How to sum all gatherings from my forLoop out of it? - for-loop

each time my for loop saves a value and then replaces it with the next one
I expect to be able to collect all the values ​​without being replaced by the next one, and all of them can be collected in one variable
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;
int n = Integer.parseInt(scanner.nextLine());
int priceForTon = 0;
int sumTones = 0;
int allTons = 0;
int priceForAllTones = 0;
double average = 0;
for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
int tonsOfCar = Integer.parseInt(scanner.nextLine());
if (tonsOfCar <= 3) {
priceForTon = 200;
sumTones = priceForTon * tonsOfCar;
} else if (tonsOfCar >= 4 && tonsOfCar <=11) {
priceForTon = 175;
sumTones = priceForTon * tonsOfCar;
}else {
priceForTon = 120;
sumTones = priceForTon * tonsOfCar;
allTons += tonsOfCar;
priceForAllTones = sumTones;
System.out.printf("%.2f", average);


Find unique number in array in fill list with this unique numbers using for loops

I'm trying to use for loop inside for loop but it doesn't working i also tried while loop but...
int[] numArray = new int[10] {1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5,9};
List<Int32> uNum = new List<Int32>();
/*Random rnd = new Random();
for (int i = 0; i < numArray.Length; i++)
int randomNumber = rnd.Next(0, 10);
numArray[i] = randomNumber;
for (int i = 0; i < numArray.Length; i++)
if (numArray[i] != numArray[i])
for (int j = 0; j < numArray.Length-1; j++)
if (numArray[i] != numArray[j])
You have an error in this line:
if (numArray[i] != numArray[i])
This condition will always return False because a number is always equal to itself.
Do something like this:
for (int i=0; i<numArray.Length; i++)
int j;
for (j=0; i<numArray.Length; j++){
if (i != j){
if (numArray[i] != numArray[j])
int[] numArray = new int[10];
List<Int32> uNum = new List<Int32>();
Random rnd = new Random();
for (int i = 0; i < numArray.Length; i++)
int randomNumber = rnd.Next(0, 10);
numArray[i] = randomNumber;
for (int i = 0; i < numArray.Length; i++)
int num = numArray[i];
int count = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < numArray.Length; j++)
if (numArray[j] == num)
if (count == 1)

Change variable in array coded with processing

I'm drawing a sketch with randomized letters that fill the screen. The code issue is with my
for (int i = 0; i < I1; i++) {
targets = tX + i * ts;
targets2 = tY;
} else {
runTowards = false;
for (int i = 0; i < I1; i++) {
targets = random(ts, width - ts);
targets2 = random(ts, height - ts);`
** I need to update i within the for loop to denote the array letters' locations. The error returns a type mismatch, "float" does not match with int[]
How do I update the i within the for loop?/ (the targets= and targets2=)
Here is the code**
String message = "a,b,c,d,e,f";
int []positions = new int [0];
int[]positions2= new int[1];
int []targets = new int [0] ;
int [] targets2= new int[1];
int I1= message.length();
boolean runTowards = true;
float runSpeed = 100;
float restSpeed = 1;
float currentSpeed = restSpeed;
float ts = 64;
boolean thisHasReached;
float bk;
float elapsedTime;
boolean allHaveReached;
float pauseTime = 1000;
float distX;
float distY;
float changeX;
float changeY;
float tX;
float tY;
float reachedTargetAt = 0;
boolean hasReachedTarget = true;
void setup() {
size (600,600);
if ((I1 > targets.length) && (I1 > positions.length)){
void draw() {
elapsedTime = millis() - reachedTargetAt;
if (elapsedTime > pauseTime) {
void drawChars() {
for (int i = 0; i < I1; i++) {
text(message.charAt(i),positions[i], positions[i]);
void updatePositions() {
allHaveReached = true;
thisHasReached = false;
for (int i = 0; i < I1; i++) {
distX = abs(positions[i] - targets[i]);
distY = abs(positions2[i] - targets2[i]);
changeX = random(currentSpeed);
changeY = random(currentSpeed);
thisHasReached = changeX > distX && changeY > distY;
if (positions[i] > targets[i]) {
changeX = -changeX;
if (positions2[i] > targets2[i]) {
changeY = -changeY;
positions[i] += changeX;
positions2[i] += changeY;
allHaveReached = allHaveReached && thisHasReached;
if ((!hasReachedTarget) && (allHaveReached)) {
hasReachedTarget = true;
reachedTargetAt = millis();
void updateCurrentSpeed() {
if (hasReachedTarget) {
if (currentSpeed >= restSpeed) {
currentSpeed -= (currentSpeed - restSpeed) * 9;
} else {
currentSpeed += 1;
} else {
if (currentSpeed <= runSpeed) {
currentSpeed += (runSpeed - currentSpeed) * 0.25;
} else {
currentSpeed -= 1;
void pickNewTarget() {
if (!runTowards && random(1) > 0.75) {
runTowards = true;
tX = random(ts, width - 3 * ts);
tY = random(ts, height - ts);
for (int i = 0; i < I1; i++) {
targets = tX + i * ts;
targets2 = tY;
} else {
runTowards = false;
for (int i = 0; i < I1; i++) {
targets = random(ts, width - ts);
targets2 = random(ts, height - ts);
hasReachedTarget = false;
Please look at this reference for random(): Note that it states "If two parameters are specified, the function will return a float with a value between the two values." You got the error message because you tried to mix ints and floats. You can correct it by changing the array types from int to float, eg.
float[] targets = new float[80] ;
float[] targets2= new float[80];
You'll also need to make those arrays large enough to handle the size of your data or you'll wind up with another error that the array length has been overrun. Then change the loop to reflect that you are adding data to the arrays ([i]):
void pickNewTarget() {
if (!runTowards && random(1) > 0.75) {
runTowards = true;
tX = random(ts, width - 3 * ts);
tY = random(ts, height - ts);
for (int i = 0; i < I1; i++) {
targets[i] = tX + i * ts;
targets2[i] = tY;
} else {
runTowards = false;
for (int i = 0; i < I1; i++) {
targets[i] = random(ts, width - ts);
targets2[i] = random(ts, height - ts);
hasReachedTarget = false;
Also need to add a fill() for the text characters or you will see a blank screen.

