Is it possible to reload config.toml without closing Helix?
e.g. (n)Vim has source <config_path>, is there something similar for Helix?
Found it - there's a command aptly named config-reload
I have installed rubocop package for sublime text 3. I am trying to set custom rubocop configuration by providing rubocop.yml path to Rubocop.sublime-settings. Please find my configuration-snippet
"rubocop_config_file": "./.rubocop.yml"
However rubocop does not work when I give this configuration. It only works for
"rubocop_config_file": ""
How can i fix this and provide the path of my rubocop.yml to rubocop?
After some prodding, I found this :
By default, the linter plugin looks for a config file called
.rubocop.yml in the current directory and its parents
Even though I am not using the linter-plugin, I figured rubocop does the same. So by placing the .rubocop.yml in the current directory or any of its parents, I was able to get my .rubcop.yml file to be picked by rubocop. On a side note, I did not update configuration of the rubocop package, it automatically picks the .rubocop.yml.
Other settings in this Rubocop.sublime-settings seem to use a complete path.
So instead of using the dot to start at the folder where the Rubocop.sublime-settings file is located use a full path like the examples for other Rubocop.sublime-settings configurations.
Hope this helps
I've installed these .dotfiles, every thing works well, but as I see .zshrc dosent exist anymore in ~/.
So the thing is that I want to overwrite some config from the zshrc.symlink.
First I do ls -l .zshrc and I get /Users/hiero/.dotfiles/zsh/zshrc.symlink.
So if I edit the zshrc.symlink, I add
to change the theme but even if I restart, settings are not updated, and I see the old theme, if I $ZSH_THEME - command not found honukai.
I'm doing something wrong?
Can someone please explain how can I fix this?
So if I edit the zshrc.symlink, I add
You would need to do more than that. You will need to source your oh-my-zsh configuration, for example as the last statement in zshrc.symlink.
One way or another, if the oh-my-zsh configuration is not included, the theme will not be applied.
if I
$ZSH_THEME - command not found honukai.
Not very clear what you're trying to do there. It looks as if you're trying to run $ZSH_THEME, whose value is honukai, and there is no such command, "honukai".
My default Geany installation on Debian does not recognize some file types out of the box. How can I add extensions, using the same syntax highlighting as other known extensions for simplicity's sake?
In the current case, I'd like Geany to open all .aspx files with the same highlighting as .html files.
Use inside the menu Tools->Configuration files->filetype_extensions.conf. This will allow you to configure the filetypes based on suffix for your user.
Just add new extensions in /usr/local/share/geany/filetype_extensions.conf
I had trouble accomplishing this without help from here.
Go here to read documentation about this topic.
From the Geany menu, go to:
Tools > Configuration Files > filetype_extensions.conf
Go to this line and un-comment it:
#~ [Extensions]
So that it just reads:
I was needing to add .mjs as an additional extension for javascript. So, for me, I also uncommented this line:
#~ Javascript=*.js;
And changed it to:
After this, I saved the file.
Now when I opened files having a .mjs file extension, they automatically have Javascript Syntax Highlighting.
I made some suggestions to improve this expeirience here.
I've been trying to get a custom template to work with PHPDocumentor (2) without much luck. The documentation on their site is incomplete and I'm kind of stumped.
What I've done is downloaded a copy of a complete template and reference it in my command, like so:
php phpdoc.php
-d /path/to/php/source/files
-t /path/to/generated/content/
The command runs fine: it generates the documentation correctly but appears to be ignoring the --template option - at least, any changes I make to the template files in the /customtemplate folder are ignored.
Anyone have any idea?
(Thanks in advance!)
Instead of declaring the template command on the CLI you might try changing your phpdoc.dist.xml configuration file so that it pulls the template name or path from there directly.
I'm trying to use Ubuntu for Rails development and I'm liking gedit except the syntax highlighting does not seem to work with out me setting it for each file I open. Should it not recognize a .rb file a ruby file rather than me having to go into the menu and setting it as such?
Have I missed a setting somewhere?
Try to edit your /etc/mime.types file and add those “text/x-????” entries:
text/x-ruby-source rhtml html.erb erb
text/x-eruby rjs
text/x-yaml yml yaml
Try opening up /usr/share/gtksourceview-2.0/language-specs/ruby.lang again and addding this line at the top of the section:
<property name="mimetypes=">application/x-ruby</property>
If that doesn't work, I'm stumped.
Syntax highlighting pulls its settings from XML lang files, although the Ruby lang file should automatically pick up on .rb files. To check, open the language file from /usr/share/gtksourceview-2.0/language-specs/ruby.lang and see if *.rb is mentioned.
<property name="globs">*.rb</property>
Adding more Ruby extensions to the lang files: