Where is TextFormFieldBuilder? - itext7

The code below, which can be found in the last example here (https://kb.itextpdf.com/home/it7kb/examples/creating-form-fields) uses a class called TextFormFieldBuilder. This class doesn't seem to exist in the API though (at least not for c#). I just downloaded the latest nuget package, and the link has "it7kb" so I assume this documentation is for itext 7.
What am I missing? What do I need to do to make the example work?
namespace iText.Samples.Sandbox.Events
public class GenericFields
public static readonly String DEST = "results/sandbox/events/generic_fields.pdf";
public static void Main(String[] args)
FileInfo file = new FileInfo(DEST);
new GenericFields().ManipulatePdf(DEST);
protected void ManipulatePdf(String dest)
PdfDocument pdfDoc = new PdfDocument(new PdfWriter(dest));
Document doc = new Document(pdfDoc);
Paragraph p = new Paragraph();
p.Add("The Effective Date is ");
Text day = new Text(" ");
day.SetNextRenderer(new FieldTextRenderer(day, "day"));
p.Add(" day of ");
Text month = new Text(" ");
month.SetNextRenderer(new FieldTextRenderer(month, "month"));
p.Add(", ");
Text year = new Text(" ");
year.SetNextRenderer(new FieldTextRenderer(year, "year"));
p.Add(" that this will begin.");
private class FieldTextRenderer : TextRenderer
protected String fieldName;
public FieldTextRenderer(Text textElement, String fieldName) : base(textElement)
this.fieldName = fieldName;
// If renderer overflows on the next area, iText uses getNextRender() method to create a renderer for the overflow part.
// If getNextRenderer isn't overriden, the default method will be used and thus a default rather than custom
// renderer will be created
public override IRenderer GetNextRenderer()
return new FieldTextRenderer((Text) modelElement, fieldName);
public override void Draw(DrawContext drawContext)
PdfTextFormField field = new TextFormFieldBuilder(drawContext.GetDocument(), fieldName)
PdfAcroForm.GetAcroForm(drawContext.GetDocument(), true)
EDIT: I tried the following as it seems to be equivalent logic, but when I run it I get a null reference object on the following line. Specifically, the null reference error happens on the .AddField(field) method call on the last line of the Draw method, but on inspection there is nothing that is null on that line so the error must be coming within that method so I can't tell what the issue is.
PdfTextFormField field = PdfTextFormField.CreateText(drawContext.GetDocument(), GetOccupiedAreaBBox());


create Pdf with a certain number of pages itext 7

How i can create Pdf with a certain number of pages.
I need to create a pdf with the exact number of pages, can I do that?
public static void createPdf(int totalpages){ // totalpages количество страниц
PdfDocument pdf = new PdfDocument(new PdfWriter(DEST));
Document document = new Document(pdf);
document.add(new Paragraph("hello stackoverflow ... LONG TEXT"));
not really sure about your scenario, but I suppose something like this could work?
private void limitPages() throws FileNotFoundException {
PdfDocument pdf = new PdfDocument(new PdfWriter(DEST));
EndPageHandler end = new EndPageHandler();
pdf.addEventHandler(PdfDocumentEvent.END_PAGE, end);
Document document = new Document(pdf);
while (!end.done) {
document.add(new Paragraph("hello stackoverflow ... LONG TEXT"));
public class EndPageHandler implements IEventHandler {
int pageCount = 0;
int pageLimit = 5;
boolean done = false;
public void handleEvent(Event event) {
//PdfDocumentEvent docEvent = (PdfDocumentEvent) event;
if (pageCount == pageLimit) {
done = true;
basically, after a page is done, it checks the page count. if it matches your criteria, it will exit the while look. Quick and dirty, but food for thought.

JavaFX: How to trigger TreeItem event

I have class myClass extends TreeItem<file> to be used as datamodel in a TreeTableView mostly following the example here: https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/javafx/api/javafx/scene/control/TreeItem.html .
public class myTreeItem extends TreeItem<File>
private boolean isLeaf;
private boolean isFirstTimeChildren = true;
private boolean isFirstTimeLeaf = true;
#Override public ObservableList<TreeItem<File>> getChildren() {
// ... full code see link to Oracle documentation
return super.getChildren();
private ObservableList<TreeItem<File>> buildChildren(TreeItem<File> TreeItem) {
// ... full code see link to Oracle documentation
I have added a function to add children to this item. I have problems with the correct update of the TreeTableView. More details see in the code and comments below:
public void addChild(String name) {
itemManger.addChild(this.getValue(), name); // Generate Child
isFirstTimeChildren = true; // Ensure that buildChildren() is called, when getchildren() is called.
// getChildren(); // If I would activate this line,
// all listeners would be notified
// and the TreeTableView is updated.
// This is most likely due to the call super.getChildren();
// However I want to throw the event on my own in order
// to avoid the extra call of this.getChildren(). Here is my
// (not sufficent) try:
EventType<TreeItem.TreeModificationEvent<MLDCostumizableItem>> eventType = TreeItem.treeNotificationEvent();
TreeModificationEvent<MLDCostumizableItem> event = new TreeModificationEvent<>(eventType,this);
Event.fireEvent(this, event);
// Here I don't know how to get a value for target.
// Is there some standard target, which includes all FX components?
How the correctly throw this event?
Seems that I had a missunderstanding in how the triggering works in JavaFX. Now the most simple solution is:
#Override // Taken from Link
public void update(Observable observ, Object arg1) {
if (observ!=this.item)
LOGGER.error(new MLDConnectionException("Unexpected call of update() with observ = " + observ.toString()));
// Build new Chidren list
try {
super.getChildren().removeIf((x) -> true); // empty list
} catch (MLDConnectionException e) {
LOGGER.error("Error when genereting children List: ", e);
public File addChild(String name) throws MLDException {
File newChild = itemManger.addChild(item, name);
update(this.item, null);
return newChild;

Image names are not displaying in the jList

My code is given below.I want to display all the image names into the jList from a folder.But the following code displays the names in the output screen not in the jList.Please help to solve this
private void jButton1ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
String path = "C:\\Users\\Dell\\Documents\\NetBeansProjects\\pasword2\\src\\images\\";
File folder = new File(path);
File[] listOfFiles = folder.listFiles();
DefaultListModel listModel = new DefaultListModel();
int count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < listOfFiles.length; i++)
System.out.println("check path"+listOfFiles[i]);
String name = listOfFiles[i].toString();
// load only JPEGs
if ( name.endsWith("jpg")||name.endsWith("bmp") ) {
ImageIcon ii = new ImageIcon(ImageIO.read(listOfFiles[i]));
listModel.add(count++, ii);
catch(IOException e){}
You want the file name only to appear in the list, but you're adding the image instead. So instead of
ImageIcon ii = new ImageIcon(ImageIO.read(listOfFiles[i]));
listModel.add(count++, ii);
catch(IOException e){}
Just do
listModel.add(count++, listOfFiles[i].getName());
If you want to store the ImageIcon and the file name into one object, you can create a wrapper class. Something like
public class NamedImageIcon {
private String imageName;
private ImageIcon icon;
public NamedImageIcon(ImagIcon icon, String imageName) {
this.icon = icon;
this.imageName = imageName;
// getters and setters
public String toString() {
return imageName;
No when you're looping you can create a wrapper for the name and for the image. You can then add instances of NamedImageIcon to the DefaultListModel. And since you override the toString(), the only thing that will appear in the list is the name. So when you select the name from the list, you will have direct access the corresponding image

Entity Framework, Code First and Full Text Search

I realize that a lot of questions have been asked relating to full text search and Entity Framework, but I hope this question is a bit different.
I am using Entity Framework, Code First and need to do a full text search. When I need to perform the full text search, I will typically have other criteria/restrictions as well - like skip the first 500 rows, or filter on another column, etc.
I see that this has been handled using table valued functions - see http://sqlblogcasts.com/blogs/simons/archive/2008/12/18/LINQ-to-SQL---Enabling-Fulltext-searching.aspx. And this seems like the right idea.
Unfortunately, table valued functions are not supported until Entity Framework 5.0 (and even then, I believe, they are not supported for Code First).
My real question is what are the suggestions for the best way to handle this, both for Entity Framework 4.3 and Entity Framework 5.0. But to be specific:
Other than dynamic SQL (via System.Data.Entity.DbSet.SqlQuery, for example), are there any options available for Entity Framework 4.3?
