What is Apache Maven and how do i install Geomesa-FS in my Ubuntu 20.04 through Apache maven? - maven

I am completely new to spatiotemporal data analysis and I saw geomesa providing all the functionality that I need in my project.
Lets say i have a pd dataframe or an SQL server with all the location data like
Now Geomesa will help me analysis all nearest shops to a customer on their route and weather to show an ad of that shop to the customer. (To my knowledge)(Assuming other data required)
Finding Popular shops and etc.
In installation documentation of geomesa it requires to install Apache Maven which i did by
sudo apt install maven
Image of maven version
now there are a lot of of options for running geomesa.
Is geomesa only for distributed systems?
Is it even possible for using geomesa in my problem?
Is it a dependency?
Can i use it through python?
Also can you suggest me best choice of database for spatiotemporal data.
I downloaded geomesa-fs since i don't have any distributed property to my data.
But don't know how to use it.

GeoMesa is mainly used with distributed systems, but not always. Take a look at the introduction in the documentation for more details. For choosing a database, take a look at the Getting Started page. Python is mainly supported through PySpark. Maven is only required for building from the source code, which you generally would not need to do.
If you already have your data in MySQL, you may just want to use GeoTools and GeoServer, which support MySQL.


Apache Sqoop moved into the Attic in 2021-06

I have installed hadoop version 3.3.1 and sqoop 1.4.7 which doesn't seem compatible , I am getting depreciated API implemented error while importing rdbms table.
As I tried to google for compatible versions I found apache sqoop is moved to appache attiq .and version 1.4.7 which is last stable version states in its documentation says that " Sqoop is currently supporting 4 major Hadoop releases - 0.20, 0.23, 1.0 and 2.0. "
Would you please explain what does it mean and what should I do.
could you please suggest What are the alternatives of SQOOP .
It means just what the board minutes say: Sqoop has become inactive and is now moved to the Apache Attic. This doesn't mean Sqoop is deprecated in favor of some other project, but for practical purposes you should probably not build new implementations using it.
Much of the same functionality is available in other tools, including other Apache projects. Possible options are Spark, Kafka, Flume. Which one to use is very dependent on the specifics of your use case, since none of these quite fill the same niche as Sqoop. The database connectivity capabilities of Spark make it the most flexible solution, but it also could be the most labor-intensive to set up. Kafka might work, although it's not quite as ad-hoc friendly as Sqoop (take a look at Kafka Connect). I probably wouldn't use Flume, but it might be worth a look (it is mainly meant for shipping logs).

How to use Druid with Ambari?

I am very new to Druid, a column-oriented, open-source, distributed data store written in Java.
I need to start multiple services (nodes) in order to work smoothly Druid. Is there a good way to auto start the services?
You can find patch for Ambari Druid integration, AMBARI-17981, and which will be included as of Ambari v2.5.
Patch file contains all that information in the form of a diff file.
Typically you need to checkout the source code, apply the patch, and then build the project.
You could use the Hortonworks Data Platform (HDP)/distribution that will install Zookeeper/HDFS/Druid/Postgresql/Hadoop and you are good to go.
There is also a video guide available on how to install Druid step-by-step.
Otherwise you can do it your self by building Druid from source and copy jars and configs around.

How do I install components such as Apache Drill and Apache Hue in IBM Bluemix BigInsights Apache Hadoop

I am new to IBM Bluemix platform and exploring its BigInsights service. I can see pre configured components such as Pig Hive Hbase and others. But I want to know How can I install services like Drill or say Hue which is not configured by default. Also ssh to cluster nodes allows restricted access with no sudo rights in case one need to run yum commands.Does bluemix allows root access as I cannot see one. Thanks In advance.
As far as I know, it is not possible.
But you can use http://www.softlayer.com/ to build your own IOP (IBM Open Platform) Cluster in the cloud.
If you are interested in IBM's value-adds and you just want to try out:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4p7LDeu_qQQ it is a nice tutorial to set up your own cluster via Docker.
This tutorial should be still valid for Hue:
Installing Drill doesn't look complicated:
In conclusion: You need to move away from Bluemix, if you want to have a more customised BigInsights. But there are options: Softlayer, AWS, .. or just on your local computer (if you got sufficient resources, since some components like Hbase need a minimum amount of nodes)

Cloudera Visualization Tool

I need to know if cloudera is providing any visualization tool. I found that we can connect to tableau or zoomdata for visualization but are they giving any visualization tool of their own ?
You have some additional options such as:
Apache Zeppelin - http://zeppelin.apache.org/
jupyter - http://jupyter.org/
beaker-notebook - https://github.com/twosigma/beaker-notebook
rodeo - https://github.com/yhat/rodeo
RStudio - https://www.rstudio.com/products/rstudio/ (if you like R)
Cloudera ships a Hadoop ecosystem component called Hue, which is basically a GUI for doing various types of exploration on Hadoop data (SQL queries, natural-lang search, etc.). It includes some lightweight visualization features, but nothing as robust as you would get from Tableau or Zoomdata.
I really like the philosophy of Apache Zeppelin. It blend different technologies into one notebook. So that users can choose different technologies comfortable with for different purpose.
Here are few tasks which can be done.
Import file using Shell (like curl)
Analyze using with Spark
Visualize. spark-highcharts is glue I added to support Highcharts for spark.
Publish report

Setting up Hadoop in a public cloud

As a part of my college project, I would like to modify Hadoop's source code. However, the problem is that I would need atleast 20 systems to test it. Is it possible to setup this modified version of Hadoop in public clouds such as Google Cloud platform or Amazon Services?Can you give me an idea on the procedure to follow?I could only find information about setting up the original Hadoop versions in the public cloud set up. I couldn't find any information that is relevant to my case.Please do help me out.
Amazon offers elastic mapreduce. But as you correctly pointed out you will not be able to deploy your version of hadoop there.
But you still can use Amazon or Google cloud to just get the base linux servers and install your hadoop on it. It is just a longer process but not different from any other hadoop installation if you have done it before.
