for loop command with multiple variables - windows

I am very new to command line and script language, and not so familiar with terms. I will try my best to explain my issue.
I am trying to edit/compress my ebooks in bulk process, and here comes the Calibre.
Calibre is the ebook editing software to make some changes to my epub files.
It's quite feature rich and in most cases easy to use, but only and biggest downside is whenever I edit/covert/read books in the GUI interface I first have to add books in the library, which involves making copy of every file into calibre's predefined directory. and on editor's GUI I can only edit one file at a time.
I have thousands of ebooks to edit, it will take days to do so, it's also bad for my storage space. Big NO NO.
Thankfully, it is possible to compress images in mass on command line interface with the help of useful plugin to asssist with handling bulk files.
for /r "C:\Users\foldername" %v in (*.epub) do calibre-debug -r "Editor Chains" "Compress Images" "%v" "%v.epub"
It works just as expected. it scans all epub files in that folder and its subfolders, and call the plugin to do its job - compress images - and save the output files in the same folder, adding the ".epub" extension to the name of original file name to avoid duplicate.(e.g. this is a book.epub --> this is a book.epub.epub)
Only problem is I have yet to find a way to save the output files in a different folder, with same file name. maybe there's something I am missing or it's just not possible.
If anyone knows how, please let me know.
I've tried:
for /r "C:\Users\foldername" %v & "C:\Users\newfoldername" %x in (*.epub) do calibre-debug -r "Editor Chains" "Compress Images" "%v" "%x"
... and it obviously failed, haha.


How to individually compress all files in a folder with a batch file with 7zip?

I've seen questions that I think are similar (but which I cannot make work for me), but I am very new to batch files so I don't understand what needs to be different to make it work. I have a folder /source/ with some files, say:
I need to make a batch file that will run 7zip on all of them automatically to create zipped version of them. I found some resources which I thought would help but after a few hours of frustration, I think I'm forced to confront the fact that I simply don't know enough about Batch files to understand why it isn't working?
My effort was:
:: Changes directory to this file's directory
cd %~dp0
:: Location of source data
set dirSource="C:\Source\"
:: Target location of zipped data
set dirTarget="C:\Target\"
cd %dirSource%
for %f in (%dirSource%*.txt) do
7z.exe a "%dirTarget%\" "%dirSource%\%%~NXF"
:: based on related searches on the internet
:: but I can't find an explanation of _why_ this is supposed to work, which makes it hard to know why it isn't
:: ie, what does "a" do? What is ~NF vs ~NXF? etc
Lastly - I have been utterly unable to find a good comprehensive guide to batch files because of all the weird character modifiers. Since I don't expect to pick it all up in this question, if anyone has a good guide where I can look up what some of these seemingly random character combinations mean I would be forever grateful.

Need help understanding a move script written for CMD involving multiple subdirectories into one directory

I got a folder with a lot of images in it, and I'd like to move everything to the main folder so basically I would like to turn this:
...into this
I did some looking, and I discovered a move function for CMD, and while most of it I can understand, some of it I can't, and frankly, I'm just that smart enough to know what happens when you start playing around with stuff you don't fully understand, so I don't do it. Point is your basic move function is basically something like "move c:\Whatever C:\Whocares," but as you can tell from below, this is a little more complicated.
for /r %d in (*) do move "%d" "d:\all snaps\"
/r I think goes through all the folders at the current target directory. So if I'm in L:\Pixiv\Artists and I type in this code for L:\Pixiv\Artists as a destination folder every file in Artists is going to be dumped into Tags. Is this correct?
%d I couldn't make sense out of, so I've no idea what it does. Also, for ease of use, I would like to put this in a batch script, because boy howdy, do I got a lot of folders that needs to be fixed. From what little I was able to read I should write the same as above, but change %d to %dd, correct? Also where at would I add a target directory, so I could just write a batch script, and be done with it? Also, apologies in advance for my lack of knowledge, usually I use Batchrun when it comes to automating stuff.

