ENGINE-16004 Exception while closing command context: Cannot correlate message 'xxxxxx': - spring-boot

in 100 order 1 or 2 are failing with this message.
184 and 258 are callbacks we get the callbacks but camunda is unable to close the task . We noticed that this is happening whenever we get callbacks with a time between them in milliseconds .If the 258 comes before 184 we do close the 184 tasks so this is not the issue .Please don't tell me to check the message name in the bpmn because it's working for almost all the orders. Thank you
ENGINE-16004 Exception while closing command context: Cannot correlate message 'order-m1-i0184': No process definition or execution matches the parameters
org.camunda.bpm.engine.MismatchingMessageCorrelationException: Cannot correlate message 'order-m1-i0184': No process definition or execution matches the parameters
Camunda bpmn
It didn't close the task after we got the callback .


I'm executing the script for 1 hr but it is running for 10 min

I'm executing the script for 1 hour but it is running for 10 minutes , i also check loop forever, test data is also proper, all the script is running properly without any error , I run the script thrice validate all the things but im not getting why it is happening
How to overwrite the issues and how to run a the script for 1 hour
Normally you can find the reason for termination of a thread or test in jmeter.log file. If it is not there or it's vague - you can increase JMeter logging level to something more verbose
The most common reasons for premature end of the test are:
Not enough loops to cover the anticipated duration of the test in the Thread Group
Not enough test data if CSV Data Set Config is configured to stop thread on EOF
Thread group is configured to stop the thread/test on a sampler error
There is Flow Control Action sampler somewhere configured to stop thread/test
There is a runtime error like OutOfMemoryError or StackOverFlowError

(Weird) - ORA-12516 - TNS:listener could not find available handler with matching protocol stack [with only one active connection]

I am trying to run a Spring loader. That loader will take the data from the csv file and insert into oracle database. It starts well, after processing some records, i am getting the below error.
'ORA-12516 - TNS:listener could not find available handler with matching protocol stack'
Note : No other jobs were running at that time. Only this job was running.
show parameter processes (processes - integer - 300)
show parameter session (sessions - integer - 480)
The thing is, the same batch program is running fine in another server, which has the same set of above configurations.
Since its a new server, anything i am missing in regards to oracle.? Can someone guide.

Spring Batch: Terminating the current running job

I am having an issue in terminating the current running spring batch. I wrote
Set<Long> executions = jobOperator.getRunningExecutions("Job-Builder");
in my code after going through the spring documentation.
The problem I am facing is at times the termination of the job is happening as expected and the other times the termination of job is not happening. In fact every time I call stop on joboperator it is updating the BATCH_JOB_EXECUTION table. When the termination happens successfully the status of the job is updating to STOPPED by killing the jobExecution in my batch process. The other times when it fails it is completing the rest of the different flows of the batch and updating the status to FAILED on BATCH_JOB_EXECUTION table.
But every time I call stop in the job operator I see a message in my console
2020-09-30 18:14:29.780 [http-nio-8081-exec-5] INFO o.s.b.c.l.s.SimpleJobOperator:428 - Aborting job execution: JobExecution: id=33058, version=2, startTime=2020-09-30 18:14:25.79, endTime=null, lastUpdated=2020-09-30 18:14:28.9, status=STOPPING, exitStatus=exitCode=UNKNOWN;exitDescription=, job=[JobInstance: id=32922, version=0, Job=[Job-Builder]], jobParameters=[{date=1601504064263, time=1601504064262, extractType=false, JobId=1601504064262}]
My project has a series of flows and steps with in it.
Over all my batch process looks like this:
JobBuilderFactory has 3 flows
Each flow has a stepbuilder and two tasklets.
each stepbuilder has a partitioner and a chunk(size is 100) based itemReader, itemProcessor and itemWriter.
I am calling the stop method when I am executing the very first flow in my jobBuilderFactory. The over all process to complete takes about 30 mins. So, it has close to around 20-25 mins from the time I call the stop method and the chunk size is 100 with in each and every flow and I am dealing with more than 500k records.
So, my question is why is jobExecution stopping at times when called stop methos(which is what I wanted) and why it isn't able to stop the jobExecution the remaining times.
Thanks in advance
So, my question is why is jobExecution stopping at times when called stop methos(which is what I wanted) and why it isn't able to stop the jobExecution the remaining times.
It's not easy to figure out the reason for that from what you shared, but I can give you a couple of notes about stopping jobs:
jobOperator.stop does not guarantee that the job stops, it only sends a stop signal to the job execution. From what you shared, you are not checking the returned boolean that indicates if the signal has been correctly sent or not, so you should be doing that first.
You did not share your code, but you need to use StoppableTasklet instead of Tasklet to make sure the stop signal is correctly sent to your steps.