If I upgrade to Entity Framework 5.0, is there a way I can use table valued functions with code first?
Using interceptors introduced in EF6, you could mark the full text search in linq and then replace it in dbcommand as described in http://www.entityframework.info/Home/FullTextSearch:
public class FtsInterceptor : IDbCommandInterceptor
private const string FullTextPrefix = "-FTSPREFIX-";
public static string Fts(string search)
return string.Format("({0}{1})", FullTextPrefix, search);
public void NonQueryExecuting(DbCommand command, DbCommandInterceptionContext<int> interceptionContext)
public void NonQueryExecuted(DbCommand command, DbCommandInterceptionContext<int> interceptionContext)
public void ReaderExecuting(DbCommand command, DbCommandInterceptionContext<DbDataReader> interceptionContext)
public void ReaderExecuted(DbCommand command, DbCommandInterceptionContext<DbDataReader> interceptionContext)
public void ScalarExecuting(DbCommand command, DbCommandInterceptionContext<object> interceptionContext)
public void ScalarExecuted(DbCommand command, DbCommandInterceptionContext<object> interceptionContext)
public static void RewriteFullTextQuery(DbCommand cmd)
string text = cmd.CommandText;
for (int i = 0; i < cmd.Parameters.Count; i++)
DbParameter parameter = cmd.Parameters[i];
if (parameter.DbType.In(DbType.String, DbType.AnsiString, DbType.StringFixedLength, DbType.AnsiStringFixedLength))
if (parameter.Value == DBNull.Value)
var value = (string)parameter.Value;
if (value.IndexOf(FullTextPrefix) >= 0)
parameter.Size = 4096;
parameter.DbType = DbType.AnsiStringFixedLength;
value = value.Replace(FullTextPrefix, ""); // remove prefix we added n linq query
value = value.Substring(1, value.Length - 2);
// remove %% escaping by linq translator from string.Contains to sql LIKE
parameter.Value = value;
cmd.CommandText = Regex.Replace(text,
#"\[(\w*)\].\[(\w*)\]\s*LIKE\s*#{0}\s?(?:ESCAPE N?'~')",
string.Format(#"contains([$1].[$2], #{0})",
if (text == cmd.CommandText)
throw new Exception("FTS was not replaced on: " + text);
text = cmd.CommandText;
static class LanguageExtensions
public static bool In<T>(this T source, params T[] list)
return (list as IList<T>).Contains(source);
For example, if you have class Note with FTS-indexed field NoteText:
public class Note
public int NoteId { get; set; }
public string NoteText { get; set; }
and EF map for it
public class NoteMap : EntityTypeConfiguration<Note>
public NoteMap()
// Primary Key
HasKey(t => t.NoteId);
and context for it:
public class MyContext : DbContext
static MyContext()
DbInterception.Add(new FtsInterceptor());
public MyContext(string nameOrConnectionString) : base(nameOrConnectionString)
public DbSet<Note> Notes { get; set; }
protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)
modelBuilder.Configurations.Add(new NoteMap());
you can have quite simple syntax to FTS query:
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var s = FtsInterceptor.Fts("john");
using (var db = new MyContext("CONNSTRING"))
var q = db.Notes.Where(n => n.NoteText.Contains(s));
var result = q.Take(10).ToList();
That will generate SQL like
exec sp_executesql N'SELECT TOP (10)
[Extent1].[NoteId] AS [NoteId],
[Extent1].[NoteText] AS [NoteText]
FROM [NS].[NOTES] AS [Extent1]
WHERE contains([Extent1].[NoteText], #p__linq__0)',N'#p__linq__0 char(4096)',#p__linq__0='(john)
Please notice that you should use local variable and cannot move FTS wrapper inside expression like
var q = db.Notes.Where(n => n.NoteText.Contains(FtsInterceptor.Fts("john")));
I have found that the easiest way to implement this is to setup and configure full-text-search in SQL Server and then use a stored procedure. Pass your arguments to SQL, allow the DB to do its job and return either a complex object or map the results to an entity. You don't necessarily have to have dynamic SQL, but it may be optimal. For example, if you need paging, you could pass in PageNumber and PageSize on every request without the need for dynamic SQL. However, if the number of arguments fluctuates per query, it will be the optimal solution.