What is correct solution for this (Benny and Segments) question on Hackerearth?

How do i correctly solve this question Benny and Segments. The solution given for this question is not correct . According to editorial for this question, following is a correct solution.
import*; import java.util.*;
class Pair{
int a; int b;
public Pair(int a , int b){ this.a = a; this.b = b;}
class TestClass {
static BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
static StringTokenizer st;
static void rl() throws Exception{st = new StringTokenizer(br.readLine());}
static int pInt() {return Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken());}
public static void main(String args[] ) throws Exception {
int T = pInt();
while(T-- > 0){
int N = pInt();
int L = pInt();
Pair[] p = new Pair[N];
for(int i = 0; i < N; i++){
int l = pInt();
int r = pInt();
p[i] = new Pair(l, r);
Arrays.sort(p, new Comparator<Pair>(){
public int compare(Pair o1, Pair o2)
return o1.a - o2.a;
boolean possible = false;
for(int i = 0; i < N; i++){
int start = p[i].a;
int curr_max = p[i].b;
int req_max = p[i].a + L;
for(int j = 0; j < N; j++){
if(p[i].a <= p[j].a && p[j].b <= req_max){
curr_max = Math.max(curr_max, p[j].b);
if(curr_max == req_max ){
possible = true;
But this will certainly fail for the following testcase. It will give "Yes" when it should have given "No", Because there is no continuous path of length 3.
3 3
1 2
3 4
4 5
As suggested by kcsquared. I modified my code.
It runs correctly. I think Question setters had set weak test case for this question.
As your test-case demonstrates, the error is that when adding new segments to extend the current segment, there's no test to check whether the new segment can reach the current segment or would leave a gap. To do so, compare the new segment's left end to your current segment's right end:
for(int j = i + 1; j < N; j++){
if(p[j].a <= curr_max && p[j].b <= req_max){
curr_max = Math.max(curr_max, p[j].b);

How to write this processing code in an alternative (beginner) way?

How do I write the code (below) in an alternative (beginner) way? I don't wish to use createShape, setFill and addChild. Instead, any other way to perform the same thing?
grid = createShape(GROUP)
for i in range(C*R):
self.cell = createShape(RECT, (i%C)*S, (i//C)*S, S, S)
self.cell.setFill(colors[i] if i in filled else 210)
Assuming that you're try to create a rectangle grid:
final int _numRows = 5;
final int _numCols = 7;
int l = 20;
int t = 20;
int w = 90;
int h = 60;
int hg = 10;
int vg = 10;
int left;
int top;
void rectGrid() {
for(int k = 0; k < _numRows; k++) {
for(int j = 0; j < _numCols; j++){
left = l + j*(w+vg);
top = t + k*(h+hg);
rect( left, top, w, h);
void setup() {
void draw() {
Adds a color array:
Adds color array to rectangle grid.
final int _numRows = 5;
final int _numCols = 7;
int l = 20;
int t = 20;
int w = 90;
int h = 60;
int hg = 10;
int vg = 10;
int left;
int top;
int count = 0;
color[] c;
void colorArray(){
for(int x=0; x< _numRows*_numCols; x++){
c[x] = color(random(255),random(255),random(255))
void rectGrid() {
for(int k = 0; k < _numRows; k++) {
for(int j = 0; j < _numCols; j++){
left = l + j*(w+vg);
top = t + k*(h+hg);
rect( left, top, w, h);
void setup() {
c = new color[_numCols*_numRows];
// Make sure the color array is filled first
void draw() {

