The attached IFC file loads and works successfully with the native ifc.js library viewer (
The same file, using the example in three.js (tag: r143)(, is loaded but does not appear in the scene and no errors in the console.
Here is the IFC file
Any suggestions will be thankful.
Recently try to develop using decentraland sdk. I have downloaded some assets from sketchfab and copy those files into my decentraland project.
However, when I click start the project using dcl start. After rendering, I saw a warning message on the browser rendering page. How can I fix that?
Scene Limit Exceeds: Triangles(1918731/10000)
Thank you very much.
This is due to the Entity importing from the .glb file have too many "faces". By open the .glb file in blender, you can modify the .glb file and decreasing the amount of "faces" (eg. make a low-poly version for it).
i have these files :
Karma model
and when i launch .html file , it shows .dae file but without texture and animation , what i need to do ?
Have you tried running a web server?
I am trying to load a custom model with a texture into Forge Autodesk viewer, using the function loadModel(), that I found here.
The other day, the model was loading, but without its texture, and no error appeared...
As usual, strange things happened during the night, and today, the model does not even appear in the viewer. This time, I get the following error :
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'proteinType' of undefined
At first, my model was a zip folder, containing an .obj, a .mtl and a .png (for the texture). I translated it into svf using Forge extractor.
So I am using, locally, in a 'Resources/3Dmodel' folder, ths resulting svf folder. It contains the .tif.png texture, the .svf file, a Materials.json.gz archive and other usual files in a svf folder (properties, camera definitions...).
There is no ProteinMaterials.json.gz archive.
So I can suppose the issue may come from the Materials.json file... I opened it, but I don't see anthing unusual inside...
So if anyone has an idea...
I had written in my code :
window.NOP_VIEWER.loadModel(svfPath_test, options), (myobj) => { = id;;
and nothing was loading.
After writing only this :
window.NOP_VIEWER.loadModel(svfPath_test, options)
the object appears, but completely gray, the texture is still not applied... and now I have this new error :
Texture load error 404 (NotFound)
It does not find the texture in the folder, but IT IS in the folder, with the right name ! So : I am starting to wonder if the image really is on the server... or not. I don't know how to check this or insert the image in the server.
Keep in mind that there is Autodesk Forge Viewer Usage Limitations Disclaimer stating that "The Autodesk Forge viewer can only be used to view files generated by Autodesk Forge services. The Autodesk Forge Viewer JavaScript must be delivered from an Autodesk hosted URL".
Nevertheless, from engineering perspective, the reasons of your troubles could vary. Could be the version of the viewer you use is not compatible with translation viewer.
From what I remember, the Forge extractor sample creates self contained (locally downloaded all dependencies) project, but for conversion it uses the Forge servers.
There might me a "misalignment" between version of the Model Derivative API and the version of Forge Viewer you use.
I would suggest, to convert your model using the official way, serve your model from the server and put it into a created from scratch basic Viewer.
Then gradually add/replace/integrate/"migrate" to the "airplane mode"
and identify at which step it breaks your model.
Or just change the locally served viewer3D.js, three.js and style.css to remote src and you can even try to play with Viewer version you use in your project by changing/adding the versioning. For example the lates one is:
<script src=""></script>
Now, if I put back the legal hat, be careful with legal aspect of your use-case.
I have a simply question and hopefully someone can answer this. I need to get an animated model into three.js from Maya. I know currently the only exporter/ converter to the three.js JSON format that supports animations is the blender plugin. Unfortunately, my company works with Maya and Blender doesn't take FBXs. I already figured out that in order to do what I need to do, I need to export out of maya a Collada, import the Collada into Blender, then export out to three.js using the plugin.
But here is my problem. When importing the dae file from maya, I get an error:
Sax FWL Error: Could not resolve sid "**" referenced in skin controller.
for each bone in the rig and nothing is connected properly.
I also tried exporting the fbx from other Autodesk applications but each one gives me the same errors.
Anyone know either how to resolve this error or another way to get a Maya animated rig into blender without error.
It may not answer your question but this two animations from the three.js repository use collada .dae format instead of JSON format supported by the ColladaLoader.js:
I have created an updated version that also supports exporting rigged and animated models. It doesn't require any intermediate steps: it just outputs straight to a .JS file. We have a pull request to integrate the updated exporter with the THREE trunk, but if you want to get the new and improved exporter immediately you can get it from this repository: The exporter files are in utils/exporters/maya.