How to count down remaining time during async.sleep() -

First of all, sorry for being a translator.
For the first time, I am making a bot for a personal server using
When executing a specific command, the method progresses too fast, so we use asyncio.sleep() to give it some time to proceed slowly.
However, I wanted to show the time of asyncio.sleep() to the user, so I looked for an example, but there is no example that suits me, so I ask a question.
and i'm developing using cog.
ex 1)
5 seconds left.
4 seconds left.
3 seconds left.
0 seconds left.
ex 2) I'd like to do it this way if possible.
5 seconds left. is displayed
5 seconds left. after deleting
Just 4 seconds left.
Is there any way to become.
if not == lobby_vc :
await asyncio.sleep(5)
# asyncio.create_task(self.count_in_server())
for i in range(len(members)) :
await members[i].move_to(lobby_vc)
else :
await ctx.send('already gathered')
async def count_in_server(self, ctx) :
for i in range(4,0) :
await ctx.send(f"{i}s")
someone said to create a countdown method using asyncio.create_task, but I'm not sure.


Can't seem to run a process in background of Sinatra app

I'm trying to display a number from an api, but I want my page to load faster. So, I'd like to get the number from the api every 5 minutes, and just load that number to my page. This is what I have.
get '/' do
x =
#number = x.number
:erb home
This works fine, but getting that number from the api takes a while so that means my page takes a while to load. I want to look up that number ahead of time and then every 5 minutes. I've tried using threads and processes, but I can't seem to figure it out. I'm still pretty new to programming.
Here's a pretty simple way to get data in a separate thread. Somewhere outside of the controller action, fire off the async loop:
Data = {}
numbers_api = do
Data[:number] = numbers_api.number
sleep 300 # 5 minutes
Then in your controller action, you can simply refer to the Data[:number], and you'll get the latest value.
However if you're deploying this you should use a gem like Resque or Sidekiq; it will track failures and is probably optimized more

Excel Power Query - Sleep or Wait Command to Wait on API Rate Limit

In Excel Power Query (PQ) 2016, is there such a function that can insert a "SLEEP 15 seconds" before proceeding? Not a pause, but a sleep function.
I wrote a function in PQ to query: That function works fine, as designed.
I have a worksheet with 10K tweets that I want to pass to that function. When I do, it gets to ~60 or so complete and I get an ERROR line in PQ. A look at Fiddler says this:
message=Rate limit is exceeded. Try again in 11 seconds. statusCode=429
I think if I insert a SLEEP 5 second (equivalent) command into the PQ function, it won't do this.
Help & thanks.
You want Function.InvokeAfter
Function.InvokeAfter(function as function, delay as duration) as any
Here's an example:
= Function.InvokeAfter( () => 2 + 2, #duration(0,0,0,5))
Returns 4 after waiting 5 seconds.
To answer a question you didn't ask yet, if you're going to execute the exact same Web.Contents call a second time, you may need to use the
[IsRetry = true]
option of Web.Contents to indicate you actually want to run the web request again..

While Recording in Squish using python, how to set the application to sleep for sometime between 2 consecutive activities?

I am working on an application where there are read only screens.
To test whether the data is being fetched on screen load, i want to set some wait time till the screen is ready.
I am using python to record the actions. Is there a way to check the static text on the screen and set the time ?
You can simply use
snooze(time in s).
If you want to wait for a certain object, use
type(waitForObject(":Welcome.Button"), )
The problem is more complicated if your objects are created dynamically. As my app does. In this case, you should create a while function that waits until the object exists. Here, maybe this code helps you:
def whileObjectIsFalse(objectID):
# objectID = be the symbolic name of your object.
counter = 300
objectState = object.exists(objectID)
while objectState == False:
objectState = object.exists(objectID)
counter -= 1
if counter == 0:
return False
In my case, even if I use snooze(), doesn't work all the time, because in some cases i need to wait 5 seconds, in other 8 or just 2. So, presume that your object is not created and tests this for 30 seconds.
If your object is not created until then, then the code exits with False, and you can tests this to stop script execution.
If you're using python, you can use time.sleep() as well

Hard Disk scheduling simulator algorithm (track to track timing) Perl

I am trying to get to grips with perl. I am trying to write a few scripts as a scheduling simulator. FCFS, SSTF and Scan and Look
I have one array with a list of block requests and another to act as the buffer. First I will copy over the first request, then I need to work out the time it takes to get from the first to the second block.
the buffer reads in blocks at 1 per ms, seek, search and access time are all 1ms to make the calculations a bit easier, the simulator always starts on block 1 track 1.
so if the first block is 5, the search time will be 3ms to traverse to the start of the 5th block, the seek time will be zero as its on the same track and the access time to read the block will always be 1ms. This means that the time for this request will be 4ms so the simulator will read in the next 4 requests into the buffer. In first come first served this will just be the order that the requests are served.
So if the next request to serve is 12 the arm is on the end of the 5th block so will take 2ms to get to the right track then 1ms to get to the start of the 12th block and another 1ms to access it.
I was just wondering if anyone could give me some idea how I could express this as an algorithm. Just some pointers would be much appreciated.
write a class HardDiskSim::Abstract, 3 subs seek_time(), spin_time(), and read_time()
Write a subclass of AbstractDisk for each different set of values/logic for the three methods.
Fir example:
package HardDiskSim::Simple;
use base qw(HardDiskSim::Abstract);
sub read_time { return 1 }
sub seek_time {
my $block = #_;
my $tracks_to_seek = int($block / $SECTORS_PER_TRACK);
return $tracks_to_seek * $SEEK_TTIM_PER_TRACK;
sub spin_time {
# compute head position at end of seek using seek time and RPM of disk
# compute number of sectors to spin past using computed head position
# return number_of_sectors_to_spin_past * time_per_sector
I had the fun of writing this kind of code in Fortran, for a class, back in 1985.

Recording Returns - Voice Msg Too Short

I have an Electronic Workforce (EWF) application that records the caller speaking. The system needs to record for 120 seconds then play a message and hangup. I set a maximum length of 120 seconds and a minimum length of 1 second. I didn't want any input to disrupt the recording, so I checked "Discard Earlier User Input", "Tone Input Stops Recording" (with keys that stop recording = ""), and "Discard the Key".
I also added "VCE.RECORD.beeptime = 0" to the cta.cfg file to the remove the beep before the recording. To the cta file I also added "VCE.RECORD.gain = 2" to increase the volume of the recordings and "VCE.RECORD.silencetime = 120000" to allow up to 120 seconds of silence if the user doesn't say anything to be recorded.
These settings all worked fine in my testing in that the only way I was able to get a file shorter than 120 seconds was to hangup early. Now that we have gone live though, customers seem to have found a way to get a file consistently five seconds long. We have about 120 recordings a day and about 10 a day are exactly five seconds long. The exception returned is "Voice Msg Too Short".
My question is how is this happening and what can I do (if anything) to prevent it?
User -BMM- on the Edify/Intervoice/Convergys customer forum gave me a good answer to this question. There are two settings that can cause a recording step to timeout with the Voice Msg Too Short error as follows...
VCE.RECORD.novoicetime = 0
VCE.RECORD.silencetime = 0
The value is in seconds, but zero disables the timeouts entirely so that silence at the start of a sound and silence at the end do not cause the exception to be thrown.