As the other guys mentioned, I would say start using Lucene.NET
Lucene has a pretty high learning curve, but I found an wrapper for it called "SimpleLucene", that can be found on CodePlex
Let me quote a couple of codeblocks from the blog to show you how easy it is to use. I've just started to use it, but got the hang of it really fast.
First, get some entities from your repository, or in your case, use Entity Framework
public class Repository
public IList<Product> Products {
get {
return new List<Product> {
new Product { Id = 1, Name = "Football" },
new Product { Id = 2, Name = "Coffee Cup"},
new Product { Id = 3, Name = "Nike Trainers"},
new Product { Id = 4, Name = "Apple iPod Nano"},
new Product { Id = 5, Name = "Asus eeePC"},
The next thing you want to do is create an index-definition
public class ProductIndexDefinition : IIndexDefinition<Product> {
public Document Convert(Product p) {
var document = new Document();
document.Add(new Field("id", p.Id.ToString(), Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED));
document.Add(new Field("name", p.Name, Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.ANALYZED));
return document;
public Term GetIndex(Product p) {
return new Term("id", p.Id.ToString());
and create an search index for it.
var writer = new DirectoryIndexWriter(
new DirectoryInfo(#"c:\index"), true);
var service = new IndexService();
service.IndexEntities(writer, Repository().Products, ProductIndexDefinition());
So, you now have an search-able index. The only remaining thing to do is.., searching! You can do pretty amazing things, but it can be as easy as this: (for greater examples see the blog or the documentation on codeplex)
var searcher = new DirectoryIndexSearcher(
new DirectoryInfo(#"c:\index"), true);
var query = new TermQuery(new Term("name", "Football"));
var searchService = new SearchService();
Func<Document, ProductSearchResult> converter = (doc) => {
return new ProductSearchResult {
Id = int.Parse(doc.GetValues("id")[0]),
Name = doc.GetValues("name")[0]
IList<Product> results = searchService.SearchIndex(searcher, query, converter);
The example here http://www.entityframework.info/Home/FullTextSearch is not complete solution. You will need to look into understand how the full text search works. Imagine you have a search field and the user types 2 words to hit search. The above code will throw an exception. You need to do pre-processing on the search phrase first to pass it to the query by using logical AND or OR.
for example your search phrase is "blah blah2" then you need to convert this into:
var searchTerm = #"\"blah\" AND/OR \"blah2\" ";
Complete solution would be:
value = Regex.Replace(value, #"\s+", " "); //replace multiplespaces
value = Regex.Replace(value, #"[^a-zA-Z0-9 -]", "").Trim();//remove non-alphanumeric characters and trim spaces
if (value.Any(Char.IsWhiteSpace))
value = PreProcessSearchKey(value);
public static string PreProcessSearchKey(string searchKey)
var splitedKeyWords = searchKey.Split(null); //split from whitespaces
// string[] addDoubleQuotes = new string[splitedKeyWords.Length];
for (int j = 0; j < splitedKeyWords.Length; j++)
splitedKeyWords[j] = $"\"{splitedKeyWords[j]}\"";
return string.Join(" AND ", splitedKeyWords);
this methods uses AND logic operator. You might pass that as an argument and use the method for both AND or OR operators.
You must escape none-alphanumeric characters otherwise it would throw exception when a user enters alpha numeric characters and you have no server site model level validation in place.
I recently had a similar requirement and ended up writing an IQueryable extension specifically for Microsoft full text index access, its available here IQueryableFreeTextExtensions

Can I have a global razor #helper outside of App_Code?

The question is simple as stated in the title: Is there a way of having razor helpers outside of 'App_Code'?
Example ( HtmlEx.cshtml file ):
#helper Script(string fileName, UrlHelper url)
<script src="#url.Content("~/Scripts/" + fileName)" type="text/javascript"></script>
I ask this because I don't really have anything else to put in App_Code; I want to structure my project a bit different.
UPDATE: I don't want any other type of extensions. I am interested in only pure razor helpers as Scott is speaking about here: http://weblogs.asp.net/scottgu/archive/2011/05/12/asp-net-mvc-3-and-the-helper-syntax-within-razor.aspx
The question is simple as stated in the title: Is there a way of
having razor helpers outside of 'App_Code'?
No, there isn't.
Never Say Never...
Method One: (For use in a web application project)
Just add a pre-build event to copy your file into the App_Code folder.
