Spring Boot Validation - Request parameter - spring-boot

I'm having an issue with Spring Boot validation on a REST controller. I'm using validation 2.4.1.
I'm trying to validate elements of a list. Here's an example:
class ControllerClass(
private val service: ServiceClass
) {
suspend fun controllerMethod(
request: ServerHttpRequest,
#RequestParam(required = false)
id: List<#Positive Int>? // Here's the issue.
): ResponseEntity<Map<String, Any>> {
// Content...
#NotEmpty works properly on the list object, so when the parameter is empty (example.com/path?id=), the client receives a validation error message. However, #Positive doesn't work on the Int objects inside the list. I did some research and some people say it works. I also check the #Positive interface and it supposed to work like that.
I also tried using #Valid everywhere, with the type use, parameter and method, but it doesn't work either.
Is there anything else I have to do? For example, I know that, to use validation on data classes in Kotlin, you have to use #get: (#get:Positive, for example) for validation to work.
Thank you!


How does field mapping happen for a PUT request body?

I am stuck with a basic confusion which I cannot test and cannot find a straightforward answer to as well.
I have an endpoint PUT which expects an object in the body , RequestObject.
It consists of 1 field only.
class RequestObject {
String name;
Now from the service from which I am hitting this endpoint, the object that I am supposed to use to send in the request has 2 fields.
class Test {
String firstname;
String age;
If I make a request, with age as null,
Will this work ?
Since firstName and name are not the same "spellings", will the mapping happen automatically ?
I am assuming No for both but I am not sure how to confirm.
WIll appreciate if someone can point me in right direction.
#JsonIgnoreProperties(ignoreUnknown = true)
class RequestObject {
String name;
By default Spring Boot uses the Jackson library to convert to objects. You can customize it using annotations. See https://github.com/FasterXML/jackson-annotations/wiki/Jackson-Annotations

Implementing JSR-303 validation with crnk JSON API

I am fairly familiar with the JSR-303's #Valid annotation and have used it a couple of times in my #Controller classes. For example:
ResponseEntity<String> addUser(#Valid #RequestBody User user) {
// persisting the user
return ResponseEntity.ok("User is valid");
Where User object is a typical class with annotations like #NotBlank or #NotNull on the fields.
However, I am trying to build a REST API based on JSON API using the crnk library and am trying to do the same validation, example:
public Subscription save(#Valid Subscription subscription) {
// code goes here
Unfortunately the validation doesn't work and I have tried both #Valid and #Validation.
Can anyone kindly show what is wrong with this code?

Spring RESTful application - POST method request body mandatory attributes

I am building a RESTful app in Spring Boot and i want to make few attributes in my POST method's request body mandatory.
In swagger yaml, i mark them as required "true", but when i generate the classes using swagger editor, i dont see that impacting in any way, i.e i can't see even a #NotNull annotation or anything of that sort.
How do i mark them as mandatory in my java model class ? Is #NotNull the way to go?
If yes, should i do that in my request body class, or in the jpa document class or both ?
Thanks !
Yes, #NotNull is a way to go.
But also You need to use #Valid annotation.
check example:
#RequestMapping(value = "/appointments", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String add(#Valid AppointmentForm form, BindingResult result) {
static class AppointmentForm {
private Date date;

How to restrict JSON payload from containing additional fields with Spring?

I have a basic User DTO class...
public class User {
private String firstName;
private String lastName;
...and a basic request handler in a #RestController class:
#RequestMapping(path = "/users", method = RequestMethod.POST, consumes = { MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE })
public UserMessage createUser(#RequestBody User user){
return userService.createUser(user);
How can I restrict incoming JSON payloads to contain at most only the required keys?
i.e. accept this payload:
And throw a custom exception on this:
I read about custom Converters, ArgumentResolvers, and I believe I could simply put an additional Map parameter in the handler and validate before service call, however I'd like to know the "best" way of handling this issue.
Regarding the User bean in your example it also already not possible, that potential other JSON fields than firstName and lastName could be mapped, simply because there are no fields in User which could hold the relevant data.
Should the User bean in your question be not complete, e.g. for simplicity reasons, and contain more fields, also then should everything be fine, as long as you did not configure your your ObjectMapper with com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.DeserializationFeature#FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES => false or you use the annotation #JsonIgnoreProperties(ignoreUnknown = true) on your bean.
To sum it up: Jackson's default behavior is FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES (default: true)
For further information you can also consult the respective Deserialization docs.
Solved the issue, this thread helped
#JsonIgnoreProperties(ignoreUnknown=false) is not working in Spring 4.2.0 and upper version
mle, your answer wasn't right, since I was using the latest version of Spring Framework and the ObjectMapper's FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES is turned off by default. Additionally I was needed to set #JsonIgnoreProperties(ignoreUnknown = false) in my User DTO class (as the actual class' superclass had this set to true).
Tested it, runs like a charm, while custom errors can be handled in a #ExceptionHandler(HttpMessageNotReadableException.class) annotated handler.

