How to add filter on item collection to get the Sales rep(total Quantity and Total no of Orders) of those Sale Managers which are logged in - magento

$collection = $this->_itemCollectionFactory->create()->getCollection();
$collection->getSelect()->columns(array('total_orders' => new \Zend_Db_Expr('COUNT(order_id)')))
->columns(array('total_qty' => new \Zend_Db_Expr('ROUND(SUM(qty_ordered))')))
$collection->addFieldToFilter('store_id', 2);
Through this code i can get the total quantity and total number of orders of all sales rep. But i need only those total quantity and total orders which were done by the Sales Rep og Logged in Sale Manager.

As you mentioned in your question you only want to get the order info based on a certain sales rep. To do that you need to somehow find a unique identify for the currently logged in sales rep and add a filter for that .
For example:
$collection = $this->_itemCollectionFactory->create()->getCollection();
$collection->getSelect()->columns(array('total_orders' => new \Zend_Db_Expr('COUNT(order_id)')))
->columns(array('total_qty' => new \Zend_Db_Expr('ROUND(SUM(qty_ordered))')))
$collection->addFieldToFilter('store_id', 2);
$collection->addFieldToFilter('sales_rep_identifier', $loggedInSalesRepIdentifier);
The label sales_rep_identifier and the value $loggedInSalesRepIdentifier are just examples, you may have to adjust the format in which the data is stored if it doesn't currently have a field to check natively what sales rep did it, and adjust the values there accordingly
If you're using some kind of prebuilt system then maybe there are other labels for the identifier you could use, without more information on the specific database structure it's impossible to answer exactly, but essentially you need to filter by the unique sales rep identifier, and if that doesn't exist now in the database it should somehow but added


Laravel eloquent relationship one to many

I am working on three tables: product, delivery and stock. I want that when a product is delivered, its quantity in the stock table increases. So in the controller of the delivery table I wrote this code:
$produit = Produit::find($delivery['produit_id']);
$quantite = $produit->stock->quantite;
$quantite += $delivery['quantite'];
but when I make a delivery, the quantity in the stock table does not change.
Simply types in PHP is not by reference, so you have to assign the new value to the Stock object. This is assuming quantite is an integer on the Stock model, which is not totally clear in the code you provided, since you call ->save() on quantite. Remember to save the Stock model instead of quantite.
$stock = $produit->stock;
$stock->quantite = $stock->quantite + $delivery['quantite']

Laravel Eloquent - Sum of a column values for multiple records from related data

I have the following models: User, Order, OrderPayment
whereby each user has many orders, and each order has many order payments.
The orderPayment model has the attribute "total_paid"
I would like to get the sum of the user's total paid for all his orders.
user has 3 orders.
the first order has the two following payment records: 5$ and 4$.
the second order has one payment of 10$
the third order has two payment records of 1$ and 4$
the total sum i want is 5 + 4+ 10+ 1+ 4 = 24$.
I have tried the following but it's not working at all :
but i get this error
Property [orderPayment] does not exist on this collection instance
Since you want to sum values from the OrderPayment model, it is easier to start there. Try to write it like this:
OrderPayment::whereHas('order.user', function($query) use ($userId) {
Make sure all the relations are defined well.

Laravel cashier + Stripe : creating a plan with quantity and decreasing prices

I'm whiling for one of my project to create a subscription system with Laravel Cashier and Stripe.
We will offer one plan to our users : 10€ / month for one location (they can add locations in the system) and for 75 followers.
What I want to do, is to make them pay more for locations : 2.5€ / locations / month for example, so this can be achieve with quantities ? But still, if the basic plan is at 10€ and I put 2 as a quantity, total price will be 20€ ?
Then price will be also based on their followers. 75 are included in the basic price. But then if they want more, they will also have to pay.
Example :
76-150 : + 4.95€ a month
151-250 : + 4.80€ a month etc ...
How can I handle that and make sure the customer will have to pay everything in one shot ?
Thanks in advance !
My advice would be to;
Calculate the total charge in your own logic,
Initiate a 'once-off' payment by first creating a customer object,
Then creating a charge!
Easy as 1,2,3 :D
Here's a tutorial from Stripes documentation on creating payments.
If you would like to add the user to a plan (subscription), see the below example (in PHP).
$customer = \Stripe\Customer::create(array(
"source" => $tokenID,
"plan" => $plan,
"email" => $email,
"coupon" => $coupon
I would use my front or back end to calculate:
discount rate
When the calculation is done, you can create your subscription with the right quantity and price, and discount rate (discount coupon).
$user->newSubscription('main', 'main')
->create($token, ['email' => $user->email]);

PowerBi DAX equivalent for SUMIFS with current row value as filter

In Excel I could, if I was in a table called 'Sales' that had four columns
Month, CustomerId, ProductId, TotalQuantity
Jan,1, CAR,
Feb,1, CAR,
I could add a formula:
That would go to the Sales table and sum the CustomerID column filtered by the CustomerID of the current row where the formula has been entered.
I am attempted to replicate this in a PowerBI Calculated Row but I can't get the # working for a row reference. It comes across like
TotalQuantity = CALCULATE(SUM(Sales[Quantity]),Sales[CustomerId] = Sales[CustomerId]))
Any idea how to get the equivalent # working?
I think the key function you are missing is EARLIER. That is not surprising because it has a misleading name - it really means "Current Row". You also need a FILTER function in the Filter parameter of CALCULATE, to reset the filter context to the entire table.
So your New Column function might look like this:
TotalQuantity = CALCULATE(SUM(Sales[Quantity]), FILTER(Sales, Sales[CustomerId] = EARLIER (Sales[CustomerId])))
Here's a neat example, from the most accessible source site for DAX formulas:
And FWIW here is the official doco on EARLIER:

Complicated Cube Query

I'm working on a fairly complicated view, which calculates the total cost of a guest's stayed based on data pulled from four different tables. The output however is not exactly what I want. My code is
Booking.Booking_ID AS "Booking",
Booking.GuestID AS "Guest ID",
Room.Room_Price*(Booking.CheckOutDate-Booking.CheckInDate) AS "Room Price",
Add_Ons.Price AS "Add ons Price",
Room.Room_Price*(Booking.CheckOutDate-Booking.CheckInDate) + (Add_Ons.Price) AS "Total Price"
FROM Booking JOIN Room ON Room.Room_Num = Booking.Room_Num
JOIN Booking_Add_Ons ON Booking.Booking_ID = Booking_Add_Ons.Booking_ID
JOIN Add_ons ON Booking_Add_Ons.Add_On_ID = Add_Ons.Add_On_ID
ORDER BY Booking.Booking_ID;
Now, I'm trying to get this to return the total cost of all Addons, plus the cost of the hotel rooms as the total price, however it is returning the cost of the rooms + each of the addons on separate lines. As follows:
My question is, is it possible to use something like CUBE, or SUM to add up the rows, so that there is only one entry for each of the Bookings with the total price of all add-ons accounted for?