(But since the file must probably be included in the project, you can add an empty file with the same name to the App_Code dir, and then have the build event to update it.)
(Note, that even if you put the file originally in the App_code folder you won't get intellisense until first time building, so it is anyway not a difference.)
Method Two: (for use in a class library, in which the startup project is a web application)
In a class library the App_Code folder is not anything special, so in order to be able to have the helper page global, we have to override the razor code, as it is hard coded to make global helpers only for code in the App_code folder.
Further more the razor code is designed so that for global helpers it creates a namespace based on the full path, something that you are probably not interested.
After all we remain with a problem, that there is no intellisense available, so to avoid all these problems, I have written the following code, assuming that:
Your .cshtml (or vbhtml) files are getting copied to the final projects output directory
You add a .cs (or .vb) file with the same name as the global helpers filename, and set it's build action to "compile", (this file will be autogenerated at startup to provide intellisense)
You have to register the PreApplicationStartupClass in the AssemblyInfo.cs file
You have to replace in the PreApplicationStartupCode.Start() method, to give the relative path to your global helpers page in the Bin folder, in the order of dependency (i.e. if one of the global helper files uses helpers in the other file then it should be listed after it).
In the CustomRazorCodeHost class you have to pick the correct method of PostProcessGeneratedCode() that is appropriate for the MVC version installed
Here is the code (but one will have to add the appropriate "using" statements):
public static class PreApplicationStartCode
private static bool _startWasCalled;
public static void Start()
// Even though ASP.NET will only call each PreAppStart once, we sometimes internally call one PreAppStart from
// another PreAppStart to ensure that things get initialized in the right order. ASP.NET does not guarantee the
// order so we have to guard against multiple calls.
// All Start calls are made on same thread, so no lock needed here.
if (_startWasCalled)
_startWasCalled = true;
//Add here the the global helpers based on dependency
//also note that each global helper should have a .cs file in the project with the same name
CustomRazorHelperBuildProvider bp = new CustomRazorHelperBuildProvider();
bp.VirtualPath = "~/Bin/path/to/helpers/file/Helpers.cshtml";
bp = new CustomRazorHelperBuildProvider();
bp.VirtualPath = "~/Bin/path/to/helpers/file/DepndentHelpers.cshtml";
public class CustomRazorHelperBuildProvider :RazorBuildProvider
static List<string> GeneratedAssemblyReferences = new List<string>();
public new string VirtualPath { get; set; }
protected override System.Web.WebPages.Razor.WebPageRazorHost CreateHost()
return new CustomCodeRazorHost(VirtualPath);
private WebPageRazorHost _host;
internal WebPageRazorHost Host
if (_host == null)
_host = CreateHost();
return _host;
private CodeCompileUnit _generatedCode = null;
internal CodeCompileUnit GeneratedCode
if (_generatedCode == null)
return _generatedCode;
private CodeDomProvider _provider = null;
internal CodeDomProvider Provider
if(_provider == null)
_provider = GetProvider();
return _provider;
private void EnsureGeneratedCode()
RazorTemplateEngine engine = new RazorTemplateEngine(Host);
GeneratorResults results = null;
using (TextReader reader = OpenReader(VirtualPath))
results = engine.GenerateCode(reader, className: null, rootNamespace: null, sourceFileName: Host.PhysicalPath);
if (!results.Success)
RazorError error = results.ParserErrors.Last();
throw new HttpParseException(error.Message + Environment.NewLine, null, VirtualPath, null, error.Location.LineIndex + 1);
_generatedCode = results.GeneratedCode;
private CodeDomProvider GetProvider()
CompilerType compilerType = GetDefaultCompilerTypeForLanguage(Host.CodeLanguage.LanguageName);
CodeDomProvider provider = CreateCodeDomProviderWithPropertyOptions(compilerType.CodeDomProviderType);
return provider;
/// <summary>
/// Generates the c# (or vb.net) code, for the intellisense to work
/// </summary>
public void GenerateCode()
//Remember that if there is a razor error, then the next time the project will not compile at all, because the generated .cs file will also have the error!