How windows recovery work with failure count?

I am using the following command to configure the service failure recovery
sc failure "service" actions= ""/60000/restart/60000/run/120000 reset= 60 command = "\"c:\\windows\notepad2.exe
(used notepad2.exe just for testing)
From the Microsoft documentation here:-
This field contains an array of integer values that specify the
actions taken by the SCM if the service fails. Separate the values in
the array by [~]. The integer value in the Nth element of the array
specifies the action performed when the service fails for the Nth
So, what I am getting from this is the count of failure will decide the action => For first failure Actions[0] will be executed and for the second Actions[1] will be executed and for all subsequent failures Actions[2] will be
I have following configuration for the service for testing this behavior:-
Then I tried killing the process under which service is running by using taskkill.
Here is the first log
Then I tried starting the service manually.
Then again I tried killing the service after ~ 2 mins ( => the reset count will set failure count to 0 as it is configured to 1 minute).
Here is the log for the error
In above figure, it is clear that why count is resetting to 0 because reset setting we have given60 sec and our service was running more than 2 mins.
But the action described for recovery is wrong as Restarting the service is the action for the second failure not for the first failure.
So why the count for failure is coming 1 but the action for recovery is the action corresponding to the second failure action?
I was just playing around with a similar issue, and after I set the "Reset fail count after:" to "1" day, it seems to be working. A possible explanation is that by setting the "Reset fail count" to 1 day, it will not reset the fail count back to 0 after the first fail (which is you stopping and restarting the service manually), and lets it cycle through the rest of the actions (depending on conditions/actions). Your mileage may vary.

How JTA/JTS handle transaction time out issue?

Below is my understand that JTA/ JTS handle transaction time out issue. But I cannot find my document or material to back my understand. Is my understand right? Do u know any material is refer to this issue?
Application Server iterates through all the transactions to check timeout. If a transaction timeout occurs, application server marks roll back for the transaction, and log down the detail. But Application Server neither throws exception nor interrupts the transaction this moment. When the transaction thread continue to attempt to access another transactional resource (like JDBC/ JMS), the transactional resource which implements JTA interface will check roll back flag first before go further. Then at this moment, RollbackException is thrown.
Test Case 1:
Set transaction timeout to 10 secs
I. Transaction begin
II. Sleep 20 secs
III. System out "Sleep end"
Result: Timeout occur at 10th secs, and system out log down the timeout detail, but not throw exception. "Sleep end" will be printed.
Test Case 2:
Set transaction timeout to 10 secs
I. Transaction begin
II. Sleep 20 secs
III. Access db 1st time
IV. Access db 2nd time
V. System out "Sleep end"
Result: Timeout occur at 10th secs, and system out logs down the timeout detail, but not throw exception. Exception throws while access db 1st time. "Sleep end" will not be printed.
Test Case 3:
Set transaction timeout to 10 secs
I. Transaction begin
II. Access db and db deadlock
Result: Timeout occur at 10th secs, and system out logs down the timeout detail. No exception throws, the transaction thread is stuck. So transaction timeout control cannot handle db timeout issue. I am so confused about this..
In my understanding, above behavior should be the same while using spring transaction management(JTA) and EJB. Am I right?
Thanks for ur help!
Tested, and proved that my understand should be correct.
Summarize the result as below:
• Transaction timeout control only affects transactional activities (Ex: access DB/ send JMS message).
• Application server do not interrupt current transaction thread immediately while timeout occurs, instead, application server only log down the detail. Timeout exception will throw while transaction commit or attempt to access next transactional activities.
• DB deadlock issue cannot be handled by transaction timeout control. But DB2 have deadlock prevent mechanism to release the deadlock and roll back transaction for some cases.
