Pass Team's Culture in Azure Bot Sign in link - microsoft-teams

The oauth at my backed expects a culture to render the login page in user's language. I have an oauth connection settings on my bot which works as expected. But now I want it also to include the culture from team.Like below:
How in Generic oauth V2 or in code, I can provide Team's language . I tried below code, but it does not work:
string signInLink = await GetSignInLinkAsync(turnContext, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
signInLink = $"{signInLink}&culture={turnContext.Activity.GetLocale()}";
Any suggestions, will help me a lot!


Get email from twitter OAuth2

I am using Socialite in Laravel to login with Twitter.
I know that not all twitter users have an email attached to their account, but for my application the user does need an email address. I am fine to block logins from people who do not have an email attached, but at the moment every user does have the email field set to null.
I am using this function to redirect to twitter:
return Socialite::driver($provider)->redirect();
I have already tried using scopes like this:
return Socialite::driver($provider)->scopes(['email'])->redirect();
But twitter is the only provider that does not allow scopes.
The callback returns the email address for other providers like facebook and google, but there seems to be something that I am missing while using twitter.
For OAuth1 there was a setting somewhere to enable the option to return the email field aswell, but since twitter accepts OAuth2 I can not find this setting anymore in the Twitter developers panel.
Any help would my appreciated since most of the information about this topic is outdated.
The solution was found in the twitter developers dashboard.
First of all go to the settings of your app.
Then you have to fill in a link to your privacy policy & terms page.
After that also enable OAuth 1.0 en then an option pops up to also receive the email address from the user that is trying to log in.
Twitter's new Oauth 2.0 user authentication does not currently (at the time of writing this answer) provide access to the user's email address, and will require an additional scope to be added. This is on the Twitter API roadmap and is a known feature request.
You can still use OAuth 1.0A and set the option to request the user's email address.

Get Microsoft Teams Presence status in custom app

I am installed custom app in Microsoft Teams. In custom app i want to get/change the user presence status by using Javascript/ I followed below way but here we need to pass authProvider. Instead of authProvider, get the user presence why because my custom app already installed in the microsoft Teams why again i need to pass the authProvider Details.
In side followed below way.
Please provide the solution to get the user presence. or provide other solutions to do this.
For any graph api to access and to provide user details such as presence of an user, Auth provider is mandatory as it secures the details through an access token.
So Auth provider is necessary irrespective of the custom app uploaded in Teams.

