">
{{ $warehouse->address }}
I will left this example with a logic according your problem. In this case are roles:
public function edit(Role $role){
//get roles ids
$permission_role = [];
foreach($role->permissions as $permission){
$permission_role[] = $permission->id;
//get permissions
$permissions = Permission::all();
return view("role.edit", compact('role', 'permission_role', 'permissions'));
In the blade:
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-8">
<div class="form-group">
<label>Select the permissions for the current role</label>
#foreach ($permissions as $permission)
<div class="valid-feedback d-block" style="font-size: 15px !important;">
<input type="checkbox" value="{{ $permission->id }}" name="permissions[]"
#if(is_array(old('permissions')) && in_array("$permission->id", old('permissions')))
#elseif(is_array($permission_role) && in_array("$permission->id", $permission_role))
<strong> {{ $permission->description }} </strong>
<div class="invalid-feedback d-block">
#foreach ($errors->get('permissions') as $error)
{{ $error }}
Of this way you can also keep the old checkboxes when nothing is select. You should validate it as required.

Laravel use sync on a many to many that includes a multiple extra fields

I'm trying to use sync on a many to many that includes a status and a comment. I can sync the applications without status and comment just fine.
NewUserAccount Model
public function applications()
return $this->belongsToMany('App\Application', 'new_user_account_applications', 'new_user_id')->withPivot('application_comment', 'status');
Application Model
public function newUserAccounts()
return $this->belongsToMany('App\NewUserAccount', 'new_user_accounts_applications', 'new_user_id')->withPivot('application_comment', 'status');
My NewUserAccountController
public function store(StoreRequest $request)
$userAccount = NewUserAccount::create(array_merge(
['submitted_by' => $requester->id],
['start_date' => Carbon::parse($request->input('start_date'))],
['account_expires' => $request->accountExpires('newAccountExpireDate')],
['company_id' => $requester->company_id],
['username' => $request->manuallyAssignId()]
// Here I sync applications and include application comment and status
$userAccount->applications()->sync($request->applications, ['application_comment' => $request->application_comment, 'status' => 0]);
My pivot showing status and comment correctly
My form. Here is where I'm not sure how to handle the comment and get it to save with each application pivot record.
#foreach($applications as $application)
<label class="k-checkbox">
<input value="{{ $application->id }}" name="applications[]" type="checkbox">{{ $application->application_name }} <span></span>
<div class="form-group col-lg-4 mb-3">
<textarea name="application_comment[]" class="form-control" rows="2"></textarea>
First, you need to set the correct index for the application_comment attribute in your textarea. It's needed to correctly determine the comment for each application.
#foreach($applications as $application)
<textarea name="application_comment[{{ $application->id }}]" class="form-control" rows="2"></textarea>
Then, you just need to format your data to:
application_id_1 => ['application_comment' => 'comment for application_id 1'],
application_id_2 => ['application_comment' => 'comment for application_id 2'],
So, here it is
$applications = collect($request->applications)->mapWithKeys(function ($appId) use ($request) {
return [$appId => [
'application_comment' => $request->input('application_comment')[$appId],
'status' => 0,

