How to get rid of boost library exports in final executable - boost

I'm compiling an executable and I use boost libraries inside that executable.
no matter if i use static linking or dynami linking of boost with "BOOST_ALL_DYN_LINK" , my final executable contains exports from the boost library.
which is very undesirable.
Update: My compiler is Visual studio 2019 and I'm compiling for x86 platform. however it's the same for x64 as well.


linking boost on Windows asks for versioned lib

We have a large cmake based C++ project for Linux where we build boost ourselves via cmake exernal project.
The project used to build also on Windows for the classical Intel compiler. But I have no access to this old running configuration.
I use Intel oneAPI 2023.0 with LLVM based icx compiler (clang 15?) and a current MSVC community edition.
I built boost (1.81.0) without a target (as I still struggle with openAPI target) with --layout=system, hence lib names like libboost_atomic.a
In our C++ we do not let CMake search for boost but add the boost libs via target_link_libraries().
When I compile our application with icx I get a link error
Linking CXX executable ....\bin\cfs.exe LINK: command
"C:\PROGRA~2\Intel\oneAPI\compiler\latest\windows\bin\icx.exe /nologo
#CMakeFiles\cfs.dir\objects1 /Qoption,link, /machine:x64
/INCREMENTAL:NO /Qoption,link,/subsystem:console -Qiopenmp
[....] ....\lib\libboost_log_setup.lib
....\lib\libboost_serialization.lib [.....] /link
/out:....\bin\cfs.exe /implib:. ...\bin\cfs.lib
/pdb:C:\Users\fabia\code\master\release_icx\bin\cfs.pdb /version:0.0
/MANIFEST /MANIFESTFILE:....\bin\cfs.exe .manifest"
I get
fatal error LNK1104: file
"libboost_serialization-clangw16-mt-x64-1_81.lib" not found.
I have no idea where the string clangw16-mt-x64-1_81 comes from.
You can link the libraries present in the boost library path to your project either from the Command Prompt or within the Visual Studio IDE. Please refer to the below link for more details.
If you do not find any binaries, you can add the macro BOOST_ALL_NO_LIB which tells the config system not to automatically select which libraries to link. Please refer to the below link for more details.
You can use the target Boost::disable_autolinking to disable automatic linking. Please refer to the below link for more details.

Building ARM64 ASM in Visual Studio with CMake

I'm working on a cross-platform project which has some hand-written assembly to optimize performance for various CPU architectures. I'm converting this project to CMake from a proprietary build system, starting with compiling using Visual Studio on Windows. For x86 and AMD64, I've been able to assemble and link everything just fine, but I can't get it to work on ARM64 (or presumably ARM32, though I haven't tried that yet).
I'm including the ASM files in my sources as follows:
# ...
Then in my top-level CMakeLists.txt, I enable MASM using enable_language(ASM_MASM). For x86 and AMD64, CMake automatically finds ml/ml64.exe, configures the Visual Studio project correctly, and everything works.
But for ARM64, if I try the same thing, I get this error from Visual Studio when trying to build: MSB3721: The command "echo MASM not supported on this platform. As far as I can tell, this is because Visual Studio considers ARM assembly to be a different dialect, "MARMASM", with a different executable name for the assembler (armasm/armasm64.exe).
I tried setting enable_language(ASM_MARMASM) in my ARM64 toolchain file, but CMake does not recognize this as an ASM dialect, and gives me this error:
CMake Error: Could not find cmake module file: CMakeDetermineASM_MARMASMCompiler.cmake
CMake Error: Could not find cmake module file: F:/os/src/symcrypt/bin/CMakeFiles/3.15.3/CMakeASM_MARMASMCompiler.cmake
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:49 (enable_language):
I also tried manually setting the assembler:
find_file(ARM64_COMPILER "armasm64.exe" HINTS ${VS_TOOLS_DIRECTORY})
message(STATUS "Manually set assembler to ${CMAKE_ASM_MARMASM_COMPILER}")
But this does not work either; I still get an error that No CMAKE_ASM_MARMASM_COMPILER could be found.
How can I include ARM/ARM64 assembly in my project?
Looks like CMake (still) does not have support for this. I found some bits in the .NET source code to work around it:
edit: As reference, here's the commit for a project I had this requirement for:

Boost VS2017 linking to the wrong DLL

I have a CMake file which does this:
find_package(Boost COMPONENTS system filesystem)
add_library(MyModule MODULE main.cpp)
target_include_directories(MyModule PUBLIC ${Boost_INCLUDE_DIRS})
target_link_libraries(MyModule Boost::system Boost::filesystem)
I'm using VS 2017 as my generator. When I generate the project file with cmake, it finds boost_system-vc141-mt-1_63.lib and I can see that it is in the linking rules of the vcxproj. However, when I try to compile I get this error:
LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'libboost_system-vc140-mt-1_63.lib
Note the different generators (vc140 vs vc141). I know my compiler has output the right values because I built boost from source, so I tried to just rename vc141 to vc140, but the error stayed the same. I also confirmed that vc140 is not referenced in the project file.
What's going on? How can I force boost to link to the correct version?
When building with Visual Studio, boost has some pragma statements which do the linking for you. This is called "Auto-linking" and it over-rides any command-line arguments you may be passing to the linker.
The solution is to define BOOST_ALL_NO_LIB. This can be done in two ways:
In source code before including boost headers as #define BOOST_ALL_NO_LIB.
It could be added to your cmake file as: add_definitions("-DBOOST_ALL_NO_LIB").
As of CMake 3.5: Use the disable_autolinking imported target:
target_link_libraries(MyModule Boost::system Boost::filesystem Boost::disable_autolinking)

Compiling FFMpeg libraries for Visual Studio

I'm trying to use the FFMpeg libraries in a Windows application. I use MingW-w64 to compile FFMpeg with static libraries with architecture once with x86 and once with x86_64.
Currently I'm trying to link the 32bit x86 libraries with my VS2008 application.
The libraries are added to the library path and VS does not complain about being unable to load a .a file.
However I get several uneresolved symbol errors like
ait_rtp_receiver.lib(ait_decoder_lib.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _av_free
I import the FFMpeg header files as extern C and I can see the symbols in the .a without the leading underscore.
What can I do to make the name decoration of Mingw-w64's gcc and of the VS compiler suite compatible?
After spending miserable days trying to get the GCC-Mingw based version of building FFMpeg to work, I reverted to using the Visual Studio or Windows SDK compiler and linker. Using the --toolchain=msvc of the configure script made the build process generate static .a files that are basically .lib files that can be loaded within Visual Studio projects.
I wrote the build steps up and here is a link

MinGW unresolved reference when linking with Visual Studio generated static library

Using gcc 4.5.0 under MinGW, I am trying to build a Windows console executable which links to a static library created with Visual Studio. The static library seems to have dependencies on Visual studio symbols which aren't available under MinGW. Error messages:
undefined reference to `_ftol2_sse'
undefined reference to `_allmul'
Is there a replacement for these functions under MinGW or can this by fixed by setting an additional linker flag?
You will have to explicitly link with the right version of the MSVC runtime. GCC defaults to a different version.