How to integrate BotFramework with Hangouts Chat

I'm trying to integrate my bot too the Hangouts Chat API. I migrated from C# to node.js in order to be able to take advantage of the HangoutsAdapter:
The problem is that the HangoutsAdapter expects a google token and when I go to the Hangouts Chat API configuration tab, I select Bot URL under Connection Settings section, but the only thing I get is a field to enter my bot's url endpoint. Nothing about the Verification Token I'm supposed to pass to the Hangouts Adapter.
Is there any other way to validate the connection to that API with HangoutsAdapter? Should I use something else rather than HangoutsAdapter? Or maybe I should use it in a different way?
Technically, this is an alternative solution (I think). In order to create Google Hangouts credentials a GSuite account is required, which I don't have. The Interface HangoutsAdapterOptions docs state the "Shared secret token [is] used" for validation and is found under the Configuration tab. As the fields are locked down, I can't test this.
However, the alternative is to use the built-in OAuth feature of the Bot Framework. I use this in my bot without a hitch. I did navigate to the Google Hangouts web site and it recognized me immediately. By using the OAuth login, a token is returned which you can use to pass into the Hangouts adapter.
I should add that the below implementation produces a sign-in magic code which some people don't like (it doesn't bother me). There may be a SSO option, but I haven't researched that.
First, you need to setup Google credentials which will provide you with a "Client id" and "Client secret". General instructions can be found here. Credentials can be created here. You can ignore any coding references as they aren't necessary (thanks to the BF OAuth feature).
From the Credentials Page, click on "Credentials" in the left menu. There are two areas you need to configure, once there: "OAuth consent screen" and "Credentials".
For OAuth consent screen, provide an app name. This doesn't need to match the associated requesting app and is just for reference when visiting the Credentials Page. Enter a support email, the scopes you will be using (email, profile, and openid). There may be other required scopes, but this worked for me when I visited the Hangouts web site. Lastly, enter in the Authorized Domains. The domain is required. Others, if any, you will have to experiment with. Save and return to the Credentials Page.
Click the "Create Credentials" button and complete the form. Give your credentials a name (again, not referenced anywhere else for this project), enter any authorized origins, and enter as the authorized redirect URI. Save the settings, copy the "Client id" and "Client secret" somewhere, and navigate to Azure and into your bot's settings page.
Here, you need to create your bot's OAuth connection. This is done in the Settings blade. At the bottom of the blade is the "OAuth Connection Settings" section. Click the "Add Setting" button to get started.
Once in, give your connection a name. This name will be referenced by your bot in the next step, so save the name somewhere. Then, select Google from the list of Service Providers and paste the "Client id" and "Client secret", that you saved earlier, into the respective fields. In "Scopes", you will want to enter the same scope values you selected in your Google credentials app ("email profile openid"). Be sure they are space-separated when you enter them.
Lastly, you will want to model your OAuth login off of sample from the Botbuilder-Samples repo. This builds in the functionality you need for enabling a user to log in via your bot.
Add the connection name you assigned to your Google connection setting for your bot into a .env file as a variable, like this: connectionName=<CONNECTION_NAME>.
When setting up the OAuth prompt, you will pass this variable in:
this.addDialog(new OAuthPrompt(OAUTH_PROMPT, {
connectionName: process.env.connectionName,
text: 'Please Sign In',
title: 'Sign In',
timeout: 300000
At this point, your bot and login process should be good to go. Assuming the flow is setup correctly, a user should be able to login via the OAuth prompt, by use of a magic code. A token is returned back to the bot which will be accessible via the context on the next step. The token can then be saved to state and passed to the adapter for use. In the below bit, I'm using a simple waterfall with an oauthPrompt step and a loginResults step. The token is captured in the second step where I console log it.
async oauthPrompt(step) {
return await step.prompt(OAUTH_PROMPT, {
prompt: {
inputHint: 'ExpectingInput'
async loginResults(step) {
let tokenResponse = step.result;
console.log('TOKEN: ', tokenResponse);
if (tokenResponse != null) {
await step.context.sendActivity('You are now logged in.');
return await step.prompt(CONFIRM_PROMPT, 'Do you want to view your token?', ['yes', 'no']);
// Something went wrong, inform the user they were not logged in
await step.context.sendActivity('Login was not successful please try again');
return await step.endDialog();
Hope of help!
I created an issue on
Basically hangouts adapter expects a token in order to compare it to the token gotten from the hangouts chat api. But given that the token is not provided anymore by google, the authentication mechanism needs to change

