I need to extract a value from http response which is in the
format "test/23|temp value"
and need to pass it in next request string body as "test%2F%7Ctemp+value"
I believe we are doing some form of encoding. how can we achieve this in JMeter ?
Appreciate if any one can help.
Take a look at __urlencode() function
${__urlencode(test/23|temp value)}
it does percent-encoding of the input and returns the result in the place where it's called in the runtime:
More information on JMeter Functions concept: Apache JMeter Functions - An Introduction
Please help. I need the CurrentUserId parameter to change. How can I do this?enter image description here
Maybe you can make this parameter customizable? So that you can make a variable for this parameter in the Post query? I don't know...
Replace it with ${__UUID} function, it generates an UUID v4 structure each time it's being called so if you put the function into the request body it will produce an unique value for each user for each iteration:
More information on JMeter Functions concept: Apache JMeter Functions - An Introduction
I have a situation where the request saves the data using PUT method. The dynamic content is webkit(json body). So kindly help me how to capture the value.
If you want to extract value(s) from the previous response the options are in:
Boundary Extractor - if you provide a JMeter Variable name and empty left and right boundaries - it will store the whole response into that variable
JSON Extractor - allows extraction of partial data using JSONPath query language
JSON JMESPath Extractor - the same as point 2 but uses a different language - JMESPath which is is more "standard" and powerful
More complex extractions/transformations can be done using JSR223 Test Elements and Groovy language
We cannot "kindly help you" more without seeing the previous response and the next request, the only "help" I can provide so far is a piece of information that WebKit is a browser engine so I have a doubt regarding your statement about sending it somewhere.
How can I format json response in jmeter?
I don't want to tell which part of json answer
should be showed. I want to see my response not as
very long one line but as many lines formatted with new lines and
I saw:
Jmeter extracting fields/parsing JSON response
Thanks in advance!
I believe JSON Formatter PostProcessor is what you're looking for
If it is not suitable for you - take a look at JSR223 PostProcessor, it provides prev pre-defined variable (basically SampleResult instance) which gives read/write access to the parent sampler(s) response data so you will be able to do anything you want with the response using Groovy language
I am building out a test suite in jmeter and want to set the assertions to the initial responses that I get from the api calls. Is there any way to do this besides copy pasta?
For clarity each individual call has its own assertion, which for the moment is the response it is receiving.
I want the assertions to be populated by the responses.
If I understood currectly - you are coming up with some JMeter-Baseline script - you also assume that the response you get now is correct - that is what you expect to get it in future as well , so you want to put the response data in the assertion.
If yes, JMeter will not remember the initial responses. So you need to create your script accordingly.
You can have a beanshell postprocessor to write the the responsedata in a CSV file. Later you modify the script to look for the assertion string from CSV file to compare. This is the statement to get the Response Data.
As per How to Use JMeter Assertions in 3 Easy Steps guide, JMeter Assertions have their scope.
If you put an assertion at the same level as all requests it'll apply to all of them. See image below for explanation:
I would use a CSV file with the URL and the assertion string you want to match.
I have a GET request from where I extract the variable ${SAMLRequest} (Regular Expression Extractor).
Value of ${SAMLRequest} is as follows: VhJUVNXeHBPRjNMdnNvNHpTUT09PC9YNTA5Q2VydGlmaWNhdGU+PC9YNTA5RGF0YT48L0tleUluZm8+PC9TaWduYXR1cmU+PHNhbWxwOk5hbWVJRFBvbGljeSBBbGxvd0NyZWF0ZT0idHJ1ZSIgLz48L3NhbWxwOkF1dGhuUmVxdWVzdD4=
Next I have a POST request, and I want to post the variable ${SAMLRequest} with some changes.
Instead of the sign + I want to have %2B and instead of =, I want to have %3D.
Do you know how I can change a variable in JMeter?
Use beanshell preprocessor1 in your post sampler
The easiest way is to check "Encode?" box for SAMLRequest parameter in your POST request body
The harder way is using __urlencode() JMeter Function.
The hardest way is BeanShell Pre Processor as okwap suggests. However it'll give you the full control.
Relevant Beahshell code will look like:
import java.net.URLEncoder;
String source = vars.get("SAMLRequest");
String encoded = URLEncoder.encode(source);
vars.put("SAMLRequest", encoded);