OpenTelemetry: Context propagation using messaging (Artemis) - quarkus

I wrote some micro-services using Quarkus that communicate via Artemis. Now I want to add OpenTelemetry for tracing purpose.
What I already tried is to call service B from service A using HTTP/REST. Here the trace id from service A is automatically added to the header of the HTTP request and used in service B. So this works fine. In Jaeger I can see the correlation.
But how can this be achieved using Artemis as messaging system? Do I have to (manually) add the trace id from service A into the message and read it in service B to setup somehow the context (don't know whether this is possible)? Or is there possibly an automatism like for HTTP requests?
I would appreciate any assistance.
I have to mention at this point that I have little experience with tracing so far.

There is no quarkus, quarkiverse extension or smallrye lib that provides integration with Artemis and OpenTelemetry, yet.
Also, OpenTelemetry massaging spec is being worked at the moment, because the correct way to correlate sent, received messages and services is under definition at the OTel spec level.
However, I had exactly the same problem as you and did a manual instrumentation that you can use as inspiration: quarkus-observability-demo-activemq
It will correlate the sent service as parent of receiving end.


Spring Integration with Spring Boot - High Availability

A spring integration project pulls emails from Exchange Server using imap-idle-channel-adapter; it transforms the message; it invokes some SOAP webservices and persists data in DB using Spring Boot and JPA. All works fine.
This needs to be deployed in a four-weblogic-server cluster environment.
Could someone please help with some hints on what needs to be done? Is there any configuration needed?
As long as your logic is just like you show and there is no any more endpoints polling shared resource, your are good so far do nothing more. The mail API has built-in feature to mark messages in the box as read or at least seen, so other concurrent session won’t poll those messages again.

How to implement microservice Saga in google cloud platform

I am investigating solution to implement microservice Saga pattern in platform hosted in K8S in GCP.
There are 2 options: Eventulate Tram and Axon. However, these frameworks seem not to support message broker managed by cloud provider such as google-cloud-Pubsub whereas I do not want to deploy either Kafka or RabbitMQ to K8S since GCP support PubSub already.
So is there any way to integrate either Eventulate or Axon to use google cloud PubSub?
Uncertain about Eventuate's angle on this, but Axon works with extensions as message brokers other than Axon Server. Throughout Axon's lifecycle (read: last 10 years), some of these have been provided, but none are currently used for all types of messages defined by Axon Framework. So, you wouldn't be able to use Kafka for sending commands in Axon for example.
Reasoning for this? Commands, events and queries have different routing requirements which should be reflected by using the right tool for the job.
To be a bit more specific on Axon's side, the following extensions can be used for distributing your messages:
AMQP -> for Events
Kafka -> for Events
JGroups -> for Commands
Spring Cloud Discovery -> for Commands
As you can tell, there currently is no Pub/Sub extension out there to allow you to distribute your messages. Added on top of that, my gut would tell me if it was available, then it would likely only be used for Event messages due to Pub/Sub's intent when it comes to being a message broker.
Luckily this actually makes it rather straightforward to create just such a extension yourself. Going into all the details to build this would be a little much, so I would recommend to have a look at Axon's AMQP extension first when it comes to achieving this. Hints on the matter are that for publication, you should add a component to handle Axon's events and publish them on Pub/Sub. For handling events, you are required to build a StreamableMessageSource or SubscribableMessageSource. These interfaces are used respectively by the TrackingEventProcessor and SubscribingEventProcessor, which in turn are the component in charge of dealing with the technical aspect of handling events.
By the way, if you would be building such an extension and you need a hand, it would be best to request this at AxonIQ forum, which you can find here.
Last note, and rather important I'd say, is the argument that such a connector would not be able to deal with all types of messages. If you would require a more full fledged Axon application to run in a distributed fashion, I would highly recommend to give Axon Server a try prior to building your own solution from the ground up.

Contract Testing - Spring Boot Microservices with external SOAP/REST downstream services

We have a set of microservices communicating with each other and some external downstream services. Spring Cloud Contract is used for integration tests to check the service interfaces. I'm able to test the contracts for communication between the microservices.
I'd like to know how to write the contract tests for a producer which
doesn't provide any contracts (cannot access source code)
Can I impose the contracts from the consumer itself?
Couldn't find the SCC documentation helpful in this regard. Any helpful pointers are appreciated. Thanks!
If it's SOAP based then it's a standard XML based communication. You can generate XML based contracts (an example is here ). Now as for the one where you don't have access to source code, what you can is the following:
You can create a test that will go via a proxy (e.g. WireMock proxy) to the real application and that way you will store that communication in a form of stubs (, you can also check the code ( The problem here is that the producer might not be idempotent or may require a lot of concrete setup on the input to get proper response (e.g. a precisely defined date).
You can create contracts on the consumer side, tell stubrunner where they lay ( and turn the generateStubs feature (, example of code ( The problem here is that as a consumer you can write whatever you want and it might not have anything to do with reality. On the other hand you already have the contracts that you could upload to the producer side with a request that they implement their part one day.
It's up to you to decide which one you prefer, bearing in mind that each of the solutions might have its issues.
As for Pact, Pact follows the second approach since it's the consumer that defines how the interaction should look like. That again might have nothing to do with reality.

Jax-rs and amqp zipkin integration

I've been roaming the depths of the internet but I find myself unsatisfied by the examples I've found so far. Can someone point me or, show me, a good starting point to integrate zipkin tracing with jaxrs clients and amqp clients?
My scenario is quite simple and I'd expect this task to be trivial tbh. We have a micro services based architecture and it's time we start tracing our requests and have global perspective of our inter service dependencies and what the requests actually look like (we do have metrics but I want more!) . The communication is done via jax-rs auto generated clients and we use rabbit template for messaging.
I've seen brave integrations with jaxrs but they are a bit simplistic. My zipkin server is a spring boot mini app using stream-rabbit, so zipkin data is sent using rabbitmq.
Thanks in advance.
After some discussion with Marcin Grzejszczak and Adrien Cole (zipkin and sleuth creators/active developers) I ended up creating a Jersey filter that acts as bridge between sleuth and brave. Regarding AMQP integration, added a new #StreamListener with a conditional for zipkin format spans (using headers). Sending messages to the sleuth exchange with zipkin format will then be valid and consumed by the listener. For javascript (zipkin-js), I ended up creating a new AMQP Logger that sends zipkin spans to a determined exchange. If someone ends up reading this and needs more detail, you're welcome to reach out to me.

How to send data to multiple servers in spring boot micro service?

I have requirement something like this:
once the request is received by my service, i need to send it 2-3 third party servers at a time and get the response from all server and return the response.
How can I achieve that?.
My thought : I can create separate threads for different servers and send the request to all servers parallely, but here the issue is, how I will come to know the threads are finished and consolidate the response from all servers and return to caller.
Is there any other way to do in spring boot(micro service)?.
You can leverage asyn feature supported by Spring Framework. Let's see the folllowing example which issue multiple calls in Async style from Spring's official guides:Async Method
Another possible solution for internal communications between Microserives is to use the message queue.
You didn't specify what type of services are you consuming. If they are HTTP, you may want to use some Enterprise Integrations abstractions (most popular are Spring Integration and Apache Camel).
If you don't want to introduce message bus solution into your microservice, you may want to take a look at AsyncRestTemplate