Find and copy multiple pictures using powershell

I got a list on excel with picture names I have to find, is it in anyway possible to add the list to powershell and find the pictures and copy them out into one folder?
The list is (about 1000)1310 pictures and there is a total of 44k pictures in aprox a ton of folders. I think maybe it was 500k folders.
Picture of how the image software have made the folder structure
Exact number of files and folders, the last 14k pictures are in another main folder and not relevant for the list
Your question is very broad, and I can only give a very general answer. This is clearly scriptable, but it might take a lot of learning and a lot of effort.
First, you might want to consider what the relationship is between the way pictures are named inthe excel sheet and the way the picture files are named in the folders.
If they follow the same naming rules, that gets one big problem out of the way.
Next, you need to learn how to copy and excel table onto a Csv file.
Then you need to learn how to use Import-csv and feed the stream into a pipeline.
Then you need to process the output of the pipeline to a foreach loop that contains a copy-item cmdlet.
If there is a single master folder that contains all the other folders that contain pictures, then you are in luck. Learn the -path, -recurse, and -include parameters.
Perhaps someone who has already dealt with the same problem can provide you with code. But it may not do what you really want.

How to replace all files with a specific pixel size, and keep their names?

I have a .png file and a folder with multiple folders in it, that all contain multiple .png files, e.g. '1.png', '2.png' and so on. What I'd like to do is to replace the contents of all those files to the first named file, but keep their names.
I'm pretty sure this is doable and I think I found an answer to do this in one folder using command prompt on Windows, but I'd also like to only replace files that have a specific file size (in pixels, and not the same size as the file I'm replacing them to, just a specific file size).
I prefer to do this simply using a batch file, so if anyone can help that'd be appreciated a lot. If it's not possible to meet the file size criteria with a batch file, but it is possible to do this for a whole directory tree with .png files, that gets me a long way as well.
Thank you in advance!
Edit: In the comments Stephan mentioned you can't get the pixel size of a file, so it turns out this isn't possible. I'm not going to bother with an external application.

Applescript/automator : move all the files listed in a document

I'm completely rebuilding a shared iTunes library and this needs to be team work.
I found a way to work the XML database in Google Drive so that we can all edit the track list simultaneously (>7500 entries). The spreadsheet contains for every song the path to the corresponding file.
Now I need a script to move the tracks listed in that spreadsheet to a common folder, so I can separate the songs we decided to keep from the ones we don't want anymore.
The blueprint I imagined for the code is basically :
Get the paths list (txt, csv, etc. doesn't matter) and store it as
an array.
Rotate through that array and select+move to a common folder each file pointed by the paths.
I'm not expecting any ready-to-use solution, but I would really appreciate some tips or pieces of advice that could make me spare a lot of time.
I also have to admit I have limited knowledge in Mac OS X programming (more used to web and windows environments) and have no experience in Applescripts.
However, I feel that what I'm trying to achieve is pretty straightforward and could help other people as well.
there are just 2 items not clear in your request :
1) what is the file type in which file paths are stored ? I assumed it is a text file
2) which format the paths have ? is it Unix format (like HD/Users/My_User/Desktop/My_Song), or is is a Finder format (like HD:Users:My_User:Desktop:My_Song). I assume it is a finder format
then script bellow asks you to select the text file, read it, ask you to select destination folder and move every file described in text file to the destination folder.
tell application "Finder"
set TextFile to (choose file with prompt "Select your text file" of type {"txt"})
set My_Folder to choose folder with prompt "Select your destination folder"
set List_files to paragraphs of (read TextFile)
move List_files to My_Folder
end tell
the "move" can be changed to a "copy", if required
Thank you so much to both of you for your answers.
Regarding pbell's questions :
1. I did not specify the format of the file containing the paths because I wasn't sure which ones the script could handle. Now I will make sure it is in a txt format.
2. The paths are actually il a Unix format, but seeing your example it looks pretty easy to parse. Can I just replace every "/" with a ":" ..?
I will try your code this afternoon. Again thanks a lot for caring and for sharing your time and knowledge.
Works like a charm !
Thank you very much pbell, your code works perfectly. I just had to make a txt file with Finder-formatted paths like so :
Macintosh HD:Users:FirstnameSurname:Desktop:Music:November-7:Season 3:04 Parasite.mp3
Macintosh HD:Users:FirstnameSurname:Desktop:Music:November-7:Season 3:05 Nowhere.mp3
Macintosh HD:Users:FirstnameSurname:Desktop:Music:November-7:Season 3:06 Amber Light.mp3
We spared so much time thanks to you.
Have a great day,