//The solution is to add a pre-build event to truncate the file, but not remove it!, also note that the pre-build event will not work in time if the .cs file is open in the VS editor!
string filePath = VirtualPath.Replace("/", "\\").Replace("~\\Bin", "").Replace("\\Debug", "").Replace("\\Release", "");
filePath = filePath.Remove(filePath.Length - 4);
//filePath = filePath.Insert(filePath.LastIndexOf("\\"), "\\HelperAutoGeneratedCode");
Assembly curAssem = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
filePath = HttpRuntime.AppDomainAppPath + "\\..\\" + curAssem.GetName().Name + filePath;
using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Truncate))
using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(fs))
Provider.GenerateCodeFromCompileUnit(GeneratedCode, sw, null);
//We need to replace the type of the helpers from "HelperResult" to object, otherwise the intellisense will complain that "it can't convert from HelperResult to object"
string text = File.ReadAllText(filePath);
text = text.Replace("public static System.Web.WebPages.HelperResult ", "public static object ");
File.WriteAllText(filePath, text);
public void GenerateCodeAndCompile()
/// <summary>
/// Compiles the helper pages for use at runtime
/// </summary>
/// <returns>Compiler Result</returns>
public CompilerResults Compile()
Assembly assem = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
AssemblyName[] references = assem.GetReferencedAssemblies();
List<string> referenceNames = references.Select(r => Assembly.ReflectionOnlyLoad(r.FullName).Location).ToList();
//Add here references that are not included in the project, but are needed for the generated assembly, you can see this through the results.Errors
if (GeneratedAssemblyReferences != null && GeneratedAssemblyReferences.Count > 0)
CompilerResults results = Provider.CompileAssemblyFromDom(new CompilerParameters(referenceNames.ToArray()), new CodeCompileUnit[] { GeneratedCode });
if (results.Errors.HasErrors)
IEnumerator en = results.Errors.GetEnumerator();
CompilerError error = en.Current as CompilerError;
throw new HttpParseException(error.ErrorText + Environment.NewLine, null, VirtualPath, null, error.Line);
Assembly assemblyRef = GetGeneratedType(results).Assembly;
GeneratedAssemblyReferences.Add(assemblyRef.Location); //So that any subsequent helper page that is dependent on it will have it as a reference
//We need to make it available for Razor, so it will work with reguler razor pages at runtime
RazorBuildProvider.CodeGenerationStarted += new EventHandler((sender, args) => (sender as RazorBuildProvider).AssemblyBuilder.AddCodeCompileUnit(this, GeneratedCode));
return results;
private static CodeDomProvider CreateCodeDomProviderWithPropertyOptions(Type codeDomProviderType)
// The following resembles the code in System.CodeDom.CompilerInfo.CreateProvider
// Make a copy to avoid modifying the original.
var originalProviderOptions = GetProviderOptions(codeDomProviderType);
IDictionary<string, string> providerOptions = null;
if (originalProviderOptions != null)
providerOptions = new Dictionary<string, string>(originalProviderOptions);
AssemblyName[] references = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetReferencedAssemblies();
foreach (AssemblyName reference in references)
if (reference.Name == "mscorlib")
providerOptions["CompilerVersion"] = "v" + reference.Version.Major + "." + reference.Version.Minor;
if (providerOptions != null && providerOptions.Count > 0)
ConstructorInfo ci = codeDomProviderType.GetConstructor(new Type[] { typeof(IDictionary<string, string>) });
CodeDomProvider provider = null;
if (ci != null)
// First, obtain the language for the given codedom provider type.
CodeDomProvider defaultProvider = (CodeDomProvider)Activator.CreateInstance(codeDomProviderType);
string extension = defaultProvider.FileExtension;
// Then, use the new createProvider API to create an instance.
provider = CodeDomProvider.CreateProvider(extension, providerOptions);
return provider;
return null;
internal static IDictionary<string, string> GetProviderOptions(Type codeDomProviderType)
// Using reflection to get the property for the time being.
// This could simply return CompilerInfo.PropertyOptions if it goes public in future.
