Forwarding non-API requests to a NextJS server - spring-boot

I'm trying to use Spring Boot to serve a REST API and a NextJS server to serve the frontend which calls that API. Right now, I have 2 separate servers (Spring on port 80 and NextJS on port 3000). What I want to do is forward any GET requests that the spring server receives that don't start with /api/ to the NextJS server so that the Spring server would act as a proxy for those routes. I know that you can run next export and serve the assets from Spring's static folder, but I need to use getServerSideProps in NextJS so that isn't an option. How can I do this in Spring Boot?


Spring boot API endpoint does not work after setting the DNS record

I have a spring boot web service running on localhost:8000 with an embedded Apache Tomcat.
Frontend is developed using Angular and is running on nginx and port 80. Connection between front- and back-end is established with a REST API endpoint, i.e. /v1/getdata/...
We have a static IP and outside access is OK with this configuration. But after setting a DNS record, i.e. for the static IP, the spring web server does not return data and ERR_TUNNEL_CONNECTION_FAILED error is occurred in Angular, although the front-end is loaded successfully on port 80.
The only server-side configurations in Spring app is server.port=8000 and CORS configs.
I have set [STATIC-IP]:8000 and for the api address in Angular but neither worked. However accessing with static IP is still working.
I think there is a problem with SSL configuration.
Any Ideas?

How to treat request from HTTP and HTTPS inseparately Spring Boot 2 to run Tomcat on two separate ports?

I am adding the secure port with the non-secure port already opened. I wants to separate the traffic between two and forward to different Spring boot 2 Controllers. Wonder how I can achieve that?
In most solutions I have seen so far, https / SSL is terminated infront of Tomcat or Spring Boot application, so that Tomcat / Spring Controller receives only http requests on port 8080 (for example).
Termination of SSL in front of Tomcat / Spring Boot could be done with a Reverse Proxy or Web Server, like Apache2 or nginx.
Then the communication flow looks like this:
User ==HTTP-80==> Apache2 ==HTTP-8080==> Tomcat/Spring Boot
User ==HTTPS-443==> Apache2 ==HTTP-8080==> Tomcat/Spring Boot
("HTTP-80" means HTTP protocol on port 80. "== ==>" is arrow showing communication flow.)

Dockerize vue js front end and spring boot backend and deploy on kubernetes cluster

I have developed spring boot backend and vue js front end I could successfully deploy the spring boot app and create cluster ip service for spring boot app but I have never work with NPM project on docker and kubernetes. I also have problem in Axios when I locally testing backend and frontend I give (localhost:backendport/endpoint) for axios and how can I adapt it to kubernetes. should I give cluster ip service name instead of localhost:port/endpoint -> clusteripservice/endpoint if so how can I externalize the configurations and how can I deploy both app.
here is Axios call
import axios from 'axios'
const API_URL = 'http://localhost:8084'
//const API_URL = '/'
class UserDataService {
retrieveAllUsers() {
return axios.get(`${API_URL}/user/getall`);
export default new UserDataService()
Idea is to use nginx as your app container and proxy pass to proxy to back-end. So you need to define location for your api, i.e. /api and proxy that.
Then if you are using axios, you would call all back-end endpoints on relative path, i.e.
So you do not need to worry about hostname in calls to back-end.
Also, for development you similarly use vue.js development settings to also proxy back-end via npm.
See my toy project here for details how it's done:
Deployment piece -
UI piece -
Specifically nginx settings with proxy configuration - (note that it's using websockets which you may remove if you're not using them). Specifically vue development server configuration -
Write up on CI / CD workings (unrelated to your question but maybe useful) -

Spring Boot & ELB - How do I make the load balancer redirect http to https?

I have deployed a Spring Boot application via Elastic Beanstalk. I'm using a load balancer, so this is the flow (as far as I understand):
Internet/Browser request ---HTTPS---> Load Balancer ---HTTP---> Spring Boot App Server
So essentially, the SSL terminates at the load balancer and the app server just deals with plain old HTTP.
But in the case of a HTTP request from the browser, I would like the load balancer to automatically redirect to HTTPS.
There are several questions about this issue:
Spring Boot with Embedded Tomcat behind AWS ELB - HTTPS redirect
How to redirect automatically to https with Spring Boot
Spring Boot redirect HTTP to HTTPS
But none of the answers to these questions make sense to me. Perhaps I'm misunderstanding, but all the answers basically make the Spring Boot app only server HTTPS request (for example when using http.requiresChannel().anyRequest().requiresSecure()).
However, this goes against the flow because I'm perfectly fine with the SSL terminating at the load balancer and the Spring Boot app server just dealing with HTTP. So if I require SSL at the spring boot level, then I'll need to do an end-to-end SSL connection, which isn't really required for my application.
I have also used the following properties, which don't seem to help either:
With the help of this article, I was finally able to figure out how to do this for a Spring Boot app in an ELB environment.
I had to create a conf file in src/main/webapp/.ebextensions/nginx/conf.d. I just called it myconf.conf.
In myconf.conf, I put this code in:
server {
listen 80;
if ($http_x_forwarded_proto != "https") {
rewrite ^(.*)$ https://$server_name$REQUEST_URI permanent;
Also, make sure that both HTTP and HTTPS listeners are open for the load balancer.
Additionally, my spring boot app only opens up HTTP since the load balancer already terminates SSL.
AWS Load balancer cannot handle redirection. You may do it via your server or by using cloudfront distributions.

Use zuul to deliver static content

I have a Zuul reverse proxy in front of my spring boot microservices, used as an API gateway.
Can the Zuul spring boot app be used to deliver static content, IE client code that calls the API gateway? I dont want to host this in a microservices or have another VM to manage for hosting content
I tried having a static folder in resources folder, but cant figure out how to map this in the application.yml responsible for routing. I dont want to route it to a NGnix or apache server, but use the embedded Tomcat of Zuul Spring boot app.
What would be the route to put in the route config, or what is the best approach for this.
Thank you
You don't have to map it in the routes config. Whatever you put in the resources/static folder will be served, as long nothing else is mapped on the same path.
