Xcode Widget Extension Cannot Preview in WatchOS - xcode

I am adding a Widget Extension (named Complication) to my WatchOS app. When creating the widget, I am not able to select an application in the field "Embed in Application". The app name shows up, but I can only select "None".
When I want to preview the widget, the following error message comes up:
ComplicationExtension.appex must be in an app
The app extension "ComplicationExtension.appex" needs to be embedded
in an app in order to use previews
What can I do to get it to work? I added the app in the Target Membership but that does not work. What am I missing?


In Xamarin Forms running on Mac OS. How can I access the asset catalog to add new icons in iOS?

I've not been able to find anything in the document except for examples from VS running on the PC. Can someone tell me how I can add icons to the asset catalog with VS running on macOS for Xamarin forms?
Under iOS project, double click on 'Assets.xcassets' and change the existing 'AppIcon' icons or Add a new Asset and attach the icons. Then, double click on Info.plist. Go to 'Application' tab, and change the 'Source' of 'App Icons' to the asset that you just created.

Hockeyapp - Please make sure that the versionCode is 1 or higher

Trying to upload a Xamarin build to Hockeyapp I get this error.
When uploading to Hockeyapp, don't select an existing app name from a prior upload you did for another platform, choose to "create new application".
Now, it's worth mentioning you can use the same app name as a previous app, here's how I did it. I had already created an Android version of my app called MyApp within HockeyApp, when I tried to upload the UWP project I tried to select the previous app name from the dropdown titled "MyApp". You can't do this. Instead, I went into my project properties for my UWP app, then clicked on "Package Manifest" then click on Packaging and changed the "Package Display Name" to the same, in my case that was "MyApp".

Submitting the Apple Watch app

I am trying to submit an iOS App + Apple watch extension to the App Store.
I selected the app as my target, created an archive (Product > Archive).
I clicked on the archive in Window > Organizer and clicked Export (I am using the Application loader to submit the app).
I selected "Save for iOS App Store Deployment"
In the next window (in Binary and Entitlements), I expected to see the the app and the watchkit extension. But I see only the app. Why is this ? Is it expected ? Or did I miss some setting change somewhere ?
Because this is a very special piece of application, and you can not just simply submit the application like the way you used to do.
The differences are the total number of provisioning profile. Without WatchKitExtension, a provisioning profile is enough. However, you have to apply for three different application identifiers and three different provisioning profile in order to let the Xcode to detect you actually have your phone app, watch app and watch extension.
So, what you need to do is really simple. Just create two more app identifiers based on the bundle identifier you saw from the WatchApp target and WatchExtension target. Then, create two more provisioning profile. Last step, import them into your Xcode. And you are good to go.

Xcode 6.2 and watch device in simulator

In Xcode 6.2 and just testing the initial build of a watch app with no buttons, labels, text fields, just insuring that a blank app runs after adding the WatchApp as the target and selecting the watch in simulator hardware I get the following error.
Asset Catalog set AppIcon has an unassinged image and
Ambiguous Content The app icon set "ApplIcon has unassigned image.
The simulator pops up with both the IPhone 6 and Watch images but I get these two errors
This is a known issue, please see Xcode 6.2 Release Notes
When creating a new Apple Watch app target, the newly created asset
catalog includes an "Unassigned" slot in the catalog's app icon.
Select the "Unassigned" slot and delete it using the Delete key.
The same is - at this moment- in Xcode 6.3.

How can i test my already created iphone application with apple watch using simulators?

I have used simulator while testing my app. Now i would like to test my app on apple watch simulator. I have followed the following steps in order test this:
Created a project with 'MyfirstApp'(iOS>application>Single view application) and clicked on next
Entered Projectname, organization name, organization identifier, bundle identifier, language (objective C), device (universal) and saved it on my desktop
I have opened (xcode, file>new>target>watchkit app>next) and entered Projectname, organization name, organization identifier, bundle identifier, language (objective C), checked both the check boxes, Project(selected my project), embed in application(none) and clicked on 'Finish'
Clicked on activate in the pop-message.
Selected myapp wtackkitapp and selected the iphone5s
Build the application
My app has been displayed in the iphone simulator and i did few actions on the app but i couldn't observe anything on apple watch simulator except black blank screen.
iPhone Applications do not run on the watch. You need to create a WatchKit extension and bundle it in your iPhone application. The WatchKit extension (running on the phone) will communicate with the watch to display the content that you want drawn on the watch.