CodeDomProvider provider = (CodeDomProvider)Activator.CreateInstance(codeDomProviderType);
string extension = provider.FileExtension;
if (CodeDomProvider.IsDefinedExtension(extension))
CompilerInfo ci = CodeDomProvider.GetCompilerInfo(CodeDomProvider.GetLanguageFromExtension(extension));
PropertyInfo pi = ci.GetType().GetProperty("ProviderOptions",
BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.IgnoreCase | BindingFlags.Instance);
if (pi != null)
return (IDictionary<string, string>)pi.GetValue(ci, null);
return null;
return null;
public class CustomCodeRazorHost : WebPageRazorHost
internal const string ApplicationInstancePropertyName = "ApplicationInstance";
internal const string ContextPropertyName = "Context";
internal const string WebDefaultNamespace = "ASP";
private static readonly string _helperPageBaseType = typeof(HelperPage).FullName;
public CustomCodeRazorHost(string virtualPath)
: base(virtualPath)
DefaultBaseClass = _helperPageBaseType;
DefaultNamespace = WebDefaultNamespace;
DefaultDebugCompilation = false;
StaticHelpers = true;
//Version for MVC 3
public override void PostProcessGeneratedCode(CodeCompileUnit codeCompileUnit, CodeNamespace generatedNamespace, CodeTypeDeclaration generatedClass, CodeMemberMethod executeMethod)
// Add additional global imports
generatedNamespace.Imports.AddRange(GetGlobalImports().Select(s => new CodeNamespaceImport(s)).ToArray());
// Create ApplicationInstance property
CodeMemberProperty prop = new CodeMemberProperty()
Name = ApplicationInstancePropertyName,
Type = new CodeTypeReference(typeof(HttpApplication).FullName),
HasGet = true,
HasSet = false,
Attributes = MemberAttributes.Family | MemberAttributes.Final
new CodeMethodReturnStatement(
new CodeCastExpression(
new CodeTypeReference(typeof(HttpApplication).FullName),
new CodePropertyReferenceExpression(
new CodePropertyReferenceExpression(
generatedClass.Members.Insert(0, prop);
// Yank out the execute method (ignored in Razor Web Code pages)
// Make ApplicationInstance static
CodeMemberProperty appInstanceProperty =
.Where(p => ApplicationInstancePropertyName
if (appInstanceProperty != null)
appInstanceProperty.Attributes |= MemberAttributes.Static;
//Version for MVC 4
public override void PostProcessGeneratedCode(CodeGeneratorContext context)
// Add additional global imports
context.Namespace.Imports.AddRange(GetGlobalImports().Select(s => new CodeNamespaceImport(s)).ToArray());
// Create ApplicationInstance property
CodeMemberProperty prop = new CodeMemberProperty()
Name = ApplicationInstancePropertyName,
Type = new CodeTypeReference(typeof(HttpApplication).FullName),
HasGet = true,
HasSet = false,
Attributes = MemberAttributes.Family | MemberAttributes.Final
new CodeMethodReturnStatement(
new CodeCastExpression(
new CodeTypeReference(typeof(HttpApplication).FullName),
new CodePropertyReferenceExpression(
new CodePropertyReferenceExpression(
context.GeneratedClass.Members.Insert(0, prop);
// Yank out the execute method (ignored in Razor Web Code pages)
// Make ApplicationInstance static
CodeMemberProperty appInstanceProperty =
.Where(p => ApplicationInstancePropertyName
if (appInstanceProperty != null)
appInstanceProperty.Attributes |= MemberAttributes.Static;
protected override string GetClassName(string virtualPath)
return ParserHelpers.SanitizeClassName(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(virtualPath));
But note that if there is a syntax error in the .cshtml file, you will have problems to compile next time (as the generated .cs file will have compile errors), however visual studio apparently has problems to pinpoint the problem.
Also sometimes the compiled code from the last build (compiled from the .cs file), can sometimes conflict with the newly updated .cshtml file.
Therefore I would recommend to add a pre-build event to truncate the file
echo. > $(ProjectDir)\Path\to\.cs\file
you can go more sophisticated and do it only if the .cshtml file has been changed (and this also applies to the code I have written above).
Use the Razor Generator extension on a view with helpers inside and you'll generate the code for the view before compilation time. The generated view code is part of your project and compiles into the assembly, so you can place the view file anywhere and use the helpers anywhere, even from a unit test.
sure, you can put them anywhere in your code or project structure. in the file where you create your helper be sure to include using System.Web.Mvc.
then just normally extend the Helper class like this:
namespace System.Web.Mvc
static class HtmlHelperExtensions
public static IHtmlString MyNewHelper(this HtmlHelper helper, string someParam)
// do something