Spring 5 Webflux functional endpoints - How to perform input validation?

According to the current doc (5.0.0.RELEASE) Spring Webflux supports validation when working with annotated controllers:
By default if Bean Validation is present on the classpath — e.g.
Hibernate Validator, the LocalValidatorFactoryBean is registered as a
global Validator for use with #Valid and Validated on #Controller
method arguments.
However nothing is said about how to automate it with functional endpoints. In fact, the only example of input processing in the documentation doesn't validate anything:
public Mono<ServerResponse> createPerson(ServerRequest request) {
Mono<Person> person = request.bodyToMono(Person.class);
return ServerResponse.ok().build(repository.savePerson(person));
Are we supposed to do this manually or there is some automatic way to do it?
In Spring version 5.0, there is no automatic way to do validation in functional endpoints, and as such validation must be done manually.
Though there are currently no concrete plans to do so, we might add some sort of validation in the future. But even then it will be an explicit method call, and not an automatic mechanism. Overall, the functional endpoint model is designed to be a lot more explicit than the annotation-based model.
As arjen-poutsma said, it seems there is no way of running automated validations on Spring 5 functional endpoints.
Spring documentation is not very clear about this, and it doesn't suggest any approach.
On this Baeldung article, you'll find an idea on how you can run validations using this approach (disclaimer: I'm the writer of the article :) )
In a nutshell, you can follow these steps:
Implement Spring Validators to evaluate your resources
Create an abstract class with the basic procedure that any handler will follow when processing a request, leaving up to the children classes what to do when the data is valid
Make your request handler classes extend this abstract class, implementing this abstract method, stating the body it will be expecting, and what validator needs to be used to validate it
I've been following this related Spring issue, and it seems we now count with official documentation regarding this subject: https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-framework/blob/master/src/docs/asciidoc/web/webflux-functional.adoc#validation
The suggested approach is to use validators as explained in the article.
At the current version(2.0.4.RELEASE) there isn't a way to do automatic validation with handles, however you always could make a manual validation like this:
#FieldDefaults(makeFinal = true, level = AccessLevel.PRIVATE)
public class MyHandlerValidator implements HandlerValidator<MyResource> {
Validator validator;
public void callValidator(final MyResource fdr) {
final DataBinder binder = new DataBinder(fdr);
if (binder.getBindingResult().hasErrors()) {
final String reason = binder.getBindingResult().getFieldError().toString();
throw new ResponseStatusException(HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST, reason);
The thing with this, its that the you should throw a WebExchangeBindException like automatic validation does, however i could't create a MethodParameter witch is a dependency to create this exception.
Spring show us a way to do it, which is similar to my solution, but, not enough in my opinion on documentation
Just to demo some working code. If you need simple validation based on the object annotations like:
public class SigninRequest {
#NotBlank(message = "The username is mandatory")
#Email(message = "The username should be valid Email")
String username;
#NotBlank(message = "The password is mandatory")
String password;
At the handler you need just one simple additional operator doOnNext:
public class AuthHandler {
private final AuthService authService;
private final ObjectValidator validator;
public Mono<ServerResponse> signin(ServerRequest request) {
return ok().body(
.doOnNext(validator::validate) //<-- just one single line
.flatMap(login -> authService.authenticate(login.getUsername(), login.getPassword())),
The ObjectValidator is doing actual validation and throws the runtime exception with the 4xx error in case of validation errors:
public class ObjectValidator {
private final Validator validator;
public <T> T validate(T object) {
var errors = validator.validate(object);
if (errors.isEmpty()) {
return object;
} else {
String errorDetails = errors.stream().map(er -> er.getMessage()).collect(Collectors.joining(", "));
throw new ObjectValidationException(errorDetails);
And the exception:
#ResponseStatus(code = HttpStatus.UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY)
public class ObjectValidationException extends RuntimeException {
public ObjectValidationException(String errorDetails) {
super("Please supply the valid data: " + errorDetails);
If you properly setup global error handling you can keep you handler code clean and reuse the object validator across all your handlers.