Accessing google apis on behalf of google home user

I'm trying to develop a simple ProofOfConcept to interract with Google APIs from a Google Home using the authorization of the user through Dialogflow Fullfilment.
For example, we want to be able to create/read/update/delete contacts of users.
It's relatively easy to implement the Google SignIn but I don't know how to ask for additionnal scopes
Also, I never implemented an OAuth server before and I'm still not sure if I need too or if I could reuse en existing one.
I looked at many posts here on SO most of them was answered by #Prisoner who also provided a detailed flow in Google Home Authorization Code and Authentication with Google Account
In his answer, he mentions that we can "redirect the user to a web login page" but I still don't understand how to do that from the fullfilment
Here's the fullfilment code I used to use the Google SignIn:
const { dialogflow, SignIn} = require('actions-on-google');
const functions = require('firebase-functions');
const app = dialogflow(
debug: true,
clientId: ''
//Welcome Intent
app.intent('Default Welcome Intent', (conv) => {
conv.ask(`Welcome to the demo agent, say "Connect-me" to proceed`);
//Default Intent
app.intent('Default Fallback Intent', (conv) => {
conv.ask(`Sorry, can you repeat please?`);
//Intent starting the Google SignIn
// Create an intent with the name "Start Signin"
app.intent('Start Signin', (conv) => {
//SignIn Helper (
conv.ask(new SignIn(`Need to identify you`));
//Intent called when the user complete the authentication
// Create an intent with the name "Get Signin" and assign it the event "actions_intent_SIGN_IN"
app.intent('Get Signin', (conv, params, signin) => {
if (signin.status === 'OK') {
const payload = conv.user.profile.payload;
conv.ask(`Hello ${}. You can now access your contacts informations... but not really `);
} else {
conv.ask(`Sorry but you should authentify yourself `);
//Example of intent that I would like to make it works
app.intent('How many contacts', (conv) => {
TODO: How to ask for additional scopes ("" : read/write access to Contacts and Contact Groups)
NOTE: Actually, I'm more interrested on how to get the additional scopes.
I could probably do the querying contacts part by myself since it's quite documented (
conv.ask(new SignIn(`You have ${nbContacts} contacts defined in your Google Contact`));
exports.dialogflowFirebaseFulfillment = functions.https.onRequest(app);
You have a few related questions bundled here.
How do I ask for additional scopes with Google Sign In?
Unfortunately you can't.
This is for the user's security. Since it isn't always obvious when you're granting additional permissions via voice, and asking for too many scopes can be overwhelming with voice, they don't allow this right now.
Ok. So how do I get those additional scopes?
You referenced another post that goes through the method I propose to do that. It involves signing in and granting the scopes through a web page in the same Google Cloud Project. Under Google's cross-client identity system, these would then apply when the user connects through the Assistant as well.
So how do I direct them to a web page?
I typically either use a card with a link button for the website or a link out suggestion to the site. Both of these, however, depend on being on a visual interface that supports a web browser. So you might wish to check for this using surface capabilities.
If you are using your own OAuth server, using the combination "OAuth and Google Sign-In" method, the Assistant will take care of these sorts of things for you.
Do I need to write my own OAuth server?
No. You can use something like Auth0 to handle the OAuth part for you.

Chat bot single sign on

I have a bot running on a hosting page where users are logged in using SSO.
I want to authenticate the user in the bot automatically when the bot starts and I do not want to use anAuthCard to do it. Just want to automatically authenticate the user without prompting anything to him, just using SSO.
I found an article that refers three ways to authenticate an user in the bot:
Sharing the client's user token directly with the bot via ChannelData
Using an OAuthCard to drive a sign-in experience to any OAuth provider
A third option, called Single Sign-On (SSO), that is in development.
And, according to the article my situation is:
WebChat in an authenticated website where the user is already signed in and the website has a token to the same identity provider but to a different app that the bot needs -> in the future, this is single sign-on, but for now you 'll need to use an OAuthCard.
Is there any update about this functionality? How can I authenticate the user into the bot without using an OAuthCard or a SigninCard?
Thanks in advance
Not sure if you have tried the option of using WebChat with Azure Bot Service’s Authentication which provides built-in authentication capability to authenticate chat users with various identity providers such AAD, GitHub, Facebook, etc.
If you are looking for this built-in feature, then probably you need to build your own custom built solution using Google sign-in by passing the token ID of the authenticated users. Or for an Account linking OAuth2 solution as explained in this link: How to implement Login in Dialogflow chatbot.
Microsoft guys Are looking at the issue now. you can track the progress here.
I implemented a solution that worked for me. I have the bot running in a .net core web app
Here's what I did:
Generate an userId before initializing the BotApp
When the user clicks on the button to open the webchat, I'm opening an authenticated controller in a popup that receives the generated userId. The page is authenticated, so you will need to authenticate. I store the userId in my DB, along with access_token and some user information. The controller should be created in the same webapp where the bot is running.
After storing all the information I close the tab and start the BotApp with the generated userId
In bot code you will be able to query your DB (using userId).
To wait until the popup close, you can have a look into this here.
I hope that this helps someone.
Best regards