Is the cuda kernel limited by memory usage per thread/block

I have a kernel code that executes properly
runnable code
__global__ static void CalcSTLDistance_Kernel(Integer ComputeParticleNumber)
//const Integer TID = CudaGetTargetID();
const Integer ID =CudaGetTargetID();
/*if(ID >= ComputeParticleNumber)
return ;
CDistance NearestDistance;
Integer NearestID = -1;
NearestDistance.Magnitude = 1e8;
NearestDistance.Direction.x = 0;
NearestDistance.Direction.y = 0;
NearestDistance.Direction.z = 0;//make_Scalar3(0,0,0);
//if(c_daOutputParticleID[ID] < -1)
// c_daSTLDistance[ID] = NearestDistance;
// c_daSTLID[ID] = NearestID;
// return;
//Scalar3 TargetPosition = c_daParticlePosition[ID];
Integer TriangleID;
Integer CID = GetCellID(&CONSTANT_BOUNDINGBOX,&c_daParticlePosition[ID],CIDX, CIDY, CIDZ);
if(CID >=0 && CID < c_CellNum)
//Integer Range = 1;
for(Integer k = -1; k <= 1; ++k)
for(Integer j = -1; j <= 1; ++j)
for(Integer i = -1; i <= 1; ++i)
if(MCID < 0 || MCID >= c_CellNum)
unsigned int TriangleNum = c_daCell[MCID].m_TriangleNum;
for(unsigned int l = 0; l < TriangleNum; ++l)
TriangleID = c_daCell[MCID].m_TriangleID[l];
if( TriangleID >= 0 && TriangleID < c_TriangleNum && TriangleID != NearestID)// No need to calculate again for the same triangle
CDistance Distance ;
Distance.Magnitude = CalcDistance(&c_daTriangles[TriangleID], &c_daParticlePosition[ID], &Distance.Direction);
if(Distance.Magnitude < NearestDistance.Magnitude)
NearestDistance = Distance;
NearestID = TriangleID;
c_daSTLDistance[ID] = NearestDistance;
c_daSTLID[ID] = NearestID;
and when I add any basic variables or perform any checking operation, it gives unknown error and while checking wih cuda-memcheck, it suggests memory read error.
here in the changed code, i tried to check the previously calculated part and tried to skip the redundant calculation. for this I tried to perform basic check operation in array but it throws memory error.
error raising code
__global__ static void CalcSTLDistance_Kernel(Integer ComputeParticleNumber)
//const Integer TID = CudaGetTargetID();
const Integer ID =CudaGetTargetID();
/*if(ID >= ComputeParticleNumber)
return ;
CDistance NearestDistance;
Integer NearestID = -1;
NearestDistance.Magnitude = 1e8;
NearestDistance.Direction.x = 0;
NearestDistance.Direction.y = 0;
NearestDistance.Direction.z = 0;//make_Scalar3(0,0,0);
//if(c_daOutputParticleID[ID] < -1)
// c_daSTLDistance[ID] = NearestDistance;
// c_daSTLID[ID] = NearestID;
// return;
//Scalar3 TargetPosition = c_daParticlePosition[ID];
Integer TriangleID;
Integer CID = GetCellID(&CONSTANT_BOUNDINGBOX,&c_daParticlePosition[ID],CIDX, CIDY, CIDZ);
int len=0;
int td[100];
for(int m=0;m<100;m++)
if(CID >=0 && CID < c_CellNum)
//Integer Range = 1;
for(Integer k = -1; k <= 1; ++k)
for(Integer j = -1; j <= 1; ++j)
for(Integer i = -1; i <= 1; ++i)
if(MCID < 0 || MCID >= c_CellNum)
unsigned int TriangleNum = c_daCell[MCID].m_TriangleNum;
bool flag = false;
//len=len+TriangleNum ;
for(unsigned int l = 0; l < TriangleNum; ++l)
TriangleID = c_daCell[MCID].m_TriangleID[l];
//tem[l] = c_daCell[MCID].m_TriangleID[l];
for(int m=0;m<100;m++)
if(TriangleID ==td[m])
flag= true;
if(flag == true)
if(flag == true)
td[len] = TriangleID;
len= len+1;
if( TriangleID >= 0 && TriangleID < c_TriangleNum && TriangleID != NearestID)// No need to calculate again for the same triangle
CDistance Distance ;
Distance.Magnitude = CalcDistance(&c_daTriangles[TriangleID], &c_daParticlePosition[ID], &Distance.Direction);
if(Distance.Magnitude < NearestDistance.Magnitude)
NearestDistance = Distance;
NearestID = TriangleID;
c_daSTLDistance[ID] = NearestDistance;
c_daSTLID[ID] = NearestID;
this problem arises whenever I tried to add any piece of code,thus I suspects that this block of kernel is not allowing me to add any further code due to memory over use.
is there any memory violation rule per block or thread??
how to find the total memory usuage per kernel ?? is there any way??
