Docusaurus: can I change the I18n URL format? - internationalization

I have the "de" and "en" locale configured, with "de" being the default. When I am on my blog index page and change the locale to "en" using the dropdown, it loads "/en/blog". I would like this to be "/blog/en" instead.
Is it possible?
I couldn't find any option in the i18n docs.


how do I add '/en' or '/fr' after all the base url in laravel 5.8 routes

I created a project in Laravel 5.8. I just started working on adding multiple languages in my website. How do I make it so if I click on the language button to choose french the website will load every page as /fr/<rest of the url
Like this
when selecting english language
when selecting bangla language
When the button is clicked you should set the desired locale, this can be done using App::setLocale($locale)
The documentation of Laravel explains how you could do this, for your exact use case:
Laravel Configuring The Locale

Translate Laravel application with locale from user and without display parameters in URL

I am trying to launch a multilanguage application with Laravel.
I would like the user to choose the language of his application. To do this, I created a "language" column in my database that records the user's preferred locale.
I can recover his preferences by doing this
In my .blade file, do this doesn't work
{{ App::setLocale(Auth::user()->language) }}
I would like to find a way to translate my application according to the preference of the user but WITHOUT displaying the locale in the url.
Is it possible ? How? Thank you !
I suggest to make middleware, i.e. 'LocaleSwitcher', with your code inside
And attach it wherever you need

Any language pack not working in frontend in magento

I have installed de_DE lang pack using
Than i have changed language German for particular store in locale but no effect in frontend.
I have already flushed cache, index management.If i change any other locale pack its also not working.
I have also shown store switcher in front-end with
<?php echo $this->getChildHtml('store_switcher') ?>
and it's also working but can't change language in frontend as per csv.

Joomla 1.5 SEO URL does not working for multiple languages--

I have a website which is built in joomla 1.5 in two languages English and Arabic. I have recently enabled the Joomla SEO URLs and aliased all the articles with custom alias URLs. Alias is working fine on English version - which is the default installation language - but not on Arabic.
Is there any option i can specify separate aliases for different languages? Or is there any configuration I am missing?
Please advice
Thanks in Advance
When the actual content was translated, the SEO URL option was not enabled on the website. Which resulted in the component ignoring the translation of the alias field, also the 'Copy original to Alias' option was disabled.
After enabling the SEO URLS options, at the time of translation make sure that you have translated the alias as well or copy the original to the translation field. No need for paid plugin!
This applies to component, article and menu items for all languages except default one.

How to change language from default to other language afer login for com_users login menu?

I am using com_users component for login in multi-language Joomla (2.5) site having english as default language and danish as 2nd language. For that I am using language switcher module
It provides login form in both languages danish and English.
The Whole Site Works properly in bothe languages
But After filling the name and password in danish language the site is change to English language.
Go to the specific module for Danish language which displays the login from and look for the option: Login Redirection Page.
Change from Default to the desired localized page.
