Text editor keeps using a wrong file encoding and replaces certain characters with another codes - utf-8

When on Windows 10 I open a certain file in a Visual Studio Code, and then edit and save the file, the VSC seems to replace certain characters with another characters so that some text in the saved file looks corrupted as shown on the picture below. The default character encoding used in the VSC is UTF-8.
Non-corrupted string before saving the file:“Diff Clang Compiler Log Files”
Corrupted string after saving the file:
�Diff Clang Compiler Log Files�
So for example the double quotation mark character " which in the original file is represtented by byte string 0xE2 0x80 0x9C upon saving the file will be converted into 0xEF 0xBF 0xBD. I do not fully understand what the root cause is, but I do have the following assumption:
The original file is saved using the Windows-1252 Encoding (I am using Win 10 machine, German keyboard)
VSC faulty interprets the file with UTF-8 encoding
Characters codes get converted from Windows-1252 into UTF-8 once the file is saved, thus 0xE2 0x80 0x9C becomes 0xEF 0xBF 0xBD.
Is my understanding corrrect?
Can I somehow detect (through powershell or python code) whether a file uses Windows-1252 or UTF-8 encoding? Or there is no definite way to determine that? I would really be glad to find a way on how to avoid corrupting my files in the future :-).
Thank you!

The encoding of the file can be found with the help of python magic module
import magic
FILE_PATH = 'C:\\myPath'
def getFileEncoding (filePath):
blob = open(filePath, 'rb').read()
m = magic.Magic(mime_encoding=True)
fileEncoding = m.from_buffer(blob)
return fileEncoding
fileEncoding = getFileEncoding ( FILE_PATH )
print (f"File Encoding: {fileEncoding}")


Gettext failed to extract non-ASCII characters

In my source files I have string containing non-ASCII characters like
sCursorFormat = TRANSLATE("Frequency (Hz): %s\nDegree (°): %s");
But when I extract them they vanish like
msgid ""
"Frequency (Hz): %s\n"
"Degree (): %s"
msgstr ""
I have specified the encoding when extracting as
xgettext --from-code=UTF-8
I'm running under MS Windows and the source files are C++ (not that it should matter).
The encoding of your source file is probably not UTF-8, but ANSI, which stands for whatever the encoding for non-Unicode applications is (probably code page 1252). If you would open the file in some hex editor you would see byte 0x80 standing for degree symbol. This byte is not a valid UTF-8 character. In UTF-8 encoding degree symbol is represented with two bytes 0xC2 0xB0. This is why the byte vanishes when using --from-code=UTF-8.
The solution for your problem is to use --from-code=windows-1252. OR, better yet, to save all source files as UTF-8, and then use --from-code=UTF-8.

Concatenating files in Windows Command Prompt and the string ""

I am concatenating files using Windows. I have used the TYPE and the COPY command and I get the same artifact. At the place where my original files are joined in the new file, the character string "" (i.e. Decimal: 139 175 168 Hex: 8BAFA8) is inserted.
How can I troubleshoot this? Is there an easy explanation you can provide for how to avoid this. And why does this happen?
The very good explanation why does this happen is in #Mark_Tolonen answer, so I will not repeat it.
Instead of obsolete TYPE and COPY one have to use powershell now:
powershell -Command "& { Get-Content a*.txt | Out-File output.txt -Encoding utf8 }"
This command get content of all files patterned by a*.txt in a current folder and concatenates them in the output.txt file using UTF-8.
Powershell is a part of Windows 7 and later.
The extra bytes are a UTF-8 encoding signature. The Unicode byte order mark U+FEFF is encoded in UTF-8 and written to the beginning of the file to indicate the file is encoded in UTF-8. It's not required but Windows assumes a text file is encoded in the local ANSI encoding (commonly Windows-1252) unless a BOM appears.
Many file tools don't know about this (DOS copy being one of them), so concatenating files can be troublesome.
Today being ignorant of encodings often causes trouble. You can't simply concatenate two text files of unknown encoding...they may be different.
If you know the encoding, use a tool that understands the encoding. Here's a very basic concatenate script written in Python that will convert encodings as well.
# cat.py
import sys
if len(sys.argv) < 5:
print('usage: cat <in_encoding> <out_encoding> <outfile> <infile> [infile...]')
with open(sys.argv[3],'w',encoding=sys.argv[2]) as fout:
for file in sys.argv[4:]:
with open(file,'r',encoding=sys.argv[1]) as fin:
Given two files with UTF-8 w/ BOM encoding, this command will output UTF-8 (no BOM):
cat.py utf-8-sig utf-8 out.txt test1.txt test2.txt
Side note about Python: utf-8-sig encoding reads files and removes the BOM from the data if present, so it can be used to read any UTF-8 file with or without a BOM. utf-8-sig encoding writes a BOM at the start of a file, but utf-8 does not.