Foreign key on post request Laravel & Vue

I am using a larvel backend with a vue frontend. They are connected by API. I have been trying to figure out how i can correctly submit a form for a model that has a foreign_key relationship with a parent model.
Here is the relationships
A User has many Tasks
A Task belongs to User
A Client has many Engagements
A Engagement belongs to Client
Engagements and Tasks have many to many
User and Client have no direct relationship
So I know that if i wanted to submit a post request for data that had a relationship with user It would be simple to assign the foreign_key like below
public function store(Request $request)
$data = $request->validate([
'title' => 'required|string',
'completed' => 'required|boolean',
$todo = Todo::create([
'user_id' => auth()->user()->id,
'title' => $request->title,
'completed' => $request->completed,
return response($todo, 201);
But when i try to do this same thing for my client I get a 500 internal server error..
So here is the Workflow
On my vue frontend in the AddEngagment.vue component
<div class="page-wrapper mt-1">
<div class="add-engagement container">
<div class="card-body bg-light border-primary mb-2">
<h4 class="text-left text-primary m-0"><i class="mr-3 far fa-folder-open"></i>New Engagement</h4>
<form #submit.prevent="addEngagement" class="d-flex-column justify-content-center">
<div class="form-group">
<select class="form-control mb-3" id="type" v-model="engagement.return_type">
<option v-for="type in types" :key="" :value="type">{{ type }}</option>
<input type="text" class="form-control mb-3" placeholder="Year" v-model="engagement.year">
<input type="text" class="form-control mb-3" placeholder="Assign To" v-model="engagement.assigned_to">
<input type="text" class="form-control mb-3" placeholder="Status" v-model="engagement.status">
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-lg btn-primary d-flex justify-content-start">Create</button>
export default {
name: 'add-engagement',
data() {
return {
engagement: {
return_type: null,
year: '',
assigned_to: '',
status: '',
types: [
'Choose Return Type...',
methods: {
addEngagement(e) {
if(!this.engagement.return_type || !this.engagement.year ){
} else {
this.$store.dispatch('addEngagement', {
id: this.idForEngagement,
return_type: this.engagement.return_type,
year: this.engagement.year,
assigned_to: this.engagement.assigned_to,
status: this.engagement.status,
this.engagement = ""
created: function() {
this.engagement.return_type = this.types[0]
I am capturing the data in the input and then dispatching the store for the addEngagement action
Now in the URL for the AddEngagement.vue component I have the client_id shown like below
This is the store.js action for the addEngagement
addEngagement(context, engagement) {'/engagements'), {
return_type: engagement.return_type,
year: engagement.year,
assigned_to: engagement.assigned_to,
status: engagement.status,
done: false
.then(response => {
.catch(error => {
So from here, it sends the request to my /engagement on the laravel api route file like below
Route::post('/engagements', 'EngagementsController#store');
And then goes to the EngagementsController to run the store method below
public function store($client_id, Request $request)
$data = $request->validate([
'return_type' => 'required|string',
'year' => 'required|string',
'status' => 'required|string',
'assigned_to' => 'required|string',
'done' => 'required|boolean'
$engagement = Engagement::create([
'return_type' => $request->return_type,
'year' => $request->year,
'assigned_to' => $request->assigned_to,
'status' => $request->status,
'done' => $request->done,
+ [
'client_id' => $client_id
return response($engagement, 201);
At this point is where I am getting my error and I think it has to do with the $client_id which I have tried many different ways of formatting it with no success. When the URL is storing the client_id on the front end for the post request I do not know how that data is getting shared with laravel for it to know which client the client_id foreign key will be assigned to.
First of all:
$engagement = Engagement::create([
'return_type' => $request->return_type,
'year' => $request->year,
'assigned_to' => $request->assigned_to,
'status' => $request->status,
'done' => $request->done,
+ [
'client_id' => $client_id
why is there this +[...] array thing? Doesn't really makes sense to me...
But the 500 Server Error most probably results from your false request (which most of 500's do).
If this is your Route definition:
Route::post('/engagements', 'EngagementsController#store');
This is the method head:
public function store($client_id, Request $request)
And your Post request is the following:'/engagements'), {
return_type: engagement.return_type,
year: engagement.year,
assigned_to: engagement.assigned_to,
status: engagement.status,
done: false
You will notice, that the function definition differs from your Route. In the function you expect a parameter 'client_id' which isn't known by the route. So to resolve this issue, put your client_id into the Post request body (underneath your done: false for example) and remove the parameter from the function definition.

methodNotAllowed(array('GET', 'HEAD')) in RouteCollection.php laravel 5.0

I want to login as I submit the form but I am getting an error.
The form code is as follows:
{!! Form::open() !!}
{{ $errors->first("parentPassword") }}<br />
<input type="email" id="email" name="parentEmail" required>
<input type="password" name="parentPassword">
{!!Form::submit('Submit',array('class' => 'btn btn-outline btn-primary')) !!} </fieldset>
{!! Form::close() !!}
The controller code is as follows:
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Redirect;
class loka extends Controller
public function login()
if ($this->isPostRequest()) {
$validator = $this->getLoginValidator();
if ($validator->passes()) {
$credentials = $this->getLoginCredentials();
if (Auth::attempt($credentials)) {
return redirect()->intended('/');
return Redirect::back()->withErrors([
"parentPassword" => ["Credentials invalid."]
} else {
return Redirect::back()
return view("signup.index");
protected function isPostRequest()
// return Request::isMethod('post');
protected function getLoginValidator()
return Validator::make(Request::all(), [
"parentEmail" => "required",
"parentPassword" => "required"
protected function getLoginCredentials()
return [
"parentEmail" => Request::input("parentEmail"),
"parentPassword" => Request::input("parentPassword")
The route is as follows:
Route::patch("/index", [
"as" => "login/index",
"uses" => "loka#login"
