Xcode 14 forces me into Bitcode for Unity builds. Why? - xcode

Since I updated Xcode to version 14, it requires that all pods included in my Unity project have been built for Bitcode. This is especially strange since Xcode has deprecated Bitcode now. Can anyone explain why it requires something that it did not require before, if this feature is not recommended anymore? This does not make any sense to me.
I would also appreciate any link to a Unity build script that sets the Bitcode flag automatically on all pods. Thanks.


Is the AgoraRTMWrapper in XCode necessary?

I have been dealing with the same issue for a few days now. I'm unable to upload any app store connect files due to the libAgoraRTMWrapper file. To be clear, this entire app has been built through Unity using agora SDK. The reason for failure, according to XCode, is that the wrapper "doesn't have the correct file type for this location". Invalid Swift support.
This leads me to wonder if the libagoraRTMWrapper is even necessary. Yes, I would like to keep using RTM but not at the expense of several build failures.
As a sidenote, XCode does mention that the build is being made for iOS but the wrapper was built for iOS + iOS simulator. I don't remember ever specifying that but it could just be the way the SDK was initially imported.
this library is necessary for RTM to work. Do you have a custom build setting for the project? It is verified that the included SDK Demo works on iOS builds. Perhaps you can build that and compare the build setting to yours to find out what went wrong?

RN ios build with Xcode: Why I am getting so many warnings (buildtime)?

so I build up an app with React Native (v 0.64). And I made up ios build using Xcode (version 12.3). The app gets build and works without any crash or bug - on simulator and also on real iPhone (latest iOS versions 14.3).
Despite working everything fine, I get during buildtime a LOT of warnings (196). Mostly they are of a two kinds- Nullability issue or Deprecations.
I got all my node modules updated to latest versions and I think the podfile is okay too. But the warnings appear at almost every library I am using, so it makes me assume that I am missing some more general point (maybe wrong podfile or something like that). What I am missing?
I am about to publish on App store in next days (after working several weeks on this project) and this makes me worried so much. I attach screen from the Xcode of mentioned errors (part of those). Any help would be much appreciated in advance. Thank you.

Bitcode is disabled in Facebook-iOS-SDK 4.37

I have updated Facebook SDK 4.37, after updating the SDK I started seeing one compile time error to disable bitcode. I can't disable bitcode because I have watch kit app which really need to have bitcode enable. If anyone faced this issue and solution, please let me know.
The error that I am seeing is here:
FBSDKShareKit.framework/FBSDKShareKit(FBSDKLikeBoxView.o)' does not
contain bitcode. You must rebuild it with bitcode enabled (Xcode
setting ENABLE_BITCODE), obtain an updated library from the vendor, or
disable bitcode for this target. file
FBSDKShareKit.framework/FBSDKShareKit' for architecture arm64
I also posted the same thing on Developers page on Facebook. They are saying this is known and trying to fix.
Finally, Facebook fixed the bug in 4.38
I finally ended up integrating the facebook sdk without any bitcode issues. I went back and used 4.36 instead of 4.37. The download link I used is here. (I don't use cocoapods). Hopefully fb will eventually get around to releasing a stable version. But until then ill stick to 4.36.

Xcode 8.0 builds all targets after any change to code

Xcode 8 will build every target in my project after any change I make to code. This doesn't happen after I relaunch Xcode though. It usually takes some time (20-60 minutes ish) of use before it begins to build all targets after every change.
What on earth is going on? It's very annoying and kills productivity. In Preferences>General I have 'Show live issues' & 'Continue building after errors' unchecked.
There are a couple known problems in Xcode 8.0 and 8.1 (technically possible before 8.0, but more likely in that release) which have been causing unnecessary full rebuilds for developers. These problems are now fixed in Xcode 8.2 beta 2. If you want to communicate with Apple about these issues, you can reference bug # 28892475. Please let us know if you still experience this issue in Xcode 8.2 beta 2 or a later release!

Getting "Missing SDK in target picChoice: iphoneos4.0" error when building a test release of my app in Xcode 4, pvw 5

I have opened a functioning Xcode 3x project in Xcode 4.0 pvw 5 and am getting the following error whei I try to build a debug version of the app: "Missing SDK in target picChoice: iphoneos4.0"
I am trying to find where and how to remedy this, and I am coming up with bupkus.
I apologize if this is not very clear, but I am rather flummoxed by Xcode 4 so far....
Your problem was probably that Xcode 4 only came with SDK 4.2, and the project pointed to 4.0.
It's pretty common!
The solution is to go to the project info | Build settings | Base SDK and setting it to "Latest iOS" so that you don't have to touch it for future updates.
When you close the window, you'll have to switch config from debug to release or distribution and back so that it updates and Xcode removes the "Missing SDK" problem.
I just wanted to put the full answer up here to help others who have the same problem ;)
Ok...I resolved this, but I did not properly track HOW I resolved it....
I think my Target's Base SDK was not set, and I set it to: Latest iOS (iOS 4.2)....
I think that's how I did it....
But, now it builds with no errors and loads onto my iPhone as expected.
That is exactly what you needed to do. Xcode 4 introduced the Latest iOS. If you wish to test the app for older versions, select target > summary > deployment target and set that to an older iOS version and then in simulator you will see more version options available to you.