Text file encoding properly as utf-8 in Scite editor but fails to encode to uft-8 in ruby

I have a text file which if viewed in the Scite editor with the encoding set to utf-8, displays all text correctly, including capital letters with an accute accent (i.e. Á).
However, if I write a ruby script and use mystring.encode("utf-8") it will give me this error on capital letters that carry an acute accent (i.e. Á):
encode': "\x81" to UTF-8 in conversion from Windows-1252 to UTF-8 (Encoding::UndefinedConversionError)
Is this expected behaviour? How can I encode the whole text to utf-8 using ruby, knowing that otherwise it does get successfully encoded in the Scite editor?
ine_file = File.open("../../_data/ine_spain_demographics.csv", 'r')
ine_towns_population_hash = Hash.new
ine_file.each do|line|
values = line.split(";")
town_name = values[3]
population = values[4]
ine_towns_population_hash[town_name.encode("utf-8")] = population
puts "problematic string: " + town_name
You say that ine_file.external_encoding says Windows-1252 so the file is being opened as a Windows-1252 encoded file. Then you say town_name.encode("utf-8") in an attempt to encoded a string as UTF-8 and Ruby complains. But the file is actually UTF-8; reading UTF-8 bytes as Windows-1252 and then trying to recode those bytes as UTF-8 isn't going to work.
You need to open the file in UTF-8 mode:
File.open("../../_data/ine_spain_demographics.csv", 'r:UTF-8')
and stop trying to change the encoding of town_name, just use town_name as-is.
It seems like it's misinterpreting the encoding of ine_spain_demographics.csv.
Looking at the doc's for encode and open you have two options:
Use replace in encode to tell Ruby what character to use town_name.encode("utf-8", replace: '').
Identify the correct file encoding and specify it: File.open("../../_data/ine_spain_demographics.csv", 'r:ISO-8859-1')

Character replacement batch file

I'm trying to do a batch script using Windows command line to convert some characters for example:
É to Й
Ö to Ц
Ó to У
Ê to К
Å to Е
Í to Н
à to Г
Ø to Ш
Ù to Щ
Ç to З
with no success. That's because I am using a program that does not support a Cyrillic font.
And I have already the file with these words, like:
and so on...
Is it possible?
I'm guessing that you'd like to convert the character set (alias code page) of a file so you can open and read it.
I'm assuming you are using a Windows computer.
Let's say that your file is russian.txt and when you open it with notepad, the characters doesn't make any sense. The russian.txt file's character encoding is most propably ANSI and it's code page is Windows-1251.
Some words about character encoding:
In ANSI one character is one byte long.
Different languages have different code pages: Windows-1251 = Russian, Windows-1252 = Western Languages (English, German, Swedish...), Windows-1253 = Greek ...
In UTF-8 English characters are one byte long and non-English characters two bytes long.
In Unicode all characters are two bytes long.
UTF-8 and Unicode doesn't need code pages.
You can check the encoding by opening the file in notepad and clicking File, Save As. At the right bottom corner beside the Save-button you can see the encoding.
With some googling I found a site where you can do the character encoding conversion online. I Haven't tested it, but here's the address:
I've made a script (= a small program) which changes the character encoding from any ANSI and code page combination to UTF-8 or Unicode or vice versa.
Let's say you have and English Windows computer and want to convert the russian.txt (ANSI / Windows-1251) to UTF-8.
Here's how:
Open this web-page and copy the script in it to the clipboard:
VB6/VBScript change file encoding to ansi
Create a new file named ConvertCharset.vbs to the same folder, where the russian.txt is, say C:\Temp.
Open the ConvertCharset.vbs in notepad (right click+edit) and paste.
Open CMD (Windows-button+R, cmd, Enter).
In CMD-window type (hit Enter-key at each end of the line):
cd C:\Temp\
cscript ConvertCharset.vbs /InputCharset:Windows-1251 /OutputCharset:utf-8 /InputFile:russian.txt /OutputFile:russian_utf-8.txt
Now the you can open the russian_utf-8.txt in notepad and you'll see the Russian characters OK.
More info:
VB6/VBScript change file encoding to ansi

Text file encoding

I'm having a problem trying to read in windows a CSV file generated in MAC.
My question is how can I convert the encoding to UTF-8 or even ISO-8859-1.
I've already tried iconv with no success.
Inside "vim" I can understand that in this file linebreaks are marked with ^M and the accent ã is marked with <8b>, Ç = <82> and so on.
Any ideas?
To convert from encoding a to encoding b, you need to know what encoding a is.
Given that
ã is marked with <8b>, Ç = <82>
encoding a is very likely Mac OS Roman.
So call iconv with macintosh* as from argument, and utf-8 as to argument.
*try macroman, x-mac-roman etc if macintosh is not found
